Why do you dream about the bride? Why does the bride dream - interpretations of different dream books

The subconscious produces such tricks that in the morning a person does not know what to think about. For example, how to understand this fact: this is already some kind of matryoshka doll. But it makes a strong impression. Moreover, it is imperative to understand why you dream. This happens extremely rarely, therefore, it is an important message. But about what? Let's figure it out.

What do famous know-it-all grandmothers say?

Anyone who was lucky enough to wonder in childhood about the meaning of a dream within a dream has probably heard this explanation. Many old people are sure that this is a sign of great fatigue. Like, the brain is overtired, and that’s why it produces such strange pictures. Maybe they're right. If you have a dream in a dream, it means that the person is literally delirious of rest. It is believed that people who engage in intense mental work need regular rest for their gray matter more than others. If they do not devote enough time to rest at night, then they develop a persistent illusion of overwork. This is precisely a subjective factor. The brain signals in such a strange way the need to be distracted. Otherwise illness will follow. Grandmothers send their children for a walk, to run around the yard, to free themselves from the abundance of impressions. According to the assurances of the older generation, if you have a dream (we are trying to figure out what this means), you need to change your occupation for a while. If you are faced with such a vision, then try to implement their advice. Maybe the subconscious will stop throwing up amazing riddles. But this is a personal opinion. We will try to find out what to think if you had a dream in a dream, what it means, from collections of interpretations.

Family dream book

Seeing is not very good auspicious sign. Get ready for someone close to you to give you an unpleasant surprise. The interpreter hints at the betrayal of a friend. Lovers should double their attention to their significant other. After all, if a person had a dream in a dream, then he found himself in a threatening situation. His soul already foresees imminent suffering. She rushes around, trying to prevent an event that brings pain. So it gives out such a sign that it is difficult for consciousness to pass by. However, the above transcript applies only to those situations when you do not remember the plots of a double dream. If they turned out to be vague, unclear, vague. They are difficult to formulate.

How can you deal with a situation differently when you have a dream in a dream? The interpretation should be sought in the remembered plot. Look in the sources for the meaning of these images. But the predicted events will not happen in the near future. The embedded images prepare you for events that will follow decades from now. They will be so important that higher powers decided to warn in advance. It is advisable to write everything down carefully and save it. After all, the time will come when you will have to remember this important hint. If you believe this source, which explains what a dream means in a dream, then you will have to keep yourself a diary. Not every person retains memories of night scenes for the rest of their lives.

Newest dream book

What other interpretations are there for such an unusual vision? Let's see what tells us about this newest dream book. to see is a sign of illness, assures this respected source. Let's remember the explanations of older people. They talked about being overworked. Obviously, the compilers of this collection of interpretations relied on their opinion. If you have a dream in a dream, it means that the person is overexerting yourself. It is logical that the consequence of this process will be disease. Most likely, it is already present at the cellular level and will affect internal organs. Many of them cannot send signals about negative pain processes directly to the brain. So another mechanism was found to warn consciousness about problems in the body. Advice: take care of prevention, rest, go to the doctor. In addition, the affected organ can be judged by the plot of a double dream. If it included water, then take care of the gastrointestinal tract. If there was a cat, then the spleen is at risk. The earth speaks of problems in the sexual sphere. They are only potential, but they should be dealt with immediately before it is too late. It turns out that the answer to the question of what a dream means in a dream is also not particularly optimistic, unless it is taken as a good warning.

Italian dream book Meneghetti

This source did not remain aloof from the issue under consideration. Explaining why a dream occurs in a dream, he relies on the reasoning already given, somewhat expanding the range of issues addressed. It is necessary to pause, take a so-called vacation, Mr. Meneghetti assures. Pressing questions can wait. After all, a person does not have the opportunity to correctly assess their significance, orientate himself, or take into account all the circumstances. The probability of error is very high. Therefore, there is a threat of going down the wrong path if you have a dream in a dream. What this will lead to is probably not worth explaining. It will take a long time to correct mistakes, establish relationships, redo projects, or look for ways to cancel decisions taken. That is, a person will complicate his life. Isn't it better to wait a little? After all, after a certain time, the inner gaze will become clearer and it will be possible to understand the circumstances. Moreover, unplanned rest is very beneficial for health. Once again we come to the rightness of the older generation!

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

A slightly different approach is presented in this collection. If previous authors looked for the root of interpretation in the personality of a witness to an amazing vision, then this interpreter suggests focusing on external circumstances. The fact is that they do not develop in the most favorable way. One should be especially wary when the essence of the plot of the second level has eluded the person. He will face obstacles that he is currently unaware of. It will not be possible to overcome them in a hurry. You will have to gather your strength or just wait if you had a dream in a dream. The source does not really explain what this will lead to. His warning is limited to indicating the presence of unknown obstacles in an important area of ​​​​life. This could be work, personal relationships, finances. The dreamer is encouraged to look for problems in a matter that he himself considers significant. It is there that impenetrable walls will rise and the deepest ditches will form.

Modern dream book

To see a dream in a dream means to find yourself in an ambiguous situation. Nearby there is a very good man. He is pure in soul, sincere and completely open. And you suspect him of all sins, and absolutely unfoundedly. If you fail to hide your dark thoughts, offend the angel. And this is a very big sin. Search your thoughts. Whom did they decide to punish innocently? Is it worth applying your worldview, which is not distinguished by good morals and humility, to someone who has abandoned negative feelings and ideas and does not wish you harm? Deciphering what a dream means in a dream, this wise source warns about the danger of aggravating karma by doing the wrong thing. Next, he suggests recalling the plot of the second level vision. If it turns out to be bright and joyful, you will be able to get out of difficult situation with honor. And if it’s gloomy and dark, you won’t stand the lesson. But such an incredible adventure in the country of Morpheus indicates that your soul has a debt of a karmic nature. Further fate depends on what decision is made.

Maly Velesov dream book

This respected interpreter approaches the study of our vision completely differently. He invites the person to remember the circumstances of the holiday in the camp of Morpheus. It is in them that he sees the essence of the answer. So, if you were resting in a beautiful meadow, mistaking fragrant, juicy herbs for a feather bed, it means that you have a life ahead, devoid of worries and worries. A certain patron will take upon himself the solution of any problems. Agree, it is very tempting to believe in such an interpretation. You should perceive the situation completely differently when you have a dream while standing. Misfortune is already prepared and awaits ahead. It's gathered storm clouds over your head! Be careful. In addition, the author claims that insanity threatens those who have a dream in a dream. What this means, you probably don’t need to chew on it. The soul is in danger! We need to look for ways to get out of this state.

