Which stone belongs to Taurus? Stone for Taurus women according to the horoscope

Taurus is ruled by Venus and always strives for beauty, harmony and love. A practical sign is interested in completely earthly things: money, valuables and other pleasures, and to satisfy these needs, you can call upon minerals that can enhance natural talents and expand opportunities.

Selecting a mineral for Taurus by date of birth is simple if you follow the advice of astrologers, who recommend taking into account some character traits, the influence of planets, the color of minerals, as well as the month of birth: April or May.

So, Taurus born from April 21 to April 30– are under the significant influence of Mercury. They are talented, strive for material wealth, are faithful and demand the same from their other half, love comfort and strive to surround themselves and loved ones with beautiful, but not cheap, objects. The most successful helpers in achieving his desires will be: carnelian, amethyst, agate, quartz, amazonite.

Those born in the second decade of Taurus from 01.05 to 10 May- These are smart, prudent and intelligent people. They love to be the center of attention, are very attractive, prefer to get the most out of life, are thoughtful, and you can listen to their advice. Difficulties often arise with the opposite sex due to the constant desire to search for ideals. The following can help you achieve your goals and find a reliable life partner: chalcedony, chrysoprase, onyx, jadeite, turquoise.

Taurus born in May from 11 to 21- these are the most ambitious of the entire sign. They are stingy with emotions, all decisions are made with their heads, are not influenced by feelings, strive for material wealth and upward mobility. career ladder, in order to achieve their goals, they will easily compromise and give in if necessary. They are demanding of their family members, which often leads to quarrels and misunderstandings. Compensate and balance sensuality and rationality, reduce severity and increase financial well-being Natural minerals can: emerald, sapphire, aquamarine, beryl, topah, tourmaline.

Stones depending on year of birth

The main features and characteristics of Taurus are significantly influenced by the year of birth. When choosing a mineral, taking into account all the aspects that shape the character and temperament of this earth sign, you can choose the ideal amulet or amulet that can have a significant impact on fate and strengthen positive qualities, which is what the practical zodiac sign Taurus so needs.

According to the horoscope, after carefully studying it, you can accurately determine which stones are suitable for Taurus, taking into account the year he was born:

  • The Rat does not like to sit at home and strives to enjoy constant movement, which can bring difficulties and problems into its life, however, the Rat must be ready to overcome the hardships and hardships that arise on its way, and for this it is advisable for it to use jewelry with sapphire. It will help you relax, achieve spiritual harmony and understand the meaning of life, which the Rat constantly needs;
  • For a bull who likes to show off his wealth, it is better to choose jewelry with emeralds, agates, corals, in a gold frame;
  • Tigers will easily understand difficult situation, will firmly walk through life if he is accompanied by carnelian, several garnet bracelets and a related stone - tiger's eye;
  • The cat will feel more comfortable if there is an amulet, keychains or figured figurines made of turquoise or ruby ​​in the interior or with it;
  • Green peridot, chalcedony, and iridescent opals will help the dragon, who is self-confident, reliable and fair, to protect himself from the hostility of others, envy and other adversities;
  • The snake is a very refined nature, subject to significant mood swings, and jasper, malachite, hematite can restore vitality and add positive emotions;
  • An active and vulnerable horse, and at the same time practical and decisive, needs protection from negative influences, strengthening health and financial well-being; it is simply necessary to always have with you: aquamarine, amethyst or garnet;
  • Agate will help the Goat gain inner confidence and sort out conflicting feelings and aspirations. moonstone, onyx;
  • Taurus Monkey will tune in to monotonous work, will allocate time correctly if he decorates himself with the most beautiful opal or multi-colored agates;
  • A rooster with varied hobbies will be able to concentrate on what is important and pamper himself with products with topaz and ruby;
  • Those born in the year of Dogs will protect and help improve their health, restore creative strength and energy jewelry with opal or moonstone;
  • The pig should periodically hold the topaz in its hands, warming it with its warmth, which will give it peace and develop intuition. And for success in business and increasing income, the Pig must have onyx with him and periodically look at it for several minutes a day without taking his eyes off it. Only when choosing, you should pay attention that the color of the mineral is not bright red. For Pig it is better to have more muted shades. Onyx will be an excellent companion, bringing not only significant income.

Sign stones, talismans and amulets

Natural tenacity, extraordinary intelligence, determination and ingenuity of Taurus are bestowed upon them by nature and their patron planets. But despite the large number positive characteristics It can be difficult for them to direct their energy in the right direction and minerals can help them achieve better results. Wearing them will strengthen one’s strength and add internal and external sociability and attractiveness.

