Vedic numerology: how to find out the number of the soul. Vedic numerology 6 number meaning in Vedic numerology

Numbers and signs surround a person throughout his entire earthly life. They are studied by Kiology, Indian and Vedic numerology, tantric science and others. Even in ancient times, our ancestors believed that each number has magical power or secret meaning. They paid special attention to the date of birth. Similar methods of calculating the number of the soul are still used today.

What is the soul number

In Vedic numerology, the date when a person was born is called the number of the soul. It plays a huge role in destiny, self-knowledge and personal growth. It is this number in esotericism that determines tasks and goals life path. The number of the soul - jiv - reflects the attitude to the inner world, affects the ability to reveal oneself, build relationships in the family, team, and society as a whole.

More in Vedic numerology by date of birth it is possible to determine abilities, character, weaknesses and strengths personality, help get out of the deadlock in the process of self-development. This is a unique soul code that reflects a person’s individual preferences.

Formula for calculation

You can determine jiva yourself, without consulting a numerologist. To do this, you need to know the date of birth and the calculation algorithm. Birthday numbers folded in a classic way for numerology.

For example, how to calculate the soul number based on the date of birth April 24, 1989. There is no need to use month and year for calculations, only date. Add the date in the following way - 2+4=6. If we took the number 29, it would come out to 11. Then it would be necessary to add 1+1=2, where 2 is the number of the soul. In our case, the date 24 will be jiv 6.

Characteristics of numbers

Every number from one to nine has its own unique characteristic. By reading the description of your number, you can understand how it affects relationships with other people, career, and destiny.

One (born under the Sun sign)

The people controlled by the unit are active, purposeful individuals. They know how to set goals and achieve them. Units are ruled by the Sun, which gives them determination and a steely character.

People with jiva number one have a unique point of view and know how to defend and argue their own position. They are sociable and easily meet people. Very caring and hospitable. They are demanding of others, clearly set their own boundaries and do not allow themselves to be offended.

Often among the “units” there are spenders who put comfort at the forefront, dream of easy money, material goods and status. Criticism is taken seriously. But they themselves evaluate and criticize other people with great pleasure.

These people are activists and leaders who easily join religious, volunteer and trade union organizations. They are distinguished by artistic taste and aristocratic manners.

“A few” love innovation and extreme sports, respect physical labor and sports. At work, they value efficiency, punctuality and sobriety of mind. They easily build a career in any industry and have a successful business. Without personal growth, they experience apathy, depression, and dissatisfaction.

Two (Moon sign)

People with jiva number two live under the protection of the Moon. This cosmic body greatly influences their subconscious.

"Twos" have a strong creative character. These are innate aristocrats and artists with femininity and romanticism. Women with Jivi number two are very beautiful, graceful and charismatic.

Weaknesses of the number - indecision, high need for support from outside world, dependent on the opinions of relatives or friends. These people are often moody or overly emotional.

At the same time, they are very friendly and humane, always ready to help their neighbors. On the other hand, they take friendship too seriously, believe in its sanctity, and are ready to sacrifice a lot for a friend, even themselves.

Three (sign of Jupiter)

People with the number of jivas three are the wards of the planet Jupiter. Their life path is based on righteousness, enlightenment, and faith in justice. Jupiter greatly expands the consciousness of “threes”, makes them courageous, strong in spirit, and energetic. “Troikas” are true family men. Family and self-knowledge are the main thing in their lives.

In the social sphere, digital people Three souls are sociable, active, disciplined workers. They are very dynamic, hardworking, and have an active lifestyle.

Basic character traits:

  • masculinity;
  • discipline;
  • confidence in one's rightness;
  • reliability;
  • sense of humor;
  • high spiritual standards.

“Troikas” are always busy with something and have a hard time switching to rest.

Four (cosmic power of Rahu)

People with the jiva number “four” live under the protection of the cosmic power of Rahu. It negatively affects a person, pushing him towards laziness, self-destruction, selfishness, the search for quick pleasures and easy money. It is often difficult for “fours” to distinguish between good and evil; they are aggressive and pessimistic. These people are prone to addictions - alcoholism, gambling addiction, shopaholism, etc.

Professionally, the “four” are talented painters and artists, art critics. These people prefer a bohemian, luxurious life.

“Fours” can be mysterious, keep their personal lives secret, and have a rebellious disposition. They often live from one extreme to another, overcoming many obstacles that they create for themselves. As a result, “fours” respect the support of loved ones, are patient with themselves and others, and know how to love.

Five (Mercury)

“Fives” live under the influence of the planet Mercury. They react quickly to changing circumstances and have a changeable character.

These are smart, passionate people. Their talents are well developed in commerce and entrepreneurship.

Mercury gave those born with the number five in their date cunning and resourcefulness. Fives are prone to sarcasm, cruel jokes, manipulation, and extreme travel.