Dream Interpretation of Black Magic

Not everyone will look at the specified source. But those who decide are unlikely to like the interpretation. It is indicated here that such a plot guarantees success in practicing magic. Moreover, like a good sandpiper, the collection praises its swamp. He invites the dreamer to engage in black magic. Like, he has a penchant for it. Should we take this clarification seriously? Decide for yourself. The interpretation in the collection is presented as serious and responsible.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Here it is also recommended to pay attention to the circumstances under which you dozed off. If this happens outdoors, prepare for long journey. It will most likely turn out to be pleasant, filled with incredible discoveries, vivid impressions and delight. When you see yourself sleeping on the roof, expect a rapid takeoff. Life will take a sharp turn. The waves of bustle and commotion will subside, and you will find yourself in a position briefly described by the word “elite.”

It’s bad to see yourself sleeping in a soft chair or on a feather bed. The interpreter recommends gathering all the strength of the soul. You will encounter bitter betrayal on the part of your beloved person. If you slept on a train, without bedding, only on a bare mattress, you know that the soul does not strive for social and financial heights. What you have completely satisfies you.

Esoteric dream book

In this reference book we also come across a story about a sandpiper. Those who are not inclined to spiritual research should not find out what a dream means in a dream using the dream book indicated in the subtitle. After all, this source contains only a description of a person’s talents. He considers this adventure in the country of Morpheus an indicator of readiness for intense internal work. A person is invited to learn how to order dreams. This is a whole direction in esotericism. It turns out that you can ask a question and see the answer in a conscious vision. The source states that those who see multi-level dreams are prone to such activities. Try it if you believe it.

American dream book

This collection echoes the above source of transcripts. Lucid dreams are recommended for those who are faced with the subject under study. However, here the thought continues in a slightly different direction. Our soul is multifaceted. It is conventionally divided into its component elements. For example: conscience, faith. One of them does not work for the dreamer. You need to deal with your own soul and put the missing part of it to work. After all, without it you cannot live life to the fullest and realize your own goals. You know, a common person exists in many worlds. Those that we do not perceive with ordinary senses are called subtle. A similar plot suggests that the dreamer knows how to travel in the astral plane. Such talent is valued more than gold by some advanced individuals. Think about it. Maybe you should pay more attention to your abilities and develop them. Fate itself presents a gift, the significance of which cannot be overestimated. Almost everyone loved fairy tales in childhood, and many also loved science fiction when they grew up. But to become the hero of such a plot yourself is a special honor! Don't miss the chance. Take a step towards change! If you have a dream, its meaning should be sought in the soul. That's what it is main idea interpretations.

Dreams are different from dreams - and it is a mistake to believe that all night dreams are just a chaotic collection of pictures, images and strange plots.

What if you dream about the same person, constantly, again and again, from night to night? Or do you dream about a person you secretly like, or maybe in a creepy dream you saw someone without a head or legs, a creepy ghost or a dead person? In fact, there are not many options for dreams with people:

  • You just saw a certain person in a dream.
  • The person in your dream is telling you something.
  • Constantly seeing the same person in dreams.
  • A familiar person often appears in a dream.
  • You dream about the person you have liked for a long time, about whom you often think.
  • The beloved is dreaming.
  • A dead person appears in a dream.
  • Some scary man in a dream.
  • In a dream I saw someone without a head, a dead headless ghost.
  • A cripple without legs or arms.
  • Seeing a drunk in a dream.
  • Seeing a famous person, a celebrity.

In addition, we will consider not only the meanings of dreams, but also the days of the week, which should also be taken into account to decipher such dreams.

To dream with a person on Monday, from Monday to Tuesday, from Friday to Saturday, from Tuesday to Wednesday, or from Saturday to Sunday, from Thursday to Friday, from Wednesday to Thursday, and also from Sunday to Monday - there is a difference. This should be taken into account when interpreting sleep.

Who is dreaming?

As the dream book indicates, a person in a dream is often a symbol of the dreamer himself, his projection. If this person has nothing to do with your thoughts or experiences, it is likely that this is just an indication of your lifestyle, habits, character and behavior.

Thus, in addition to the interpretation of the dream according to the interpreter, it is necessary to take this into account. Often this gives us the opportunity to look at ourselves from the outside, in an allegorical form.

1. To see in your dreams just a person who is unfamiliar and does not evoke any special emotions - it means that you should carefully remember him - what he was like. This is exactly the case mentioned above. This person is a reflection of your lifestyle, mistakes or omissions.

2. If the person you saw in your dreams told you something, it means that the universe is literally and directly sending you a message. What he said - has great value, it is worth remembering at least part of these words and analyzing them.

Perhaps the text you heard in your dreams is something you don’t like or don’t understand. Perhaps this is a famous text from literature, or perhaps a bunch of nonsense - but analyze and think about it.

3. Frequently asked question dreamers - why do I dream about the same person, what does this mean? This kind of strangeness happens not only to you, don’t be alarmed. Most often, this phenomenon only means that you have been walking in circles for a long time and persistently, you are fixated on the same constant worries and affairs.

The person in this case is a reflection of yourself, and when he appears in dreams again and again, often and invariably, on Monday, Sunday, and from Thursday to Friday, then it’s time to think very seriously about what you can change, how to break out of the circle.

4. It’s curious what a familiar person dreams about - especially one who comes into dreams often and for a long time, on any day of the week - from Sunday to Monday, or from Tuesday to Wednesday, or from Friday to Saturday, and so on on the list.

This indicates your internal astral connection with this friend - it is very strong, and such a dream hints at this.

5. According to the dream book, it is not for nothing that a young man who the dreamer likes visits her dreams. If a young lady tirelessly thinks and dreams about him, he doesn’t get out of her head, there’s no need to look for an interpretation - such a dream is just a continuation of thoughts, and nothing more.

But sometimes a dream in which a beloved face flashes can promise have a nice meeting with someone you secretly like. It also depends on the day - pay attention if the dream happened on Thursday, Monday, Tuesday or Saturday, this can change everything. Perhaps this person is thinking about you?

6. And if you dream of a loved one, whom you not only secretly like, but whom you love, or with whom you are together, this more often only indicates thoughts about him, and does not promise anything concrete.

Seeing such a dream is not uncommon, so the question of why your loved one is dreaming has a simple answer - he has simply settled firmly in your thoughts and will not leave your head.

7. A dead person can seriously frighten you in your dreams. Dead or ghost - oddly enough - is a wonderful sign, and it promises happiness.

8. A very scary, dead or mutilated monster, covered in blood or scars from head to toe, only indicates your fears and anxieties. What scares you in reality, what can you not get out of your own head, what are you afraid of?