Having a reliable amulet with him at all times, Taurus will conquer the desired peaks, achieve a high position in society, receive the desired wealth and fulfill his deepest desires. And talisman stones, made in the shape of an animal or plant that protects and protects the practical nature from contradictions, will enhance this effect and accelerate the result to which he strives.

  • Rose quartz is considered a suitable mineral for solving these problems. This Taurus stone bestows peace, heals emotional wounds and gives additional source internal energy. It will help establish a harmonious relationship with your partner.
  • A coral talisman for a woman will enhance imagination and subtlety of perception, add wisdom, relieve stress and protect from temptation.
  • Onyx amulets will strengthen the will and spirit, focus on victory, sharpen the intellect, help reveal the enemy’s hidden motives, and protect against unnecessary worries.
  • Turquoise will bring happiness in marriage, help avoid quarrels, and peace and mutual understanding will reign in the family. Framed in silver will give a certain degree of recklessness and protect in the most risky and extreme undertakings.
  • One of the most powerful talismans of the sign for Taurus is a precious stone - an emerald framed in gold; it will balance passions, get rid of painful thoughts, improve mood, maximize creativity, get rid of stinginess, give hope, healthy optimism and faith in better life. Green The mineral has a beneficial effect if you look at it for a long time without stopping.

It is considered optimal to purchase talismans and amulets yourself. You should not trust minerals given or inherited. They can be used, but only as decoration, and in no case during difficult moments in life. It is believed that if you take a stone received from your ancestors as an amulet, this will mean trying on their fate, such an owner will wear the mistakes of others. Those who have been gifted cannot always provide the necessary support, since the hidden thoughts of the donor and what he has put into his gift are unknown.

Stones for women

The powerful energy of a natural mineral can influence the life and destiny of Taurus, the most earthly sign of the zodiac, and charming representatives should be careful in choosing jewelry. This, of course, does not mean that it is necessary to abandon the jewelry or figurine you like; it is simply necessary to use Taurus stones depending on what desire currently prevails most. The stones suitable for Taurus women are varied and differ in their strengths and influence.

  • A product with sapphire, in the form of earrings, bracelets, necklaces and other cute trinkets that feminine and charming natures love to adorn themselves with, is ideal for Taurus women.
  • Precious stones for Taurus, such as garnet stone, chalcedony, chrysoprase, opal, onyx, carnelian, are also better to have in the form of jewelry; they can be worn every day or dressed for an occasion, to solve a certain life problem.
  • Semi-precious stones, such as topaz, agate, amethyst, prevent early aging, whiten the skin, promise longevity and good spirits, protect against diseases, charge with optimism, reconcile quarrels, and protect from damage.
  • Pregnant women, mothers and young girls need to have a turquoise amulet for Taurus. This stone, protecting against the evil eye, will give a woman softness, patience, strengthen maternal instincts, help improve health and quickly restore strength for daily worries.
  • For a Taurus woman, an emerald in a gold frame is indispensable - it is one of the most powerful minerals, it brings new impressions, as a symbol of wealth - it strengthens financial situation and gives a sense of stability and constancy, which is so necessary for Taurus.

Correctly selected stones according to your zodiac sign will protect you and become excellent life companions. And what stone is most suitable for a Taurus woman at this stage of life will be helped by her innate intuition and passion for beauty.

Stones for men

For a Taurus man, it is not difficult to choose the right stone; it all depends on what qualities require adjustment. For example, a gold ring with agate, the color of which is preferable to black, will help increase attractiveness, achieve success in business and advance up the career ladder.

Of the precious minerals, it is better to opt for emerald. It will not only protect its owner from financial ruin and add new opportunities for increasing income, improve relationships with partners, bring good luck and luck in all endeavors, strengthen intuition and add romanticism to a practical guy in family relationships. Talismans made of cacholong and onyx will help a man strengthen his influence on subordinates and people around him, and develop leadership qualities.

Other gems are also suitable: turquoise, aquamarine, bull's eye. They will bring a lot of bright impressions, love into life, cure the most serious illnesses, and relieve excessive emotionality. Which stone suits Taurus men more than others must be determined by him himself. To do this, just take a close look and choose the one that will give you unprecedented strength and you will not be able to take your eyes off.

Video on the topic: Stones of the sign Taurus

Stones that are contraindicated by the sign

Despite the variety of stones that can become a talisman and amulet, there are those that are extremely undesirable to purchase and wear. These mainly include fire minerals such as amber. It is capable of stimulating aggression and inciting often unreasonable conflicts, both in the family and at work. Disappointment, problems and disagreements are hidden in this stone. The degree of harm that it is capable of causing does not weaken even after time.

