Message of the zodiac sign Aries. Vita

Aries is the very first sign of the Zodiac. And for good reason. He always strives to prove his superiority in everything, and his hard work can be envied.

Zodiac sign Aries

The ancient Sumerians called Aries the constellation of the ram, and the Egyptians associated it with the image of the god Amun, who was sometimes depicted as a lamb with the sun between its horns or a man with the head of a ram. Aries was revered as the giver of victories to the pharaoh (who was considered his son) and the protector of the oppressed. IN Greek mythology Aries was the ram whom Zeus sent to save the children of the Orkhomen king Atamant and the cloud goddess Nephele, Phrixus and Gella, from their stepmother Ino, who was planning to destroy them.

While the ram was taking the children to their destination (Colchis), Hella fell into the sea, and since then it has been called the Hellespont (Dardanelles). And Phrixus arrived safely, married the daughter of the local king, and sacrificed a ram to Zeus. The Thunderer placed the lamb in heaven. And his skin is the very golden fleece that the Argonauts hunted for.

  • Aries stone: diamond, ruby.
  • Aries metal: iron, steel.
  • Aries totem: ram, poppy, nettle, deer.
  • Favorable numbers for Aries: 4, 7, 9, 11, 13.
  • Ruling Planets of Aries: Mars, Sun.
  • Energy boost: late autumn - early winter, spring, blooming field of poppies.
  • Loss of energy: June - July, early autumn.

Aries Qualities

Positive qualities of Aries: enthusiasm, assertiveness in achieving goals, initiative, independence, reliability, willpower.

Negative qualities of Aries: perception of the world in black and white, intolerance, excessive straightforwardness, impulsiveness.

Love and family

Aries are very ardent lovers, but tie yourself down family ties They are in no hurry and less often than representatives of other signs get married. In relationships, he always puts his own interests above all else, although he can be a faithful, devoted partner. In the family they often occupy a dominant position. Aries women choose their own partners, and men, as a rule, earn very good money to support their families.

Compatibility of Aries with other signs

  • Harmonious relationships: with Libra, Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini.
  • Troubled Relationships: with Virgo, Taurus.
  • Difficult relationships: with Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

Aries parents

  • become friends and best advisers for children;
  • find common language with any generation, the problem of difficult children does not exist for them;
  • pay attention to the diversified development of the child.

Aries Child

  • full of energy and optimism;
  • very mobile, active, curious;
  • loves to climb ladders, trees, and overcome obstacles.

Aries likes it

  • take the initiative;
  • express your feelings openly;
  • recognition of his talents, fame.

Aries doesn't like it

  • make concessions in anything to anyone, including in the family;
  • boredom and monotony;
  • obey someone.

Influence celestial bodies: Mars, Sun.
Symbols: ram, deer, red-yellow and green squares.
Colors: bright red, carmine, orange, blue, lilac, crimson and all shiny ones (purple is an unlucky color).
Stones: diamond, ruby, amethyst, bloodstone, heliotrope, moonstone, aquamarine, emerald.
Flowers: hawthorn, anemone (anemone), sweet pea, violet, cornflower.
Metal: iron, steel.
Mascot: hammer, golden fleece.
Favorable numbers: 4, 7, 9 (all numbers divisible by 9), 11.
Happy days: Tuesday, Sunday.
Unlucky days: Friday, Saturday.

From March 21 to March 31 under the influence of Mars, especially courageous, aggressive, firm, strong, undisciplined, courageous, prone to bravado and ardent in love are born.

Born from 1 to 11 April under the influence of the Sun - natures are proud, generous, noble, courageous, capable of command, ambitious, and able to overcome obstacles. Love is a great affection for them.

Born from 12 to 20 April under the influence of Venus - passionate and gentle natures, dexterous and impulsive, music lovers and fine arts.

Temperament and character

The influence of Mars and the Sun gives spark, tireless movement and a tendency to exaggerate. But Aries will do everything to avoid boredom and depression. For example, they may not go to the funeral best friend, but will be surrounded by the care and attention of close friends.

Aries feel more than they think. They can be extremely generous and love to give gifts and give orders.

Masculine, often stoic type, plump original ideas and tireless curiosity for everything new. Sign of pioneers and inventors. He likes to pave his own path; curiosity can turn into immodesty and intemperance.

Aries women like to be ahead of fashion, prone to extravagance, prefer bright colors: yellow, green, lemon, orange.

Both Aries women and men are potential madmen, they are heroes, conquerors, crusaders. But all this is primary, raw energy. Brute force can give rise to an impatient personality, not taking into account the feelings of other people, becoming enraged and frantic if they are interfered with, unjust and aggressive to the point of sadism and destruction (and self-destruction too).

