Indian totems. Totem zodiac of North American Indians

Indian astrology is based on the astrological circle of animals, which is called the “wheel of the Earth” or “wheel of healing”. The full circle consists of 4 clans with their corresponding elemental elements and 12 spirits - totems.
Indian astrology teaches you to think with your heart and penetrate deeper into the essence of things, looking at the world as in a mirror in which the mystery of life itself is reflected..

(Falcon, Beaver, Deer, Woodpecker)

We choose a totem based on the date of birth.

The Falcon is a majestic bird similar to the Eagle, but with rounded wings. U American Indians he evoked associations with the Sun, since he had the ability to fly at great heights and, therefore, get closer to the luminary. It served as a symbol of thunder and lightning, selflessness and understanding. The falcon personifies the radiant energy of fire, its swift rush towards the chosen victim is like a sudden flash of insight, and its powerful powers are akin to the frantic energy of fire. At times he was compared to the mythical Phoenix, a bird capable of being reborn from the ashes. This comparison pointed to the ability of fire to purify and transform, to decompose matter into its constituent substances and to supply building blocks for the construction of new forms of the universe. Falcon people are often guided by intuition and are easy-going. They quickly light up and get involved in actions impulsively, under the influence of a momentary impulse. They love life passionately. These people often experience flashes of inspiration, sparkling with new ideas and projects, and they are familiar with the fervor of enthusiasm necessary for the real implementation of ideas. They are usually distinguished by vigilance and energy.

☼ Totem, Element, Clan, Falcon Winds


The falcon is an unusually graceful and at the same time very strong bird with perfect flight skills. The falcon rushes at its prey (even from a very great height) and grabs it with its talons. Pride shines in his eyes, this bird is very smart. All Falcons are characterized by a curved beak, as well as sharp claws. Thanks to its flight speed and determination, this bird is an excellent hunter. The falcon symbolizes freedom and independence, since it is extremely difficult to tame this royal bird.


The falcon is associated with the element of fire - the same one that is responsible for warmth, cordiality, courage and sincerity. In addition, the influence of fire makes the Falcon very active, generating strong emotions in his soul and endowing him with inspiration and the ability to perform spontaneous actions. Therefore, those born under the sign of the Falcon are literally as ardent as fire - and are constantly ready for new achievements and adventures.


Falcon belongs to the Falcon clan. Among the people associated with this clan are many thinkers and heroes. Usually these are very self-confident individuals who are able to inspire, convince, captivate and lead other people. They are the ones who forge new paths that everyone else will follow later. Thanks to the connection with the element of fire, people belonging to the Falcon clan seem very brave to their contemporaries, sometimes even daring - after all, they are the ones who “push” all great projects into life.


In the period from 21.03. to 19.04. Winds from the east begin to blow, bringing spring with them. It is in the east that the sun rises. Therefore, the eastern winds symbolize everything new and unusual, which is so typical for Falcon people. Nature awakens to new life, and new plans and ideas mature in Falcon’s head.

☼ Falcon's Profession

Those born under the sign of the Falcon are able to achieve great heights in their chosen profession. The reason for this is Sokolov’s desire to make bold and independent decisions, without looking at others. But since all Falcons have serious problems with planning (preparation, methodology), and also because they do not always have enough endurance, they can easily make a mistake in choosing a profession and will be forced to try and experiment for a long time before they find what they need . After all, everything that Sokol undertakes, he does with complete dedication and sincere interest. Of course, a person born under the sign of the Falcon will be a good boss: thanks to his leadership abilities, as well as the ability to inspire and encourage, he can direct his subordinates to new achievements.

☼ Little Falcon

The most characteristic features of the Falcon begin to appear in very early childhood. If such a child sees that his demands are not going to be fulfilled, then he is able to burst into a storm of rage, achieving what he wants. You should not expect patient waiting from this small energetic creature - in any case, until he, due to his restlessness and excessive activity, gets into trouble. Little Falcon has a lot of energy, which he especially likes to show in competitions with others. Therefore, it would be nice if this cheerful child had the opportunity to prove himself in the field of sports as early as possible.
“I want” and “now, immediately” are two of the Falcon child’s favorite phrases. His parents had the difficult responsibility of teaching their child the basic skills of discipline and caution. Needless to say: the task is not easy! Only a balanced combination of gentleness and perseverance can help here - and sooner or later the little Falcon will become more accommodating and courteous with people...
Despite all of the above, this child is a real joy of the parent's heart: responsive, honest, affectionate and almost always cheerful. In general, not a child, but a gift of fate. Playing in the fresh air, as well as tasks that make him feel responsible and optimally reveal his abilities, can be of great benefit in the correct formation of his character. Stories about adventures arouse particular interest in the little Falcon, and parents should take note of this: after all, with the help of such stories, the child will be able to “let off steam”, realizing himself in fantasies and imagination.

☼ Sokol and his partners


The two Falcons have more than just a totem in common: they are both associated with the element of fire. This suggests similarities in character and worldview. But we should not forget that both partners are endowed with a burning thirst for action and leadership and - alas! - almost complete lack of patience. This is their main problem. Otherwise, this couple could easily turn the world upside down...


Despite the fact that both signs are ruled by eastern winds (which brings their views on life much closer), the cautious and judicious Beaver often hinders the rapid activity of the Falcon. On the other hand, the Beaver is able to channel the natural dynamics of his partner into practical and constructive actions. In gratitude for the help, the Falcon can try to moderate his haste and adapt to the rhythm of the Beaver’s life.


They correspond not only to the winds, but also to the elements (fire and air). The result of such harmony is a relationship that can stimulate and elevate both partners. The active nature of the Falcon and the ingenuity of the Deer complement each other perfectly. In general, the concept of boredom is unthinkable for such a union. Both personally and professional field both of these signs are capable of achieving considerable success.


This combination can create certain difficulties. Water (Woodpecker) can extinguish fire (Falcon) and, on the contrary, fire easily turns water into steam. Goodwill alone will clearly not be enough to establish productive relationships. It will take a lot of discretion on the part of the Falcon and openness on the part of the Woodpecker to lay the foundation of a good relationship. But this is precisely what is most difficult for them to achieve.


It is unlikely that Salmon will have serious problems communicating with Falcon - and vice versa. The fire element shared by both signs creates a good foundation for their relationship. The inclinations and habits of Salmon and Falcon also complement each other perfectly. The only thing that may cause some concern is the fact that people of these two types are more inclined to lead, rather than to obediently follow their partner.


It is unlikely that love at first sight can flare up between these two signs, since the fiery temperament of the Falcon can simply push away the earthly stable and reasonable Bear. And yet, it would be very useful for both signs to get to know each other better - so Falcon’s bold projects could receive solid support from the thorough and practical Bear.


The eastern winds of the Falcon (breakthrough) can create problems for the western winds of the Raven (penetration) - and vice versa. However, the elements of fire (Falcon) and air (Raven) complement each other well. Still, it is imperative that both partners consciously work to strengthen their union and bring the relationship to harmony. Falcon is a typical lone hero, while Raven is a skilled diplomat who feels best in a team of like-minded people. And here, of course, compromises will be required.


This combination gives rise to a collision of two sensitive and passionate natures. Therefore, such an alliance can be very attractive and intriguing for both. But the proximity of the elements is very difficult here, since the interaction of fire and water always creates problems. IN in this case the emotional spontaneity of the Falcon can come into sharp conflict with the emotional isolation of the Snake.


The Owl, also ruled by the element of fire, is a real gift for the Falcon. This idealistic sign has the ability to inspire and support the Falcon in all his endeavors. United together, they are able to conquer the world. But even in more limited areas of life (for example, in personal, home and love), such partners are able to achieve a lot.


There are certain similarities between Falcon and Goose: in particular, the determination and need to achieve self-realization inherent in both. But their approach to specific projects and tasks is completely different, which can have a very negative impact on their agreement. The combination of fire and earth requires constant concessions from Falcon and Goose, and neither of them is inclined to make them...


Although the winds of these signs (east and north) blow in different directions, however, the elements (fire and air) make it possible to lay a solid foundation for their union. It is not difficult for Falcon to be inspired by Otter’s ideas and projects - ultimately pushing her to realize her plans. The Otter responds to the Falcon with sincerity and creative ingenuity that delight his heart, which have always served as a source of exciting and invigorating changes.