Minerals water element: Pearls and corals will bring health problems into the life of Taurus, so they should not be used as jewelry. It doesn’t matter what they are framed with. Their color negatively affects mental balance and provokes aggression.


Many stones are suitable for Taurus, but to choose one that will complement and help in difficult times, give strength for new achievements, relieve stress and get rid of depression, you can hold it in your hands and it will respond with pleasant warmth. And if the decoration is chosen with love and pleases the eye, the strength of the mineral will increase many times over.

By sorting stones by zodiac sign, you can not only identify weak or strengths person, but also to protect from harm. The main thing is to choose your amulet. Taurus birthstone is sapphire. It is believed that it suits Taurus absolutely without exception. This stone is valued more than a diamond and amazes lovers with its semi-precious play.

What colors do its edges shimmer with! Blue, turquoise, aqua, green, violet, and even shades of red can be seen in this proud and beautiful mineral.

The best talismans for Taurus are sapphires of blue and light blue shades. They have enormous energy potential. Taurus are incredibly lucky that this particular stone keeps and protects them from all kinds of adversity.

Astrologers assure that in order to choose stones according to the zodiac sign, you need to take into account not only the sign itself, but also the date of birth. The time period of each sign according to the horoscope is conventionally divided into three parts - decades. Representatives of different decades should better find out which stone is right for them.

  1. 1st decade (April 20 - May 1). Taurus born these days are under the influence of Mercury. They are more financially oriented than others, they know the value of money and know how to earn it. This is due to their high intellectual abilities. At the same time, they are prone to melancholy. Taurus stones that may suit such people: jasper, agate, aventurine, tiger's eye, carnelian, amethyst.
  2. 2nd decade (May 2 - 11). Dreamy and noble Taurus, ruled by the Moon, would do well to gain courage and determination. And the following can help them with this: turquoise, jadeite, corals, opal, chrysoprase, chalcedony.
  3. 3rd decade (May 12 - 20). The power of money over people born on these days is strong. One of their biggest fears is poverty and misery. Such people are ruled by Saturn, and they are, as a rule, introverts, directed inward, and prefer time alone to socializing in companies. Minerals for Taurus of the third decade are tourmaline, topaz, emerald, aquamarine, garnet, diamond.

How to choose a talisman as a gift for Taurus

If your friend's zodiac sign is Taurus, you should take into account some of his characteristics when choosing a gift.

Taurus should be given talisman stones with caution.

Taurus people really appreciate material wealth, so they will benefit from a talisman charged with success in business and attracting money - turquoise. This gemstone is perfect for both men and women.

Its noble properties are not revealed to everyone, and Taurus are the lucky ones who are lucky enough to be among the chosen ones. Turquoise helps you focus on important things, separate the wheat from the chaff, improves memory, and eliminates indecision and the fear of making a mistake. Turquoise is also a symbol of eternal love.

Topaz will protect you from envy and unkind words of people of the Taurus zodiac sign. They have plenty of envious people, since Taurus like to go ahead, without ceremony and sweeping away everyone in their path. They often overestimate their strength, which can lead to sudden illness.

It will protect its owner from physiological and mental health problems, protect against severe depressive states or prolonged melancholy, smooth out feelings of jealousy and strong stubbornness and give healthy prudence and generosity.

Taurus, who is protected by topaz, is not afraid of slander, envy and negative energy. But with topaz yellow This zodiac sign is not very friendly. You should not carry it with you. Exceptions are if yellow topaz was inherited by Taurus from close relatives. This is not the best stone for a gift.

Topaz will protect your body from health problems

The best talisman for Taurus is a stone, which has already been discussed superficially. This is a sapphire, definitely blue or dark blue. If Taurus has a family, then sapphire will become its guardian angel, maintain trust and mutual love spouses. Sometimes Taurus’ energy is in full swing, they are drawn to exploits, and often not in the most correct direction.

Sapphire will help redirect energy, slightly limit unbridled aspirations and smooth out the sharp edges of stubbornness.

And another talisman stone for Taurus is emerald. This sign does not choose simple minerals for itself; all its amulets are jewelry of the highest standard. A shining emerald will charge its owner with vigor, strength and patience, relieve him of gloomy thoughts, and bring into his consciousness a drop of kindness and the ability to enjoy little things.

Talismans for women and men

Women born under the zodiac sign Taurus are full of ideas and ideas, but often give in to difficulties and slip into indecision and fear of making mistakes.

