The influence of the Moon on the human body on Thursday. The influence of the lunar day

Bad time for new projects. Take time to learn and re-evaluate your life strategy. Remember the ideas that come to you and implement them in the future. Be careful with your money and avoid thoughtless purchases. It is better to postpone trips and meetings with friends.

Influence of the Moon July 5, 2018

22 lunar day

The 22nd lunar day is an unfavorable time for new beginnings. It’s better to spend it on learning and rethinking your life plans. On this day, new thoughts and ideas may come to mind - they are worth remembering, thinking about and implementing later. This is an unlucky period for talking with your superiors or changing your type of activity. It is recommended to put off bulky chores around the house. This is a neutral time for financial transactions. This is an unfavorable time for any communication and travel.

Waning Moon (3rd phase)

The third phase of the Moon is a favorable time to make decisions important issues, changes in type of activity. In its last days, it is better to devote yourself to summing up the work done and making plans for the near future. It is advisable to complete important tasks before the beginning of the fourth phase of the Moon.

The third phase is a suitable period for transfer love relationship on new level, renewing broken connections, serious conversations. These days, it is advisable to limit communication with unfamiliar, suspicious people. This is a good time to fulfill previously made promises and pay off debts. The most effective household chores at this time are washing and wet cleaning.

Moon in Aries

While the Moon is in Aries, it is not recommended to work on complex tasks. The period is only suitable for new one-day projects. It is advisable not to start cumbersome multi-day housework. You should not conduct financial transactions. It is better to communicate as little as possible during this period, including with family and friends. This is an ambiguous time to start a new relationship. It's a good time to travel.


Thursday is a favorable day of the week for new beginnings, teamwork, and making plans for the near future. This is a suitable period for conversations with superiors and a change in activity. Not best time for money transactions.

The lunar calendar for July 5, 2018 informs about the lunar day, the phase of the Moon, the position of the Moon in relation to the zodiac constellations on this day. It indicates the time of moonrise and sunset, the degree of its visibility. It contains the lunar horoscope for July 5, taking into account the influence lunar day, phases of the Moon, position of the Moon in the Zodiac sign and day of the week.

The third phase of the waning moon is characterized by a gradual decline in activity and a decline in accumulated energy. At the beginning of the third phase, this is not yet so noticeable, so you can continue active work activities.

In current lunar period It is recommended to continue the tasks and work projects that have been started, since there is enough strength to complete them. In the first days of the waning Moon, you can resolve pressing issues, conclude contracts and change the direction of your activity.

It is recommended to resolve financial issues during the waning of the Moon with greater caution, carefully considering investments and purchases.

The current time has a positive effect on communication among loved ones. Now you can hold family celebrations, organize holidays, and organize vacations. The period will allow you to strengthen ties and take them to a new level. Resolving business issues at meetings and negotiations with partners will also be successful.

The idea of ​​visiting a cosmetologist during the third phase will be a good idea, which will give the skin a healthy and renewed appearance as a result of peeling or mask.

The body still has a lot of energy, but it no longer reacts so sharply to injuries and wounds, so all operations and medical procedures should be postponed to the days after the Full Moon. Also during this period, physical activity and intense sports are beneficial. Even overeating will not have a negative effect.

Positive influence of the third phase of the waning moon:

  • there is still enough energy to actively solve major business and household matters and issues;
  • the period is favorable for planned and deliberate spending and investments;
  • a very good time for family and business communication;
  • on the waning moon, reconciliation and strengthening of relationships between lovers will help take relationships to a new level;
  • Plan a visit to a cosmetologist these days - the result will please you;
  • surgical interventions can be performed;
  • recommended for waning moon physical activity and intense sports activities;
  • Now is one of the unique periods when overeating will not cause serious damage to your figure.

Negative influence of the third phase of the waning moon:

  • You shouldn’t start projects or make deals; continuing the work started before the Full Moon will have a greater effect.

Moon in Aries

The Moon in the sign of Aries is characterized by activity, a person’s enthusiasm increases significantly. But these are just sprinting abilities - everything that has been worrying for a long time and has accumulated a huge snowball in your soul will receive a huge impetus for implementation.
At the same time, one must be careful with statements and rash actions, since they occur on emotions that are not always carried positive character. As a result, you may greatly regret what you said or did in the heat of the moment.