Individuals with the Jivi number five are born vulnerable and sensual. But over the years they become restless seekers of truth and thrills. They are sociable, optimistic, and often become the life of the party.

Spenders do not know how to save money at all. At the same time, there is always a certain amount in the account, ready to help out on a difficult day. They value time business relations and discipline.

Experience and knowledge are gained more effectively by traveling.

Six (Venus)

People with jiva six are under the protection of Venus. This cosmic body bestows its wards with love, sophistication, passion, sensuality, and artistry.

People with a soul number of six are playful and loving, their souls are seething inside vital energy. But at the same time, they are able to calmly analyze their own actions in a calm environment.

Sixes love to be the center of attention and live in comfort. They have refined taste and good manners.

Men and women with this date number behave differently. Men are wonderful lovers, greedy for beautiful women, prone to cheating in marriage. Women are distinguished by their wonderful figure, passion and love for sex in their youth. In more mature age Ladies prefer to invest the energy of Venus in their careers and personal growth.

Seven (cosmic power of Ketu)

The patron of the “sevens” is the cosmic power of Ketu. People born under her leadership are endowed with wisdom, extrasensory perception, and insight. “Sevens” devote a lot of time and effort to revealing the secrets of the soul and self-knowledge.

Material wealth is secondary for them. They often argue with loved ones, have a developed imagination and sensitivity to the world. Outwardly they may look sloppy, because they prefer the world of illusions to the real world, the material is secondary.

To achieve career success, they need the help of a mentor or assistant. They work better under guidance. They need understanding from their superiors and proper motivation.

Basic character traits of a “seven”:

  • sensitivity;
  • originality (in appearance or worldview);
  • romance;
  • communication skills;
  • friendliness to all people, without division into social groups;
  • are able to resurrect old thoughts or things;
  • know how to sell their knowledge and experience.

Eight (Saturn)

Eights are ruled by Saturn. These are people who are prone to gloom and suspicion. They find it difficult to trust the world and themselves. Often these are pessimists with pronounced negativism in behavior and thoughts.

At the same time, "eights" are true to their words, duty or promise. They do quality work and are responsible performers. The road to their goals is not easy for them, but hard work and diligence help them.

It is difficult to enter into friendly relations, they rarely find friends, but they are faithful to them to the end.

Nine (Mars)

Mars helps and rules the lives of “nines”. These are very purposeful individuals. They are disciplined, faithful to their duty, patient and self-confident.

At the same time, “nines” are selfish, confident that their desires and needs are above everything else. They are often cruel and cynical on the way to their intended goals, “going over their heads.” People with soul number nine are impulsive, capable of forbidden love affair, easily break the law, gambling.

They are athletes in spirit. They respect fair combat and adherence to the rules of the game.

Basic character traits of a “nine”:

Compatibility of people by soul number

According to Vedic numerology, the number of jivas greatly influences relationships between people and can change fate. Knowing number compatibility reduces the likelihood of conflicts and misunderstandings in marriage and work relationships:

Knowing your soul number helps a person accept himself, love his strengths and weaknesses. And also open cosmic force, which supports in difficult situations.

Thanks to Vedic numerology you can calculate the soul number and find out whether people are compatible for love relationship, what is a person’s purpose or why it is not possible to achieve the goal. After all, understanding the pros and cons of personality, discovering innate character traits is already half the success.

Attention, TODAY only!

Numbers in indian numerology

Indian numerology recognizes nine main numbers (from 1 to 9). All numbers greater than 9 are reduced to basic numbers (to do this, you need to add the numbers with which they are written).

Zero is not a number in itself and has no numerological meaning. However, it is believed that the presence of zeros in the date of birth brings bad luck. Such people have to struggle and work harder in life. A zero combined with another number reduces the influence of that number.


Odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9) are considered solar, masculine, electric, acidic, dynamic.

Even numbers (2, 4, 6 and 8] - lunar, feminine, magnetic, alkaline, static.

In general, two similar numbers (two even or two odd) are not considered a very good combination, since when added they always produce an even, static number. The even and odd combination is better because when added, such numbers always produce an odd, dynamic number.

Numbers can be friends and enemies with each other. This is determined by the relationship between the planets that rule them. When two friendly numbers are combined, it is not a very productive combination: both numbers “relax” and nothing happens. When two hostile numbers meet, they make each other more vigilant and active, forcing the carriers of these numbers to work more.

The number 6 is considered "everyone's friend" because it can be represented as 2 + 2 + 2 (an odd number of identical even numbers) and as 3 + 3 (an even number of identical odd numbers).


IN Indian astrology It is customary to take nine planets into account. There are also nine single-digit numbers in numerology. Correspondence of numbers to planets is the key to Indian numerology.

Each person is influenced by three numbers: the Soul Number, the Name Number and the Destiny Number. And this influence is very different from the influence of the nine planets studied by astrology. Each planet has a slightly different effect on a person depending on what sign and house of the horoscope it is in. The sign in which the planet is located changes, and human behavior also changes.