Aries has an element of "himself", self-affirmation, but also a thirst for responsibility, self-dramatization and self-denial. You should never argue with an Aries.


Aries usually know their profession from childhood or school. Routine or a sedentary life is not a suitable choice if there is no expectation of change, risk, prestige, a sense of indispensability: “no one does it better than me.”

Typically, Aries knows how to deal with people and animals, especially people who don't work a 9-to-5 job every day.

Aries produces dynamic, capable salesmen, traveling salesmen, lecturers, dentists, veterinarians, soldiers, police officers, butchers, wonderful mechanics, surgeons, and sculptors. They get along well with fire and metal. The muscular body of Aries promises a sports career.

Regardless of the choice of profession, Aries strives to be the first, the best fighter. Aries is a young sign, he has a need for bravado and showing off.

Attitude to money - skillfully earn and skillfully spend, not for the sake of influence, but for the sake of power.


Ready for love and sex at an early age, earlier than society allows, because of this, in some cases, Aries go through domestic conflicts in their youth.

Sometimes they get into big trouble, since a boy-man will violate any guidelines in the name of fulfilling his first desires.

The girl-woman will become a conscious bully and will let herself be raped.

They tend to fall in love at first sight at all ages. If they fall in love, nothing can resist their passion. They are often attracted by the forbidden fruit, they strive to get it at any cost. In return they are ready to give themselves.

Aries are generous and sometimes calculating. When pushed away, Aries' passion turns into obsession and rage, and sometimes even to the point of murder. On the other hand, they quickly reconcile and calm down.

For Aries, any beautiful adventure or temptation is an invitation to change. All Aries are impulsive, impetuous, and sometimes naive.

Almost touching lovers whose whims must be satisfied just like those of a capricious child. Like children, they love to brag and win applause.

There is something ostentatious about a man, and women also like to show off their advantages. They can be deeply devoted, but only temporarily while the relationship is uncertain. At the first sign of repetition, everything is abandoned and deleted.

The primitive male type has something of a caveman. He seeks to subjugate a woman and realize sexual needs, but leave her when everything is over. A more developed type wants to be a hero for his beloved, dreams of exploits for her.

Aries cannot stand being limited in the pursuit of will, ideal, or ambition. When you lose yourself for a while, life collapses.

The primitive female type must be immediately satisfied. Does not control his desires. If a man does not satisfy her, she breaks up with him. A more developed type is the type of absolute love and devotion.

Dilemma: compete or cooperate. He likes to dominate with his friend and will only submit to a more intelligent and developed partner. Then she can become a wonderful lover, whose whims are neglected because of their temporary nature.

Marriage for Aries is under b O A greater threat than other signs, it requires loving patience to preserve the marriage. His energy should be directed carefully, without suppressing his enthusiasm, and given the right direction.

Each Zodiac Sign is unique in its character traits. Aries is a very unusual and impulsive person with a whole set of characteristics.

Fact five: Aries hate toothache more than anyone else. They are afraid of her, she drives them crazy. They are angry that they can't do anything about it.

Fact six: They love to please people, but they do not expect any response. They like to watch how a person enjoys their gifts, their company, their smiles and care. Aries are good friends.

Fact seven: Aries don't know how to lose. This is inherent in them at the genetic level. If they lost in something, they will find a hundred excuses like “my finger hurt,” “I was out of shape,” and so on. They simply don't have it, that's all. They don't want to piss you off - they're just that way by nature.

Fact eight: representatives of this Zodiac Sign can do without sexual partner longer than others. They concentrate their attention on business, work or something else. Of course, they don’t care about the lack of personal life, but they can easily survive long-term abstinence.

Fact nine: something funny always happens to these people, which they then tell their friends about and laugh at themselves with everyone. Astrology cannot explain this phenomenon, so it is a really interesting fact.

Fact ten: Aries is a good-natured person. If you want to find yourself kind person in the world, then he will be an Aries, so we have seriously narrowed down your search.

There is no Aries who would not argue with you that he is right. Absolutely every person born under this Sign is an ardent fighter for justice. These are born lawyers, activists, politicians or athletes. They do not sit still, although they cannot be called particularly dynamic either.

Finally, it should be added that Aries can be selfish. Previously we wrote about the most selfish Zodiac Signs. So, Aries is included in the list of the most terrible egoists. Sometimes this backfires on them, but often it remains just an invisible flaw. Be careful with them, don't cross their path and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.08.2016 05:12

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Fire Signs of the Zodiac are distinguished by their violent nature. Aries is the personification of fire itself, passion and unyielding perseverance.

