Tarot meaning and combination. Methodology for interpreting combinations of tarot cards. Combinations of the Minor Arcana

To reliably interpret the layout, you need to know not only the meaning of each card, but also understand how the combination of Tarot cards affects the prediction. Its meaning can change dramatically if the hidden card appears in a duet with a lasso with the opposite meaning.

To understand how the meaning of a certain arcana changes in combination with other Tarot cards, it is necessary to study it in detail and completely separately. It would take a whole book to explain absolutely all possible pairings. But there are several common combinations that appear most often.

The different suits or series of decks speak to the archetypal themes of life. They are associated with the four Aristotelian elements, with which each suit or series has the qualities of the corresponding element and is associated with areas human life that are associated with it.

Interpretation of Tarot cards

To deepen the message of the Minor Arcana, it is necessary to consider its numerological meaning, since each number has characteristic attributes and risks typical of Pythagorean philosophy. By associating the number with the element and its theme, the lasso sheds light on the fact that we are consulting.


For example, the Jester card in combination with other major arcana can predict:

  • Priestess - your life in the near future will be seriously influenced by some woman in adulthood.
  • Mistress - expect serious things financial difficulties. It is advisable to start saving money for a rainy day.
  • Hermit - you live in a dream world, it’s time to return to reality.
  • High Priest - speaks of the irresponsibility and infantilism of the fortuneteller. You need to develop independence and will.
  • Lovers - self-doubt and own strength, low self-esteem.
  • Death - get ready to deal with many difficulties in the near future. Force majeure circumstances attack you, you need to gather your will into a fist and begin to act.

Combinations of the minor arcana

They show us personality types and age groups: traditionally they are associated with pages with children or young people, gentlemen with young people, queens with women and kings with mature men. IN lately there are decks where the pages have been replaced with princesses and princes' knights, achieving balance across genders and age groups.

In addition, sticks or series focus on certain physical characteristics of these figures: rough leanings toward fair-skinned people or redheads with light eyes; gold is dark brown or medium brown; dark brown or black swords and cups of blonde hair.


The meaning of combinations with arcana:

  • Shuta - you are mired in routine and everyday problems, you need new impressions and a change of scenery.
  • High Priest - you will find yourself in a difficult situation and receive unexpected help from a strong patron.
  • Wheel of Fortune - grandiose changes await you in all areas of life. But the nature of these changes (positive or negative) depends only on you and your actions.
  • Moderation - a long-awaited meeting with a person close to you will take place.
  • Tower - a very sad event will happen that will unsettle you for a long time.


Popular combinations for fortune telling:

Additionally, personality and other characteristics can be set for each figure affected by the element represented. Relationships in which definitions are given by the relationship of numbers or court letters with the signs of the zodiac. Moon is a letter in which the dominant moon appears in all its splendor, emitting rays into the world. There are two dogs that bark at him because they are defending their territory, although they are also afraid of him. This shows the bipolarity that this letter represents; fear, but in turn the courage to face it.

  • Star - you will get back the money that you despaired of getting from the debtor.
  • The Devil is complicated life situation, which you are not able to cope with on your own. Outside help is required.
  • Moon - doubts and anxiety will overcome you. Try to abstract yourself from this and start acting, no matter what.
  • Hermit - to a problematic journey. Perhaps you should give it up altogether
  • Strength - you are too aggressive and rude with others, try to behave more softly and compromisingly.



You want to move forward, but you're afraid you'll backslide. This may reflect deception, lies, weakness or lack of will. It represents problems, lack of communication, ambiguity that prevents one from being open and clear, which is limited by the influence of other people. Let's look at the interpretation of the letter Moon in combination with the rest.

Moon combined with Mad

That the Fool's letter appears next to the Moon on a roll may indicate that we are losing our ability to judge. Something warns us that our attitude or behavior is wrong, but we cannot think clearly or admit our mistakes. This is a combination that can indicate suspicion, a feeling of envy that may be unfounded in something specific. A feeling that is not supported by facts, but by hypotheses that do not support themselves.