In numerology, all people with Soul Number 1 have the qualities of this number, regardless of when they were born. Everyone has people-units the same ones favorable days weeks, dates and years of life, colors, gems, deities and mantras. Astrological factors such as month of birth, sun sign, moon sign, ascendant, only add nuances to their overall character structure.


Our mental structure is directly related to the place and time of birth - the moment when we inhale the air of the outside world for the first time. To compile astrological chart birth need to know exact time, it’s enough for a numerologist dates birth.

The Soul Number is obtained by reducing the date of birth to a number from 1 to 9 by summing the numbers.

When determining the Soul Number, you should clarify the person’s date of birth. The fact is that in India the dates do not change at midnight, but in the early morning - an hour before dawn(this may be one and a half to two hours before sunrise). This system is also accepted in Indian numerology. Therefore, when determining your date of birth, you need to pay attention to the time of day. Remember: according to the Indian system, the time from midnight to the last hour before dawn is still the previous day. If a person was born on November 14 at 02:10, from the point of view of numerology, his date of birth is November 13.

The Soul Number shows how a person relates to himself and others, to food, sex, friendship, marriage, what he wants from life, what it really strives for throughout his entire life. human life, but especially strongly before the age of 35. After 35 years, another number becomes more active, which is called the Destiny Number. A person begins to feel certain changes in his character. But the Soul Number never does not lose its importance. Every person has two images: how he sees himself and how others see him. The Soul Number refers to the first image, to what a person thinks about himself; The Destiny Number indicates what others think about a person.


Destiny Number results from mixing full date birth (day, month and year) to the date.

For example, a person was born on November 13, 1965 (11/13/1965). His Soul Number- nine:

1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 5 = 27; 2 + 7 = 9.

The numerologist also does not lose sight of the number 27, because Deuce And Seven will have some impact on fate this person. But the main number will still be Nine. Of these three numbers, 9 and 2 are played important role, the influence Sevens will be much smaller.

The Destiny Number is more important than the Soul Number and the Name Number. The soul can desire anything, but fate gives only what a person really deserves. She is connected to the past karmas(actions) of a person and comes into full force after 35 years. It allows us little freedom of action, but it gives us great freedom to reap the fruits of our own actions.

The Destiny Number is not subject to any external influences. If it is bad, you can’t correct it, but you can change the name so that the Name Number partially softens the effect of the Destiny Number, prepare an appropriate talisman, and do charity work. Then the person will still have to go through what fate has destined for him, but this path will be easier for him.


Number Name obtained by adding the numerological values ​​of the individual letters of his public name.

The following meanings of Latin letters are used in Indian numerology:

The name "Govind Kumar" according to this system has the number 5:

Usually relatives and friends call a person simply by name. In some circles they call him by his last name. It is written in the passport full name. For numerology, what is important is the “public name” by which strangers know him. Most often, a public name is a first and last name.

Although the Name Number has a strong influence on the soul and life of a person, it has no power over the Destiny Number.

The number of the Name plays an important role in public life and marriage. It is especially important for representatives of professions in which the public name matters (politicians, artists, scientists). The Name Number can be changed by changing the name itself.

The first letter of a public name has the most great influence per person.


Although ultimately a person has three single-digit Numbers for the Soul, Destiny and Name, Indian numerology also considers those “CO-component” numbers from which they were obtained by addition to be important. “CO-additional” refers to numbers written with two or more digits. People whose date of birth falls on a single digit number from 1 to 9 have a “pure” Soul Number. Those whose date of birth is a two-digit number from 10 to 31 will be influenced by both the total number and both terms.

For example, people number 1 (Units)- these are all those who were born on the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of any month. But they are all different from each other in some way. Those born on the first are a “pure” Unit; Numerologists consider them the luckiest. Those born on the tenth are a little less fortunate. Those born on the nineteenth are usually more self-confident and assertive, while those born on the twenty-eighth are calmer and have to work hard. The differences are due to the influence of numbers in pairs (10, 19, 28). For example, the date “19”: Nine(Mars] does Unit(Sun) angry and impulsive. On the date "28" Deuce ruled by the Moon, which is very changeable, Eight is also associated with slow Saturn.

The first digit in a composite number is more important than the second because it determines which "series" the number belongs to. Thus, the composite number 12 (1 + 2) belongs to the series of Ones (from 10 to 19), and 21 (2 + 1) to the series of Twos (from 20 to 29). Both combinations add up to the number 3, but those born on the third of any month will be different from those born on the twelfth or twenty-first. In the life of a person born on the 12th, the Unit will play an important role, and in the life of a person born on the 21st, - Two.


The main rule of numerology is: all numbers are good.

Each number has different energetic aspects that manifest in people as strong and weak, attractive and disgusting qualities.