9. Dead without a head - as the dreamer thinks after such a terrible dream - bad sign. However, it only indicates your confusion and lack of constructive ideas. Literally - the need to “connect your head.”

10. And a dream about a person without legs or arms is such a special dream. If you dreamed of someone without legs, it is obvious that in reality someone is in dire need of your support. Also, a person without legs may indicate your ability, but reluctance, to help people. Think about it.

11. Sometimes you wonder why a drunk person dreams - a bright sign, but incomprehensible. Such a dream is a warning that you may commit unreasonable and rash actions. You probably like freedom and are brave, but be smart.

12. A famous person- an ambiguous symbol. Famous and famous person may indicate your desire for fame and a luxurious life, or may hint that you lack new adventures and acquaintances.

If you dream famous man, which you often think about, for example an idol, then this is obviously just a continuation of vivid fantasies about him.

When I dreamed: the meaning of the days of the week

Having received an interpretation of your dreams, it is also worth considering the days of the week. After all, dreams from Monday to Tuesday can have one color, and from Tuesday to Wednesday - another.

1. Monday is considered a hard day. Monday's planet is the Moon, and dreams from Sunday to Monday are associated with the emotional sphere of the dreamer. If a person saw you from Sunday to Monday morning, take this into account. Your experiences probably play a role here.

2. From Monday to Tuesday, dreams are strong. Tuesday is the day of Mars, big things happen on Tuesday. And visions from Monday to Tuesday are associated with the dreamer’s aspirations and desires.

Perhaps you dreamed of a person on Tuesday morning whom you want to see, or you have other aspirations associated with him.

3. From Tuesday to Wednesday I dream less often meaningful dreams and are rarely even remembered. But if you dreamed of a person on the night of Tuesday, you should simply take into account the interpretation of the dream book in its pure form, without changes.

4. Thursday is a special day, it is ruled by Jupiter. On Thursday you always have dreams that are destined to come true! On Thursday they foretell vigorous activity, achievement of goals, results.

If a person began to dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then the interpretation should be taken seriously, and the interpreter’s advice should also be taken responsibly. The meaning of Thursday's dreams can be enhanced, and you can know that the interpreter's prediction will come true in the near future.

5. It is believed that dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic. It is on Thursday, when going to bed, that many young ladies expect to see their future in dreams. This is not unreasonable - dreams from Thursday to Friday are bright, sensual, they obey Venus.

And if you dreamed of a person on Thursday night, this is often due to love sphere. And it either reflects your dreams and desires, or predicts the future in this particular area.

You can expect a lot from Thursday and its dreams, and the interpretation of the dream can be turned upside down, giving it a different meaning - related to the amorous sphere.

6. From Friday to Saturday dreams are important. If you dreamed of a person on Saturday, this dream is either advice, a warning, or a strict instruction. You should think about your own behavior and find instructions for action in the interpretation.

7. From Saturday to Sunday, dreams are sunny, it is to this planet that they obey. They show the good - and any interpretation, even negative, can be safely “reshaped” to be positive. Whatever a person sees in his dreams, it is certainly for the good, and the outcome will be happy.

“Human” dreams are difficult to interpret, but you should definitely decipher them - they are very important. Try to compare all the facts of the dream, analyze the interpreter’s answer and the day of the week - and you can get valuable advice or an answer to your dream.

And this will certainly help you avoid mistakes in reality and be happier! Author: Vasilina Serova

Knowledgeable people say: if you apply the appropriate rituals, conspiracies and rules of fortune telling, then you can o look into the future, see a dream that will definitely come true.

Dreams can promise favorable events (luck, an influx of money, marriage and the birth of a child) or troubles, illness and death.

A prophetic dream is a final verdict or one of many options for fate. Do you need to unconditionally believe the prediction you receive, or can you still manage your life despite any forecasts?

When prophetic dreams come true

In a dream, the soul leaves its body and wanders, connected to it by an invisible thread. If the soul flies to the other world, a prophetic dream may occur.

If she flew away not far from the body, then the dreams are physical (empty): dreams about what worries you. This is what the Old Believer healer Maria Semyonovna Fedorovskaya thinks.

Moreover, the pictures seen by the soul in other world, is not easy to understand, because it manifests itself in a completely different way. The images that are familiar to us in encrypted form are also called upon to help us with this. Each symbol has a specific meaning, knowing which you can understand your dream.

The period of fulfillment of prophetic dreams is up to ten years or more.

It inevitably comes true, so it is important to understand it correctly. In such dreams, a person can see Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, saints, dead or alive, but far away, close, unclean. It happens that the dreamer himself visits the dead.

Dreams and visions are always filled with special meaning. For these dreams, the time and day when they were dreamed are not relevant, they are true. Unpleasant dream you can throw it away or take other measures to prevent it from coming true. Everything is meaningless: the prophecy will be fulfilled. Dreams and visions can be false or true.

Fortune telling dreams always come true if you wish for something before going to bed, using special words and rituals.

Dreams-signs literally don't come true. To understand these dreams, you need to know the dream language, which consists of traditional puns and symbols.

Empty (bodily) dreams never come true. They reflect the dreamer’s daily reality, his memories, experiences, and so on. Nightmares are bodily dreams. Do not expect blows from fate, if you saw a nightmare in a dream, discard disturbing thoughts, drink water and go back to sleep.

Infants under one year old they have prophetic dreams showing the rest of their lives. It is believed that the angels amuse the one who laughs.

When we have prophetic dreams

Prophetic dreams are rare and on certain days (except for visions), which should be taken into account so as not to rack your brains over solving symbols that are not destined to come true.

Prophetic dreams are most likely during the Holy Week, starting from January 7 (Christmas) and until January 19 (Epiphany): the deceased who came in a dream tell us our future fate.

During the holy week, people are waylaid by devilry. According to Maria Semyonovna, at this time she has freedom: Jesus has already been born, but has not yet been baptized. Therefore, evil spirits take the most active part in fortune-telling at Christmas time: they tell the truth, but they will take their payment for it, since they do nothing for free.

The healer calls on everyone who tells fortunes at Christmas time to repent.

On any church holiday you may have a prophetic dream, but it must come true before noon (lunch) of that day. In the old days they used to say: “ Holiday dream- before lunch".

Third day of every month also expect prophetic dreams, and on the night of the twenty-fifth you will have an empty dream.

Dreams from Thursday to Friday always predict fate. Friday is considered a special day: Good Friday crucified Jesus Christ. It is believed that important things should not be started on Friday, lest they turn into failure.