If this Zodiac Sign is yours, or you are interested in a certain Aries in your social circle, check out 10 unusual facts about Aries. All 12 Signs are unique and have their own characteristics, and Aries is no exception. We will tell you who Aries are, how to recognize them, and with whom they have the greatest chance of establishing friendships or love relationships.

Characteristics of Aries

Fiery temperament - that says it all. Aries are harsh and hot-tempered, but only in certain situations. In most cases, they are kind and pleasant conversationalists.

By the way, about the conversation - you shouldn’t argue with them. Never defend your point of view, because you will not be able to convince Aries and prove him wrong. He is always right, always irresistible and knows everything about everything. Sitting and chatting about life is always welcome, it will never end in war or quarrel - Aries are generally very peaceful, but only until the moment you encroach on their freedom. After this, they will not leave a wet spot on you.

These nice guys know their worth, so you won’t be able to deceive them. They are always on guard, always waiting for a trick. Yes, they adore themselves and believe that they are irresistible, but this does not cloud their judgment. They protect not only themselves, but also all the weak. If Aries's soulmate or friend is in trouble, he comes to the rescue like Batman, like a superhero waiting for a distress signal in his hideout. You can rely on them in a difficult situation, believe me.

All these characteristics apply to both men and women. Aries men are bold and brave, and women are hot and sexy. This is perhaps the most balanced Zodiac Sign in terms of positive aspects for both sexes. Moreover, men and women born under the influence of Aries combine well with each other in love, forming a force that can move mountains.

Compatibility of Aries with other Signs

We have already considered the love compatibility of Zodiac Signs more than once, but we can talk about Aries and their views on the opposite sex forever. These passionate lovers capable of conquering even the most unapproachable heart. A woman can please anyone, and a man can get any lady. People feel their confidence and high energy.

But winning someone's heart and being married for a long time are two different things. Aries are masters of affairs and ephemeral loves, but in marriage it is incredibly difficult to get along with them, because love compatibility other Signs with them are very bad. As mentioned above, the union Aries+Aries- it's just a love bomb. Such a marriage is quite strong and does not lose passion over the years. Two Aries are compatible because they join forces in achieving goals.

As for other fire Signs, with an overly narcissistic Leo Aries will not be on his way. These are two different and incompatible people, two extremes of the same essence. Aries is more solid, but there is more goodness in his heart. Co Sagittarius there will be more chances to live in marriage for many years - here the compatibility is much better. Sagittarians are not aggressors, although they do not let themselves get into trouble. This will suit Aries.

Since both women and men born under this Sign are the same, their compatibility with other Signs is the same. Flexible Scales will help them find peace and understand that life is not only about war, but also about serenity. There will be little passion in such a union, but the marriage will be extremely strong.

In general, Aries need to be fueled by their sexuality. They hate routine and everyday life, so they will have to spin around and invent something new to keep them from getting bored.

Aries are difficult to conquer with their minds, although in rare cases it is possible for Gemini or Aquarius. Virgo will defeat them with their wisdom, and Scorpios originality and assertiveness. At all. If you want to please Aries, then pretend that you are not interested in him. The less we love Aries, the more he likes us. This is the honest truth.

WITH Pisces or Cancer Aries find mutual understanding with difficulty. Although sensuality can add harmony to their relationship. And with Taurus And Capricorns the union will turn out to be more of a partnership.

You can make Aries a little jealous, but you can’t go too far, otherwise he will go too far with you. Be honest with Aries because these people value truth above all else. Tell them what you're not happy with and maybe they'll work on it. These people are a combination of the incompatible - flexibility and hardness in one bottle, so their love compatibility with other Signs leaves much to be desired.

Finally, it is important to add that Aries quickly find themselves in life. These people are stable, despite their fiery temperament. Their vocation according to their Zodiac Sign is work that involves movement and genuine interest. Aries are born athletes and traders. They can sell anything to anyone. We wish you mutual understanding with any Zodiac Signs and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.09.2016 07:20

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Compatibility horoscope: everything about the zodiac sign Aries - the most full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

* Planet of Aries - Mars.

* Aries Stone – Amethyst, Heliotrope.

* Aries talismans - hammer, golden fleece.

*Colors - purple, crimson, crimson.

* The part of the body that corresponds to the sign of Aries is the head.

* The most vulnerable organs, systems, parts of the body are the nervous system, head, brain, eyes, hearing organs.

* Typical diseases are infectious, eye (even leading to blindness), toothache and headaches, paralysis, hemorrhoids, abscesses, boils.

* Favorable climate - dry, hot or cold.

* The best place to live is megalopolises, large cities.

* The typical appearance of Aries is a thin, elongated body; elongated head; reddish hair; the eyes are gray or brown, deep-set; large mouth with thin lips; fresh complexion; energetic movements.