The Wolf is very smart, but extremely sensitive and therefore cautious (a quality that Falcon understands and accepts with great difficulty). In addition, in this union, a clash between the elements of fire and water is inevitable. But there is something common to these signs: the hope of the Wolf and the knowledge of the Falcon that nature, after a long winter sleep, is going to give birth new life(thus starting a new annual cycle).

The turtle serves as a miniature reflection of the stability, strength and support functions of the Earth. The turtle's hard, protective shell provides it with comfort and safety. The turtle is associated with the Earth due to its hardness, resilience and indestructible perseverance. At first glance, the turtle seems clumsy and ponderous, but it always has the determination to achieve its goal. Remember the fairy tale about the turtle and the rabbit? The turtle who slowly but surely moved forward won the competition, and not the fussy rabbit who wasted his strength on trifles. The turtle expresses the wisdom of a state in which solid ground is felt under one's feet. It reminds us of the need to achieve a strong and secure position in a reliable environment. People of this clan, like a turtle, are usually extremely methodical, practical and purposeful. These are people whose nature is related to soil, vegetation and everything that develops.


The beaver is a stocky, dense and diligent animal that energetically and purposefully builds numerous dams around its home. These cute rodents live both in water and on land. Beavers can easily be viewed as engineers of the animal kingdom who actively work out of love for safety and convenience. Time and time again, Beavers build and expand their homes, and this requires a lot of patience.


The beaver is associated with the element of earth - the one that is responsible for constancy, stability, strength and reliability. The Earth gives all living beings support and support, so it is not surprising that those born under the sign of the Beaver are among the most reliable and trustworthy people. But because of their love for perseverance and strength, they pay too much attention to everything material.


The Beaver belongs to the Turtle Clan. It is quite clear that this animal has always been a symbol of the earth for the Indians: a hard shell surrounds and protects a sensitive and vulnerable creature. For all signs belonging to the Turtle clan, it is security and a sense of personal security that is the most important need. Such people need solid foundation, which will allow them to actively develop and improve. They want to create and protect.


In the period from 20.04. to 20.05. The winds blow from the east. And if at the time of awakening (Falcon) the eastern winds symbolize the beginning of development (breakthrough), now young plants strive for strength and reliability, growing their roots as deep as possible into the ground. Therefore, Beaver people prefer to deal with real, tangible and understandable things, instead of rushing in pursuit of ideal and lofty dreams.

☼ Beaver's profession

In his professional activities, Beaver strives not so much to achieve a certain social status as to fill his own pocket - and in this his diligence and determination truly know no bounds. The reliability and consistency we have already mentioned make Beaver one of the most valuable employees in any enterprise. Such people can be trusted unconditionally, and they perform the duties assigned to them with unusual thoroughness and quality. Beavers prefer those professions that are directly related to the earth element (for example, agriculture). But since they love and know how to work with money, they can easily be imagined working in a bank or in the tax authorities.

☼ Little Beaver

Little Beaver is generally a very obedient child, delighting his parents with his friendly and open manners. Thanks to the endurance typical of all Beavers, he can remain alone for hours, minding his own business. This child needs maternal guarantees of safety like air. Already in early childhood, little Beaver shows a clear tendency to acquire, doing this with his characteristic stubbornness and willfulness. Therefore, an important educational task of parents is to explain to their child as clearly as possible that one must be able not only to take, but also to give. Just as in the case of the little Falcon, a reasonable combination of gentleness and persistence is needed here.
And yet this cheerful, sociable and active child is not able to cause his parents serious concern, and thanks to healthy ambition he is able to achieve great success in school. Little Beaver will not necessarily grasp everything on the fly, but the knowledge he acquires is usually solid and thorough. Therefore, parents (and, of course, teachers) should leave him enough time to master the material so that he can properly work through and understand it.
Upon reaching a certain age, it is important for the little Beaver to feel independent in order to purposefully develop his abilities. Parents should control this child to a much lesser extent than children of other signs. But in order to develop successfully, the little Beaver must feel within the rules and regulations. This child needs a clear line of behavior that he can calmly and purposefully follow.

☼ Beaver and his partners


The beaver is a representative of the earth element, which constantly pushes him towards stability, security and homeliness. But all these concepts are not nearly as attractive to the Falcon, who is associated with the element of fire, which is more inclined to search for something new rather than support what has already been achieved. Therefore, two such different types of people need to get used to each other properly - it is unlikely that one can count on instant understanding.


This combination is very promising for both love and business relations. The doubled earth element unites partners in their desire for reliability and stability. Two Beavers can easily rely on each other in all their endeavors, which is a good basis for the development of further relationships. Some tension between partners can be caused by the lack of flexibility and diplomatic tact on both sides.


“Airy” Deer is a real fidget. He is constantly on the move, and his many interests and inclinations to change force him to travel a lot to see new places and - most importantly - meet new people. This way of life can cause a lot of trouble for the assiduous and thorough Beaver, whose usual rhythm of life is determined by the element of earth. And some variety and greater mobility will only benefit the Beaver.


This is where we see true kinship of souls: here two related elements (namely earth and water) begin to interact, creating the perfect opportunity for a lasting and meaningful relationship. These two partners are able to reach complete unanimity on all the most important issues. The Woodpecker receives much-needed support from the Beaver, in gratitude for this filling the Beaver's life with more subtle and sublime emotions.


This combination gives rise to certain contradictions that can only be resolved through the joint efforts of both partners. We should not forget that both Beaver and Salmon do not always have enough patience and compliance, which are so necessary in any relationship. And the combination of two elements such as earth and fire inevitably requires serious compromises. On the other hand, both signs tend to pay a lot of attention to the joys of life, which could serve as a certain point of rapprochement for them.


There can be no doubt: these two signs are perfect for each other, because they are united by the element of earth. And the most characteristic inclinations of the Beaver and the Bear, as well as their inherent rationalism and emotional needs, are very similar to each other. Such a rare similarity could raise certain concerns: is this union in danger of possible boredom? But in reality this is unlikely, because both partners are usually immersed in joint activities.


The Raven is quite capable of arousing strong sympathy in the Beaver, especially considering that the Raven has such qualities as flexibility of thinking and the ability to meet the interests of the partner. But this does not mean that complete agreement and unanimity will be established between the Raven and the Beaver. Elements such as earth and air take time to learn to interact with each other.


Their relationship simply cannot do without some tension: this makes the connection between the Beaver and the Snake, on the one hand, very attractive, and on the other, no less alarming. In general, land and water complement each other perfectly, but the inclinations and interests of partners can diverge greatly from each other. Emotions in this union usually fluctuate from one extreme to another - moving from love to hate and vice versa.


The owl is one of the most attractive and interesting partners. But it is not easy for the Beaver, firmly attached to the earth, to adapt to the lofty ideals and equally lofty expectations of the Owl. It is not surprising that on the path of such a union there are too many obstacles and contradictions that are not so easy to overcome with the help of goodwill alone.


The Goose, like the Beaver, is controlled by the element of earth and for this reason alone can be considered a worthy partner of the Beaver, capable of ensuring harmony and peace in relationships. These people understand each other without words. And it’s not surprising: the characters of Beaver and Goose are extremely similar. Since both are accustomed to dealing with everything material and tangible, this combination can be very interesting in business terms - interesting and very profitable...


While the Beaver stands with both feet on the ground, the Otter, full of passions and desires, again and again rushes to the castles in the air that she has created. Is there any doubt that such an alliance will face inevitable difficulties? Both the Beaver and the Otter need to work hard on their relationship to turn their personality differences to their advantage.


The Wolf is able to melt the Beaver's heart at first sight. This sensitive and receptive partner, influenced by the element of water, knows not only the Beaver's desires, but also how they can be fulfilled. The Wolf is able to achieve genuine contact with the Beaver almost instantly. But the Beaver must show the Wolf how valuable such a partner is to him.

The butterfly begins life as a caterpillar, and then, undergoing a series of transformations, acquires the ability to fly. She flutters, waving her fluttering wings, which are colored with all the colors of the rainbow. The tribes that chose the butterfly as a totem for the element of Air not only paid tribute to its wonderful gift and great ability to transform. The butterfly served as a characteristic of Air, since it, like Air, is in constant motion and tireless activity, flying from place to place. The element Air is a great transformative principle. The breath of the wind always changes the state of the atmosphere. So the butterfly illuminates everything it touches with a radiance of beauty. As a rule, Butterfly people have the hidden gift of great innovators and sorcerers who know how to translate information from world to world. People of the Clan are very active, they enjoy changing places, when new ideas arise, new things to do and new ways of doing these things. Fast and lively, they are always busy, never want to calm down, are in eternal flight and do not like long “landings”. The people of the Butterfly Clan are related to the air element, so they gain strength in the open air. They need freedom and any restrictions are contraindicated.