  • With a Magician - you are not fulfilling your life’s purpose, you are busy in the wrong activities that you should be doing.
  • With the Priestess - mistrust ruins your life, learn to be more loyal to your loved ones.
  • With the Owner - you need a competent and experienced leader, acting independently, you risk getting problems and stumbling by making the wrong decision
  • With the High Priest - your training will end in failure, you will have to try again
  • With the Chariot - you have set a goal that is impossible to achieve under current circumstances. Try to think realistically.
  • Justice - indicates that a person lives exclusively according to own rules, ignoring moral and social norms.
  • With the Hanged Man - let events develop naturally, do not interfere.
  • Court - for a funeral or wake. This could be a random event not related to your loved ones.

It appears to show a somewhat incoherent relationship that can occur during a query, making it difficult to interpret until the remaining cards that may appear in the run are completed. In two ways, this may indicate a certain instability that causes this insecurity caused by jealousy and mistrust.

Moon in combination with the Master

The combination of the Wizard and the Moon on a roll can be interpreted as an opportunity to abandon sentimental confusion. The whirlwind of emotions was able to create certain fears within you, currents from which you did not know how to escape, a labyrinth in which you found yourself lost. Having a Master to indicate that it is possible to leave and advance.


Combination of the Devil's Arcana and other cards with each other:

  • Magician - your plans will fail. We will have to adapt to new circumstances.
  • The mistress - a loved one will set you up and disappoint you, the collapse of the relationship.
  • Lovers - you are in a sick relationship and are very dependent on your other half.
  • Strength - try to resist the temptation that will arise in front of you in the very near future.
  • Justice - it is impossible to solve the problem legally. You have a choice - to reconcile yourself or act contrary to your conscience.
  • The moon is oppressive thoughts that you don’t have the strength to abstract from and get rid of. But try to switch to something more positive.


Combination of major arcana with the Mistress card:

Combinations with other cards

This combination could indicate that a person is showing up in your life wanting to give you the solution you've been looking for or offering you the help you need to overcome a pothole. Having the Moon next to the Magician in the roll may start some kind of mystery, something that is not fully resolved, and that the character who accepts the situation before that person appears can be determined by the rest of the letters that come out in the roll. It encourages creativity and imagination, which can sometimes slightly distort reality.

  • Master - the burden you are taking on is too great. Try to share some of the responsibilities with someone.
  • In love - to strong emotional experiences, a passionate sexual adventure.
  • Death - dramatic changes in life are coming, but their nature is still unclear.
  • Star - you will again feel long-forgotten strong passionate feelings.

Watch a video about combining the Tarot arcana with each other:

Moon combined with Priestess

When the Priestess' letter appears next to the Moon on a roll, it may reflect a lack of action, a resignation that manifests itself in the face of adversity. Some difficult situation or a situation that is not very safe blocks us and prevents us from acting. We may prefer to wait for others to solve our problems or for something to happen before we react.

This combination can speak of conformity, not knowing how to deal with adversity. You stand or hide from the fear of acting, you cannot gain the courage to do something to change the situation that bothers us. A woman who can exert her influence to intervene in the client's life.

How to interpret card combinations?

It is almost impossible to memorize the meanings of all Tarot cards and their combinations with each other. But you can remember simple rules that will help you make the most correct and accurate prediction possible.

The rules are as follows:

Moon combined with the Empress

Someone who can use his power or even someone associated with the occult sciences that uses his influence. The combination of the Empress with the Moon can be interpreted as proof that comes after much embarrassment. The Empress can provide us with the clarifications we need to get out of the chaos stage. This shouldn't mean that the answer we expect is coming, but rather that you actually understand what's going on and you can understand the situation even if you don't find a better way out of it.

  1. Determine which group of cards has the most strong meaning. This is the so-called " ruling group" The easiest way to do this is by counting which Tarot cards of which suit were drawn the most.
  2. Read about how the Minor Arcana interact with each other to understand the principle of interpretation.
  3. Remember that the most powerful cards among the Major Arcana are the Emperor, Priestess and Magician. Among the Younger, these are the Kings.
  4. In the layout itself, carefully study which arcana surrounded the strongest cards. In this case, you need to take into account the purpose and features of fortune telling.
  5. Pay attention to the numbering of the arcana in the layout. The very first ones usually talk about the reasons for a particular situation, the middle ones - about the state of affairs at the moment, and the extreme ones - about the result that is most likely in the future.