* Aries celebrities - Adolf Hitler, Charlie Chaplin, Marlon Brando, Anatole France, Emile Zola.

Zodiac sign Aries

None of the three varieties of the Aries zodiac sign tolerates boredom. They are all born funny people, very curious and love their friends. Curiosity can sometimes make Aries tactless, but you shouldn’t be seriously offended by them: they never want anything bad, but simply strive to get to know life better in all its manifestations.

It is better not to try to argue with any of the Aries. You still won’t be able to convince these fierce stubborn people and win them over to your side. It is extremely difficult to force Aries to change their opinion, which they always consider to be the ultimate truth.

People of the Aries zodiac sign should learn to restrain their impulses, otherwise incontinence can lead them to a tendency towards aggression and destruction. Moreover, first of all, Aries will try to destroy the most precious thing he has - himself.

It’s better not to try to force Aries to show up for work every day by nine in the morning and obediently leave after six. A sedentary lifestyle is not for them. They are too dynamic, get along well with metal and fire, and love risk and movement. Therefore, they are excellent salesmen, surgeons, policemen, metallurgists, commercial agents, soldiers and lecturers.

You can rest assured that if an Aries plays sports, he will - bloody nose - become a champion. The desire for leadership in everything makes them excellent workers. Aries gets money easily, but they spend it wisely - in order to use it to achieve even greater influence on people.

Zodiac sign Aries health

The most vulnerable part of the body is the head. You should monitor your vision, regularly visit dentists and interrupt migraine attacks in a timely manner. But others will have to keep an eye on this. People of the Aries zodiac sign treat their own health with rare carelessness.

The grueling work that they adore often does not allow them to live into old age in good health. Aries cannot stand treatment, since lying sadly in a hospital bed prevents them from participating in the general buzz of life, moving, and having sex.

Zodiac sign Aries in love

Aries matures early for love, which usually horrifies their parents and teachers. All their lives they fall in love violently and at first sight and strive to take possession of the desired object at any cost, regardless of any annoying conventions. They are generous, but very proud and absolutely do not tolerate refusals.

People of the Aries zodiac sign are jealous and in moments of rage they can stop at nothing. All Aries have a lot of show off, they love to be mannered, attract other people's attention and are not capable of long-term devotion. Their love fades away as quickly as it flares up.

The primitive type of men and women is almost unbearable. They are rude, persistent and strive to satisfy all their desires immediately. Among men, sadists are the most common; women are unusually cocky and sometimes vulgar.

Zodiac sign Aries character

People born under the sign of Aries are influenced by three planets: Mars, the Sun and Venus.

Aries first decade

If you were born from March 20 to March 31, your planet is Mars. Aries-Martians are incredibly courageous, brave to the point of recklessness, but completely devoid of any deceit. They are so noble that any fool can deceive them.

Such Aries meet any threat and danger without taking their eyes off, and desperately rush towards the unknown, absolutely not sparing their own life, which they are always ready to sacrifice for the sake of higher interests. Aries has amazingly developed intuition, which helps him emerge victorious from any, even the most hopeless, situation.

But his recklessness truly knows no bounds - having barely gotten out of one scrape, he immediately finds himself in the next, and of his own free will. But the apparent integrity of the Aries Martian is nothing more than a deception.

In fact, he is a deeply contradictory character: at the same time brave and frivolous, sensitive and rude. This duality often makes Aries lonely. In addition, it is difficult to live next to a completely unpredictable person. People of the Aries zodiac sign are very sexy, impulsive and impressionable.

Aries second decade

Those born from April 1 to April 11 – “children of the Sun” – are brave, ambitious, generous people. Their element is fire, passion, eternal movement. Solar Aries carry within themselves a gigantic charge of creative energy, which, breaking free, is able to incinerate everyone and everything, including Aries himself.

Such Aries often become famous poets and musicians. Their impulsiveness sometimes borders on ferocity, especially if you try to get in Aries’s way.

Solar Aries are usually carriers of new ideas, capable of easily leading a crowd. All of them are pronounced choleric people, fit, agile, explosive. To deprive Aries of the opportunity to act means to deprive him of everything.

Aries third decade

From April 12 to April 20, Aries is born and is influenced by Venus. Such people are even more prone to passion for music and fine arts than sunny Aries. Aries-Venusians are simple-minded, naive and very cheerful; they absolutely do not know how to separate their conscious and unconscious impulses and are equally capable of doing great good or irreparable evil.

But you shouldn’t blame them for this - they are too easily carried away and scattered to have time to understand the essence of what is happening. Aries-Venusians are easily renewed, always striving for something unknown.

