What is the zodiac sign 24. Zodiac signs by date of birth (months, days and years): studying horoscopes

The Ox always strives to realize its intended goal. However, in the coming 2018, he will have to change his habits and be patient. Because not everything will work out the way he plans. Despite this, the horoscope for the Ox for 2018 promises a lot successful endeavors, but this will require some effort.


In the new year, the Ox’s health will not fail much, so the period of viral colds will pass unnoticed and without deterioration in overall well-being. But problems can be expected from the digestive system. Therefore, the stars do not advise to indulge in fatty and spicy foods, so as not to provoke an exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers. It wouldn’t be a bad idea to arrange fasting days once a month to take the load off the pancreas. You should also try to maintain a daily routine and get enough sleep, otherwise by the middle of the year you may face chronic fatigue. And because of this, the nervous system will be shaken, and the Ox will begin to lash out at those around him and loved ones. Therefore, in the bustle of work, you should not forget about proper rest.

Love and relationships

The Ox will appreciate the love horoscope for 2018. After all, the stars promise many new acquaintances and romantic encounters that will allow the Ox to plunge into exciting relationships. But not everyone will be so lucky. Those who have already started a family may face protracted conflicts and discord. They will be connected with household affairs and money matters. And if one of the partners does not show wisdom at such a moment, then the family will be on the verge of divorce. For the rest of the Bulls, who are in search of their other half, a period of flirting and romance will begin. However, you don’t need to rush headlong into the pool every time, otherwise all your energy will be wasted in vain. Marriage union, concluded in the new year 2018, promises to be successful.


The bull is not used to sitting with his hands folded. He constantly needs to move forward, conquering new heights. But in order to really achieve something in the new period, a lot of effort will have to be made. The Ox in the year of the Dog 2018 will face many difficulties that only the most diligent and stubborn people belonging to this sign can overcome. The beginning of the year will be difficult. Many projects will fail. The bosses will express their dissatisfaction with the Ox’s slow work, setting more and more difficult tasks for him. The stars recommend simply enduring such a period and not deviating from your intended path. If the Ox follows this advice, then by the fall you will be able to forget about all your professional failures and begin to reap the benefits of your success. For those who are planning to get involved in 2018 own business, it is better to wait until the beginning of winter, as this will be the best period for investing money in a new business.


For the Ox, the Dog, the patroness of the New Year, has prepared many surprises that will not always be pleasant. At first there will be opportunities to earn easy money, but this will relax the always thoughtful Ox so much that he will spend the entire accumulated budget right and left, without thinking about it. tomorrow. And when awareness comes, it will be too late. Unforeseen expenses will begin to arise, and some Bulls will even have to go into debt. But if at such a moment the representatives of this sign do not give up, but begin to apply more more effort, then the financial river will resume its flow again. The most successful months for investment will be April, May and August. It will not be possible to make any large savings in 2018, but the Ox will definitely not count every penny at the end of the year.

For the Ox man

Not every business that the Ox man takes on will turn out well. In addition to successful events, many failures are expected. A man should perceive the Ox horoscope for 2018 as a new opportunity for himself to test his character and, perhaps, strengthen it even more. Some representatives of this sign will face claims made against them by their other half. And if the Ox is not patient with women’s whims and mood changes, then he will begin to look for peace on the side. Also, unforeseen business trips at work will help take your mind off family troubles. You can try taking up a hobby or joining a gym, this will help you avoid gloomy thoughts and rash decisions.

For the Ox woman

For representatives of the fair sex born in the year of the Ox, the new period has fewer difficulties in store. The first three months will be very calm. No worries can disturb the idyll that will exist inside the Ox woman. However, due to her desire to be on time everywhere, she may encounter various troubles and unforeseen situations. With the onset of spring, the stars advise you to be more attentive to signing important documents. And in the summer you may encounter gossip and intrigues at work. A woman will be able to feel the horoscope for the Ox for 2018 at its best closer to autumn. All problems will begin to solve themselves. And the attention of the opposite sex will go off scale.

Horoscope for Ox according to zodiac signs

Ox – Aries

The Aries – Ox horoscope for 2018 foretells that the coming period will be eventful and very productive and will bring many interesting meetings. Things will go uphill, and all endeavors will end in success. But you will also need to prepare for the fact that after such heights there will be a lull, giving you the opportunity to reflect on the future and your family. This time is better spent on self-development.

Ox – Taurus

The Ox-Taurus horoscope for 2018 will not bring any significant changes. And this is the best time to take a break and choose a new vector for yourself where to move next. You can try to improve your skills or take new courses. This will have a positive impact on self-esteem and will spur you to new career achievements.

Ox – Gemini

The Gemini-Ox horoscope for 2018 will be read with satisfaction. This period promises many successful transactions financially. However, the stars advise postponing adoption important decisions which can significantly affect quality of life. You should also not make serious adjustments in your personal life; it is better to wait for autumn and then you can start changing something.