Dreams that occur on “temporary Fridays” are filled with special meaning and accuracy of prediction; they are also called Great or nominal.

Good (nominal) Fridays:

1st – first week of Lent.

3rd - on the eve of Palm Week.

4th – on the eve of the Ascension.

5th - on the eve of Trinity.

Named Fridays are called because each has a name due to a specific event described in Old Testament: Uspenskaya, Blagoveshchenskaya, Epiphany. Every Friday also brings with it a special blessing:

“Whoever fasts on the first Friday will be saved from unexpected death.”

Other days of the week.

On the night from Sunday to Monday you can make a wish for sleep. Expect both prophetic and empty dreams.

From Monday to Tuesday - empty dreams (bodily dreams).

From Tuesday to Wednesday - dreams can come true.

From Wednesday to Thursday - empty (bodily) dreams occur.

From Thursday to Friday - come true (up to three years).

From Friday to Saturday - bodily dreams occur.

From Saturday to Sunday - the dream can come true before lunch.

Dreams and visions do not depend on the day of the week, they are always true. If symbols are repeated in a dream, then these dreams are prophetic.

Times of Day

A day's sleep is usually empty (except for dreams) if it reflects the past.

Evening or night sleep can often be empty: the soul barely begins to move away from the body, and bodily images are replaced by prophetic ones. Such a dream is especially difficult to understand.

Morning sleep is the surest. The soul has sufficiently moved away from the body, having forgotten the worries of the day, and can see the phenomena of the other world.

To make the dream memorable

Only those dreams that you remember are destined to come true. There are ancient ways to make this difficult task easier:

  • put a stone under your head,
  • In the morning, when you wake up, bite the corner,
  • When you wake up, don’t look at the fire or out the window,
  • sleep on your right side, but not prone (on your stomach).

To make the dream come true

Do not tell your prophetic dream to anyone for 3 days, or better yet, hide it altogether.

To prevent a bad dream from coming true

Forget it quickly. For this:

  • hold yourself by the crown,
  • look at the living flame of a candle, match, lighter or out the window,
  • knock on the window three times,
  • if you wake up in the middle of the night from bad dreams: turn the pillow over, turn the pillowcase and linen inside out. If you want to dream about a person you saw in a dream, quickly turn the pillow over,
  • tell me bad dream before noon a large number of people,
  • hold the iron or wood with your hands and say:
    “Where there is night, there is sleep. Just as a felled tree does not end up on a stump, so that a dream in truth does not end up like that.”
  • opening the tap with cold water, say: “Water, take away all my troubles, all my sorrows,”
  • opening front door, stick your left foot over the threshold and tell the bad dream to go away.
  • addressing the smoke of a cigarette or fire, say: “Where the smoke goes, there goes the dream,”
  • start the morning with the words: “Rise up a good dream, crack a bad dream,”
  • tell your dream to the stone. Since ancient times, it was customary to transfer danger to a stone: it was placed in front of the house so that an evil glance would “hit” it, so that diseases would remain on it and would not enter the house.

When mentioning a misfortune or illness, knock on a stone and say: “The stone hit.” In ancient conspiracies, diseases and all evil spirits were cast out on a stone (water or mountain). After a funeral or meeting with funeral procession you need to touch the stone for death to transfer to it.

  • make a Dream Trap, ancient strong amulet. The trap will retain good dreams and neutralize bad ones.

We control fate contrary to received forecasts

KNOWING YOUR DESTINY IN ADVANCE IS A GREAT RESPONSIBILITY, hereditary believes Pechora healer Maria Semenovna Fedorovskaya, whose knowledge belongs to the ancients Old Believer traditions, who for centuries separated truth from lies, good from evil.

Dreams provide an opportunity to look into the future: to see events close (tomorrow, in a week) and distant (in a year, ten years). These events may concern the dreamer personally or people close to him.

In her opinion, when trying to interpret his dreams, a person enters into dialogue with higher powers and increasingly sees prophetic dreams that provoke corresponding actions and emotions. If dreams are interpreted incorrectly, then fate may not go according to the “scenario”.

That's why from time immemorial, the interpretation of dreams has been compared to great art and science, and has been classified as secret knowledge.

In the old days, dream books were compiled with understanding and used only dedicated people. Nowadays, book shelves are littered with dream books, and the Internet will helpfully “interpret” any dream. As a result, dreams are interpreted illiterately, and a person walks around confused, not suspecting that the interpretation of dreams is taken mostly out of thin air.

Example: an excited woman approached the healer with a request to ward off the misfortune that was promised in a dream the day before. Having learned all the details about the dream, Maria Fedorovskaya interpreted it as empty, which she should forget about, and not fill her head with fears of upcoming troubles.

Taking on faith the wrong interpretations of dreams, and tuning into an alarming wave, a person thereby creates and attracts troubles to himself, programs his destiny.

This woman was lucky, she turned to a knowledgeable person, and not to a charlatan, who would gladly offer his services to remove the damage, generational curse and so on.


You cannot unconditionally take on faith the interpretation of a dream proposed in dream books. When trying to unravel a dream, keep in mind that its meaning depends both on the signs deciphered by dream books and on the personality of the dreamer, his life experience, etc.

Compare dreams with real events, which take place in your life or are planned. The same symbol portends different events married woman and girl, man and woman, adult and child.

Whatever the prophetic dream, it is just a prediction, a warning, one of the options for your destiny, which you: turn a good dream into reality, erase a bad one from your consciousness.

But this is only possible if you have not guessed the dream. Such fortune-telling always comes true!

Dreams by day by day of the week

Sleep is a mystery that people have been studying for centuries. It is believed that dreams carry some special information that can provide answers to many questions and predict the near future. However, not all dreams come true the same way. The incarnation of some occurs the very next day of sleep, others - after many years. Some dreams do not come true at all, causing us to consider them meaningless.

The fact is that the reliability of a dream depends on the day of the week on which we saw it. The primary sign of the fulfillment of a dream is the lunar day on which the dream occurred, according to the lunar calendar.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, acute experiences and the state of the nervous system.

The greater the stress on the psyche in life, the stranger and more incomprehensible dreams appear. As a rule, they do not come true in reality. However, if this happens, the incident will not be fatal. It is recommended not to pay significant attention to dreams that appear at the beginning of the work week.

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

Sleep day from Monday to Tuesday expresses the dreamer's creative potential. As a rule, he is bright and emotional. Here it is worth paying attention to the omens that the dream wanted to convey.

If the night has caused you a lot pleasant impressions, then today you can safely begin to implement new ideas and actively get to work. Or you woke up with an unpleasant feeling in your soul, then it is undesirable to take on new endeavors.