Therefore, the best stone for a Taurus woman is turquoise.

In addition to the fact that turquoise has strong energetic properties, it also looks very beautiful as a jewel. The Taurus girl will be delighted with the delicate, sophisticated turquoise jewelry. This mineral will have a good effect on her family life, as well as women's health. Turquoise will give a long-awaited pregnancy to a woman thirsty for children.

Speaking about which stones are suitable for Taurus women, it is worth mentioning agate. This stone in various colors brings success in personal and professional affairs. will help in business, and green and white will charge you with energy and fighting spirit.

Useful stones for women of this earthly zodiac sign are cacholong and opal. The first one is typical female stone, it will reveal a woman’s inner emotional potential, help her openly express her feelings, and lift her above the level of everyday life. And jewelry with opal is a talisman for a woman who dreams of finding her soul mate and creating a strong family with the comfort of home.

This mineral helps turn on romantic relationship and protects against unhappy love, deception and manipulation.

A Taurus man will definitely need agate. On the one hand, it gives success in business, and on the other, it helps uncompromising materialist men become more humane and generous and realize that there are other aspects of life besides the material. Black agate is suitable for male politicians, large businessmen, and public people of the Taurus zodiac sign.

Callous and tough men will become softer and more accommodating under the influence of emerald. This mineral also protects against bad habits, addictions, greed, melancholy. Unromantic Taurus men who want to please their soulmate will find inspiration with the help of emerald, reveal the full breadth of their feelings and activate a wave of creative thinking.

What stones should you be wary of?

In addition, which stones are suitable for Taurus, it would be useful to find out which minerals representatives of this sign should stay away from. Absolutely not suitable stones for Taurus - amber, heliotrope, obsidian, pyrite. Amethyst should be treated with extreme caution.

Amethyst has a very ambiguous zodiac meaning. Sometimes it can be worn by children to increase attention and concentration on studies. This gem is also good for fighting bad habits, into which Taurus often fall in pursuit of pleasure and a pleasant life. But once the habit is defeated, wearing these stones is not advisable for Taurus.

Which stone is suitable for Taurus, and which should representatives of this sign not have among their jewelry and talismans? What will strengthen your harmony with nature, and what, on the contrary, will cause discomfort? What will suit you best and will attract good luck, love, give a surge of energy and strength, help you find peace of mind, and become a symbol of wealth and prosperity? Unfortunately, there is no unique recipe or such a wonderful stone that would magically make your cherished dreams come true and solve all your problems. But there is a magical treasury of knowledge, which, when opened, will make you a little stronger and a little more prosperous.

A girl's best friend isn't just diamonds

Which stone is suitable for Taurus women: golden, purple, heavenly? According to the observations of astrologers, best friends for girls of this sign, creative individuals and connoisseurs of beauty, not diamonds, but heavenly purity sapphire and turquoise, as well as stones of greenish or bluish shades.

A symbol of faithful and great love considered blue turquoise. According to legend, a piece of turquoise sewn into a girl’s clothes will help win the heart of her lover. This stone is able to strengthen the family idyll, help in matters of the heart, and attract Taurus to the side financial success And monetary well-being. But he does not tolerate meanness and deceit and can bring misfortune to those who are full of malice and self-interest. Turquoise can serve as an indicator of health for its owner. If suddenly the stone begins to fade and acquire a greenish tint, it is time to sound the alarm and consult a doctor. Even cracks on a stone should be a signal of trouble - a damaged stone can negatively affect its owner, take away joy and good mood, therefore the stone requires careful care and special care.

Known and healing powers turquoise. It will help strengthen your eyesight if you look at the stone in the morning. It will banish insomnia, help get rid of colds faster and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

For a woman who wants to become a mother, cacholong, a type of opal, is perfect. It also promotes harmonious relationships in the family and improves health. For creative Taurus women, pink or white corals are ideal; they will add imagination and enhance sensuality.

Guardian angel or “nuns’ stone”?

Which gemstone is suitable for Taurus? If you need a stone that personifies modesty, chastity and fidelity, you should pay attention to sapphire. It will protect against fears and treachery, and will help in travel and trips. But it is not recommended for people who are not temperamental to wear it, since cold sapphire does not enhance initiative; it is known as the “stone of nuns.”

Without any doubt, each of the Taurus will be ideally suited for a stone that is considered a gift from the Garden of Eden, a wonderful stone designed to become a Guardian Angel for its owner - a soft green emerald. It is considered an amulet of absolute harmony, bringing good luck and prosperity, giving creative inspiration and strengthening mutual feelings And family relationships, sharpens intuition and helps to gain wisdom. In some religions, emerald is considered a direct conductor between man and the higher mind. In Muslim legends, paradise is a garden strewn with emeralds. Even the simple possession of this magnificent stone can give joy and aesthetic pleasure, and the fact that it has unique healing properties, makes it truly priceless.