Ox – Cancer

The Ox – Cancer horoscope for 2018 promises that if representatives of these signs begin to work hard from the beginning of the year, then they will be able to avoid financial difficulties that fate itself has prepared. You will be able to replenish your budget and save a large sum money. In this regard, the coming year may present a lot pleasant surprises and long journeys.

Ox – Leo

The Ox-Leo horoscope for 2018 promises to be successful for large purchases, especially for real estate. The main thing is not to rush too much in this matter and carefully study all the documents that will be signed in the future. But personal life will be quite passive, and no special changes are expected in it yet.

Ox – Virgo

The Virgo – Ox horoscope for 2018 recommends spending this period surrounded by people. We need to get out into the world more often. Attend various events. This will allow you to acquire the necessary acquaintances and make very useful connections that will help you grow in the future. career ladder. Care must be taken to own health, especially during the period of viruses.

Ox – Libra

The horoscope for 2018 for Libra - Ox should be taken as a warning against affairs and romances in the workplace. This is especially true for those who are already in family relationships. Due to a passing infatuation, a marriage may be in danger of breaking up. And it will no longer be possible to restore contact with your ex-wife. You need to be more careful about your budget and try to avoid unnecessary spending.

Ox – Scorpio

The Scorpio-Ox horoscope for 2018 says that the first half of the year will not be entirely successful for people of these signs. The new period has prepared many difficult tasks and problem situations, the way out of which cannot always be found immediately. But if you don’t rush to make a decision and carefully think about everything that happens, then fate itself will tell you how best to proceed.

Ox – Sagittarius

Looking into the horoscope for 2018, Sagittarius – Ox will receive many pleasant surprises. This is the time when it’s time to think about yourself and your personal plans. You can take an unplanned vacation and go to distant countries for a few weeks. This will only be beneficial and will help restore strength for new achievements. And closer to autumn, changes in professional activities may begin.

Ox – Capricorn

After reading the horoscope, Ox – Capricorn for 2018 will plan to pay more attention to their loved ones. And in the future, they will also be ready to lend their shoulder at the most difficult moment. Next year will be more like a crooked road, with its ups and downs. The main thing is to learn to get up and move on, even after strong failures, without letting circumstances control your own life.

Ox – Aquarius

The horoscope for Aquarius - Ox for 2018 will bring many unexpected meetings, which will have an interesting continuation. And some of them will turn into fateful decisions. The new period is ideal for starting a family and having children. You may also want to think about moving or renovating. Moreover, a large sum of money is expected to arrive by the end of the year.

Ox – Pisces

Pisces - Ox will receive the 2018 horoscope with joy. Only laziness will prevent people of these signs from achieving incredible success in the new year. Everything will work out in their favor. The main thing is not to give in to difficulties and go to the end. And then it will be possible to get the coveted position, which previously one could only dream of. The end of the year will be a little calmer and during this period it is better to devote all your free time to your family.

Year of the Dog for the Ox (1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009)

The eternal worker Ox will immediately gain respect and support from the ruler of 2018, the Dog. Although there is no direct relationship between these animals, they are connected by quite a lot. Both the Ox and the Dog are extremely simple (in their original nature there is no place for either cunning or vanity). These traits will not appear in the character of the Ox during these twelve months. But representatives of your zodiac sign are destined to find complete emotional comfort, confidence in the future and peace of mind that they were not destined to achieve in past years. The dog, in turn, will do everything to life path The hardworking Bulls were not overshadowed by any adversity. Yes, from the outside it will seem to many that the life of the Bulls is too routine, monotonous and boring. The Bulls themselves will consider that monotony actually creates stability (the main thing that the Bulls strive for). In 2018, although the Bulls will not have new large-scale victories, they will more than once find reasons to be proud of themselves. Such occasions appear exclusively among people who are building their life path in the right direction and enjoy great respect from others.

All the events of the Year of the Dog 2018 will insist that this respect grows and tirelessly strengthens. This will be facilitated by the innate altruism inherent in each of the Bulls. In accordance with your good tradition, you will take part in shaping the fate of your loved ones (it is possible that so-called casual acquaintances, that is, people with whom you communicate at the “hello and goodbye” level, will also turn to you with similar requests). By agreeing to support all these people, you will not be pursuing any selfish goal, and there is no self-interest in your character. The voice will tell you to do exactly this pure heart. By the way, it is the heart that will directly and indirectly guide everything that happens to you this year.

Bulls who do not have other halves will somewhat change their attitude towards persons of the opposite sex during the reign of the Dog. You will stop waiting for someone to show interest in you and learn to take steps towards it on your own. Of course, the ingenuousness present in your character risks making these steps, to put it mildly, angular. In order to eradicate this teenage angularity in yourself, it makes sense for you to attend special trainings dedicated specifically to intergender communication. In 2018, Dogs, you are generally recommended to develop in yourself those traits that for some reason you are not very happy with. This self-improvement will help you grow as a person and also get tangible results. So, having mastered the “science” of flirting, you will be able to find a worthy partner for a relationship at the beginning of the second half of 2018.