☼ Totem, Element, Clan, Winds of Beaver


The Deer genus includes a wide variety of specimens, differing from each other in appearance, size and weight. But at its core, the Deer is a very attractive, dexterous and agile animal. He reacts vividly and attentively to his surroundings, not losing sight of even the most seemingly insignificant events. Therefore, one usually gets the impression that this animal is very smart... At least smart enough to successfully avoid unnecessary collisions. Sensing serious danger, the Deer quickly and without reasoning hides in a shelter (caution fails him only during the mating season).


The sign of Deer is ruled by the element of air. This element, like no other, is responsible for dexterity and agility. After all, air is directly associated with the wind, and peace and stability are alien to it. Therefore, people born under the sign of the Deer feel the need to be in several places at the same time, changing and redoing something on the go.


Deer belongs to the Moth clan, which is ruled by the element of air. The moth is a symbol of lightness and carefreeness. He is constantly on the move, flying from flower to flower. And he doesn’t stay anywhere for long. In other words, people born under the sign of the Deer must constantly realize their desire for communication, change and new contacts - after all, there is still so much new and unknown in life!


In the period from 21.05. until 20.06. The winds blow from the east. It is in the east, where the sun rises every day, symbolizing the beginning of everything new. But now the winds are going to change their direction - they will soon blow from the south. Spring is already drawing to a close, preparing to give way to hot summer. The time is approaching big changes, and those born under the sign of Deer joyfully strive for the new and unknown.

☼ Deer's Profession

In his professional activities, Deer also gives preference to activities that allow him to reveal his many talents. Since people born under the sign of the Deer have a quick and lively mind, the optimal work for them is that which requires both spiritual tension and practical acumen. Skillful argumentation allows the Deer to achieve considerable success in business and entrepreneurship. They are especially attracted to those professions that give them the opportunity to communicate with many people and travel a lot. Deer can easily be imagined as representatives of various companies and magazines, since, as mentioned above, such people do not tolerate boredom either in business or in privacy.

☼ Little Deer

Little Deer is an unusually lively, active and restless child. He is open to everything that happens in the world around him, which is extremely attractive to him. Parents need to carefully ensure that their offspring takes short breaks from time to time in their hectic activities. Certain problems may arise for such a child at the beginning of the school period, because little Deer, despite his bright head, as well as amazing receptivity and curiosity, loses to his peers due to lack of patience and concentration. Such a child learns quickly and well, but the knowledge he acquires is somewhat superficial. Little Deer should be constantly encouraged to work through all the learning material over and over again.
The strengths of this child include his ability to spread good mood and healthy carelessness around him. Already in early childhood, little Deer shows himself to be a brilliant conversationalist who gets a lot of pleasure from conversations in different topics. This Deer's need for communication (as well as the ability to quickly make friends) should be encouraged by his parents, but they should also ensure that their child learns to take - and listen to - his interlocutors more seriously...
Little Deer has an unusually strong imagination and the ability to express his thoughts in clear and figurative language. He loves exciting stories, and if necessary, he invents them himself. Parents should make sure that there are always interesting books in the child's room. But it’s best if mom and dad read a couple of pages to their child before bedtime - and then discuss with him what they just read.

☼ Deer and his partners


The elements fire and air complement each other perfectly. Therefore, both Falcon and Deer are able to quickly develop mutual sympathy. For such relationships, a combination of ingenuity and the will to action is inevitable: the ideas produced by the Deer are brought to life by his partner, the Falcon. Thanks to such an effective combination, not only love, but also rare mutual understanding flourishes in this union.


The combination of these two signs will almost certainly lead to moments of conflict and problematic situations. The “airy” Deer is not inclined to burden himself with unnecessary difficulties and agonize over this or that issue for a long time, but the earthly and stable Beaver usually lingers for a long time on what seems to him especially important or requires understanding. Such inconsistency, when used skillfully, can greatly enrich the relationship between two partners, but, of course, great happiness cannot be guaranteed here. In any case, both the Deer and the Beaver should prepare themselves for concessions and compromises in advance.


Since not only the same elements are found here, but also representatives of the same sign, the consequence of this will be the complete correspondence of the partners to each other. And indeed, both Deer are completely delighted with communication with their interlocutor - after all, such a union brings them many exciting and inspiring moments. On the other side, vital activity partners and an irrepressible desire for change can lead to their relationships being too superficial and lacking in substance.


Elements such as air (Deer) and water (Woodpecker) are not very close to each other. While the Woodpecker carefully creates a cozy nest in the hope that his partner will be calm and happy there, the Deer, on the contrary, strives to explore and learn as much as possible around him - and often goes too far from the Woodpecker’s nest in his wanderings... Such a difference in character makes true mutual understanding between partners impossible. And yet such an alliance can be useful for the Deer in that, with the help of the Woodpecker, he will gain some insight into deep feelings and emotions.


Deer and Salmon understand each other well thanks to the harmonious combination of their elements - air and fire. Both partners need a certain amount of freedom and are prone to positive changes and transformations. The Deer is not too worried about the fact that the Salmon strives for leadership in any alliance. If Deer gets a little tired of this state of affairs, he will simply take a couple of days off...


Although the Bear has qualities that can be very valuable to the Deer, the latter is not immediately imbued with the benefits of such a partnership. This is not surprising: the combination of air and earth cannot be called ideal. Therefore, the principled and responsible Bear is able to stand in the way of the pleasures that the Deer so strives for, accusing him of frivolity and carelessness. The only thing that can save such a union is goodwill both partners.


Representatives of signs ruled by the element of air meet here again, which promises a rather interesting and promising combination. Both Raven and Deer are very sociable and witty by nature. Therefore, they are able to understand and fulfill all the desires of their partner. Unfortunately, a strong need for change may sooner or later disrupt the stability of this union.


This combination can cause certain contradictions, since the Deer strives to pay attention to the obvious and obvious aspects of life, while the Snake is attracted to everything hidden and deep. Therefore, the question inevitably arises: where can the interests of these signs intersect, one of which is controlled by air, and the other by water? Perhaps in the realm of spirituality? This would be an ideal option for both partners...


Despite some contradictions, these two signs complement each other perfectly. The deer is inclined to trust rational knowledge, the Owl sees the wisdom behind this knowledge. And if the Deer helps her in her spiritual self-immersion, then the success of their union can be considered assured...


Such an alliance does little to attract a Deer at first sight. After all, the Deer is a mobile, restless, and sometimes even frivolous animal. The serious and restrained nature of such a creature as the Goose can be either a reliable and solid foundation for the Deer, or a brake on the path to new discoveries... And it depends only on both partners from which side they will view their relationship.


The Otter, directly associated with the air element, is simply ideal for the Deer as a partner. By combining their strengths and cognitive abilities, these two will be able to rise to such spiritual heights that will allow them to look far beyond the ordinary. However, both the Deer and the Otter should take care that their joint ascent does not deprive them of their ability to adequately respond to the banal events of life.


Such a connection brings the elements air and water into collision. There is a danger here that the Deer and the Wolf will never be able to understand and reconcile their contradictory interests and inclinations. But it may also happen that the Deer, contrary to its custom, will be able, under the influence of the Wolf, to achieve great emotional depths, and the Wolf, following the aspirations of its partner, will become imbued with an interest in change and transformation.

The frog is an example of an animal that leads double life. She feels at home both on land and in water. She achieved this state thanks to a remarkable process of transformation - metamorphosis. For the Indians, the frog personifies Water, since it is this Element that “builds bridges” in the interaction of the airy-luminous properties of Air and Fire with the inertia of the Earth. The frog reflects the qualities of Water such as pliability, fluidity and the ability to easily adapt to changes. The frog easily gets along with its surroundings - this is how water takes the shape of the vessel in which it is placed. The frog is able to live in two worlds - the water and the earth. The people of the Frog Clan have the same gift, whether they live in a world where feelings and emotions pulsate, or in the pragmatic world of objective reality. These are people of deep emotions who prefer flexible and streamlined formulations rather than sharp edges and tough situations. Water is a healing element that rejuvenates and refreshes, and the people of the Frog Clan are often born with the gift of healing. Many of them master the art of healing the body, and some are able to heal the mind and even the spirit. The people of the Frog Clan have an inner affinity with water, and peace comes to their soul when they are simply near the water.