Zodiac sign Aries stone

They prefer to wear bright colors: red, orange, gold, lilac. Like magpies, they love shiny trinkets and jewelry. Purple brings bad luck to Aries. They always strive to follow fashion, but, unfortunately, they lack a sense of proportion and often look ridiculous and ridiculous in the most luxurious toilets.

It is better for people of the Aries zodiac sign to be rich, as they lucky stone– diamond. If Aries is not able to decorate himself with a diamond necklace, you can limit yourself to a more modest ruby, emerald or amethyst. The very poor are recommended to wear aquamarine or moonstone. Aries metal is steel.

Zodiac sign Aries mascots

The talisman is an indestructible hammer and a precious golden fleece. On Friday and Saturday Aries are usually unlucky, but on Tuesday and Sunday luck is entirely on their side.

Zodiac sign Aries

ARIES (21.03-20.04) - ZODIAC SIGN

Characteristics of the Zodiac sign ARIES

This is the first sign of the Zodiac. Aries are the children of the Zodiac. Outwardly, they are friendly people with energetic manners and a firm handshake. They always fight against any injustice, without mincing words, and can be very hot and furious in such situations. Aries always express their point of view directly. They put their needs first, think first of themselves, like children, not realizing that this can affect others. They do not feel that they can cause inconvenience and unpleasant moments to others. This innocence surrounds Aries and softens his aggressiveness, so it is difficult even to be offended by him, as if he were a child. This also explains why they are so fearless.

There is no depravity in these people throughout their lives. They believe everything with all their hearts, there is nothing hidden or complicated about this sign. They are very vulnerable and love to complain. In their actions, Aries never develop a strategy; they go straight to the goal. These people cannot cry openly. As a rule, they achieve success in their careers. In Aries you will not find tact and tolerance, as well as patience. When these qualities were distributed to people, Aries, apparently, were still behind the doors. They are, to put it mildly, straightforward in everything. Their main features can be called frankness and honesty, but you should not rely on this, because... they lack stability, which is a manifestation of a lack of responsibility.

Aries absolutely cannot stand toothache; it is impossible to force them to go to the dentist. Their irrational fearlessness often leads to physical injury. The physique is usually full. It is difficult to put them to bed if they are not feeling well, and if they go to bed, they are really sick. The real reason for their illnesses lies in their impatience. They need to consciously develop patience and caution. They are very optimistic, so they rarely get sick chronic diseases, but they often have high blood pressure.

Aries is confident that no one else will do the job as well as he does. This can lead to nervous exhaustion; Aries cannot be accused of laziness.

Aries can be a very warm and generous sign. They are not cruel. If Aries has to choose between fame and money, he will choose fame. Aries's speech can be ironic, it is extremely easy to provoke anger in them, but it passes quickly, they quickly forget grievances. If possible, they can even apologize to their enemy if they feel that they have offended him. In practice, Aries do not lie; they are by no means gossipers. As a rule, Aries has no halftones in assessing people and events, they have enemies and friends, there is black and white, but there is no gray, something can be good or bad, but not average. All Aries live in today, yesterday teaches them nothing, and tomorrow is too far away. For them, only the present minute, hour is important. These are realists, but they can also idealize.

Aries is incapable of accepting defeat, he simply refuses to see it. They are unusually optimistic in everything, they love obstacles that must be overcome and conquered. Aries never sit idly by, expecting success to come to them on its own, without their help. The energy of Aries drives many people crazy, but in principle they can be calm when they want. Unfortunately, they begin to want peace only when mature age. Most Aries are lucky in both art and business. Surrounded by Aries, it is difficult for others to show their individuality because... Aries love to talk about themselves and their problems. Aries is very trusting, so he is often disappointed in people. They love to do nice things for others, but do not expect the same in return. These are pioneers in all endeavors. But more often they go towards impossible things and goals. They know how to make people happy and they enjoy doing it.


Characteristics of the Zodiac sign

He can amaze you with passion and coldness. He is constantly brimming with ideas and creative energy. Keeping up with him is tiring, but it is necessary, because... he has the ability to leave you without looking back. An Aries man may look younger than he actually is. He grows up quite late. Aries is impatient, brave and self-confident, always ahead, generous, distributing sympathy even strangers, but for all that, he can be completely unbearable, selfish and demanding when his desires are not fulfilled. When it comes to love, he dives into love, confident that this is the only love that no one has ever had. If love passes, then he tries to preserve it, and then looks for new love. Every time he hopes that his love is the only one. These are very passionate people in love. He is idealistic, prone to sentimentality, and romanticizes his love. Capable of completely surrendering to love, although he may not outwardly show his feelings, temperament and passion. His calm behavior is a mask covering his warm heart in love. Aries is very faithful when he is truly in love, he is honest in love and in relationships with women. His idealism only confirms this. Light flirting is not one of his habits. He strives for the love he read about in novels. He loves romantically and wants the same from you. There is no need to show him how you put yourself in order - your nails, hair, face. His principle is that a princess should not behave like that. You must be perfect. If you suit him in everything, he will not cheat on you; he does not know how to deal with several women at once. This doesn't suit his ideas. The decision to break up with old love comes to him before he falls in love again. And he will give you enough hints that you need to end the relationship. He doesn't know how to fake passion. This will tell you that the end of the relationship is approaching. Don't be boring, uninteresting, or too timid. It is difficult to convince him that you are better than others, but you can try.