Study the theory thoroughly first and then start practicing. simple layouts, gradually increasing the difficulty level. Then sooner or later the Tarot cards will reveal all their secrets to you.

The remaining cards that come out on the same roll can determine whether you can get out of the quagmire. These two letters together can indicate that you are more aware of the problems that are overwhelming you, that you know that there is something that is not working. This could be due to any aspect of your life in which you feel less satisfied.

Moon combined with the Emperor

This may indicate or indicate the need for change or transformation, although it does not seem to indicate that anything has been done to accomplish it. When the Emperor's letter appears next to the Moon's letter, it can be interpreted as a need to reflect, stop and think about everything that is causing you unhappiness. At a time when you are not feeling too good for yourself, in which you see confusion and anxiety around you, the presence of the Emperor may indicate that you need to rethink your life.


Combinations of the Major Arcana

This topic gives the meanings of combinations of the Major Arcana Tarot that are suitable for any divination system that you use for your Tarot cards. They are placed in the order of the Arcana in the system. You can combine the combinations obtained in your layouts into the desired interpretation. These combinations, for each individual situation, will have their own individual meaning. Using this combination technique, you can find out the options for your destiny. Listen to your intuition, and it will help you develop the ability to correctly add pictures on Tarot cards into the desired meaning.

You must be aware of your existence and everything that does not satisfy you. Don't look outside for reasons or to blame, but truly discover what you want, what is within you to find the answers and solutions you need. The combination of the Moon with the Emperor can have negative connotations if you find that it is something that is overwhelming you and you realize that you have some weight to get rid of, some burden that requires your willpower.

Moon in conjunction with the High Priest

The combination formed by the High Priest or Pope with the Moon implies that it is necessary to show one's true feelings in order to leave a moment of confusion. The High Priest is spiritual writing, which encourages you to seek knowledge to improve certain areas of your life.

