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Starting a family in real life very often associated with taking on great responsibility, important choice, the most difficult stage in a person’s life. Marriage is often accompanied by many accompanying events, takes a lot of time, requires serious preparations and energy expenditure.

That is why a dream in which a girl or woman sees herself as someone’s wife is a real shock for her. Many unmarried girls after such a dream, they console themselves with hopes of getting married soon, married people are afraid of divorce, very young ladies are afraid of the responsibility that has fallen to their lot... In fact, such a basis is much deeper and more complex in interpretation than it seems at first. Much depends on whose wife the dreamer saw herself in a dream. In addition, different dream books sometimes give completely contradictory interpretations.

A dream in which a married dreamer is the wife of an unfamiliar, stranger man is most often interpreted as a sign that she is not completely satisfied with the fact that at the moment happens in her personal life. However, different dream books There are completely different opinions on this matter.

Family dream book interprets such a dream as a sign that the dreamer has unfinished business. It is possible that the dreamer’s disorganization and inconsistency will cause quarrels in her family nest. On the other hand, the dream book warns the dreamer about her uncertainty in her chosen one.

English dream book

According to English dream book, such a dream is extremely positive. The dreamer is not in danger of loneliness. If she is single, an attractive young man will soon appear in her life. If she is already married, such a dream promises her strengthening relationships and strong family ties.

Russian dream book

The Russian dream book contradicts the English one, considering such a dream to be exclusively negative.

According to this dream book, being the wife of a stranger in a dream is a harbinger of problems and the emergence of new energy-intensive troubles.

Newest dream book

The newest dream book attributes the dreamer’s occurrence of such a dream to her own dissatisfaction family life.

Miller's Dream Book

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream foreshadows causeless fuss, excitement, perhaps pre-holiday.

To be a wife famous person, some celebrity in a dream - a pleasant event that makes the dreamer wake up in good location spirit.

Often such a dream can be attributed to a subconscious desire to be this person’s wife in reality, a kind of pipe dream from the realm of fantasy. However, some dream books attribute an important hidden meaning to such a dream.

Miller's dream book promises the dreamer the emergence of new abilities, skills, manifestation hidden talents and potential after such a dream.

Big dream book

According to Big dream book a girl or woman who saw such a dream lately displays excessive arrogance and snobbery. This behavior can cause quarrels and disagreements with loved ones, family and friends.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to Nostradamus’s dream book, such a dream is a harbinger of imminent material enrichment.

Seeing yourself as the Sultan's wife is an extremely unusual and shocking event. Most often, the interpretation of such a dream directly depends on the attitude towards the dreamer.

If she is one of the beloved wives and enjoys her position in a dream, in reality she will experience success in love affairs.

If she experiences bitterness, melancholy or dissatisfaction, is a captive and a slave, a series of difficulties and obstacles await her in real life.

According to summer dream book, the dreamer expects to meet a frivolous person. She will have to be patient to avoid a quarrel, conflict or other tricky situation. Also, such a dream may be a sign that the dreamer is dissatisfied with her soulmate.

Autumn dream book warns the dreamer about the possibility of betrayal on the part of her significant other.

Miller's dream book, unlike those mentioned above, assigns to such a dream positive interpretation. According to this dream book, being the Sultan’s wife in a dream is a harbinger of quick enrichment, acquiring a strong position in society, and influential social status.

A dream about a family where poverty reigns, according to the Oracle’s dream book, foreshadows material wealth in reality. Exciting problems will not require much effort on your part: the solution, as it turns out, lies on the surface. All cases, when completed, promise excellent profits.

Be patient and tune in to hard work that promises serious dividends. Associated luck coupled with diligence will increase profits and ensure a reliable future.

I dreamed of a big family

A dream about a large family symbolizes peace of mind and involvement in spiritual matters. You will be able to strengthen your friendship, fill your relationships with your loved ones with romance, you will enjoy peace and stability.

The dream calls for you to spend more time with your loved ones - idyll and complete mutual understanding favor this. Free your weekends for really dear people- life partner, parents, children or good friends.