The pure transparent green of the stone can relieve eye strain. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system and relieves insomnia, helps overcome chronic fatigue syndrome, normalizes blood pressure and stabilizes metabolism. Even rapid old age does not threaten the lucky owners of emeralds - by improving the functioning of all body systems, wearing emeralds has a rejuvenating effect.

Mercury, Moon and Saturn dictate

Which stone suits Taurus according to the horoscope? Taurus born between April 21 and May 1 are patronized by Mercury. Success in financial affairs The goal that these purposeful people are able to achieve will be facilitated by stones such as jasper, carnelian, aventurine, tiger's eye, amazonite, as well as agate and quartz.

“Moon” Taurus, born between May 2 and May 11, are dreamy, inspired and creative people. Coral, jade, onyx, opal, turquoise, chrysoprase and crystal are suitable for them.

If the birth date of Taurus falls between May 12 and May 21, this indicates that he came under the influence of Saturn. Usually these are self-sufficient, solitary people, persistent and do not need special attention. The many-sided tourmaline and delightful garnet, variegated jasper and sky-blue turquoise, defiantly bright ruby ​​and the “guardian of light” topaz can color the life of such Taurus with optimistic colors; and also, without a doubt, noble coral.

What should Taurus men choose?

Which stone is suitable for Taurus men? When choosing his stone, a Taurus man can hardly limit himself to the recommendations of astrologers, because there are a great many stones suitable for him to find harmony with the world. Success in financial matters And material well-being promises possession of jewelry with turquoise and amazonite. A malachite little thing will serve as a symbol of fulfillment of desires. Recovery vitality Products made from alexandrite help to achieve peace of mind. The best mascot For men, black agate is considered to enhance qualities such as clairvoyance, the ability to be persuasive, eloquent and perspicacious.

Precious onyx will prevent loneliness, give determination and inspire optimism. Malachite, sapphire, amazonite, alexandrite and blue tourmaline are also great for Taurus men. Alexandrite will moderate ardor in desires that can harm, malachite will help to radically change your life, tourmaline will help you find inner peace of mind.

Many-faced stones can really serve as amulets and talismans, give joy and enhance sensations, especially when you treat them with love and believe in their magical power.

Taurus is second in line zodiac sign. This is a sign of persistent people who have enormous willpower and strive to achieve their goals. However, these are manifestations of the outer shell. Inside, Taurus are capable of being very kind, friendly, gentle people, they just don’t want to show off these sides of themselves. On the other hand, at any moment these spiritual qualities instantly disappear, turning Taurus into a terrible destroyer if he manages to get really angry.

The meaning of stones for the zodiac sign Taurus

Stones for this sign bear the imprint of such a dual nature of Taurus. The main stone of this sign is agate. Its texture is like the personality of a Taurus in cross-section. The alternation of black and white stripes (however, the colors can be completely different, the main thing is the contrast) seems to emphasize the sharp change in Taurus’s mood depending on the circumstances.
In addition, Taurus belongs to earth signs, and combines practicality, intelligence and beauty. As a result, stones for him should emphasize these qualities. Aquamarine is suitable for many Taurus people, as it is considered a mineral that helps direct and honest individuals.

Beryl, the money stone, is the personification of the pragmatic side of the Taurus character. Material assets play one of the first roles in the life of Taurus, therefore beryl, as a “guarantor” of stable financial situation It will come in handy for them.

Another mineral that is important for Taurus is rose quartz. It is believed that it is capable of helping in the search for mutual understanding and is used as a talisman against disputes and quarrels. This is especially important for hot-tempered people, of whom there are quite a few among Taurus.

Rose quartz

It should be said about one more mineral, the importance of which matters not so much for Taurus, but for its environment. Carnelian helps to soften the anger of a raging Taurus. It is recommended to be worn by especially active and choleric individuals.

It is believed that buying stones when the Sun is as far away from the sign as possible will not bring good luck to the wearer. There is some truth in this: after all, you cannot buy stones that enhance the effect of the horoscope at a time when the position of the Sun in the Zodiac not only does not correspond to Taurus, but is at a point opposite to it. For Taurus, this period falls on the days between October 23 and November 21.

It is best to purchase or receive stones as a gift in the period close to your birthday. The best option is on the birthday itself. And if it also falls on a Friday, then everything will be just perfect.