☼ Totem, Element, Clan, Woodpecker Winds


The woodpecker is a colorfully colored bird with a strong, sharp beak and equally sharp and tenacious claws that help it stay on the tree. Far through the forest, a rhythmic and ringing clatter can be heard, a bit reminiscent of the sound of shamanic drums. This woodpecker “drums” in search of food or to build a nest. The Woodpecker's nest is usually very cozy. Therefore, everyone who is born under the sign of Woodpecker feels the need to feel sheltered and protected.


The woodpecker obeys the element water, which governs the emotional life of people. The element of water not only strengthens and directs feelings, but also sharpens the Woodpecker’s receptivity to such an extent that it often turns into sensitivity and touchiness. Therefore, people born under the sign of Woodpecker are usually prone to isolation and restraint.


The Woodpecker belongs to the Frog clan. Representatives of this clan must release deep feelings from time to time and consciously approach their real desires and aspirations. However, it may also happen that emotions at some point do not find a way out, after which a kind of “emotional explosion” occurs. All Frog people are naturally endowed with significant powers of perception and understanding, as well as great creative abilities. Woodpeckers, in particular, are accustomed to acting under the influence of inspiration and intuition.


In the period from 21.06. to 21.07. winds come from the south and bring summer with them. The energy of the sun and its beneficial warmth penetrate to the very core of those born under the Woodpecker sign (even if they do not realize it). Indeed, under the influence of the element water, all Woodpeckers - out of a desire to maintain spiritual security - strive for caution and contemplation. Therefore, the “light” (that is, self-knowledge) will sooner or later penetrate into the very essence of these people, which will force them to look at themselves in a new and deeper way.

☼ Profession of the Green Woodpecker

People born under the Woodpecker sign usually do not strive for a brilliant career. Their thirst for power, desire to influence others and desire for authority in society are kept within reasonable limits. Woodpeckers rather need a profession or work that would bring them joy and satisfaction; in the same way, they simply need a team in which they will feel at home. A small, reputable company with a friendly boss and nice colleagues is what Woodpecker people need. A good climate at work is especially important to them - it may even be a little like a family one. In such conditions, the Woodpecker is capable of great achievements. If he feels responsible for the task assigned, then he works with complete dedication - and no boss will want to part with such a valuable employee!

☼ Little Woodpecker

In the home circle, the little Woodpecker is an extremely friendly and calm creature that does not require excessive attention from elders. Thanks to his rich imagination, he is able to invent games on his own, using objects from his surroundings. Parents of such a child should encourage and develop his creative abilities. But the little Woodpecker, busy with himself and his games, must constantly feel that there is one of the adults nearby (best of all, of course, his mother) who thinks and cares about him. Awareness of this presence is necessary for the little Woodpecker, because he is by nature unusually sensitive and receptive. It should be remembered that any harsh word can greatly upset this child, after which he will inevitably withdraw into himself. Therefore, parents should raise the little Woodpecker very carefully and carefully, not allowing him to withdraw into himself. Excessive severity can only do harm here. Such a child himself will not want to lose the love and affection of his parents.
Even very small Woodpeckers are secretive and strive for security. And parents must persistently (yet gently) push their child to learn to trust himself more. After all, self-confidence is not one of the main qualities of the little Woodpecker; the same can be said about determination.
Classes at school, as a rule, bring him joy, but here a lot depends on what kind of teacher or educator he gets. Such a child's participation in school life is usually directly related to whether he likes his teacher or not. However, when the Woodpecker reaches more mature age this problem is gradually disappearing.

☼ Woodpecker and his partners


The dynamic and spontaneous power of the Falcon can amaze and terrify the Woodpecker. Although Woodpecker may be pleased by the discovery that Falcon has talents that he himself lacks - and vice versa. But such a discovery does not guarantee harmonious relationships. In order for such a union to gain the right to exist, it is necessary to identify and overcome numerous contradictions.


The Beaver is a representative of the earth element, which allows him to easily understand and accept the desires, interests and needs of the Woodpecker. Both of these signs love the comfort of home and are used to taking care of their loved ones, which creates an excellent basis for their life together. The calm strength that a confident Beaver exudes is truly a healing balm for the sensual Woodpecker. In such a union, partners are bound not only by trust, but also by very tender, romantic feelings.


The emotional Woodpecker strives for human warmth, security and home comfort, but these very aspirations are in many ways alien to the Deer, whose desires and needs lie in a completely different area. Deer needs personal independence, which allows him to realize the need for change, new contacts and wide communication. Therefore, the Woodpecker in such a union often feels forgotten - and quietly suffers from this.

~ Woodpecker and Woodpecker

The double element of water makes such a connection extremely strong and stable. Two Woodpeckers, thanks to their special sensitivity and intuition, understand each other perfectly. One can only envy their mutual agreement. The only thing that such a relationship may lack is a center of power. But it is unlikely that such a situation can disrupt the harmony of this union.


Salmon obeys the element of fire, which makes it powerful and dynamic. This can sometimes be a little burdensome for Woodpecker, but, on the other hand, Salmon radiates so much warmth and cordiality! These feelings warm the Woodpecker like the sun's rays. Therefore, he can easily come to terms with some excess of power in the character of Salmon.

~ Woodpecker and Brown Bear

The elements earth and water complement each other perfectly, which creates a strong foundation for a stable relationship between Bear and Woodpecker. The Bear has a clear understanding of reality and practical acumen, thanks to which it can serve as reliable support for the Woodpecker. The Woodpecker, as a more sensitive and emotional nature, is able to significantly enliven and diversify the existence of the Bear, liberating him from excessive restraint.

~ Woodpecker and Raven

Although air (Raven) is able to set water in motion, it is not able to penetrate into the very depths of this element. Therefore, on the path to mutual understanding, partners will inevitably have to overcome obstacles and reconcile contradictions. But main problem such a union is the right combination mental and spiritual. If this can be accomplished, then Woodpecker and Raven will be able to learn a lot from each other.


These two signs are united not only by the common element of water - their inclinations and interests also complement each other perfectly. Both the Woodpecker and the Snake are very emotional, which creates a predisposition to deep feelings. This couple is able to achieve such spiritual and erotic harmony in relationships with each other, which other signs can only dream of.


The woodpecker needs warmth and security. The owl is able to provide him with both. Fire, which rules the sign of the Owl, manifests itself outwardly in the form of a life-giving and creative flame. However this sign characterized by great unpredictability and a desire for personal independence. In search of truth and new life paths An owl can leave the usual circle of its household duties for a long time. This is what sometimes becomes a source of anxiety and tension in relationships with Woodpecker.


Although in this case we are talking about very harmonious elements - water and earth, the combination of the signs "Woodpecker - Goose" is fraught with certain contradictions, since the interests and inclinations of the partners differ greatly from each other. The only thing that can be suggested as a point of contact is art - communication on this basis can in many ways bring both partners closer together, making them more compliant towards each other.


The differences between Woodpecker and Otter are truly immeasurable. While the Woodpecker is focused on emotions, warmth and homeliness, the Otter is an idealist and strives for spirituality. The problem is what can bring two such different signs. Both partners will need a lot of patience and forbearance towards each other’s “oddities” in order to avoid disappointment and mutual resentment.


Woodpecker and Wolf belong to the element water, which makes them especially sensitive and receptive. Therefore, we can speak with a high degree of confidence about the combination of “unanimity and like-heartedness.” And indeed: such an alliance, based on tacit mutual understanding, allows almost all the wishes of both parties to be fulfilled.

Yuri Fedorov

The symbolism and attributes of the American Indians go back centuries, to the great civilizations of the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans. Studying them magic signs, we can see layers of various cultural, philosophical, ideological and temporal layers, reflected in a complex and sometimes very ambiguous system of beliefs.

On the one hand, representatives of these peoples were ardent sun worshipers, but on the other hand, the Sun for them appeared in the form of a formidable, bloodthirsty deity, constantly demanding human sacrifices. Being admirers of the cults of agriculture and harvest, they, at the same time, were extremely warlike and most of spent time in internecine and intertribal conflicts. Worshiping the totems of animals and honoring them above people, they nevertheless actively consumed meat for food and sacrificed entire herds of animals to the gods.