Practice shows that some numbers are good as Soul Numbers, but bad as Destiny Numbers, while for others it’s the other way around. To get accurate information about a person, one number is not enough. Most numerologists claim that it is absolutely necessary to know all three Numbers - Soul, Destiny and Name.


Sometimes all three of a person's numbers fit very well together, and sometimes they don't. The numbers 3, 6, 9 are compatible, but 3, 5, 7 and 2, 5, 7 are incompatible. When a person's numbers are compatible, there is more harmony in his life.

Sometimes a person takes a different name for himself, and other people’s attitude towards him completely changes. The image of a person in this world is greatly influenced by the Number of the Name and the Number of Destiny. Harmony between these two numbers is necessary in order for karma(deeds) present life people brought good results.

Number compatibility is shown in the table on page 200.


Most often, numerology is used to analyze relationships between people. But it can also be used to analyze the relationship between a person and his place of residence. Houses and apartments have numbers (that is, ready-made numbers), and streets, cities and countries have names, the numbers of which can be obtained by adding numerology meanings letters The numbers of the street, city and country do not add up to each other, because each of them has its own special influence on the Destiny Number of the resident. If the number of place of residence (from an apartment to a country) is incompatible with a person’s Destiny Number, there may be problems.


According to Ayurveda, the ancient Indian medical system, a person's bodily constitution is determined by the ratio of three Great Danes(types of energies). This is the "wind" (cotton wool),"bile" (pitta) and"mucus" (kapha). Dominant in the constitution of every man dosha determined by astrological factors. When one of the three Great Danes becomes excited or increases too much, this causes diseases of the corresponding kind. On the following pages, in the sections “Balancing the Internal and the External,” illnesses associated with different numbers from 1 to 9 (and therefore with different planets and types of bodily constitution).

One of the Ayurvedic cleansing methods physical body is post. Fasting in Ayurveda does not mean complete abstinence from food: it is rather maintaining a certain state of mind. On the day recommended for fasting, you must avoid work and try to relax, but not lie down, much less sleep. You need to calm down, avoid stress and eat only once - in the evening after meditation. For each number, recommended types of products are given. One must avoid anger, aggressive thoughts, negative emotions and all sexual activities on the day preceding fasting, and, of course, on the day of fasting itself.

Ayurveda recommends certain “gems” (precious and semi-precious stones), ground into powder. They help improve the electrochemical balance of the body. Gems are considered the purest form of minerals that make up both planet Earth and human body. Their deficiency, according to Ayurvedic doctors, causes various diseases. When taking gems in powder form, mineral imbalances are eliminated and the person feels healthy. When gems are worn on the body in rings and pendants (always in an open frame, allowing the stone to come into contact with the body), they affect the electromagnetic field of the body and improve the electrochemical balance. Special rituals associated with wearing gems, prepare the body to absorb their energy.


"Exalted" called a single-digit Number (Soul, Fate or Name), obtained by reducing a composite number and possessing special power. For example, Unit can be obtained by reducing 10, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82 or 91. But only that one will be “sublime” Unit, which is derived from the number 28. Owners of such Units are more successful in life than people for whom Unit is not an abbreviation.

All double figures, generating “exalted” numbers are indicated in the table. When determining them, numerologists considered each composite number as a combination of two planets.

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If we consider a non-classical approach to numerology, then Vedic numerology differs sharply from Pythagorean numerology. It is based not on one indicator, but three: the meaning of the Soul, Name and Destiny.

The calculation of each of them is simple, and the totality will give us a complete understanding of why this or that person came to Earth. Everyone has their own path, three numbers define it.

Vedic numerology is perhaps one of the ancient sciences. Everyone can find the number of fate, name and soul.

Follow the calculations, there should be no errors in them. Your life will change, because new perspectives will open up, old problems will be solved by themselves. The magic of numbers is what numerology is. You can track the patterns of life, compatibility with your partner and plan the most important events in advance. All changes lead to the better - use your chance to change your destiny.

Vedic culture

In culture ancient india The Vedas had great importance. These are ancient texts that contain answers to all questions. Not everyone is able to read the Vedas, yet fewer people will understand their meaning. Among other things, this book makes it possible for a person who is ready to look beyond the boundaries of consciousness to find out his destiny.

IN Vedic culture, numbers are conductors of the energy of the Cosmos. One of the main ones is the number of birth. It shapes us as individuals. This is the date, less often the time of birth. You just need to do some simple arithmetic calculations and you will get it. That's not all. A person is surrounded by numbers:

  • car number
  • apartments
  • office
  • very different dates
  • a random number that occurs frequently and catches your eye
  • different price tags, times...

They are everywhere, changing our lives, changing our connections with the world. This is very interesting science for the researcher. It is believed that during the ancient Vedic period, the Book of Fate was written, however, people cannot know everything. They discovered too much about themselves and their lives, so the gods took the Book of Destiny from them, leaving only clues for those whose minds could handle the information.