High Priestess
EmpressLeaving, moving back
EmperorMoney is leaving you
High Priest
LoversUncertainty. Missing things to do
Wheel of FortunePossible water hazard
SacrificeYou are in unreality
TowerLoss of strength
StarReluctance to move forward
MoonMonetary losses
Last JudgmentLoss of strength. Get your emotions in order
MageJesterBeware of the water. Everyday life gets to you.
PapessQuick acquaintance with a woman
High Priest
ChariotRoad. Implementation of the idea
Wheel of Fortune
DeathChanges that are inevitable
Last Judgment
High PriestessJesterEvents related to old woman. Possible care
MageQuick acquaintance with a woman
High Priest
JusticeBecause of a woman you will have to run. It is necessary to take a certain position in achieving something
Wheel of Fortune
Last Judgment
EmpressJesterLeaving, moving back
MageSoon news, passion for a new idea
High PriestessDrive. Creative thought. Implementation
High Priest
Wheel of Fortune
DeathDifficult Changes
SunLuck, happiness
Last Judgment
EmperorJesterMoney is leaving you
MageGetting support. Improving your financial situation.
High PriestessMaterial well-being. successful marriage
EmpressStable situation. Quick profit. The plan will be successfully implemented
High Priest
ChariotHarmony. Have a nice trip
Wheel of Fortune
SacrificeScandal over money. Treason
ModerationRapidity. Bad luck streak
Last Judgment
High PriestJesterYou are trying to avoid responsibility
MageStay calm. Help will come
High PriestessYou will receive support from a woman. Analyze your past to enter the future
EmpressProtection. Nice trip. A creative idea that will be successfully implemented
EmperorProtection. You have constant support, both from people and from the Higher Powers
Wheel of Fortune
StrengthProtection. Good support
TowerBreaking up a relationship
StarImplementation of plans
Last Judgment
WorldSuccess, spiritual development
LoversJesterUncertainty. Missing things to do
MageYou will need to make important choices
High PriestessA state of anxiety. love affair. Possible desire to get rid of something, someone
EmpressAnxiety. Don't rush to make a decision
EmperorAnxiety. We must act with our minds, not our emotions.
High PriestIt's a concern, but there's no apparent reason for it. Be careful in the near future
Wheel of Fortune
Last Judgment
ChariotJesterListen to the voice of your conscience
MageRoad. Implementation of the idea
High PriestessA trip, perhaps with a loved one. A change of place that will be favorable
EmpressHarmony. Trip or yours decisive action will be beneficial. Concretize your ideas
EmperorHarmony. Have a nice trip
High PriestHarmony. Moving, possibly abroad. Victory
LoversThoughts, misunderstanding of the situation
Wheel of Fortune
Last Judgment
MageThe beginning of a difficult stage, come to terms with these circumstances.
High PriestessBecause of the woman you will have to run. It is necessary to take a certain position in achieving something
EmpressStrictness. You should not take active actions, wait out the situation
EmperorStrictness. Stop in implementation
High PriestLearning a lesson from the current situation
LoversIndecision that can lead to trouble
ChariotDelays on the way. The movement slowed. Obstacles
Wheel of Fortune
ModerationPressure from
TowerActions are not in your favor
StarFavorable outcome
MoonYou're holding back your emotions
Last JudgmentA decision that is irreversible
HermitJesterYou are moving away from the reality of what is happening
MageLoneliness. Time for reflection. A wise decision will help achieve what you want
High PriestessThere will be a delay because of the woman. Come back to reality. Be careful when traveling. Possible financial difficulties
EmpressWisdom. The trip will be postponed. It's time to think things through, not to act actively.
EmperorWisdom. You need to sit down and think things through
High PriestYour demands are too high. Delay in business
LoversLoneliness that grows and does not give a feeling of peace
ChariotYou simply need solitude now in order to think about everything. Changes in your life are postponed
JusticeSlowdown. You need to stop and think about everything
Wheel of Fortune
DeathSlow process
MoonLate Changes
Last Judgment
WorldThe road is open for you
Wheel of FortuneJesterPossible water hazard
MageChanges, your usual environment will change
High PriestessHave a nice trip. Changes will be very easy for you. Help will come from outside
EmpressSomething new will come into your life. Change will be easy for you
EmperorImportant changes, changes, but still your position on at the moment stable
High PriestA profitable change of location. Thinking and studying in a certain area will help change the usual environment
LoversWorry and anxiety will pass, new strength is on the way
ChariotTrip, travel and all in good company
JusticeThe period of stagnation is ending, the way out is already visible
HermitThirst for change. Late Actions
StrengthLove affair. Success, luck
StarThe star of happiness will open to you
MoonJoy. Emotions
SunRest, new opportunities
Last Judgment
StrengthJesterSeparation, you need to solve your problems
MageMeeting your soulmate. Successful outcome of the case, obstacles along the way will be successfully overcome
High PriestessA fight with a woman is possible. Get rid of aggression
EmpressHealth. Your actions must be continuous