Such numerous contradictions in the cultures and traditions of ancient Indian tribes led to the creation of a unique form of religion, the characteristic feature of which was a tight fusion of agricultural, fishing, hunting and military cults. And this was certainly reflected in the symbolism and attributes of Native American culture.

The forces of Nature were perceived by the inhabitants of the American continent as the highest mystical deities. And all the amulet signs were aimed only at enlisting the support and protection of these Forces. Magic amulets traditionally were made only by healers, priests and shamans of the tribe. Ordinary people were not admitted to the sacraments of their creation, but had the right to wear ready-made talisman on the body or clothing. Warriors braided totems and amulets into their hair and also attached them to weapons.

The most famous representative of Indian totems that has come down to us from those times is the “Dream Catcher”.

One of characteristic features North American Indian beliefs are almost complete absence cult of ancestors. Most Indian tribes are characterized by an animistic view of the world, as well as shamanism and totemism. The world is filled with spirits that are revered and feared. These spirits (Manitou, Wakan, Orenda) are identified with by natural forces. Great value Many Indian tribes had a cult of the sun. In the middle of summer, the Indians of the American prairies celebrated the sun festival, during which the main rituals were solemnly performed. The Indians also developed a reverence for other forces of nature - the four elements: water, air, fire and earth.

"Turtle Keua"

Keua the turtle is an amulet. The symbol belongs to the totemic images of sacred animals.

The Keua turtle is a character in the mythology of the Lakota Indians, as well as a number of other North American Indian tribes. The turtle symbolizes the earth in its birthing and nurturing aspect, as well as stability and security. In one of the cosmogonic myths, the turtle is a diver for the earth. In other myths, the turtle is the support of the earth and everything that is on earth.

The amulet with the image of the Keua turtle is intended to achieve a state of stability, as well as well-being and prosperity. Wood and bone were used to make the amulet. The amulet can be worn as a pendant on the chest.

Rice. 15. Keua Turtle

The Keua turtle totem helps in achieving a stable financial condition and prosperity.

"Beaver Totem"

The Beaver totem is an amulet. The symbol belongs to totems. The beaver is considered a sacred animal among the Ojibway, Blackfoot and several other tribes North America and Canada. It symbolizes the earth, hunting and hard work.

An Ojibway myth tells the origin of the sacred red sand used in hunting: “at a time when the world was still young, a huge beaver lived in a large pond. One day, when the beaver rose to the surface of the waters, the thunderbird saw the beaver and grabbed it to eat it. The thunderbird's claws dug deep into his hide. Blood gushed out from the beaver’s wounds, and its splashes scattered all over the ground. From this blood a sacred magical sand called onaman was formed.” The Ojibways used it in amulets to bring good luck in hunting.

Rice. 16. Beaver Totem

The Beaver totem is intended to achieve prosperity and prosperity. Traditionally, totems were carved from wood or painted on various items. The amulet can be worn as a pendant.

The Beaver totem brings good luck, as well as prosperity and prosperity.

The astrological views of some North American Indian tribes are very similar to their European counterparts. They also have a zodiac circle consisting of 12 animals, and the Indian zodiac circle begins with the vernal equinox (when the first zodiac sign Aries) and coincides in time with the zodiac cycle of Europeans. But the animals of the Indians of North America differ from the well-known zodiac constellations. Each of these animals endows an individual born at a certain time with certain qualities. These qualities are represented in the form of TOTEMS, and not signs or symbols. The totem expresses the characteristics of a living being, it is more effective than the usual zodiac symbol and gives an accurate description of individual characteristics. Moreover, each of the totems has its own (individual) habitat, so the interior of your apartment (dacha, office) should be equipped according to the qualities that suit this or that “animal of power” - the totem.


HAWK CLAN: falcon, salmon, owl.


Hawk - personifies the radiant energy of fire, its swift rush on the chosen victim is like a sudden flash of insight, and its powerful forces are akin to the frantic energy of fire. At times he was compared to the mythical Phoenix, a bird capable of being reborn from the ashes. This comparison pointed to the ability of fire to purify and transform, to decompose matter into its constituent substances and to supply building blocks for the construction of new forms of the universe. Falcon people are often guided by intuition and are easy-going. They quickly light up and get involved in actions impulsively, under the influence of a momentary impulse. They love life passionately. These people often experience flashes of inspiration, sparkling with new ideas and projects, and they are familiar with the fervor of enthusiasm necessary for the real implementation of ideas. They are usually distinguished by vigilance and energy.




Falcon loves to explore new places, look for new experiences and fresh ideas. He can climb greater height, but is also inclined to “have his head in the clouds.” He meets any life challenge with enthusiasm, easily gets down to business, but he often lacks perseverance and perseverance. Aries rules fire element, but FIRE cannot burn without AIR. Perhaps that is why North American healers and shamans attributed the qualities of the Falcon to people born from March 21 to April 19. Falcons are easy-going, but they often lack the patience to finish what they start, so they are used to changing their “family nest” (house or apartment), because "birds" they are nomadic. If the Falcon lives in the same room for a very long time, then within a short time (at least 4-5 years) the situation in the house needs to be radically changed. Don’t waste your time on trifles, you can afford to radically change the appearance of your apartment or office. You were born to fly high. You are energetic and enthusiastic, but your impulsiveness can lead you to make hasty judgments and unwise decisions.







This is the sign of the Emperor of Pisces. Salmon expresses its energy through playfulness and loving care for loved ones, vibrant relationships and a strong sense of being wanted and needed. Salmon knows how to take responsibility, but difficulties arise when it tries to live its own life for other people. Any disappointment or unfavorable set of circumstances can quickly turn optimism into despondency. The North American Indians called the time from July 22 to August 21 the Time of Ripening; it was during this period in the Northern Hemisphere that the Sun reaches its zenith, and Mother Nature bears fruit in abundance. Those born during this summer period are fertile and purposeful, which is why North American tradition attributes to these people the qualities of the fertile and purposeful Salmon. Your energy, generosity and enthusiasm are great assets, but it is important to make sure that self-confidence does not develop into a sense of self-worth through arrogance and an uncompromising attitude towards others. Any disappointment or unfavorable set of circumstances can quickly turn your usual optimism into hopeless despondency, so in this life you should learn to control your emotions. Although you are accustomed to bending under the blows of fate and resisting change, you need to understand that true satisfaction comes not so much from determination, but from the ability to see life as it is.







The owl has a keen eye for the “little things in life” and an inquisitive nature. Owls shy away from boring and tedious situations, preferring to be left alone to daydream and think, and are resourceful and adaptable. But, despite their independence, they need the warmth and support of loved ones. From November 23 to December 21, the Indians celebrated the Time of the Long Nights. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is a period when the air is fresh and frosty. People born at this time clearly see what they need and know what they want to achieve. Like the Owl, your animal spirit, you have a keen eye for the little things in life and are inquisitive. It is not for nothing that many peoples of the world (not only the Indians) considered the Owl the embodiment of wisdom and knowledge. Following your inner aspiration, you grab new opportunities and often go on new adventures. Despite your independence, you need the warmth and support of loved ones, so you value strong relationships. You dislike restrictions of any kind and feel best when you are given complete freedom to express yourself.

ALLY – DEER. He will take responsibility and make choices. Day – Thursday. The stone is topaz. The plant is MISTLETOLE. Color – turquoise.

Turtle Clan


The turtle serves as a miniature reflection of the stability, strength and support functions of the Earth. The turtle's hard, protective shell provides it with comfort and safety. The turtle is associated with the Earth due to its hardness, resilience and indestructible perseverance. At first glance, the turtle seems clumsy and ponderous, but it always has the determination to achieve its goal. Remember the fairy tale about the turtle and the rabbit? The turtle who slowly but surely moved forward won the competition, and not the fussy rabbit who wasted his strength on trifles. The turtle expresses the wisdom of a state in which solid ground is felt under one's feet. It reminds us of the need to achieve a strong and secure position in a reliable environment. People of this clan, like the turtle, are usually extremely methodical, practical and purposeful. These are people whose nature is related to soil, vegetation and everything that develops.