Aries will never admit that he is wrong. After the breakup, he will be able to start a new relationship with you, but you will need to try very hard. Now you have the key to it. You yourself cannot cheat on him, because... you will separate immediately. He will not forgive you even interested glances towards other men. He must be the first in everything. His possessive interest and jealousy are taken to extremes (in this he is second only to Leo). An Aries man can communicate with other women, he demands complete freedom, which you will never have. He will put you on a pedestal, but don’t even think about getting off it. He is a real rebel. Denies any power over himself, feels superior to others. He cannot stand the leadership of others; he can only lead himself. But behind his outward aggressive and self-confident behavior lies an inferiority complex that he will never admit. Therefore, you need to support him, then you will achieve success with him. Don't make the mistake of agreeing with his enemy, don't try to be fair by not supporting him if he's wrong. You must love what he loves, hate what he hates. He demands unquestioning loyalty, the same as he gives himself - this is his credo. If he doesn't suit you, look for another man.

There is no cunning in his nature. The ice and melancholy in his voice and manners will immediately tell you that it’s all over. He doesn't like to play. Do not pester him, do not express your feelings until you are sure that the passion is mutual. The fastest way to lose him is to be the first to say how you feel, because... he must be a leader in this, as in everything else. But when mutual love Don't be too cold, otherwise he will look for tenderness on the side. Love with an Aries is complicated, you have to be a circus actress - not run after him, but also not run too far away from him, you have to be a little mysterious, but he still has to know that you love him.

To his positive qualities It can be attributed to the fact that he can be the first to apologize, will always be there if you are sick and unhappy, and will be easy to spend money on you. He can always give you a compliment. He is a good and pleasant conversationalist. But he can easily lose his temper over trifles, although he is easily reconciled. If he is passionate about some idea, you should wait out this period. He wants to be your only world and passion, he allows you to enter into his interests and share them. Aries men believe that their woman should be super feminine, but at the same time she should also have masculine qualities, for example, independence, but be a few steps behind. You must praise him, but without slavish worship. Aries can be cruel, but he hopes that you can forgive him for it. He always dominates the house or leaves it, but does not tolerate any comments addressed to him. It is important for him to keep his wallet in his hands. He has to manage everything, but he is not greedy.

Aries treats children well; one can only dream of such a father. Support his independence, but try to tactfully curb his impulsiveness. It is not in his nature to submit, do not destroy this masculine quality of his, but do not lose your individuality. Your success should not overshadow his success.


Characteristics of the Zodiac sign

So, you are in love with an Aries woman. I don't know whether to congratulate you or sympathize with you. She may think, like many other women, that love is everything to her, but in fact she has so much interest in herself and in other things that she cannot do only love. She can go without a man much longer than another woman. But she always needs novels, the hero of her dreams, he can simply be present in her dreams or be far away. She does not experience the physical absence of a man. Aries woman believes she can do anything better than men: she opens doors for herself, lights matches for a cigarette, carries heavy bags etc. In short, she can go through life without male help. For her, this means doing everything much faster than waiting for support and help from a man. Naturally, this does not suit the vulnerable male EGO. She must lead, be the first in everything, the same applies to love relationships.

Aries women are the only ones of all the zodiac signs who can propose to a man to marry them. Moreover, this may happen before you show your feelings for her. Be very careful with an Aries woman, she wants to be the leader in love. Before you kiss her, make sure that you are loved by her, otherwise she may hit you and run away. But make no mistake about the reason she ran away. This is by no means a girl’s modesty, she is not at all afraid of your passion, she is simply afraid that you may turn out to be her slave, and this is very painful for her.

Be mysterious to her and as a result she will drive you into a corner. A man who resists her charms always attracts her. She will do anything to win you over, even if she is not very interested in you. She gathers all men at her feet, while her heart is set on only one, whom she cannot have. This is very strong woman with a masculine character, although her appearance may be well-groomed. Her aggressiveness is difficult to live with, but her optimism can save the situation.