Interpretation of a dream about a future family

A future family in a dream foreshadows problematic situation on the love front. The details of the vision correspond to the real situation: a conflict with a loved one promises a quarrel, and the relatives’ rejection of the union reflects their dissatisfaction with your choice in reality.

Try to prevent unpleasant moments in your relationship with your fiancé - this is quite possible. Convince your loved ones to positively accept your lover, be gentle and calm with the groom to avoid conflicts in the future.

The meaning of a dream about an ex-boyfriend's family

If you happened to see a family in a dream ex-boyfriend, the past won't let you go. In the relationship with the former partner, there remains something unsaid, which brings back memories of days gone by and prevents you from building a happy future.

Sort out your feelings, understand what you expect from a faded romance. Talk to ex-lover, a heart-to-heart conversation will help you get your partner back or say goodbye to the past forever and start new story love.

If you dream about family and children

A dream about a family with children foretells receiving good news. News that comes from afar will most likely affect the well-being of people very close to you. Maybe a friend will be cured of an illness, or a new member will appear in the family of relatives.

Share the joy with your loved ones: sunny moments become doubly pleasant if you experience them in the company of like-minded friends or family.

Why do you dream about your lover's family?

The lover's family in a dream warns of the imminent discovery of a dishonest affair. If in reality you happen to fall in love with unfree person, then you are periodically tormented by remorse, but are not able to interrupt the illegal relationship. These experiences are reflected in dreams.

Think carefully: are you willing to risk your reputation? good name and pride for a few happy moments. Know: a whirlwind romance is not destined to turn into a serious relationship. Remember honor, before it is too late, you must follow the right path.

Unfamiliar family in a dream

I dreamed about an unfamiliar family - get ready to take part in organizing a business public event. The burden of responsibility for successful outcome The celebrations will fall entirely on your shoulders; you are unlikely to have to count on outside help.

Prepare for the event slowly, so as not to make mistakes and cope with the task assigned to you with a bang. Carefully consider the details of the action, outline a backup plan in case of force majeure. Rest assured: your diligence will not go unnoticed.

Dream about a new family

A new, recently created family dreams of fateful changes regarding your personal life. Free people to be met true love Those who find their soul mate will get married, and peace, idyll and harmony will reign in families.

Do not doubt: your chosen one is sent by fate, a wonderful future awaits you. There is a lover nearby, whose reliability will help you overcome any challenges.

Seeing a guy's family in a dream

If you dream about a guy’s family, the plot speaks of a desire to transfer existing relationships to new level. Perhaps a passing fancy will turn out to be serious romance, and the protracted courtship will finally lead to a wedding.

You should not entrust key decisions to your partner; his confusion, shyness and instability will not allow him to take a key step. Be sure that the two of you are dreaming of change, but only you will have to make efforts to get closer to the dream.

Family is the main value of people. For most, creating a family is the meaning of life. Therefore, when many people see a family in a dream, they are not surprised or frightened. After all, it’s natural.

But everyone remembers that a dream is a prediction or personification internal state person. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what it means. This is necessary so that a person knows what events in life are worth preparing for.

To interpret a dream about a family, it is worth remembering the vision in detail.

Interpretation of the night plot based on the situations occurring in the vision:

  1. See the circle of family and friends. Psychologists say that a large happy and friendly family in night dreams reflects the dreamer’s real situation.

    This dream symbolizes the presence of a good, cheerful and friendly family that can support you at any time. This is a sign that you should value your loved ones, there is no need to offend them.

  2. See children among relatives. The dream has two interpretations:

    The dream prophesies joyful events.
    The second interpretation says that children in night dreams personify care and troubles. Therefore, this plot indicates that it is worth devoting more time to your family. They need care and attention from the dreamer.

  3. See relatives at the table. The night plot prophesies material well-being.
  4. I dreamed about it large family, which is seated according to seniority. The vision has two interpretations:

    This vision indicates the dreamer's dissatisfaction with his life. Due to his upbringing, he cannot act meanly, so many of his dreams did not come true.

    The night plot indicates that a person will experience changes in better side. The sign indicates that there is no need to regret, because the sleeper has many good events ahead.

    The second interpretation claims that such a night plot promises an unmarried young lady a marriage proposal from her beloved guy.