The beaver moves forward gradually but steadily, first laying a solid foundation on which to build. He is capable of hard work and persistent effort, and makes constant changes and improvements in his work and home environment. Your totem is the Beaver, which is why you are endowed with perseverance and consistency, try not to rush too much, and do any work methodically and progressively, constantly correcting past mistakes, and improving through personal experience. Beavers in nature try to stop water and build dams. In the same way, you must learn to deal with ill-wishers who are always ready to attack you." dirty water»gossip and slander. You learn from mistakes, but you tend to slow down a little, so you make decisions slowly. Beavers find deep satisfaction in material benefits, bringing comfort and pleasure, but you should not indulge your whims and more often listen to the advice of others.

Ally - snake. This is a symbol of constant change.





The brown bear stands firmly on its feet, not relying on others, but slowly gets used to changes, preferring the familiar to the new and unknown. He is good at settling things - be it things that require repair, or situations that cause discord in the lives of people close to him. From August 22 to September 21, Harvest Time begins. People born during this period have the qualities of a Brown Bear - Grizzly. You express your energy through practical actions to realize your full inner potential. Bears are characterized by materialistic views; everything that is abstract, invisible or intangible is not real for you. With a good eye for detail, you love to take things apart, put them back together, and learn how they work. But, when dismantling and improving your home, do not turn it into a real den, because... cleanliness and neatness are a sign of harmony and a guarantee of health. Although you are practical by nature, you have a vivid imagination, so your fantasies can lead to erroneous opinions on various issues. Dreams become reality only when they are connected with everyday life. You must learn to differentiate when you need to make an effort to change your life and when you need to accept circumstances that you cannot change.

ALLY – WOLF. It will help you get rid of fear and shyness.

Day – Wednesday; Stone - topaz; Plant – violet; Color – white.


Visionary and always ready to explore unfamiliar territory. The desire for perfection allows him to perform even the most routine work with extraordinary brilliance. Prudent by nature, he has heightened senses, but personal idealism can cause misunderstanding of others. The period from December 22 to January 19 is the coldest time of the year, when Nature seems asleep and silent. But this is also the beginning of the formation of a new life, which, although dormant deep underground, will soon begin to awaken to life. That is why the North American Indians called this period the Time of Renewal, when the nights gradually shortened and the days lengthened. Like the Goose, your personal totem, you are visionary and always ready to explore unfamiliar territory. You prefer to act and be on the move, so you enthusiastically take on any task, but you often lack the patience to complete everything. Your life's challenge lies in the ability to complete what you start and thus gain the understanding that only comes with personal experience. Life will teach you more than once about self-sufficiency and the ability to rely on your own strengths in order to find yourself in this world. You must be more independent, but still not get too far from your “pack”.

ALLY—DEER. It will help you become more relaxed and achieve more.


Butterfly Clan

BUTTERFLY CLAN: deer, raven, otter.


The butterfly begins life as a caterpillar, and then, undergoing a series of transformations, acquires the ability to fly. She flutters, waving her fluttering wings, which are colored with all the colors of the rainbow. The tribes that chose the butterfly as a totem for the element of Air not only paid tribute to its wonderful gift and great ability to transform. The butterfly served as a characteristic of Air, since it, like Air, is in constant motion and tireless activity, flying from place to place. The element Air is a great transformative principle. The breath of the wind always changes the state of the atmosphere. So the butterfly illuminates everything it touches with a radiance of beauty. As a rule, Butterfly people have the hidden gift of great innovators and sorcerers who know how to translate information from world to world. People of the Clan are very active, they enjoy changing places, when new ideas arise, new things to do and new ways of doing these things. Fast and lively, they are always busy, never want to calm down, are in eternal flight and do not like long “landings”. The people of the Butterfly Clan are related to the air element, so they gain strength in the open air. They need freedom and any restrictions are contraindicated.

CHARACTER: active, courageous.


DEER (May 21 - June 20)

Deer are very sensitive and quickly recognize the feelings and needs of other people, as opposed to their own. Restlessness and lack of concentration often prevent him from accomplishing what he is capable of. From May 21 to June 20, the North American Indians called the Time of Flowering, when trees become leafy and flowers bloom. Perhaps this is why people born during this period were attributed the qualities of the Deer - the proud and majestic king of the forest. Deer energy is subject to sudden changes, so you light up at some things and show coldness to others, are enviably zealous in what you like and apathetic about everything else. As a Deer, you are capable of boundless enthusiasm for things that capture your attention, but you are easily distracted and quickly jump from one thing to another. You are inventive and able to make the best use of the simplest materials at hand, but do not clutter your home with old things and trinkets, everything in your home-office should be practical, so it is better to throw useless things into a landfill.





RAVEN(September 22 - October 22)

Raven needs the company of like-minded people who give him a sense of security, and works best in a team. He has an easy-going nature, is indifferent to competition, avoids noise, disorder and emotional turmoil, striving to maintain peace at almost any cost. After the Autumn Equinox, the nights become longer and the days become shorter. The Indians of North America called the time from September 22 to October 22 the Time of Falling Leaves. The main expression of the energy of people born during this period is aimed at consolidating and attracting internal resources to influence external circumstances, which is why the totem (guardian angel) of such people is the Raven, a magical guide to the world of the dead. Crows try to be mysterious and are not used to telling the “first person they meet” all their secrets and secrets; in emergency situations, these people can “crow” so much that later there will be no trouble. It’s easier for you to promote other people’s ideas than your own, it’s easy for you to organize the process and find the “right” people, but you’re used to being in a leadership position, and you don’t like being pushed into decisions that you might regret later. There will be many times in your life that you will face challenges that test your ability to collaborate with others while maintaining your independence.

ALLY – FALCON. He will help bring all the most daring projects to completion.



The Otter requires cleanliness, both at home and at work, has a business mind and loves to do business with other people, but often takes on too many responsibilities. Otters are consistent and constructive, they tend to be original and can be quite inventive, although their ideas often turn out to be completely impractical. The Indians called the time from January 20 to February 18 the Time of Purification; this is the middle period of the winter season, when the Earth goes through cleansing, preparing for the awakening of new life. People born at this time are constantly between two opposing energies, which is probably why North American shamans attributed to such people the totem of the Otter, an animal that lives in water and on land. Like the Otter, you are a big stickler for order and demand cleanliness, both at home and at work. Life situations in which you find yourself help you gain courage and be guided by your own mind, and not by the expectations of other people. You learn to translate your ideas (even the most fantastic ones) into everyday reality through struggle. Originality is the strong point you ride on. Due to your experimental abilities, you can be quite original and inventive, although your ideas often turn out to be completely impractical, you still go to great lengths, trying to achieve your cherished goal.




CLAN OF FROGS: woodpecker, snake, wolf


The frog serves as an example of an animal that leads a double life. She feels at home both on land and in water. She achieved this state through a remarkable process of transformation - metamorphosis. For the Indians, the frog personifies Water, since it is this Element that “builds bridges” in the interaction of the airy-luminous properties of Air and Fire with the inertia of the Earth. The frog reflects the qualities of Water such as pliability, fluidity and the ability to easily adapt to changes. The frog easily gets along with its surroundings - this is how water takes the shape of the vessel in which it is placed. The frog is able to live in two worlds - the water and the earth. The people of the Frog Clan have the same gift, whether they live in a world where feelings and emotions pulsate, or in the pragmatic world of objective reality. These are people of deep emotions who prefer flexible and streamlined formulations rather than sharp edges and tough situations. Water is a healing element that rejuvenates and refreshes, and the people of the Frog Clan are often born with the gift of healing. Many of them master the art of healing the body, and some are able to heal the mind and even the spirit. The people of the Frog Clan have an inner affinity with water, and peace comes to their soul when they are simply near the water.


The woodpecker is ready to make sacrifices for the sake of loved ones, which can, however, lead to unnecessary self-sacrifice. Woodpeckers are reluctant to part with what they consider “rightfully theirs,” and this tendency extends to personal relationships. They are easily offended; any failure or disappointment can serve as a source of self-pity for them. From June 21 to July 21, the Indians observed Time Long Days, in these summer days spring promises were coming true. The woodpecker is an animal of power for people born at this time, this totem is endowed with caring, and strives to protect others. The woodpecker is endowed with tenacity, which is why you are reluctant to part with what you consider “yours by right.” Woodpeckers are very responsive in the company of close people, but often show coldness and even intolerance towards strangers. A rich imagination makes you often exaggerate, so you shouldn’t “make mountains out of molehills” and worry about non-existent problems. Return from heaven to earth more often and learn to appreciate present moment, the past cannot be returned, and the future will take care of itself, so live for today. All your stress and anxiety usually arises from the fact that you stubbornly cling to old attachments and beliefs, or mistakenly mistake a habit for love.