Seeing victory in a dream this night is considered a prophetic omen. The implementation of such plots takes place over the next ten days. If more time has already passed, then there is no point in waiting for the incarnation.

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday is filled with activity and an abundance of varied subjects. Finding the only correct thread of meaning in this chaos is almost impossible. Such dreams do not come true in reality. However, there is a small probability of the realization of some individual parts of dreams that never contain anything bad.

Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday

Dreams that appear from Wednesday to Thursday are of great importance. There is a high probability that this particular night will help find a solution to a long-standing problem, answer important questions. A vision can be truly life-changing, showing methods for overcoming a financial crisis or ways to resolve conflicts.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday

The next night is important for those who are more interested in their personal life than work. A dream from Thursday to Friday is prophetic. The fact is that during this period there is an aggravation of intuition, which demonstrates results through dreams. All the stories that you manage to remember by morning will find a place in real life. The meaning of the emotional background of Friday night demonstrates future good or bad events. If you dreamed of something pleasant, then you should expect good luck in life.

Sleep from Friday to Saturday

Sleeping from Friday to Saturday can also find application in reality. Abundance happy events and pleasant impressions given by Morpheus, speaks of receiving a lot of positive emotions in the coming days. Often visions on this night characterize events of the near future not only for the dreamer himself, but also for his close friends or family members.

Sleep from Saturday to Sunday

A dream seen from Saturday to Sunday comes true on the same day. The events it foretells depend on the mood of the dream. If you see something good, then it’s probably worth waiting for its implementation. If the vision has a negative connotation, it may not manifest itself in real life.

The main criterion for determining a prophetic dream is the lunar day on which the dream occurred. To find out what lunar day it is today, you need to look at the section “ Moon phase today" or section " Lunar horoscope ". Then you can look at the interpretation of the dream according to the dream book.

  1. On this day, dreams are joyful, filled with good emotions, which ensures a great mood in the morning. There is a high probability that the dream will come true in real life.
  1. As a rule, prophetic dreams occur this night. But the events that they foretell bring only joyful emotions.
  1. The dreams that appeared that night do not contain any secret meaning. They are not an omen, and do not come true in real life.
  1. A dream seen this night will definitely come true. The events that it foretells can be both good and bad.
  1. Dreams that appeared this night will surely come true. During the current day, the cosmos sends warnings or warnings to a person; the easiest way to do this is through a dream.
  1. Today's dream will show you the outcome of exciting events. If you have made a risky decision, its consequences will be displayed that night.
  1. Dreamed events or pictures this night may take place in real life. But you shouldn’t expect them to come true soon.
  1. A dream you see is just as likely to come true as it is not to come true. The chances are equal for both options.
  1. Do not neglect the omens seen this night. The pictures that appear are of great importance in your life. Try to understand as accurately as possible the meaning of the vision that appears.
  1. The dream seen this night does not contain any special meaning. You should not pay more attention to it than to the reflection of your mood. Most likely, the dream shows the current state of the nervous system.
  1. The mood of the dream reflects the events that will happen to you three days later. If a joyful event happened in a dream, then after three days you should expect good luck, if you saw something bad at night, then you shouldn’t expect joy after three days.
  1. The dream tends to come true on the seventh day after the night on which it was seen. The events that appeared in the dream will exactly happen in life a week later.
  1. The dream has a fateful meaning. Events will take place ten days later. Something will radically change your life. It is impossible to predict the mood of changes; they can be both good and unpleasant.
  1. The fulfillment of this dream should be expected soon enough. It can bring changes in life, both good and bad. In any case, you won't have to wait long.
  1. The dream that appeared this night will certainly come true in reality. Moreover, you will be able to see it very soon. Perhaps on the same day of sleep. The emotions that the realization of this dream will bring you depend only on the mood of the vision itself.
  1. The fulfillment of this dream will come soon enough. Moreover, you will probably know that all the events that happened appeared to you in a dream. Perhaps a feeling of déjà vu.
  1. The dream that appeared that night was prophetic. He will be fulfilled on the nineteenth day after he was seen. Events in reality will be as close as possible to your dream.
  1. The fulfillment of a dream you had today should not be expected earlier than nineteen days later. It will happen in the twentieth. The impressions received from the fulfillment of the dream will most closely correspond to the emotions that you felt this morning.
  1. The events seen this night are reliable. You can trust everything the vision has shown you. This will help you accept right decisions in future. It is possible that you will understand the true meaning of the dream only on the eighth day after the previous night.
  1. The mood of the dream is usually joyful. Most often it portends improvement financial situation, recovery from possible illnesses or success in your personal life.
  1. The dream is prophetic and will come true after a short time. Try not to forget the vision so that you can do the right thing when it comes to fruition.
  1. The dream has no meaning. There is really no need to wait for its fulfillment.
  1. Regardless of what events you dreamed about this night, they will not come true. You shouldn't attach great importance to them.
  1. A dream seen today describes events that will happen eleven years later. full days. You can completely trust what you see.
  1. The dream I had this night does not contain any special meaning. Most likely, some domestic activities took place there. For example, shopping or cleaning. The realization of sleep is obvious, but it will not bring any changes to your life.
  1. The dream does not have any emotional load. If you see something bad, you can completely relax. Negative events will not find a place in real life.
  1. This night I only dream good dreams. It’s not a fact that they will come true in real life, but they will ensure a good mood in the morning. Try not to place high hopes on joyful events.
  1. The dream I had this night is prophetic. However, one should not expect its implementation in real life soon. The dream will find its application only on the twenty-fourth day after you saw it.
  1. The dream I saw this night does not contain any meaning. Most likely, you won't even remember it by morning. You should not attach much importance to the pictures, even if you remember that some things happened in the dream. important events. Most likely, this is simply a reflection of your experiences.
  2. The dream I had this night was prophetic. The fulfillment of the events shown to you by Morpheus should not be expected soon. As a rule, they find their embodiment in real life no earlier than a month after you see them.

Dreams filled with a special meaning and considered prophetic can be seen on certain days of the week and on calendar dates. Moreover, every day has its own significance. This must be taken into account when interpreting a dreamed symbol.