The Aries woman is very fond of flattery if it is based on reality. Let her know you admire her, but don't say it in a conceited way. She is faithful in love as long as feelings are alive. Very sentimental. There is a contradiction in her: she does not want to be followed on her heels, and at the same time she loses interest in you if you are too far from her. She doesn't need a dominant husband, but she doesn't need an adoring slave either. She has strong desire to guide her lover, which conflicts with her secret desire to be led. Surprisingly idealistic, she strives in vain to find a knight who will be stronger than her, will give her the whole world, and will not lose his manhood. And since this can only happen in fairy tales, the Aries woman often lives alone. Her life is bright, but her nights are dark and lonely. This is a very survivable sign.

In order to love you, she must be proud of you, but at the same time you must not forget about her talents and abilities, although she demands doubly from you. She can be generous with her affections, money and property, but in love she is a terrible possessor. Her jealousy can be aroused very quickly. Never admire her friends in her presence. If she is not the first for you in everything, her passion quickly passes. When something really hurts her, she quickly turns from fire to ice. Her fire burns quickly, but her ice can last forever. Remember this! She puts her lover on a pedestal, expecting his perfection, stubbornly refusing to notice his shortcomings.

Never criticize the man an Aries woman loves. She prefers the company of men: you will be jealous of her, but do not show your feelings. She insists on complete freedom before and after marriage. You will have to trust her, although you will not be given the same trust. But if she really loves you, she can be faithful. She is rarely capable of loving two men at the same time; she is too honest for such deception. Capable of passion and mystical idealism. In love she will never show stupid female coquetry: her love is as direct as her speech and actions. There is something strong and fresh in her simple emotions. You may have to tame her, and if she loves you, she will accept it.

Often the Aries woman is a career woman. She can do and men's work, and female, for example, a fashion model. It's very difficult to get her to quit her job for you. She will buy you gifts, look after you during illness, lend you money, and help you with your work. She expects the same from you, although she will furiously push away your help. When she is unhappy, you should also be unhappy, when she is happy, you should feel the same feelings.

For an Aries woman, love is a union of equals. It is impossible to keep anything secret from her; it drives her crazy. Don't embarrass her with your grammatical mistakes, clothes, social status, she will never do this to you. To hurt her pride is to break her heart. But unfortunately, people do this because... The world does not look kindly on people who put themselves above others. When she discovers that she does not rule the world, she will run into your arms with tears and then you will see her as she really is: defenseless and vulnerable in the extreme, despite all her confidence. She admires strength and tries to imitate it in herself. Her idealism and optimistic belief in human nature are often shattered by reality. Reassure her with your tenderness at such moments. Always protect her from her enemies, she will not forgive you if you do not fight for her and take her side. She will also protect you.

The Aries woman will put aside fame and honor in defense of the one she loves. When you marry her, don't expect her to only take care of the house, she has other interests too. She is a good housewife, but does not like household chores, although she does everything necessary around the house. It will excite you and never get boring. She's intelligent. Rarely complains of illness or fatigue. But if she gets sick, you need to pour out a ton of sympathy on her, at least in order to put her to bed, she will need to be persuaded for a long time.

This is not the woman you can call and tell that you are late at work. She does not tolerate it when she does not know something, so she is quite capable of calling you at work and checking your words and where you really are.

An Aries woman makes a good impression on your boss. She may tolerate temporary difficulties that you may find yourself in, but she will never respect a man who earns less than her, although she will not leave him for this reason, rather it will somehow justify it. She is quite vain, very sensitive to all sorts of little things, in particular to statements about her age or tired appearance. Your marriage must be passionate and romantic, otherwise she may feel unhappy. She looks good as a mother and gives her children everything they need.

The Aries woman can make a scene, but she quickly comes to her senses, she never harbors a grudge, does not take revenge, and does not plunge into self-pity. After emotional explosion her optimistic nature is reborn. The Aries woman is very feminine, perhaps too feminine for the average man. But all this is hidden under her outwardly strong appearance, reminiscent of male character. Well, naturally, a knight is not an average man! Don't forget that she can be easily hurt, despite her smile, it's just a mask, her shield. If you can tame it and turn it into a lamb, you will have good woman, honest and passionate, loyal and exciting, although impulsive and independent. The Aries woman will help you regain your lost illusions. If you have at least half the faith that she has in you, then you can work miracles together!

My Astrology



(March 21 – April 20)

Male sign.

Element – ​​Fire.

Planet – Mars.

The symbol is a ram, which indicates the spirit of competition.