ALLY - WHITE SWAN. He will teach perseverance and patience.



The Snake has the ability to free itself from old attachments, leave the past behind and make decisive changes in its life with great ease. Snakes are full of ideas, easily adapt to new situations, and have the strength and endurance to deal with adversity. The North American Indians called the period from October 23 to November 22 the Time of Frost; this is the twilight period of the annual cycle before the onset of winter, corresponding to sunset in the day cycle. People born at this time have unique abilities, they are characterized by the desire to reveal everything that is unclear and hidden from others; they are innate mystics and philosophers - empiricists. Like the Snake, your animal totem, which can shed its skin and renew itself, you have the ability to let go of old attachments, leave the past behind, and make drastic changes in your life with much more ease than most people. Like the Snake, you can rise to heights of delight and fall into the abyss of despondency. Always remember that when you face life's challenges, you go beyond your self-imposed limitations and rise to new heights. Fighting problems and difficulties tests your ability to regenerate and quickly regain strength.

ALLY – BROWN BEAR. He embodies strength and mercy and will be able to correct your actions.



The wolf is very sensitive, intuitive and can discern even the well-disguised feelings and intentions of other people. However, sensitivity and a tendency to empathize can make them gullible and emotionally unstable if they allow the sentimental side of nature to gain power over the mind. The period from February 19 to March 20, the North American Indians called the Time of Noisy Winds, is a time of rapid change in anticipation of the imminent awakening of Nature. Like the Wolf, your animal totem, you are very sensitive and have a keen sense of smell, are not inclined to miss your prey, and are ready to follow the “corpses of ideas” to your cherished goal. You love what is pleasing to the ear and sight; Any creative undertaking makes you happy, but you often show indifference and indifference to everyday matters. Look for ways of self-expression that allow you to free yourself from the demands that are often made on you; renewal and cleansing must come from within. Learn to be more discerning about the demands of other people, be more practical in everyday affairs. The challenge in your life is to free yourself from the conditions and situations that limit your horizons. great thing.ALLY - BROWN BEAR. It will help you to be forgiving of other people's weaknesses.


There are many horoscopes, one of the oldest is the American Indian horoscope. They identified the seasons with animals. The year was divided into months and a totem was assigned.

It was believed that the Sun was under the sign of one totem for about a month.

Indian horoscope.

Born from 22. 12 to 19.01:

Butterfly Clan, totem animal White Swan. In the period from 20.01 to 18.02 - clan of butterflies, totem animal - otter. Born from 19.02 to 20.03 - clan of FROGS, totem animal - wolf. In the period from 21.03 to 19.04 --- HAWK clan, totem animal - FALCON. Born from 20.04 to 20.05--- TURTLES clan, totem animal - Beaver. Those born 21.05 to 20.06 are the BUTTERFLY clan, the totem animal is the DEER. In the period from 21.06 to 21.07 --- clan of FROGS, totem animal GREEN WOODPECKER. From 22.7 to 21.08 --- HAWK clan, totem animal --- SALMON. Those born in the period from 22.08 to 21.09 --- TURTLE clan, totem animal - BROWN BEAR. From 22.09 to 22.10 ---- BUTTERFLY clan, totem animal --- RAVEN. Those born from 10/23 to 11/22—FROG clan, totem animal --- SNAKE. In the period from November 23 to December 21 --- the HAWK clan, the totem animal OWL.




In life you are active and full of energy. Your tenacity and courage are admirable. You are an unconditional leader who inspires heroic deeds. You know how to attack quickly, but you do not do it spontaneously, but do everything well and carefully, after weighing it out. At least sometimes give your partners the opportunity to make the first throw, do not deprive them of their independence. Let them think what's behind them last word. Play more sports. This is an opportunity for you to throw out excess energy, keep fit, and avoid stress.







This is the sign of the Emperor of Pisces. It’s no wonder that you love to shine and charm the public. In life (as in any salmon water) you feel great. You have a strong character that allows you to come out of any situation with honor. Professional activity is very successful. However, your true destiny is to love and be loved. YOU are used to deciding everything for yourself, but is it worth it to not trust people? Look around: there are a lot of people around who are ready to help you.







Like your totem, you see what is hidden from the eyes of others. Intuition is exceptionally developed. In love you are passionate: partings are replaced by heated reconciliations. It is very important for you to be surrounded true friends and an unclouded family life. You love traveling very much, as it gives you a sense of freedom. The main thing in the pursuit of adventure is not

lose your head and don’t accidentally lose your loved one. It’s already not easy for him to live with you: not everyone can tolerate your explosive, volcanic character. Remember: calmness and tenderness will make a union with you a real paradise.

ALLY - DEER. He will take responsibility and make choices. Day - Thursday. The stone is topaz. Plant --- MISTLETE. Color - turquoise.

Turtle Clan



You are the architect of your life, you plan everything in it yourself. Love to be independent in finances and love. However, in your professional activities, you cannot do without the support of friends. If you have to make your way alone, you become gloomy and irritable, going so deep into yourself that it is simply impossible to bring you out of this state. Give people the right to have their own opinions and don’t get depressed over disagreements with them. The people who surround you do not belong to you completely and have the right to their opinion.

Ally --- snake. This is a symbol of constant change. DAY - FRIDAY. STONE - BLOODYER. PLANT - TREFoil. COLOR - BROWN. FAVORABLE PERIODS: APRIL 20 - MAY 20; AUGUST 22 - SEPTEMBER 21; DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19.


Yours strengths--- intelligence and ability to get along with people. Problems never take you by surprise: you prefer to solve them yourself and do not shift them onto the shoulders of others. By nature, you are secretive and open only to those who really capture your attention. It is worth cautioning that when choosing your “soul mate”, look for a person with strong character- you need solid support. At work you are a reliable, one might say, irreplaceable worker. The main thing is not to overdo it --- life does not end with the office walls.

ALLY - WOLF. It will help you get rid of fear and shyness.

Day - Wednesday; Stone - topaz; Plant - violet; Color - white.


The main thing for you is stability at work and at home. Your main dream ---- caring life partner and two or three kids. You are not used to rushing, doing everything in detail and living by the principle: “The slower you go, the further you will go.” Unexpected turns of fate unsettle you - learn to take the blow. Also, be lenient with people. Life is wonderful in all its diversity - live more cheerfully and don’t get upset over trifles.

ALLY --- DEER. It will help you become more relaxed and achieve more.


Butterfly Clan

BUTTERFLY CLAN: deer, raven, otter.


CHARACTER: active, courageous.



You are sensitive and cheerful. You react quickly to the situation. Diverse knowledge and natural curiosity help you quickly assess the situation and solve problems brilliantly. You are a versatile person. God didn’t hurt you with your talents, try yourself in a creative profession: poet, actor, artist. You are insatiable in love, so you often “spud” several objects and cannot choose. ALLY - OWL. From her you will learn consistency and patience.


RAVEN(September 22 - October 22)

You are a compassionate and attentive person. You, like your totem, soar between heaven and earth. Thanks to your spiritual qualities, you quickly find a response from others and can literally heal someone else’s grief. With your appearance, joy and harmony reign around. You are sociable, and your ability to forgive is widely admired. In the most difficult situation you never lose your head.

ALLY - FALCON. He will help bring all the most daring projects to completion.



You always succeed in everything because you never turn off the path, you go, sparing no effort, towards your goal. You really should be more vulnerable and more emotional. Don’t be afraid and even welcome changes in your life; they irritate you very much, but they will help you achieve

goals. Among your friends you are considered very hospitable.


Favorable periods: January 20 --- February 18; May 21 - June 20; September 22 --- October 22.



You are a leader in everything. Life is a continuous source of joy and inspiration for you. Regardless of the fact that you yourself are subject to sudden changes in mood, you demand from others comfortable and harmonious relationships for yourself. Too sensitive to the opinions of others, especially negative ones. Having quarreled with a loved one, they tend to seek consolation and advice from their parents.

ALLY --- WHITE SWAN. He will teach perseverance and patience.