EmperorHealth. At the moment you have many opportunities to implement your plans and ideas
High PriestProtection. Good support
LoversIt is necessary to act, to join the battle
ChariotWork that will require serious stress from you
JusticeCooling down the relationship with your partner. Family life destroys relationships
HermitAbstinence. A new strength awakens in you
Wheel of FortuneLove affair. Success, luck
TowerComplete severance of old ties
StarPersuasiveness. Victory
Last Judgment
SacrificeJesterYou are in unreality
MagePossible betrayal on the part of a man. Go deep into your work - this will help you forget what really hurts you
High PriestessBetrayal by a woman. Treason
EmpressBetrayal from the outside loved one. Treason
EmperorScandal over money. Treason
High PriestTreason
LoversYou need to find someone who can help you
ChariotJealousy. The desire to give up everything halfway
JusticeScandal, a little betrayal
HermitYou have been abandoned, you are in dire need of communication
Wheel of FortuneThe changes you expect will not come. Pull yourself together and everything will work out
StrengthLove affair. Power is wasted
ModerationCare of the old
DevilInterference, intoxication
TowerDanger, possibly from water
Last Judgment
DeathJesterEverything you do now will be very difficult for you
MageChanges that are inevitable
High PriestessJust go forward. Change in material side
EmpressDifficult Changes
EmperorChanging your lifestyle. Difficult Changes
High PriestDifficult changes await you, but you will get help
LoversDead end, we need to start all over again
ChariotPremonitions that cause anxiety. The desire to change something about yourself
JusticeIt is necessary to look for another way to solve the problem. The ending will be very painful
HermitSlow process
Wheel of FortuneWhat has already begun cannot be stopped
StrengthSomething will appear, or you have something new
SacrificeA very difficult way out of the situation. Strength is wasted
ModerationRapid change
MoonDanger. The end of something
Last JudgmentYou need to reconsider a lot in your life
MageThe return of a loved one who is very dear to you. Harmony is necessary in behavior
High PriestessIncrease in material condition
EmpressRapidity. A very quick change of place. The need for quick action
EmperorRapidity. Bad luck streak
High PriestIncreased respect will come through conversation, communication
LoversBreaking a relationship, in order to fix anything, you need to go back in time
ChariotA short trip, a road. You need to properly distribute your efforts
JusticePressure from
HermitThere will be movement in your life again. The end of loneliness
Wheel of FortuneWe need to act quickly. Fast travel
StrengthBreaking up with a loved one. Dependence on the immediate environment
SacrificeCare of the old
DeathRapid change
TowerUnpleasant surprise
StarAll is not lost
Last JudgmentYou will find what you thought was lost forever. Not prepared for the turn of events
WorldReturn of luck
DevilJesterWe need to act. You are in captivity of illusions
MageInside a person there are certain complexes, bad habits that prevent you from achieving what you want. You need to get rid of them
High PriestessA very difficult situation. Ask other people for help
EmperorInterference. Are you currently at the mercy of money, emotions, or anything else?
High PriestInterference
LoversEmotions, attraction that holds you, you need to free yourself, or learn to control
ChariotSelfishness, pride, hinders your development. You are under the influence. Limitation of free will
JusticeInjustice. You cannot solve problems yourself. Irritation
HermitTemptation, a trap for loneliness
Wheel of FortuneLoss of trust from other people. Excessive pride
StrengthStormy passion. You are under great pressure from physical urges
SacrificeInterference, intoxication
DeathSevere torment that will cause pain
ModerationThe rebellion that is brewing in your soul. Understanding the relationship
StarUpdates are irreversible
Last JudgmentIt’s too late to turn away from this path, it’s your own fault.
WorldThere is light at the end of the tunnel, you need to get there correctly
TowerJesterLoss of strength
MageFailure of all plans and affairs. A tragic situation is possible
High PriestessDear losses. The plans will fail. Possible impact, accident
EmpressDanger, sad news
EmperorEverything will change, but not yet
High PriestBreaking up a relationship
LoversYou are haunted by remorse. You need to be aware of your actions and how this could all end for you.
ChariotSelf-love ruins everything. Possible accident, trouble
JusticeActions are not in your favor
Wheel of FortuneDanger during the trip. Violation of psychological control
StrengthComplete severance of old ties
SacrificeDanger, possibly from water
DeathMortal danger, threat of death. Death will affect you
ModerationUnpleasant surprise
DevilLoss. Your arrogance ruins everything
StarSalvation. Hope
Last JudgmentYou have to accept what happens
WorldHigher Powers will help you find yourself again
StarJesterReluctance to move forward
MageHope. You will be reciprocated. News that will make you happy
High PriestessA successful trip is possible. Compensation for losses, return of debts, return of what was lost
Empresssuccessful, happy events. Your goal is near
EmperorLuck that comes once in a lifetime
High PriestImplementation of plans