Today, many are interested in the Vedic direction of numerology, and not the classical one. There is more mysticism here, but the calculations remain simple. Find out what your cosmic purpose is in this world, where your life path leads. Great achievements are destined for your destiny, do not miss the moment.

Our destiny belongs to us

If you want to plunge into new world, which Vedic numerology offers, then do not waste time. The main thing is to remember one thing: predictions change. Your life is mobile and subject to change. The destiny number or soul number only indicates what your path may be. You can choose another one. Among all the numbers, there is not one that can stop you. The main thing is to follow your dream. Living in accordance with your horoscope can be easier; sometimes it is important to listen to the Stars. But making a horoscope the only source of information is stupid.

Fate sends us little tips. Often in the form of numbers. Use them, they may well lead you where you need to go. Dreams come true for those who learn to see the signs. This is surprising, because by your date of birth you can find out what your special talent is for. Fate leads you through life, but this road is not always straight. Sometimes, your talents and possible successes are on the sidelines. Try to change the world around you, turn where the Soul Number calls you.

Soul Number Calculation

According to Vedic numerology, the number of the soul is calculated very simply. There are 30 or 31 days in a month. Those born between the 1st and 9th have a simple soul meaning. Accordingly, these are: 1, 2, 3...9. Reminds me of the “vibrating meanings” of Pythagoras. If your birthday is from 10 to 30 (31), then you need to add the numbers this way:

  • 10: 1+0=1;
  • 12: 1+2=2;
  • 28: 2+8=1.
The main thing is to find the strength within yourself to realize your goal.

We get it again prime numbers. Remember: there is no “bad” number of a person’s Soul. All people are beautiful, kind, smart and talented in their own way.

Number 1: difficult fate from this person. Trials await him, but they lead to glory.
2: brings difficulties. difficult character.
3: frequent change of interests, constant search for oneself. Stop for a moment.
4: everything is good except money.
5: a person knows how to forgive, but does not forgive himself for mistakes.
6: very feminine, has maternal energy.
7: dreamy individuals who find it difficult to achieve their goals
8: Excellent leadership qualities.
9: it’s hard when both are married 9. The couple’s compatibility is weak, everyone wants to be first.

Calculation of Destiny Number

The destiny number is calculated by adding all the components of the date of birth: day + month + entire year. For example, you were born on September 11, 1989, which means:


That's it. Destiny number is 2. Thus, you should get a value from numbers from 1 to 9. This is the second value for our calculations. It determines the fate of every person.

Number 1: the fate of the explorer.
2: overcoming difficulties for the common good.
3: element of water, a person knows how to adapt to different circumstances.
4: stability, 4 elements, harmony.
5: little experience, but a lot of ambition.
6: dependence on the strong.
7: adventurer, danger of losing everything.
8: Fight for survival against dangerous opponents.
9: messenger of fate, special purpose.
It is this value that helps determine our compatibility with a partner. To do this, the resulting fate numbers need to be added: yours and your partner’s. Read the interpretation of the resulting value. You yourself will understand what we mean we're talking about. Advice from numbers is usually very direct. You can learn a lot by your date of birth; the book of destinies will open to those who take the time to study numerology.

Name Number Calculation

First name, patronymic, last name - who we are, what family we come from. It is naive to assume that the name does not affect fate. The name number is often confused with the destiny number, but this is not true. In the Middle Ages, when alchemy conquered the minds of many learned men, there was the Book of Albertus Magnus. This is the Grand Grimoire "Secrets magical art”, in which a treatise on Vedic numerology was published. Only an enlightened husband with a name number of 9 could find the true philosopher's stone. A variant of calculating this number is also given there.

The calculation does not contain information about the date of birth; it is necessary to work with numerical values letters The Great Grimoire provides a calculation for the Latin alphabet, but scientists based on its image have created a version in many languages ​​of the world.

What does the name number give us? This is your potential, talents, character. People are surprised how accurately they can be described in just a few words. There are not many numbers, from 1 to 9. The book “Secrets of Magical Art” describes the creator of the stone as a person with a nine because it is a symbol great mission on earth, a messenger of angels, an extraordinary person with paranormal abilities.

You need to get a combination of numbers: look for the corresponding letters of your name, add the values.

2: b, j, t, s;

3: in, k, y, b;

4: g, l, f, e;

5: d, m, h, y;

6: e, n, c, i;

Nikolai Petrovich: 6+1+3+7+4+1+2+8+7+2+9+7+3+1+5=66=6+6=12=1+2=3.

The number of the name is 3. Of course, Nikolai Petrovich will not be an alchemist, but he may well do other interesting things and achieve success. Which ones? You can find out from the table of values.

1 – leader, pure soul and progressive mind. Science, research;

2 – harmony is important in life. Music, art, cooking;

3 – excellent intuition. Work where it is necessary to predict situations;

4 – the main thing in life is stability. Agriculture, livestock farming;

5 – adventurous character. You will be useful anywhere, but not there. Where there is a temptation to profit;

6 – justice and honor. Judge, police, guardianship authorities;

7 – your intellect will become your best tool. Science, medicine;

8 – these people know how to make their way in life. Business, your own business, projects, finance;

9 – strong personalities who are guided through life by higher powers.