What to do when the moon is in Aries, and what is better to put off until later?

During this period, all your undertakings receive enormous potential for their implementation, but the main condition for success is the shortest possible time - the faster your plan is realized, the better. The optimal period for project implementation is 1 - 3 days. There is no need to start implementing tasks that will require many days of painstaking work. While the moon is in Aries, you receive a large supply of energy, which burns out exponentially. Therefore, it is better to postpone long-term work until later.
It is not recommended to get carried away financial transactions, investments, investments and others.
It's a great place to relax, whether it's active travel or relaxing while watching TV on the sofa.

Relationships with people

This period is characterized by increased tension in any relationship, be it business or domestic. Because the people around you have a predisposition to be hot-tempered. Therefore, in communication it is better not to touch upon conflicting topics, and once they have already been touched upon, try to move the conversation in a different direction. There are no exceptions in this regard, even calm and balanced people can easily become rude, raise their voice, etc. A walk or conversation in the fresh air will help defuse the situation.

Self care

When the moon is in Aries, it is better to refrain from excessive stress in sports. It is generally better to postpone haircuts, as this threatens hair loss. But styling or coloring will give excellent results. In order to generally support your hair during this period, it is better to help it with strengthening and nourishing masks.

The influence of the lunar day

22 lunar day

The day is perfect for learning new knowledge and skills, but it’s not worth applying them to work yet. There is too little energy to start serious projects and large-scale undertakings, both at work and at home. The day is not suitable for making changes of any kind.

The 22nd lunar day, although it passes under the influence of the wise Elephant, is still not suitable for solving monetary issues. Today you should not make purchases or make large expenses and investments; only those cases are permissible when it is absolutely impossible to transfer transactions with money to another period.

The period is also not intended for active communication and activities other than those aimed at collective learning. Therefore, it would be wiser to spend it alone, doing self-study.

You should not actively engage in sports on this day and load your body with heavy food, alcohol and sex.

Positive influence of the day:

  • ideal time for learning and gaining knowledge;
  • Today you can make plans for the future, there is a high probability that they will come true.

Negative influence of the day:

  • increased activity will not bring the desired results;
  • not suitable for communication and attending events (except for educational ones).

Influence of the day of the week

Jupiter is responsible for everything that happens in the human body on Thursday. Today, awakening of appetite can lead to disorders of the digestive tract and uncontrolled weight gain. To protect yourself from negative consequences It is recommended to limit yourself in eating spicy, fatty, starchy foods.
Jupiter symbolizes solidity and justice. The day is suitable for new beginnings, going to different government agencies, restoring the truthfulness of anything.

How the Moon influences the planning of new affairs on Thursday

On Thursday it is customary to start big projects in all areas of life. It is best to work in a company, since Jupiter will not appreciate the work of one person. On this day you can talk with your boss or change your occupation. If a person's knowledge is deep, on Thursday he will easily receive a new respectable position in the company.
It is advisable to dedicate this day to your family. When communicating with loved ones, try to be on guard and not allow Jupiter’s irritability to penetrate into the unfolding conflict. There is a risk of receiving strong grievances and breaking the relationship for a long time.

The influence of the Moon on the human body on Thursday

This lunar day affects the digestive tract - appetite increases along with a slowdown in metabolism. It is especially dangerous for people with fatty complications; others can suddenly gain weight. Regardless of the current relationship between height and weight, all people are advised to limit themselves in consuming starchy, flour, spicy, and fatty foods.

The lunar calendar will give you all the necessary settings to make this day more favorable. July 5th can be one of the most positive and productive days in July.

The first day after the New Moon is usually very good for new beginnings. The stars will not be able to help overcome anger and negativity, but will give incredible luck to those who can overcome these feelings on their own. No one but yourself will be able to transform your life today, so be patient to overcome all difficulties. The greatest caution is required in financial sector, so read our article on how not to be left broke during a crisis. This will help you concentrate your energy on material stability.