Aries is the very first sign of the zodiac. He combines primitive strength and the desire to prove his superiority. He is a master at starting any business. He makes decisions almost instantly and mobilizes his forces to implement them. This sign, like no other, is focused on victory over others. Aries is characterized by two states. In the first, he, seized by a new idea, fights for its immediate implementation. At the same time, there is more than enough adrenaline in the blood; energy overwhelms him and those around him. At these moments it is dangerous to stand in his way. He will trample and not notice. Aries sees the goal well and does not notice obstacles. His actions are spontaneous and if the goal is achieved, Aries enjoys the fruits of his own efforts for some time. After Aries has given his all, a period of apathy sets in when he regains his strength. It’s quite difficult to move him at such moments. This sign is full of self-confidence, so he chooses goals that will maximally contribute to raising his standard of living.

Aries is a lover of everything new and risky ventures. He is not afraid of the hardships that await any pioneers. In extreme conditions his talents are revealed to the maximum. Aries's enthusiasm can captivate those around him. His motto is “The main thing is to start, and then we’ll see.” " Because of this, the results of his actions often occur according to the scenario “What they fought for is what they ran into.”

In most situations they behave quite frankly. They say what they think in best case scenario they will remain silent. If they like something or someone, they will openly express their feelings. These are ardent lovers. However, if their efforts were not appreciated at first, they quickly switch to another object. In general, constancy and homelessness are not their lot, so quiet family life inspires them with outright horror. Aries always wants to be in the lead, so he often takes the leading position in the family and constantly organizes various trips, trips, dinner parties, etc. for his household members. to avoid boredom and monotony.

It is always difficult for Aries to make concessions; because of this, relationships with others often lead to conflicts in which they feel like a fish in water. Aries tend to have a black-and-white perception of the world, which causes them to miss nuances. However, if Aries is on your side, he will fight to the end. This is a reliable and devoted friend. His strengths– initiative, fearlessness, enthusiasm and independence.

The element of the Aries sign is Fire.

Hot, quick-tempered character, lively mind, quick wit. Impatience with little things, reluctance to give long explanations, ability to grasp the main thing quickly, impetuosity. You do before you see (a completely thoughtless action). Refuse to repent of the results of your impetuosity or express dissatisfaction. You have hot blood, a hot head, and you are very sexy. You have an explosive temperament. Your lively warmth and ardor attract people to you. As a rule, you are lucky, but if not, then failures follow one after another.

Aries – the most “fiery” fire, downright oxygen-acetylene, inextinguishable (tireless). According to your element, you should also choose friends and lovers from “fire” or “air” - air is necessary for combustion. Fire is not compatible with water. Either the water evaporates or it puts out the fire. Fire can get along with earth, but there is always a danger that the earth will cool the fire, and the fire can burn the earth.

Your advantages: you are good at making decisions, dynamic, talkative, cheerful and optimistic, courageous, energetic, active, attractive. But there are also disadvantages: you are impatient, like to command, superficial, self-confident, stubborn, often angry and contradictory, indifferent, passionate, love to flirt.

Home conditions: You should live in cool, spacious places with an open fireplace with a crackling fire. You should also work in a cool room and outdoors. A confined space where there is a lack of air suppresses the fire.

The symbol of this element is the salamander who lives in fire (the spirit of fire that brings you good luck).

Aries talismans are diamond (diamond) and ruby.

Diamond– the most expensive and beautiful noble stone. It is a symbol of innocence, firmness and courage, victory over pain and illness. Diamond tames rage and voluptuousness, gives confidence and strength. This stone was credited with miraculous properties and extraordinary power. It brings good luck in all matters, protects against illnesses and wounds, gives courage and courage in battle, protects against the evil eye and evil spells, ensures health, well-being and long life. If a woman has a diamond on her hand, then it is easily resolved during childbirth. Anyone who wears a diamond may not be afraid of lightning strikes - his eyes are protected from injury, he also drives away dreams and bad dreams. As a talisman, a diamond is worn on the left hand or on the neck, but the setting should not prevent the stone from touching the skin - then this enhances its effect. A stone has beneficial powers if it is given as a gift or inherited, i.e. he came to the owner in an honest way. Otherwise, it brings great misfortune.

Ruby- a beautiful red stone with a purple sheen, symbolizing ardent and passionate love. Brings happiness in love; the one who wants to achieve reciprocity must give a flame-colored ruby ​​to his chosen one. To wear a ruby ​​in a suspended form means to be great among people, worthy of their respect. Ruby good man makes him even kinder, turns an evil person into a real villain, and a noble and courageous person wearing this stone wins victories and accomplishes feats. Protects against lightning and floods, poisoning. Ruby is credited with the properties of stopping bleeding, saving from wounds and epilepsy, purifying air contaminated with germs of epidemic diseases, and driving away evil spirits. A ruby ​​tends to darken, which means the owner is in danger.