Have you found yourself?

Cosmic communication: numbers and planets

Numerology is related to astrology. They go inextricably, because numbers are reflections of cosmic bodies. Often the meaning of the soul is determined by one of the planets in our solar system. More often, astrologers find such a connection using more complex working mechanisms.

Thanks to such a connection, we can find out everything about compatibility with a partner.

For example, the ideal combination would be a woman’s connection with the Moon or Venus, and a man’s connection with the Sun or Mars.

Here the energy is balanced, the couple will be stable. Determined by date of birth, because at that moment the planets were in a certain position relative to each other.

A difficult situation: the woman is Moon, and the man is Saturn or Mercury. For such a couple there will always be a problem of understanding. They may love each other, but do not understand the interests, hobbies, and values ​​of their partner. Their compatibility is low, although feelings can hold a couple for many years.

1.4: numbers of the Sun;

2.5: Venus;

3: Saturn;

6: Mercury;

8: Pluto.

The moment of our birth generally says a lot. A day earlier or later, we would be completely different. The appearance and voice would remain the same, but the inner world, talents, way of thinking - everything would change. Numerology does not give complex calculations, these are the simplest actions, but they contain a secret about each of us. The set of numbers defines us from all sides, even the fate of a person is hidden in the name.

Vedic numerology guides you along the path of knowledge. Every day something new. The book of your life and soul is still being written. Who knows what discoveries you might make. Your numbers will help you find yourself even in the darkest times. Try to follow your destiny. Knowing numbers will help you here.

"Let them be scriptures measure of decision

what to do and what not to do. Having known

instructions of the scriptures, you must act

in this world."

BhagavadGita (16.24)

Everything in the world is united by one secret desire - the expectation of happiness. We wish it for ourselves and others, and are upset when it passes us by. The sages of antiquity knew perfectly the science of happy life and in their treatises they outlined in detail the essence of this knowledge.

There are three types of happiness, three types of force that control a person, three types of directions, moving along which one can predict what awaits a person ahead: life in Goodness, in Passion or in Ignorance. The knowledge of the sages helps shed light when a person begins to ask questions: “How to build harmonious relationships? Are there any recipes for happiness? What to do with negative thoughts and emotions? How to avoid stepping on the same rake over and over again?

Sacred treatises say that subtle invisible laws permeate the entire Universe: be it Chinese medicine and the Book of Changes, Tibetan medicine and the book of the dead “Bardo Thodol”, mysteries ancient egypt, oracles ancient Greece, the calendar of the Mayan civilization, the sacred Upanishads and the pearl of wisdom of India - the book “Bhagavad Gita”. Astrology and numerology are excellent tools for assisting a person on his path of self-discovery and personal growth.

Numerology says that there are laws of Happiness, laws of Love, laws of prosperity and luck. Happiness and prosperity are not an accident, they are a law!

Numerology as a science appeared several thousand years ago and was inextricably linked with philosophy: Aristotle, Plato, and Pythagoras simultaneously studied both sciences as a single whole. Once upon a time, letters of the alphabet were used to represent numbers. This means that each word has its own digital code. Numbers are the key to understanding human behavior, one of simple methods to study and train a person’s intuitive talent, to comprehend the depths of the human personality.

Vedic Numerology was born in India, a country that is the cradle of Yoga, Tantra and Ayurveda.

“Vedic” comes from the word “Ayurveda,” where “Ayur” means “life” and “Veda” means “to know.” Ayurveda is the highest Knowledge of Life, the art of Living.

There are three basic rules in Indian numerology:

1.numbers are symbols sent from space;

2. numbers are a digital code of an individual;

3. each number implies both positive aspects, and negative.

The essence of the teaching is that each person on Earth has his own three numbers: SOUL, FATE and NAME.

If the day a person was born is in the single digits, his fate is easier to guess. Double birth numbers influence each other unpredictably. Odd numbers are considered stronger than even numbers and clearly reveal the essence, while even numbers leave behind a mystery. The odd ones were assigned masculine energy, more stable, strong and powerful. Even - women's.

There are friendly and hostile numbers, just like planets.

When friendly forces work, it weakens character. If hostile symbols are nearby, strength, masculinity and will stand out, which make you work more productively.

Soul number

The number of a person's birthday, which most of all conveys the temperament, exact character and future of a person. By its meaning, one can determine preferences in tastes, desires and views. Soul number shows the whole essence of a person, what he is and thinks about himself. For example, if a person was born on the 3rd, then his soul number– 3, and it is influenced by the planet Jupiter, if the 2nd is the Moon. The influence is both positive and negative. By being aware of your weaknesses, you can turn them into strengths using information about “strength.” This is the essence of transformation.