Every day, or rather night of the month, has its own omen:

1st night: dreams seen this night always come true, and, as a rule, bring good news;

2nd night: this is the night of empty, bodily dreams;

3rd night: everything that you dreamed will soon come true, and the meaning of what you saw is fair in nature, that is, it can serve as either advice, or criticism, or a warning;

4th night: good dreams, but they don’t come true soon;

5th night: everything you dreamed will definitely come true, and exactly. This is the night of good dreams;

6th night: the fulfillment of what you dreamed about this night can be expected in 12 days;

Night 7: keep secret everything you saw in your dream that night. Perhaps it will bring happiness;

Night 8: did you really want something and saw it in a dream? This means your dreams will come true;

9th night: this night is important for those for whom it is important to achieve success in some business or endeavor. Dreams will come true;

10th night: the dream promises a difficult situation. Problems at work or family troubles are possible;

11th night: what you dreamed about this night promises joy and happiness;

12th night: dreams that are observed on the 12th come true quickly and safely;

13th night: the “ominous” number promises that the dream will come true, but, alas, it will bring problems and disappointments;

14th night: the dream will not bring good news, but it will not affect your personal life;

15th night: good dreams coming true soon;

16th night: if you managed to see something in a dream, then forget it. This is the night of bodily visions;

17th night: after 20 days, dreams will come true and bring success;

18th night: dreams are joyful, especially for those who like to buy new things or replenish their piggy bank;

19th night: be careful, dreams of this night warn of troubles in the family;

20th night: everything you dream about on the eve of the 20th comes true, but you cannot share what you see during sleep with anyone;

21st night: dreams of this night help you realize what you want;

22nd night: excellent dreams: they come true quickly and easily and never portend trouble;

23rd night: accurate dreams, which almost always come true;

24th night: dreams promise joy in the near future;

Night 25: the interpretation of these dreams often promises lies or deception. Be careful, all this can happen very soon!

26th night: this night you can see a lot of funny and cheerful things. But, unfortunately, the probability of implementation is low;

27th night: bodily or empty dreams;

28th night: wait for confirmation of “sleepy” events within 30 days;

Night 29: very rarely you dream of something interesting, and even then it will not come true - an empty dream;

30th night: the likelihood of fantastic events seen in a dream is low;

31 nights: these are dreams of love and pleasure. They can also promise victories on the amorous front. Come true within 15 days.

When you have prophetic dreams

Even in ancient times, sages and philosophers believed that dreams are sent to a person so that he could see a completely different world and expand the boundaries of knowledge. In fact, when we fall asleep, we move unhindered over vast distances, traveling across any country and continent. In addition, sleep is a real “time machine” that allows you to return to childhood, youth and any time period of life. In a dream, it is possible to meet with friends and relatives, many of whom are far away or have died.

It is believed that in a dream the soul can leave the body and independently go on spatial and temporal travel. However, even in this state, the body and soul are inextricably linked by an invisible thread. Sometimes, the soul wanders into unknown, otherworldly worlds. In these cases, a dream seen during moments of such wanderings may turn out to be special or prophetic.

According to the Old Believers healer Maria Fedorovskaya, dreams can be physical or empty. This means that the soul has not flown so far from the body, and therefore sees and feels what disturbs the sleeper. Similar dreams never come true and are only a reflection of everyday worries. An example of bodily dreams is nightmares. Fortunately, all the horrors seen in dreams never come true. To get rid of the difficult thoughts caused by them, you just need to drink water and get some sleep.

Many people claim that they do not dream. This is wrong. Modern science It has been established that every night a person on average “observes” 4 - 5 dreams. But when he wakes up, he sometimes cannot remember any of them. Perhaps, in this way, our body protects itself from an overabundance of unnecessary information.

And only in rare cases are we sent dreams that we not only remember, but also intuitively realize their significance. The only problem is that prophetic dreams do not come true right away. Sometimes a dream and an event in real life are separated by a decade.

Dreams - visions- these are a special kind of prophetic messages that will certainly come true. In them, the sleeper is able to see Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, and other Saints. Visions are signs of communication with certain higher powers that can promise either protection and patronage, or warn of retribution for some unworthy offenses.

It is extremely rare and not everyone is able to see such dreams. It is important to understand and carefully decipher their meaning. After all, they are true and necessarily come true, regardless of the day of the week when they were seen. They cannot be “drained,” that is, to ensure that the prophecy sent to the sleeping person does not come true.

Such dreams are considered God's revelations, and the words heard by the sleeping person are warnings from his Guardian Angels, who, on the one hand, can promise patronage and protection, on the other, can be signs of awakening in the person who saw such a dream of unusual abilities.

Fortune-telling dreams are visions of the sleeping person in those cases when, when he went to bed, he performed a special ritual in advance or uttered special words. For example, the most common option, the sentence: “I’m sleeping in a new place, I dreamed about the bridegroom...”. Such dreams come true in almost all cases.

Dreams are omens. For their correct interpretation you need to have experience or special books - dream books. The fact is that everything the sleeping person sees is a set of symbols. For example, pancakes - for a letter; Twisting your hair with your finger means a headache. Such dreams do not always come true. As a rule, only on certain days of the week.

It is believed that small children, in the first twelve months of their life, have prophetic dreams in which the little ones can see their future. And if the baby laughs while sleeping, then the angels amuse him.

On what days can you have prophetic dreams?

Not every vivid dream that is remembered can be considered prophetic. Special ones come only on certain days of the week, or coincide with the dates of church holidays. The exception is dreams - visions, which were discussed above. But these are rare indeed prophetic dreams, which an ordinary person sees 1-2 times in his life.

It is most likely to see a prophetic dream during the week that separates the two church holidays of the Nativity of Christ (January 7) and the Epiphany of the Lord (January 19). These seven days, surrounded by many omens and signs, are called Christmastide. It is believed that it was during this period that the souls of deceased ancestors wander among the living, and among them are other otherworldly beings, both angels and evil spirits. Therefore, all these unusual “guests” can tell a person’s future. Including in dreams.

All Christmas dreams are prophetic. And every night of the week following Christmas carries special “sleepy” prophecies. For example, falling asleep on the night of January 7-8, you can learn about the plans of insidious rivals or competitors. On the eve of the 10th, you will have dreams telling about family, about the fate of loved ones. The next night is about health and moral well-being. And from January 11 to 12, you dream of probable “prospects” for business development and career advancement.

Falling asleep on the eve of the 14th, you can think of an answer to any nagging question. By plunging into the arms of Morpheus from January 14 to 15, there is a chance to receive information about the right way to build relationships with an opponent or competitor. The next night they don’t wish for anything. However, a dream seen on the eve of January 17 will suggest all sorts of difficulties that will lie in wait in the coming year.

Next night will bring information about love relationships, about the possibility of marriage, about family and children.

When guessing Christmas dreams, you must not forget to repent. Trying to predict fate, that is, by telling fortunes, a person, voluntarily or unwittingly, activates the forces of darkness and all kinds of evil spirits. And she will definitely ask for payment for her services.