Which stones are suitable for Taurus women?

Stones chosen for certain zodiac signs have one more interesting feature: their effect depends on the gender of the owner. Women and girls born under the constellation Taurus need to choose stones with greater meticulousness than men. This is primarily due to the characteristics of this spring sign.

To ensure a normal and calm life, as well as to unleash creative potential, women are recommended to wear white agate. In addition, this stone can lift your spirits and make women more courageous and decisive. Black agates will help the Taurus woman achieve success on the financial front.

Aventurine is capable of bringing both women and men good luck in love affairs, however, unlike men, women are not advised to wear it for too long as its effects can easily be reversed.


The best protective agent for women, especially those working in large teams, is chalcedony. To enhance its effect, you can wear chrysotopaz with it. A similar combination of stones, in addition to protective functions, can bring good luck and help in your career.

The best stone for fair sex it will be like this semiprecious stone like turquoise. It has the ability to attract the opposite sex and is recommended to be worn unmarried girls. He is also able to help women not to commit rash acts.

Women born under the sign of Taurus can even wear those stones that are not recommended for men. These include sapphires and topazes. A talisman with yellow topaz is a woman's ideal companion - it allows her to confront life's problems and makes her stronger.

And such natural stone like topaz blue, completely contraindicated for men, is the best help for women in their business and, in general, in any business. However, it also has certain disadvantages: the magic of such a stone can very quickly put everything in its place and show who is who is surrounded by the owner of the stone. In its own way, this is good, but not everyone is ready for it.

Which stones are suitable for Taurus men?

Stones for Taurus men are usually opaque and massive, with a dense consistency. Yellow and light green shades are preferred. It is best for men to opt for white or green agate - this mineral, firstly, enhances all the positive properties characteristic of Taurus, and, secondly, performs protective functions.

If you need a stone to attract love or attract money, such a universal remedy as aventurine will help.

To protect yourself from the evil eye and damage and other forms of negative outside influence, it is recommended to use chalcedony. In addition, it will help maintain a state of mental balance for the owner and will not allow him to lose his temper.

Stones talismans and amulets for Taurus

Taurus values ​​material well-being, so they need stones that attract money. IN in this case The ideal choice for Taurus of both sexes would be turquoise. It is less recommended to use beryl.

As a generally recognized amulet, emerald is best suited for this sign. It fills the wearer with calmness and optimism, and protects against evil spirits.

Overly sentimental representatives of this sign can recommend jasper. It neutralizes the active energy of envious people and helps maintain health.

Well, don’t forget about the main stone of Taurus – agate. Agate promotes the development of intuition and gives the owner a sense of confidence and calm. Agate will feel best when inlaid with copper jewelry, because copper is the main metal of this sign.

What stones are contraindicated for Taurus?

First of all, the “main stones” of other signs are contraindicated for Taurus, especially those that are the antipodes of Taurus, for example, Scorpio or Libra.

According to some astrologers, most Taurus people should not wear altruistic sign stones. These include precious stones such as sapphire and similar rubies and topaz.

Amber should be mentioned separately - this jewel is not suitable for any other zodiac sign except Leo. Many people note negative impact amber immediately after its acquisition. The best option would be to give the amber that Taurus accidentally found to someone else.

Separately, we should talk about such a stone as amethyst. This mineral has strong energy and literally makes the space around it change. Considering the voluntaristic nature of Taurus, using such material as a talisman is quite risky. It is not suitable for all representatives of this sign, since few people can help but succumb to the energy of the stone.

It is believed that Taurus can wear it without problems in childhood, but with their entry into adult life, you need to get rid of the stone urgently.

Amethyst also helps to get rid of many bad habits, however, when its help is no longer needed, it is advisable to give it to someone. Again, it is better to do this with those who need the help of the stone.

Stones for Taurus by date of birth

The characteristics of human nature, its abilities and sometimes its purpose may depend on the time of its birth. Analyzing the fates of many people, astrology has come to the conclusion that certain groups of days are characterized by the same manifestations of the character traits of people born at that time. Traditionally, each month for a particular zodiac sign is divided into decades.

This division and differentiation of talisman stones suitable for certain zodiac signs has not been avoided. For example, for Taurus there are both universal stones, for example, agate, emerald or quartz, and stones that have a narrower “specialization”, focused on the decade in which Taurus was born.

Moreover, what is interesting is not only the ability to enhance certain qualities of the wearer, but the fact that some “decadal” stones may actually be contraindicated for Taurus. Don't be scared by this: general recommendation may deny the usefulness of sapphire for Taurus in the first and second decades, but for the third, especially in its last days, on the border with Gemini, a sapphire will perhaps be more useful than the same emerald.