Soul number greatly influences a person’s fate throughout his entire life, but especially until the age of 35–40.

Destiny number

Destiny number shows the essence of life's tasks and lessons, a person's potential, what he needs to do throughout his life and what his true purpose is in the material world.

In order to find out your fate number, you need to add up all the numbers of the date of birth. For example, for the date 07/23/1960 you need to add: 2+3+7+1+9+6=28=2+8=10=1

This fate number is influenced by the planet Sun. Then you can disassemble both strong and weak traits this planet and its influence on the fate of man. Destiny number has very great value. Fate is something that a person will have to live, whether he wants it or not. The soul can dream of many things, but fate rewards only what everyone deserves.

Understanding that what is happening is not a coincidence, a person begins to wisely accept lessons and trials and takes full responsibility for his life, becoming an increasingly self-sufficient, creative and harmonious person. By accepting what cannot be changed: the main events of life, the main people who fill our lives (parents, family partners, children), a person is filled with wisdom. There comes an understanding that if it is impossible to change the situation, it is possible to change the attitude towards it. Then the soul and body find complete harmony, and the person experiences happiness.

Ekaterina Garibova is a Vedic numerologist, astro-psychologist, and Ayurvedic therapist.

Consultations and seminars.

Skype consultations: Katia.Garibov Switzerland.

It is known that oriental view life differs in many ways from the Western one. Vedic numerology is a separate science that should be studied separately from European numerology developed by Pythagoras. This science is especially popular among the fairer sex. Any woman is interested in what kind of man is right for her, what abilities she has, how best to organize her vacation, etc. In this article we will try to carefully consider this science.

What is Vedic numerology, the basic principles and rules of this science.

Three numbers are of particular importance in Vedic numerology. This is the number of the soul, the number of fate and the number of the name. They are the basis for many calculations in Vedic numerology. Thanks to these numbers, you can answer in more detail the questions that interest everyone: what is the meaning of my life, what are my strengths and weaknesses, what kind of partner is right for me, etc. If you are interested in Vedic numerology, you can do an online calculation for free on our website.

Soul number

In Vedic teachings it is generally accepted that every person has a soul. This figure will help you better understand the person. What is his character, how does he communicate with those close to him. What is this “soul number”, why does it play an important role in life?

  • In order to understand what kind of person is suitable for your life, in order to be completely confident in him;
  • In order to understand your interests, understand what is more suitable for self-realization;
  • In order to choose the right profession through which you can achieve success and appreciation.

This number can be “edited”, then you get a completely different value.

Destiny number

The destiny number also occupies a special position in Vedic numerology. It is directly related to fate specific person. Do you think it’s possible to change fate and play it safe? The answer from the point of view of Vedic teaching is simple, it is impossible to change fate, what is destined for us from above will haunt us throughout life. Everyone has their own karma, and we have to live with it. Despite this, thanks given number you can influence a little future fate. Surely, each of us wants to know what the future holds? Thanks to the “fate number” this can be done.

Name number

From birth a person receives a name with which he goes through life. IN modern world Once you reach adulthood, you can change it. Nevertheless most people prefer to live with the name given by their parents. Thanks to the number of the name, you can say a lot about a person, the main thing is to do the calculation correctly.

We can conclude what kind of character a person has, how he approaches life, what kind of relationships he has with others, what type of activity a person prefers to engage in. Over time, outlook on life can change, and character can also change. Nevertheless, the inclinations laid down from childhood will remain with a person all his life, the inner world will remain the same. Don't forget this.

How to calculate your numbers?

So, you are probably already wondering how to independently calculate those Vedic numerology numbers that you have just learned about. For each number there is a specific algorithm, thanks to which you can get a unique code and see the result. Are you ready to lift the veil of secrecy and learn more about self? Then let's begin!

The main numbers in Vedic numerology, as in European numerology, are calculated by date of birth.

Soul number

By following a few simple rules, you can easily make a calculation. Vedic numerology by date of birth is calculated as follows:

  • Were you born from the first to the ninth? For example, December 9th. This means the “number of the soul” is nine. This is a simple number, you don't need to do anything with it.
  • If your date of birth is from the 10th to the 31st, then you need to make it simple by adding.

For example: your date of birth is January 19, so your number will look like this: 1+9=10; 10=1+0=1, but if your birthday is October 25, then it should be like this: 2+5=7. That's it, the calculation is complete!

Destiny number

Vedic numerology, the number of fate is calculated similarly to that in European numerology. In order to carry it out, you need to arrive at a prime number by adding.

For example: your date of birth is June 25, 1984. We add all the numbers together: 2+5+0+6+1+9+8+4=35; 35= 3+5=8. That's it, you have a prime number.

Name number

In this calculation, be more careful, because it is the most complex of all. Look at the table below, you can see that the number is associated with a letter. After the numbers corresponding to the letters are written down, you need to start adding them together.