Dreams seen on the eve of any holiday celebrated by the church can be prophetic. Their peculiarity is rapid implementation. In ancient times, there was even a popular proverb: “A holiday nap is before lunch.”

It is believed that falling asleep on the night of the 3rd day of any month, you can see the prophetic, prophetic dream. Some interpreters are confident that such dreams are “fair and soon to come true.” But everything that you dreamed about, resting peacefully from the 24th to the 25th, can be ignored. This is the night of empty, unfulfilled dreams.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday is of particular importance. On this day Holy Week Jesus was crucified.
They believe that there is no point in planning the start of important things on this day of the week - there is a high probability that they will be fraught with setbacks and failures.

At the same time, the fifth day of the week is considered mystical, activating the hidden, secret powers of a person. For example, intuition.

Fridays preceding some events have especially powerful energy. church holidays. Dreams that occur on such Good Fridays can predict fate and a number of other events.

The Good Friday calendar begins with:

  • 1 week of Great Lent.
  • The next one will be on April 7, on the eve of the Feast of the Annunciation,
  • 3 - I precedes Verbnaya,
  • 4 - I will be before the Feast of the Ascension of the Lord,
  • 5 - I am in front of the Trinity,
  • 6 - I falls on June 7 (before the Nativity of John the Baptist),
  • 7th (August 2) precedes the feast of Elijah the Prophet,
  • 8th (August 28) - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
  • 9 - I falls before the Day of the Archangel Michael (September 19),
  • 10th (November 14) - Day of Saints Cosmas and Damian,
  • 11 - I Good Friday will be before January 7th,
  • 12 - I, accordingly, before Epiphany (January 19).

These 12 Fridays are also called nominal Fridays. Each of them has its own name. For example, Epiphany, Blagoveshchenskaya, Voznesenskaya. Orthodox people, you should fast on Fridays. And one should especially strictly observe fasting on these Great or nominal Fridays, which carry special meaning and grace.

It is possible to see amazing, prophetic dreams not only on Fridays. Everything that you dreamed about on other days of the week also has its own meaning and special significance.

On Monday night you can guess what the sleeping person will dream about. They say that the moon “looks” this night. It helps to solve complex and important issues that concern a fallen asleep person in life. If what you dreamed about on Monday night is difficult to remember, then it is most likely an empty or physical dream. And if you saw the same symbols throughout the night, then it’s worth deciphering them. This way you can get important information that will help a person or warn him about a problem or trouble.

Everything you dream about on Tuesday does not come true and has no special meaning. Except for cases when Tuesday falls on the 3rd day in the calendar.

But the next night is interesting. A dream seen on Wednesday's eve can be surprisingly realistic, filled with details, signs, and symbols. It cannot be taken literally. The interpretations differ markedly from what was seen.

For example, if you see yourself as the beloved woman of a rich man, it means that you need to provide support to your loved ones. If you dream that you are receiving guests, then there is no reason to worry about your appearance and the impression you make on people.

Everything that is “broadcast” to someone who falls asleep from Wednesday to Thursday or from Friday to Saturday can be forgotten. These are bodily dreams that have no sacred meaning. Although, some interpreters believe that on the eve of Thursday, the patron, whose patron is Jupiter, should receive useful information regarding professional sphere. Such a dream comes true on the day of the Sun - Sunday.

When they come true prophetic dreams?

Traditionally, we sleep at night, believing that sleep helps our brain cells rest and restore energy reserves. But this is a misconception! As scientists have found, the brain works with greater intensity during sleep than when awake. This is an active physiological process during which a lot of information is processed.

Much depends on the phase and time of sleep. So, everything that you dream about during the day, when an adult sleeps no more than 1-2 hours, or simply dozes, is a “product” of rapid or paradoxical sleep, in which the brain actively analyzes the data received. That's why nap should not be considered prophetic. Exceptions are visions with prophecies of the Saints.

Evening and night dreams They are often physical and do not contain much meaning. There is a simple explanation for this: while falling asleep, a person continues to think about the events of the passing day or makes plans for the future. Mystical revelations of those setting off on a journey through sacred worlds there is no place for the soul yet. And she hasn’t been able to get that far away from the body yet.

But in morning hours the most interesting and important thing is happening. The soul is free. The brain of a sleeping person is free from everyday thoughts and is ready to receive information from mysterious worlds.

What to do to fulfill a prophetic dream?

It’s paradoxical - while we are in a sleeping state, everything is clear to us. We are not surprised by the most fantastic transformations, words and actions. But in reality, we understand all their absurdity and illogicality. Therefore, it is not always possible, and not for everyone, to tell a dream clearly and in detail. More often than not, people remember only fragments.

It is important to remember that only those dreams that you remember come true. If there is a goal to leave in memory the events predicted in the kingdom of Morpheus, then you can try ancient folk methods:

  • a small pebble is placed under the head (under the pillow);
  • fall asleep turning on your right side, but not on your stomach;
  • upon awakening, there is no need to look out the window or stare at the flame;
  • You can bite the corner of your pillow in the morning.

The most important condition:

For 3 days you cannot tell anyone about what you dreamed. Or better yet, hide the information you receive altogether.

How to prevent predicted troubles?

Here you should do the opposite. That is, it is necessary to talk about what you dreamed the largest number of people. It is better to do this before noon. If in order for a dream to come true you cannot look at the flame, then in order to forget the dream, on the contrary, you need to look closely at the fire, for example in a stove, at a candle, or, in extreme cases, at a lighter.

Some experienced people advise knocking on the window three times. And if you had a bad dream at night and there are still a few hours to rest, then it is best to turn the pillowcase inside out and turn the pillow over to the other side.

In some villages there was a tradition of placing a stone at the entrance to the house. He served as a kind of “lightning rod” from all kinds of troubles and misfortunes. For example, it was believed that a person with bad thoughts would not be able to enter a dwelling guarded by a stone. The stone will help avoid epidemics and other diseases. It was customary to tell the stone the most terrible dreams, so that this “protector” would do everything to ensure that the bad prophecy would never come true. In the absence of such a special stone, we can retell bad dream an ordinary pebble.

It is necessary to “drive” a bad dream out of the house by opening the front door, putting your left foot over the threshold and ordering all bad visions to leave the home.

Among the methods that guarantee deliverance from bad omens, a simple but effective water spell is popular. Go to a source, for example, a key, or open a water tap, and say three times: “Water, take away all my sorrows and troubles...”.

A dream catcher will help prevent bad dreams from coming true and, on the contrary, increase the chances of good omens coming true. It is a ring made of a bent willow twig, in the center of which threads are wound like a spider's web. Such a trap was invented by the ancient Indians, who believed that a spider weaving its threads never gets entangled in them. But it successfully catches prey and defends itself from enemies.