    If a person doing business saw his relatives, then it is worth remembering the mood of his loved ones:

    If the emotions in night dreams are negative, then a difficult period will come in business.
    If the emotions are positive, then the business will be profitable.

  5. Look at your loved ones in a photo. Night vision has two interpretations:

    The first interpretation says that a photo with loved ones predicts success in all endeavors. Thanks to hard work, a person will achieve considerable heights.
    The second interpretation states that a photo with relatives promises a new addition to the family in the future.

  6. Photograph family to receive news.

  7. See death of a family member. This dream promises dramatic changes in the dreamer’s life. His life will change, he will lose the support of his family.

    A quarrel or conflict based on the dreamer’s beliefs will provoke discord in the family. If he wants to avoid conflict, he should not vehemently prove his point of view.

    A funeral is a tragic event that no person would want to see in a dream. But if the dreamer is “lucky enough” to witness a funeral in a night scene, it’s worth remembering what the weather was like that day in the cemetery:

    If the sun was shining, then the whole family expects prosperity. The sign indicates that all relatives are in excellent health.
    Bad weather with rain, wind, and hail, news of a relative’s illness promises.

    If the faces of people at the funeral are sad, then this plot personifies that the dreamer has envious people who want to harm him.

  8. I dreamed about it large family family. Such a plot indicates troubles, concerns and problems, the solution of which will take little time but a lot of effort.
  9. See poor family. Vision for improving financial situation.
  10. I dreamed about it someone else's family. Such a sign symbolizes participation in an interesting event.
  11. See royal family. A similar dream represents a person’s desire to achieve high results in the financial industry. The dreamer wants to become rich and be recognized by the public.
  12. Family ex-husband or lover. The dream is interpreted based on the behavior of relatives ex-spouse:

    If loved ones argue, then you should expect trouble.
    If there is no conflict in the dream, then good luck awaits the sleeper.

  13. See ex-spouse with new passion. The ex-husband's passion for another woman symbolizes that the woman, after a divorce or breakup, is ready for a new relationship. She survived the crisis of separation and is ready to become loved again.
  14. I dreamed about a family loved one. This vision should be regarded as a prediction for an early marriage. Soon future wife meet the relatives of your beloved man.

    It is worth paying attention to the mood of the relatives in the night scene:

    If they smiled, laughed and had fun, then in reality they would approve of the girl’s choice as a guy. Prosperity and happiness await the future family.
    If loved ones were gloomy, then in reality they will not approve of his choice. The family faces need and constant conflicts.

  15. Conflict among relatives promises a quarrel in reality.
  16. Fight in the family it is interpreted as a good event. In reality, the dreamer will have a harmonious relationship with his soulmate.
  17. Dreaming husband leaving the family. If your spouse leaves, then you should expect changes in your life.
  18. I dreamed that killed the whole family. Don't be afraid of this phenomenon. This is a sign predicting a quick journey.

Animal families

People often dream of families not of people, but of animals. You should not ignore this sign, because it can also portend something.

Interpretation based on the type of animal:

  1. Lvinoe the family prophesies that the dreamer will have many relatives and a strong family. But according to the plot, it is understood that the “head” of the couple will be the woman. She will lead and guide the man. But for strong character the good keeper of the hearth will be hiding.
  2. Family bears prophesies that an unmarried young lady will meet a wealthy guy. The bear family predicts success in business for a man. If the little bear cubs growl, then this is a sign that one of the spouses in the dreamer’s family wants to leave.

Interpretation according to different dream books

Dream Interpretation Interpretation
Aesop's Dream Book If you dreamed of the whole family sitting at the table, then this sign promises the recovery of a sick person. The illness will recede as quickly as it befell the patient.
Vanga's Dream Book Many children among relatives symbolize the improvement of the demographic situation in the world.
Women's dream book This is a sign of good health.
Maly Velesov Changes are to be expected.
Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong A fight in a night plot predicts harmony in relationships.
Swearing prophesies illness.
The division of property between spouses promises a quick divorce.
Dream Interpretation Tarot Expect quarrels among relatives.
Dream Interpretation of Medium Hasse Expect an important family event.
Muslim dream book Such a vision expresses the dreamer’s desire for the birth of a baby.
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