  • First decade, lasting from April 21 to May 1, represents the days ruled by Mercury. This is a planet of action, therefore those born during this period require clear and unambiguous life guidelines and orders. Rose quartz or blood jasper are suitable for such natures; these stones will help you choose the right direction of movement or method of action. To calm the soul and not be distracted by trifles, you may need stones that provide support. Traditionally it is carnelian and aventurine. It is believed that they not only strengthen faith in achieving the goal, but also free the wearer from jitters and depression.
  • Second decade which falls between May 2 and May 11, is ruled by the Moon. Her elements are love, romance, melancholy. Taurus born at this time are most susceptible to the influence of these romantic tendencies. Not that this is bad, however, this does not quite correspond to the character of Taurus. The following will help correct the situation: symbols of eloquence - onyxes; symbols of harmony and integrity - opals, which are so important for all Taurus, turquoise, the mineral of good luck and happiness.
  • Third decade is the most dramatic for this sign. It lasts from May 12 to May 20 and is ruled by the father of the gods - Saturn, the lord of time and death. Taurus born during the “rule” of Saturn are too pessimistic and prone to fatalism. And here you have to turn to the help of those stones that are not only not recommended for Taurus, but sometimes even prohibited. What should I do? It is necessary to somehow reduce the negative influence of the patron... In addition to the traditional emeralds and aquamarines, which are useful for Taurus, antipodean stones are also recommended for those born at this time: sapphires, topazes, garnets.

Taurus are very reliable, peace-loving and calm. They love refined and interesting things, kind open people. Taurus are great at making money and will never miss a profitable opportunity. From negative qualities only a little greed and selfishness should be noted. In addition, such people always consider their point of view to be correct and are not inclined to change their opinion. Today we will talk about which stone is suitable for Taurus men and women. We will find out how minerals can reveal the advantages and hide the disadvantages of a given zodiac sign.

Taurus birthstones by date of birth

  • Tiger's eye.

Such Taurus are protected by Mercury. It brings big money and good luck. Therefore, stones will be an excellent talisman.

For Taurus, who were born from May 2-11, the Moon will serve. She will bring in family life harmony and love. In addition, the Moon has a calming effect on Taurus. Here are the best stones to choose:

  • Crystal.

Experts advise purchasing a small pyramid of these minerals so that it brings well-being and happiness.

If Taurus was born from May 12-20, he will be patronized by the majestic Saturn. The following stones are recommended for these people:

These minerals will allow you to get rid of depression at any time and become happier. You just need to look at the stone for a while and you will immediately want to smile.

Individual stones talismans for Taurus

Let's consider the most best options stones that will protect Taurus from any troubles and bestow big money, success and health.

  1. Sapphire for Taurus. The blue color of the mineral will allow you to calm down and relax at any moment. It helps to achieve spiritual harmony and understand the meaning of life. Sapphire for Taurus makes it possible to always make the right decision and be firmly confident in your choice. Experts say that the stone saves from slander and evil people. Let us note that the mineral will give its positive energy only to a sincere, kind and honest person. Sapphire for the deceitful and evil Taurus will bring only troubles and misfortune.
  2. Emerald. Use a stone ring as protection from evil spirits. Also keep the amulet with you while you sleep. It is believed that he will allow you to see only good and vivid dreams. Emerald helps maintain loyalty in the family and gives peace and comfort. The stone also understands mood and gives hope.
  3. Aventurine. An ideal stone for businessmen and heads of large companies. Every day he will bring new ideas to develop the business and increase profits. Experts have noticed that an aventurine amulet has helped many people bring a small business to a national scale.
  4. Agate. This talisman is able to protect its owner every day and give him only happiness. If you add a copper frame to the mineral, it can provide Taurus with greater calm and confidence. It is believed that daily use of the stone allows you to develop incredible intuition. You will be able to always identify lies and completely read people's emotions. Agate teaches Taurus to speak in front of a large audience and develops the gift of persuasion.
  5. . Perfect for Taurus, who often listen to other people's grief and take it too close to their hearts. The mineral will allow you to quickly get rid of negative emotions and live happily. Jasper remarkably protects the health of its owner from any illness.

Which stone is suitable for Taurus women?

It is important for a girl to choose a special mineral that will preserve her health, protect her family and bring only happiness.