Moon phase: Today is the 2nd lunar day, the Moon begins its growth, continuing to be in the constellation Cancer. Today is a positive day compared to the New Moon, but you should not think that luck will meet you halfway. It will need to be earned through effort.

What will success bring on July 5th?

  • monotonous work;
  • leisurely;
  • tact;
  • meditation;
  • physical exercise;
  • starting diets.
  • What will take away your luck on July 5th

    • lending;
    • anger;
    • stinginess.

    Household chores on the 2nd lunar day

    Housework can wait. Cleaning and other duties can be rescheduled for another day. Today it is best to meditate, do work or repairs. Relaxation will be useful, but only if it does not take much time.

    However, meditation does not mean that you can indulge in inaction all day, letting things take their course. On the first day of lunar growth, inaction will be unforgivable. The stars will help everyone who shows kindness, is responsible and attentive to the wishes of their loved ones.

    What to wear on July 5th

    For those who are engaged in the intellectual sphere or whose work involves constant mental activity or creativity, it is better to wear blue things. They will stimulate your brain in the direction you want.

    For people who will do painstaking work that requires a lot of physical effort, the lunar calendar advises giving preference to light-colored things, yellow or white. With them you will regain strength faster. Read more about the magic of color in our separate article.

    As for stones and jewelry for ladies, it is important to remember that July 5th is a simple and uncomplicated day. The best metal is silver, and the talisman stone is any light or transparent. Today, defense is important, not attack, so choose this.

    Affairs, money and career according to the lunar calendar

    Don't be afraid to take on an assignment that you find difficult. Monotonous and unhurried work is best for people today, so try to pick up your tails and deal with all the things that have accumulated over a long time.

    It’s better not to waste money, and especially not to lend or take loans. Due to increased emotionality, you will not be able to repay the loan or get the money back in the near future.

    Love and relationships according to the lunar calendar

    In love, on July 5th, luck will await those who show only the warmest feelings. On this day there is no place for pretense or deception. Remember that today, in relationships with all people, without exception, honesty is important. This way you will earn their respect and win over those whose help you may need in the near future.

    Emotions and mood according to the lunar calendar

    Relaxation will help you get rid of stress and negative emotions. If you feel yourself starting to lose your temper, try stopping and telling yourself “enough is enough.” Today anger, envy and others similar emotions can ruin your luck.

    Astrologers note that from the first day of the waxing Moon, you can play sports, resume or intensify training. Starting a cycle of exercise today will help you overcome many health problems, such as illness, fatigue or headaches. Diets will also be very useful.

    We wish you success in all areas of life. Be happy, read more about the phases of the moon and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Lunar horoscope- the calendar for today defines favorable or unfavorable days depending on what lunar day it is today, what position of the moon in a certain zodiac constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each zodiac sign will help predict unforeseen events and protect yourself from troubles

Moon in Aries

This period of the lunar calendar is characterized by excessive haste, desire do everything at once. If you have planned matters that require serious decisions, it is recommended that you think about them carefully. The lunar horoscope for today does not advise making hasty decisions; you need to think through the upcoming matters in detail. Some people may have plans and business negotiations disrupted, and all this because of little things. To avoid trouble, be careful and try to avoid contact with fire.

Lunar day today

22nd lunar day

Today should be devoted to analysis and planning. Clarity of mind will allow you to sensibly judge all past victories and defeats, which contributes to optimal plans for the future. There are no restrictions on communication with business partners and colleagues.

The dream has no meaning. There is really no point in waiting for it to be fulfilled.

This figure at this point is approximate . Exact value the beginning and end of the lunar day, for regions in different time zones, differ significantly. What lunar day is it today for each city in its time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this you just need to select city ​​name and fill in the time, date, month and year.

Waning Moon - phase of the moon on this day

The current phase of the moon today is the Waning Moon. The period is characterized by slowness and passivity. You should not expect efficiency and quick decision-making from him. This is the very last phase, which leads to a sharp reduction in activity.

IN this period You should sum up previously started tasks or carry out their leisurely continuation. You should not start implementing new ideas; it is better to postpone such matters for a more appropriate time.

As for health, then lunar day Today there is a need to reduce any type of training. This also applies to mental state. Dull your emotions and avoid verbal altercations with people as much as possible. Conflicts can lead to irresolvable consequences.