You are constantly instigating changes in your life. You like to be outrageous, sometimes you can be aggressive: instead of consolation, you can add fuel to the fire. You are beautiful, but so smart that it often frightens the opposite sex. You seem too unapproachable. If someone falls in love with you, he is unlikely to be able to forget you or stop loving you. You are not at all afraid of obstacles in any area of ​​your life; they even provoke you. This is completely in your style, because you love life to be in full swing around you. Remember, close people often suffer from your harshness ---- try not to offend them.

ALLY - BROWN BEAR. He embodies strength and mercy and will be able to correct your actions.



There are two things you really need in life: material well-being and peace of mind. You are sensitive and receptive and know how to listen to your friends better than others. You are very loyal and love once and for all, so you do not forgive betrayal and betrayal. You are able to grasp the essence of other people’s thoughts immediately: a lie will be instantly noticed by you. You should be more pedantic and diplomatic, this will contribute to your career growth. Try to avoid conflict situations and disputes. Yoga and meditation will help calm your turbulent energy.

ALLY --- BROWN BEAR. It will help you to be forgiving of other people's weaknesses.

FAVORABLE PERIODS: February 19 --- March 20; June 21 -- July 21; October 23 --- November 22.


This horoscope is the key to your sexuality. Find the section corresponding to your date of birth and read who you are and what you are like in love

Indian totem horoscope

There are many horoscopes, one of the oldest is the American Indian horoscope. They identified the seasons with animals. The year was divided into months and a totem was assigned. It was believed that the Sun was under the sign of one totem for about a month.

There are many horoscopes, but one of the oldest is the American Indian horoscope. In ancient times, they identified the seasons with animals. It was believed that the Sun was in one sign for about a month. The Indians assigned a special totem to each month.

It turns out that instead of the signs of the Zodiac that are familiar to us, the Indians saw other constellations in the sky that they associated with the surrounding animals.

We invite you to find out what sign you were born under, according to the Indian horoscope.

Otter (January 20–February 19)

The Otters have a unique vision. They tend to evaluate the world in their own way and solve problems in very unpredictable ways. By nature, “otters” are empaths; they love to spend time among people and help with advice or deeds. In those around them, people of this totem primarily value courage and sincerity.

You manage to walk through life confidently, you do not deviate from the path and persistently move towards your goal. True, sometimes you should be more flexible and emotional. Don't be afraid of changes in your life, they will benefit you.

Wolf (February 20–March 19)

"Wolves" are emotional and insightful. These people know how to think beyond stereotypes. They are loyal, usually monogamous, and do not forgive betrayal. They are particularly observant, listen carefully to others and instantly separate truth from lies. If you come to them with a problem, they will definitely delve into it, give practical advice and simply help.

In life, two things are important for a “wolf”: material well-being and peace of mind. You should be more pedantic and diplomatic in some situations, this will benefit your career. Try to avoid conflicts. Walking in nature, yoga, etc. will help you calm down your turbulent energy.

Sokol (March 20–April 19)

"Falcon" is a strong leader, he knows how to convince and inspire people, his perseverance and courage are admirable. Those born under this totem are active and full of energy, they can provide support to others, but they often judge others subjectively.

The Falcons quickly attack, but not spontaneously, but after carefully weighing everything. You need to at least sometimes allow your partners to be independent. Play more sports. You need this to keep fit, throw out excess energy, and neutralize stress.

Beaver (April 20–May 20)

Those born under this sign are the architects of their lives. “Beavers” have extensive professional knowledge, they are talented organizers, able to think quickly and make decisions. Beavers, as a rule, also evaluate those around them by their intelligence.

People of this totem love independence in finances and love. But in their professional activities they need the support of friends. When they make their way alone, they become gloomy and irritable, withdraw into themselves and then find it difficult to get out of this state. You need to learn to give people the right to their opinions, then you won't have to get depressed over disagreements.

Deer (May 21–June 20)

"Deer" are fast, ambitious, and they inspire other people with their charm. At the same time, these people are sensitive and cheerful. A variety of knowledge and natural instincts help you react quickly to a situation and solve a problem.

You are a versatile person. You can be a poet, actor, artist. You are insatiable in love, so you often “spud” a few chosen ones. You have a wonderful sense of humor and know how to take care of loved ones. And only occasionally can you show yourself self-centered.

Woodpecker (June 21–July 21)

By nature, people of this totem are educators. They are wonderful partners, deeply empathize with other people, and know how to listen carefully. “Woodpeckers” strive to improve not only their lives, but also the lives of loved ones.

You know how to care. But sometimes you are too stubborn, jealous and irritable. It's better not to see you angry. Having quarreled with loved ones, “woodpeckers” tend to seek consolation from their parents. But when the clouds clear, life again becomes a continuous source of joy for you. You need to learn to regulate sudden changes in personal moods and not be so sensitive to the negative opinions of others.

Salmon (22 July–21 August)

“Salmon” is a creative and intellectual person. This is the sign of the Pisces emperor: they love to shine and captivate the public. Their enthusiasm for any occasion is very contagious. They inspire people, they know how to work hard and smartly, and they are used as an example. And although professional activity"salmon" are quite successful, their true purpose is to love and be loved.

In this life you feel great, because your strong character allows you to emerge with honor even from difficult situations. But reverse side your radiant personality is prone to prolonged depression and self-centeredness. You are used to deciding everything yourself, but you should look around: there are many people around who are ready to help.

Bear (August 22–September 21)

"Bears" in life rely primarily on logic and own strength. They know how to get along with people. Problems will not take these people by surprise. Those born under this sign prefer to solve problems on their own. They are often characterized as irreplaceable and responsible partners who know how to show patience.

You are secretive by nature and only truly open up to a select few. When choosing your soul mate, you are looking for a person with a strong character. You are reasonable until you are overly angry. You communicate a lot and in detail with your loved ones. You are almost perfect!

Raven (September 22–October 22)

A smart and charming person with whom everyone enjoys being in a relationship. You know how to achieve goals and are capable of achieving great success. "Crows" easily navigate any company, new city, or unusual situation. With your appearance, joy and harmony reign around.

You are compassionate and considerate. Like your totem, you often float between heaven and earth. Thanks to your special spiritual qualities, you are given the ability to heal someone else’s grief. And your ability to forgive evokes sincere admiration. Even in the most difficult situations, you never lose your head. Learn a lot and use the wise strategies of others to make your dreams come true.

Snake (October 23–November 22)

They are beautiful, but so smart and often unapproachable that it frightens the opposite sex. "Snakes" literally provoke changes in their lives. They like to shock. Sometimes they can be aggressive: they can add fuel to the fire. If someone falls in love with a “snake”, it is unlikely that they will be able to forget it or stop loving it. They are not afraid of obstacles in any area, and difficulties only spur them on.

You want life to be in full swing around you. But be careful that your loved ones do not suffer from your harshness.

Surprisingly, representatives of this totem are the most highly spiritual among other signs. They are the ones who often become priests, priests, shamans, and spiritual mentors. There are a lot of doctors among them, as they have a natural inclination towards medicine.

Owl (November 23–December 21)

"Owls" are people of a warm disposition, they are unusually attractive. Behind the original appearance lies an outstanding mind. Oddly enough, night owls are impulsive in behavior. Patience is not their trump card. But intuition is excellently developed! They are passionate in love: separation is followed by passionate reconciliation. They love traveling, which gives them a feeling of freedom. And “owls” can close themselves off from the world only when they sense danger.

Like your totem, you are able to see what is hidden from the eyes of others. It is very important for you to have a reliable rear: loving family, true friends. Therefore, in the pursuit of adventure, do not lose your head, so as not to inadvertently lose a loved one. After all, living with you is sometimes not easy: not everyone can tolerate your explosive character. Calmness and tenderness will help make family life a real paradise.

Swan (December 22–January 19)

"Swan" is purposeful and ambitious. He knows no fear of failure. The main thing for them is stability at work and at home. These people are sure that strong desire will conquer all obstacles. The Swans' talents are vast, and they know how to use them wisely. At the same time, you like to do everything in detail, following the rule: “The slower you go, the further you go.”

Sometimes you are not inclined to show interest in others. Many people think that you are too self-centered. But deep down, your dream is a caring life partner and a couple of cute kids. You should learn to accept unexpected turns of fate and be more lenient towards people. Life is wonderful in its diversity - learn to rejoice and don’t get upset over trifles!