For example: Elena Olegovna. We carefully look at the table and write down the resulting numbers. 6+4+6+6+1+7+4+6+4+7+3+6+1=61; 61=6+1=7.

Decoding the numbers of name, soul and destiny

In esotericism you can find huge amount interpretations of the numbers you got. We present to your attention brief characteristics every number in Vedic numerology. They may coincide with those interpretations that you might already know in European numerology, or contradict them. This is completely normal. We recommend that you do not give preference to one system or another, but explore them together in order to learn more about yourself and the world around you.

Soul number

  • "1"- a person with this number is purposeful, independent, original, and has leadership abilities. He can be unpredictable and has many loyal friends. Easily makes contact with others. Thanks to their charisma, such people are very charming. They make good bosses. If the number is present in a girl’s life, it means you need to be softer and learn to restrain your emotions. This is the ideal number for a man.
  • "2"- if a person has the number two, it means that he is not deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. The character is quite calm, although there are outbursts of emotions. Such people are very romantic, read a lot, and are fond of poetry. They prefer a quiet and measured life. People around them can influence them. This number is more suitable for a woman. Typically, such individuals choose creative professions.
  • "3"- if a person has the number three, he can be called the soul of the company. You have enough charm that many people like you. Often you use this to your advantage. Thanks to your appearance, you receive attention from members of the opposite sex. Romances often arise, both among women and among men. When you fall in love quickly, hatred for a person also quickly arises. People are drawn to you like a magnet.
  • "4"- perseverance and hard work, these are the main qualities of a person in whose life there is a four. By nature, such people are conservative. They are wary of others and look for deception everywhere.
  • "5"- people who take everything to heart. They worry for a long time and scroll through situations in their heads. Inner world fragile enough that there is no place in it for anyone but you. They skillfully hide their emotions and rarely share their experiences with family. It doesn't hurt to find common language with others. They have their own point of view and can support you in difficult times. They are sulfur and loyal friends.
  • "6"- lovers of everything beautiful, character can be changeable, rarely Bad mood. We are used to being the center of attention. They are in demand among the opposite sex. They can be selfish towards family and friends. They love themselves and consider themselves better than everyone else.
  • "7"— if the number seven is present in a person’s life, it means that everything is quite difficult for him. Conflicts often arise. To achieve success, you need to make every effort. This doesn't always work out. Excessive indecisiveness leaves its mark on life. Relationships with others are complicated. The mood changes often. They don’t ask for help, although they themselves are not averse to giving advice
  • "8"- Since childhood, a person strives to stand out from the crowd. Such people are persistent and purposeful, moving through life with confidence. They achieve their goals by any means.
  • "9"- achieve success thanks to their work. They cannot stay in one place for a long time, they are constantly looking for something new. They make contact with people easily and love to be the center of attention. They don’t ask for help and try not to offer theirs. For such people, their financial situation comes first.

Each number, from 0 to 9, has its own unique meaning in Vedic numerology.

Destiny Number

A person who has a presence in life even number, very sensual and vulnerable nature. When communicating with people, he tries not to show his emotions. Creative individuals who are not afraid to be different from others. They prefer to be in the spotlight. They are naive and very kind at heart. Some people use this kindness for their own selfish purposes. Don't be afraid to look funny. Most often these are devotees and true friends, ready to help at any moment.

People who have to a greater extent present odd numbers, by nature they are hot-tempered and aggressive. Emotions cannot always be hidden from others. They constantly improve themselves, being in a constant search for truth. They achieve success thanks to their perseverance. They respond to problems adequately, without delving into the essence of what is happening. Relationships with others are often tense. They know how to understand people. You can turn to them for advice, pour out your heart and just be silent. They are loyal and devoted friends. They rarely ask for help themselves.

Name number

Odd numbers that occur in a person indicate his calmness. By nature, such people are modest and do not like to show off. Emotions are skillfully hidden under the guise of joy. They try not to share their secrets with others, be it a devoted friend or close relative. Such people are difficult to understand. They are laconic and thoughtful, selfless. Often such people are followers. They have their own point of view, but once again prefer to remain silent.

Even numbers present in a person’s name indicate that they are extraordinary, creative people who are not afraid to take risks. They love universal recognition. They are in the spotlight and proud of it. Quite talented, although they don’t always show it. They can be emotional and quick-tempered, but easy-going. They try to avoid conflicts, but it doesn’t always work out. They move towards the intended goal confidently. People are treated with arrogance, but they themselves are not always aware of it. They practically do not admit their mistakes and apologize extremely rarely.


The number of the name is quite difficult to interpret. There is something unique here. From how a person is addressed ordinary life, will depend on the interpretation. For example: “Dasha” or “Daria”, “Masha” or “Maria”, “Lesha” or “Alexey”. If you have difficulties with calculations, then contact knowledgeable specialists, they will definitely help.

Video "Vedic Numerology - Basics"