  • . This is a pearl agate that is ideal for a Taurus woman. It is especially recommended for girls who are already expecting a child. The mineral will improve the health of mother and baby, and will also make childbirth as easy and painless as possible. After the birth of a child, cacholong will bring financial well-being to provide the new family member with decent education and amenities.
  • Turquoise. It is believed that a light blue stone will enable a lonely girl to meet her lover. If you wear a mineral talisman every day, it will help prevent frivolous actions and teach you to identify deceitful people. For married women It is best to wear green turquoise. The stone will keep peace and love in the house, and will also protect against betrayal. The mineral bestows its owner with good health and great wealth.

What stones are suitable for Taurus men?

It is important for a man to have a favorite activity that will bring prosperity to his family. Now we will find out which stones will cope with this task best.

  • Amazonite. Gemstone Taurus allows you to accept the right decision and achieve only success. It is perfect for indecisive Taurus who are afraid to make a specific choice. The stone brings prosperity and allows you to achieve heights in your career.
  • . He will protect every man from deception and any intrigue. The stone recognizes deceitful people and immediately informs the owner about it. Zircon will be able to take Taurus away from any disputes and quarrels that spoil the mood and harm health. However, if the owner of the stone himself likes to deceive and use people, the mineral will prevent the implementation of insidious plans. The stone will teach you to live honestly and achieve goals only on your own.
  • . It will help men easily meet the opposite sex and lead to a soul mate. The stone develops the gift of persuasion and allows you to speak at ease even when large quantities people. For lonely Taurus a talisman will do from Sardonyx. The mineral will allow you to quickly find a wife and build an ideal marriage.
  • Black agate. The stone will reveal hidden qualities in every man that will be useful in career growth. At work, the talisman will help you concentrate as much as possible and achieve incredible heights. This is an ideal stone for businessmen and executives. However, if you have just started working, it will help you quickly reach the maximum position.

What minerals are contraindicated for Taurus?

Experts believe that the most main enemy among the stones is. It is absolutely not worth wearing for Taurus in any form. The mineral will bring great failures to this particular zodiac sign. As soon as you bring amber closer to you, you will feel its negative impact in a couple of days. At first these will be minor troubles, but over time they will begin to grow. Astrologers believe that the stone should never be thrown away. Even if he was your talisman for some time, part with him with dignity and kindness. It is best to give amber to the person for whom it is ideal. Otherwise, just a thrown stone will continue to harm you and cause trouble.

Also, Taurus is not recommended to wear amethyst talismans. Sometimes there may be exceptions to this rule. For example, the mineral will help Taurus children focus on their studies and achieve incredible results. However, when the child turns 16 years old, it is better to abandon the stone. Amethyst can also save Taurus from bad habits: smoking, alcoholism. After the stone has helped you quit smoking or drinking, you need to give it up. It is best to give a mineral to a loved one rather than throwing it away.

Besides amber, there are some stones that are not very suitable for Taurus. These include:

  1. If you choose an emerald stone, be sure to choose a decent frame for it. The mineral will look great in gold. It is believed that he will bring more luck, if you wear it in a ring. For girls, a necklace or earrings with an emerald in gold is suitable. They will attract the attention of the opposite sex and help you find your soulmate.
  2. So that turquoise can better reveal its magical properties it must be framed in silver.
  3. Opal stone, on the contrary, does not like to combine with other metals. It can be worn separately as a protective amulet. It also does not recommend wearing jewelry made from other stones along with opal. Otherwise it will reveal negative aspects Taurus.
  4. Other stones only need to be framed in a copper frame. It is best suited for Taurus and will work in tandem with a precious mineral.
  5. By color scheme men should choose rich stones, black or emerald in color.
  6. Light minerals are best for women. Choose from white, pink or blue colors. They will emphasize femininity and will best protect health.
  7. Try to always turn to the help of your stone in difficult times. Sometimes Taurus can simply talk to a mineral, look at its beauty and come to the right decision.
  8. Taurus girls should definitely wear turquoise jewelry on a date. The stone will help you determine whether a man is right for you and whether you can create a happy family with him. In addition, turquoise makes it easy to communicate with your soul mate, to reveal your best qualities and shine with feminine beauty.
  9. Don't forget to use talismans for important negotiations and meetings. They will allow you to take right decisions, promote your best projects and earn as much as possible more money. Also, always take your stone with you when you have a difficult conversation with your superiors. The mineral will help you calm down, clearly explain your position and not panic.
  10. It is best to give a patron stone to Taurus from birth. Then the child will be able to study better, develop useful skills and successfully build his future. For teenagers, the stone will help them maintain sincerity, not withdraw into themselves, and always find reliable friends.