Other scientists are not so categorical, and believe that in a dream, new information does not enter our brain, but work is underway on what is stored in its “storehouses”. The mystery is why the visions are so fantastic, and how the dreamer can predict the events of the future.
Here is an example from the field of official medicine, which treats with a fair amount of mistrust the interpretation of dreams and the possibility of their realization. At the beginning of the 20th century, a patient approached the French neurologist Jean Lhermitte who complained that he had been bitten by a snake in his sleep. The vision was so vivid that the man stopped sleeping. The doctor decided that he was dealing with a mental disorder. However, after a few days, an ulcer formed at the site of the bite.

For centuries, on all continents of our planet, people of various religions, one way or another, have received and recorded the experience of dream interpretation. The famous healer from the Russian Old Believers, Maria Fedorovskaya, warns that knowledge of what will happen in the future is a great responsibility. Moreover, what you dreamed about will concern not only the sleeping person, but also his close people.

The more often we try to interpret our dreams and decipher the symbols we see in them, the more we provoke a “dialogue” with certain secret forces, which will not turn out to be good in all cases. They can also provoke the curious to take negative actions. In addition, the desire to interpret every dream as prophetic can change the “scenario” of fate, and not at all in better side. After all, without the proper experience, without sincerely repenting for “fortune-telling” (which includes the interpretation of dreams), a simple person will make mistakes. Errors that cannot be corrected.

Therefore, with all the variety of dream books that today can be bought in the form of book editions or found on the Internet, you need to remember that deciphering typical dream symbols is still not so easy. And it is not given to every uninitiated person.

It must be remembered that the meaning of what is seen in a dream depends on the person’s state of health, his age, marital status. The same “plot” dreamed by a young girl or a married lady may be embodied in a completely different way in the future.

The main thing to remember is that prophetic dreams are more of a warning, a caution, than a “strictly written script” of the future. You need to listen to this unusually received advice, in which case events will develop differently, and their outcome will be positive. No wonder they say, forewarned is forearmed. Moreover, there are many ways to forget or erase a bad dream (this was discussed just above)

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

To see in a dream Dream

  • Seeing yourself sleeping in a dream means that you are most likely traveling in the astral plane and seeing your body from the outside.
  • May symbolize your reluctance to change. Stagnation.
  • No movement. No change.
  • If you dream that you are dreaming, it is most likely a lucid dream.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Dream Interpretation Dream

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Dream

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that you were sleeping, very soon you will meet a person who will fall in love with you. To make the love mutual, eat a raw chicken heart.
  • Bad value
    If you dreamed that you were being disturbed from your sleep, then in the near future you will be tormented by insomnia or nightmares. To avoid this, place a pot near your bed and plant a coffee bean in it.

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

To see in a dream Dream

  • Going to bed in a dream is a deception.
  • Seeing yourself sleeping is a great surprise.
  • Seeing another sleeping is a call for vigilance.
  • Seeing the villain sleeping means don’t wake up the beast in the family.
  • Seeing someone sleeping in a dream is a call for caution.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

To see in a dream Dream

  • A dream within a dream (when we dream that we are dreaming) is a situation that occurs more often than it sometimes seems. This image reflects our need for delay, correspondence when solving any problem.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Why do you dream about a dream?

  • If the sleeper is aware that he is sleeping and dreaming, then he must try to consolidate this state and learn to “order” dreams. That is, before falling asleep, you need to tell yourself what question you would like to receive an answer to in images that you understand. Dreaming in a dream means your readiness to work with dreams and to practically use the information obtained in this way.

Dream Interpretation: Italian dream book Meneghetti

To see in a dream Dream

  • Reflects an even more real situation than happens in an ordinary dream.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Why do you dream about a dream?

  • Primary elements - fire, earth.
  • Elements - heat, humidity.
  • Emotions - joy, thoughtfulness.
  • Organs - heart, spleen.
  • Planets - Mars, Saturn.
  • A clear dream is a sign that the consciousness and soul are unclouded by emotions and patterns of perception of the day. This is a symbol - a sign inner freedom and power over your emotions. state - relaxation, surprise, calm, surprise and tireless attention. Normal dream- unconscious perception of the information received: it is good if approximately 15-20% of the information of the Cosmos is not too distorted by the remaining 80% of earthly and daytime perception. In this case, the world of reality and the world of sleep are united in a dream, because this is what nature and the Cosmos, who created man, want. A lucid dream is a sign of personal transfer of control over what is happening into the dream: the dreamer simultaneously and consciously lives in two worlds. He consciously, in reality, recognizes the existence of the invisible world, and in his perception, the information of both worlds is equal and controls each other. Such clear dreams about dreams for the most part dreamed of by enlightened and exalted people. Dream - a clear idea in a dream that you are dreaming; sleep and see yourself sleeping, while simultaneously seeing your dream and the like: the harmonious movement of yin and yang without distortion. A clear awareness in a dream that you are seeing a dream is a sign of complete understanding and control of the daytime situation - events. In this case, everything you dreamed has a real, practical meaning; you only need to translate the dream symbols into reality, which is usually not difficult for such a dreamer.
  • The state of lucid sleep is favorable: physically it promises health, success, and the speedy fulfillment of pleasant predictions in reality. If the dreamed events are unfavorable, then, having necessary information and understanding the situation, the waking dreamer has every chance of turning everything to his advantage.

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Dream

  • It often happens that we dream that we are dreaming. But this, in fact, is the real state of the body when we dream about something. However, in a dream, sleeping and resting do not always mean the same thing. The state of sleep is one of the most vulnerable states of the body. At this time, we are defenseless in the face of anxiety: the ability to defend ourselves is limited, not to mention the inability to take care of others. Dreams of this kind tend to evoke either a feeling of relief and peace, or a feeling of violence. Important elements of interpretation similar dream are answers to questions about how you wake up and who wakes you up.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet, contains 75 of the best dream books: Tsvetkov’s dream book, Denise Lynn’s dream book (detailed), Veles’ dream book, Nostradamus’ dream book, Pythagoras’ numerological dream book, Martyn Zadeki’s dream book, Indian shamanic dream book, Vanga’s dream book, culinary dream book, Aesop's dream book, Vedic dream book Sivananda, dream book for women, Russian dream book, esoteric dream book, Mayan dream book, Egyptian dream book pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshefa), children's dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, new family dream book, Loff's dream book, Russian dream book, Tarot symbols dream book, ancient French dream book, Old Russian dream book, and others.