It should be remembered that the emotional background directly depends on what lunar day it is today. The current period encourages you to take all problems and joys too seriously. Try to pay attention to this and control your feelings.

Lunar horoscope Thursday

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter, the patron of the gods. On this day, the sixth sense develops, thanks to which one can distinguish between well-wishers and enemies. If you behave correctly, you can gain public recognition, success and honor.
On Thursday you need to believe in yourself and implement your plans.
The lunar horoscope for today is favorable: you can establish contacts with your superiors, negotiate, and there is a possibility that they will be very successful. Thursday gives you the opportunity to improve your relationship with your significant other.

Those who appeared dreams from Wednesday to Thursday have great value. There is a high probability that this particular night will help you find a solution to a long-standing problem and answer important questions.
A vision can be truly life-changing, showing methods for overcoming a financial crisis or ways to resolve conflicts.
The lunar day also suggests the likelihood of dreams coming true, depending on which lunar day the dream occurred.

Astrological forecast for July 5th

Live today as if it were your last, enjoying every moment of it. Just don’t think that the prediction will be prophetic. This is wrong.

Today you will want to implement one of the eternal noble ideas, such as “world peace.” The horoscope believes that you can succeed. Just set a realistic goal for yourself.

According to the horoscope, today your imagination will experience a real boom. Therefore, if you see something that is not really there, then do not be afraid.

Today you will feel like you are running out of space. This is a great reason to turn around and overcome all your fears.

The horoscope wants to remind you that proper rest is the key to your success. Don't overwhelm yourself with work today. Be sure to take an unplanned break.

Today you can fly to the top career ladder. But for this you need confidence in your own abilities.

Pay attention to business issues. Today everything will be in your hands. This is especially true for activities that require precision and concentration.

Today you will observe various crazes all day long. According to the horoscope, you do not need to try to reason with others. You won't succeed anyway.

Moon phase today, May 22, 2018
Chronology of lunar days
Moon influence May 22, 2018
Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo (+)
7th lunar day (+)
First quarter (+)
Influence of the day of the week (+)

As of date 22.05.2018 V 08:02 The moon is in phase “First quarter (will begin on 05/22/2018 at 06:51)”. This 7th lunar day V lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign Virgo?. Illumination percentage Moon is 53%. Sunrise Moon at 11:42, and sunset at 01:59.

Chronology of lunar days
7th lunar day from 10:22 05/21/2018 to 11:42 05/22/2018
8th lunar day from 11:42 05/22/2018 until the next day

Moon influence May 22, 2018

Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo (+)

Moon in a sign Virgo. The time is favorable for any painstaking work that requires a thoughtful and serious approach. Absolutely all areas of financial activity, if taken seriously, will bring corresponding material rewards like never before.

Any banking and real estate transactions are successful. Trade, purchasing and intermediary activities are going well. Studying, advanced training and any self-improvement are also fruitfully promoted.

7th lunar day (+)

May 22, 2018 at 08:02 - 7th lunar day. Provided there is a high level of self-organization, attentiveness and a responsible attitude to the words spoken, this period will be very fruitful for business activity.

Ideas that arose the day before can receive significant support from other people - close relatives or newly acquired acquaintances.

First quarter (+)

The moon is in phase First quarter. The most favorable time for various kinds of undertakings. Any business, the implementation of which began with the growth of the Moon, acquires additional impetus and energy for its development.

In medical terms, the effect of the growth of the lunar disc is somewhat negative, since the healing rate of damaged tissue slows down, which can lead to some complications.

Influence of the day of the week (+)

Day of the week - Tuesday, this day is under the protection of Mars, so it is full of energy. Good luck awaits strong, strong-willed people in whom energy is in full swing.

If you develop vigorous activity on this day, success awaits you. However, on Tuesday it can be difficult to concentrate and choose the right path to solve the problem. But if you have thought about everything in advance, then go ahead, without a shadow of a doubt!

This is the right day for physical activity(athletes and summer residents should take note of this). The energy you expended will be easily and quickly restored. For those who are engaged only in mental work on this day, it is useful to alternate intellectual exercises with exercises.