LoversReasonable doubts, more self-confidence
ChariotYou are on the right track. Good luck in cooperation
JusticeFavorable outcome
HermitThe wait is over, your reward awaits
Wheel of FortuneThe star of happiness will open to you
StrengthPersuasiveness. Victory
SacrificeThe star will show you the way, all is not lost
DeathBy giving up one, you will gain another. Turn for the better
ModerationAll is not lost
DevilUpdates are irreversible
TowerSalvation. Hope
SunMeeting with a man. Luck
Last JudgmentWhat you did in the past must be paid for now
WorldSuccess in all endeavors
MoonJesterMonetary losses
MageBirth (of a child, plans, etc.). Give vent to your emotions. A grand event. Possible fire
High PriestessVariability, lack of composure, indecisiveness
EmpressVariability, nervousness, depression
EmperorVariability, change in fate, monetary gain
High PriestNo need to do more than necessary
LoversThere is no end to the problems, but there is a solution to it all. Decision on an important trip
ChariotA great desire to change the current situation. Creative burst. Possibility of traveling by water
JusticeYou're holding back your emotions
HermitLate Changes
Wheel of FortuneJoy. Emotions
StrengthPremonitions that carry you into new possibilities
SacrificeYou are in the grip of dreams, unrealistic hopes, and you yourself have delayed this period
DeathDanger. The end of something
ModerationReturn to life. Emotions are too deep, they bother you
DevilYou are directly dependent on the woman. She controls you
TowerYou are "broken". You worry too much
StarMeeting with a woman. Favorable solution to a financial problem
Last Judgment
SunJesterA scam in which only the mind and will will help
MageReward for work. Victory
High PriestessInaction. A job that is not profitable
EmpressLuck, happiness
High PriestControl over the situation. Increase in material condition
LoversA chance will be given, and it must be taken advantage of.
ChariotNice meeting you. Moving, Communication with other people
JusticeAn opportunity that must be seized quickly
HermitYou need to start active actions after a long break
Wheel of FortuneRest, new opportunities
StrengthYou need to fight for this place in the sun. Great physical activity
SacrificeIt bothers you in in this case your vindictiveness. Luck has turned away from you
DeathA new stage has begun in your life
ModerationThe return of a man, to a man. Irritation that is growing requires an outlet
DevilYou are directly dependent on the man. He controls you
TowerMisfortunes in the past. The sun rises again for you
StarMeeting with a man. Luck
MoonRapprochement. Begins new phase in your life
Last Judgment
WorldSuccess. Quick wealth. Opportunity to realize your ideas
Last JudgmentJesterLoss of strength. Get your emotions in order
MageSumming up. You cannot influence what happens, it comes from Above
High PriestessThe main role will be given to the woman. She will decide everything
EmpressWill and your desire will help solve your problems
EmperorTesting a person's strength (in any area)
High PriestA new challenge you must overcome
LoversYou will learn something new in your life
ChariotSudden changes. Keep your plans secret
JusticeA decision that is irreversible
HermitSomething unexpected will happen that will make you think. Overcome difficulties
Wheel of FortuneYou need a change of place, a change of scenery, a new development
StrengthYour soul is being torn apart. Get ready for drastic changes in your life
SacrificeThe turn of events will be unexpected
DeathYou need to reconsider a lot in your life or something fatal and serious is approaching you
ModerationYou will find what you thought was lost forever. Not prepared for the turn of events. No need to rush
DevilIt’s too late to turn away from this path; it’s your own fault. Be more modest
TowerYou have to accept what is happening. Trouble with the law
StarWhat you did in the past will have to be paid for now. Good coincidence
MoonDiscrepancy. You need to distribute your strengths in your life and dot all the i’s
SunThe decision of fate. The opportunity to change a lot in your life
WorldYou are in complete control of the situation. Fate favors you
WorldJesterThe target is eluding or has eluded you
MageHappiness, luck. Everything started during this period will be successful
High PriestessA woman will bring you success. Joy
EmpressSuccess, change, pleasant communication
EmperorThere will be success in all your endeavors, money will come into your hands
High PriestSuccess, spiritual development
LoversGetting what you want is very close. Luck is nearby
ChariotDifficulties are behind us, hopes will come true. Liberation
JusticeSuccess, everything is getting better, happy outcome
HermitThe road is open for you
Wheel of FortuneJoy, time to gather what has been sown
StrengthAre you on on the right track. Reward
SacrificeRise, surprise, move forward confidently
ModerationReturn of luck
DevilThere is light at the end of the tunnel, you need to enter it correctly. There is an envious person around
TowerHigher Powers will help you find yourself again. Possible oversight
StarSuccess in all endeavors. Promotion
SunSuccess. Quick wealth. Opportunity to realize your ideas. Meeting with good person, trust in him
Last JudgmentYou are in complete control of the situation. Fate favors you. A comradely court or a procedural court is possible