As for the family Oxen, their realities during the reign of the Dog are unlikely to change significantly. The only thing that will change around you is the decoration and interior of your home. There is a possibility that you will once again put your family on the agenda difficult question, as the resumption of construction of a country house or dacha. Your family life at this stage of your life will consist of new ideas and pleasant chores. At the same time, your romantic partner will practically stop demanding from you lyricism that is alien to you. Apparently, plans about a future together will captivate him so much that he will give up his attempts to take you for a walk under the stars and the dream of going around the world together.

Android application for 2018: Year of the Dog 2018 In addition to family concerns, Oxen will willingly find time for matters that concern their colleagues and friends. Representatives of your zodiac sign have always been distinguished by a heightened sense of teamwork. While the world is ruled by the Dog, a symbol of friendship and mutual assistance, the sense of collectivism in your character will manifest itself even more clearly. For this very reason, you will give preference to those activities that involve the presence of like-minded people. Even the construction of your country property will look exactly like this. First, you will help one of your relatives or friends, and then this person will do everything to speed up your construction. Of course, from time to time those who are accustomed to scooping out the heat from the stove with the wrong hands will appear next to you. The wisdom that you, Oxen, are endowed with by nature will help you easily identify such people and break off communication with them. In the Year of the Dog 2018, Oxen will remain true to themselves and will not allow anyone to make them their puppets.

At the same time, people who have proven the decency of their thoughts can safely hope that the Bulls will overcome any obstacles for their sake and overcome the deepest abyss. One of these obstacles awaits you in official matters. At the beginning of 2018, a tense moment will arise at your place of work, but you will be able to overcome it quickly enough. The production crisis will pass you by, but it will not spare your irresponsible work colleagues, after whose dismissal a number of positions will become vacant, and one of them will be offered to you with an eye to the level of your professionalism. Having filled a vacancy, you will look confidently at your future and, having assessed your increased income, you will decide to return to building a summer house or to other costly issues.

IN financial affairs Bulls in 2018 there will be obvious progress, but representatives of your zodiac sign will still not intend to risk their capital. If you are an entrepreneur, you will start putting everything that will represent your excess profit into a bank account. The dog will highly appreciate your prudent attitude towards money (it itself is financial sector exactly like that – thoughtfully and seriously). As a reward for your forethought, you will receive a large present from the four-legged mistress of 2018. This will be a forward-looking agreement that you will be able to sign at the end of this one-year cycle. This agreement will be nothing more than the beginning of a profitable cooperation for you, during which your profits will reach much larger sizes (but this will happen already in the year 2019).

Along with the horoscope for the year of the Dog 2018 for the Ox, the site provides information about the sign Chinese horoscope Bull with detailed description and the characteristics of this sign in Eastern astrology:

Also see horoscopes for 2018 compiled for zodiac signs ( zodiac constellations), better known to us, the European school of astrology:

In 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog Oxen will face difficulties and obstacles on the way to achieving their goals. They should be patient and not make hasty decisions. Consistency and prudence will allow you to move closer to success step by step. IN difficult situations you need to rely on your own strength. You should not wait for help from colleagues and friends.

The year will be rich in travel and foreign business trips. A family vacation will bring you closer to your loved ones, bring positive emotions and a boost of energy.

The horoscope advises to pay attention to appearance. Partners will appreciate your business image. It will command respect and play into your hands during negotiations.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Ox woman

Oxen women in the year of the Dog will face minor obstacles. You will be able to overcome them with a positive attitude. Minor difficulties will not affect your work and communication with loved ones. They will bring valuable experience and give you self-confidence.

These women will take on the role of head of the family. Concerns about the family budget, improvement of life and raising children will fall on their shoulders. Large quantity duties and increased responsibility will not cause irritation and fatigue. Ladies born in the year of the Ox will be pleased with the comfort and harmony that will be established in the house.

In the spring, these women will find it difficult to build relationships with colleagues. They will find themselves at the center of gossip and intrigue. It is recommended not to pay attention to envious people and ill-wishers. The situation in the team will improve by the end of the summer. The worries will be in vain and will not affect your reputation.

Horoscope for 2018 for the Ox man

Things will not go as smoothly as they would like for Ox men. IN professional field difficulties and obstacles will arise. They will unsettle you. Accustomed to stability and material well-being, such men will painfully experience failures.

During this period, quarrels and scandals will begin in the family. The second half will make reproaches and claims. This will alienate the spouses from each other. To save the marriage, the horoscope recommends discussing the problems that have arisen at a family council. The chosen one will understand that the difficulties are temporary and will support. Playing sports or hobbies will help you cope with stress. They will restore peace of mind and maintain physical fitness.

Love horoscope

2018 for free Oxen will be a favorable period for starting a new relationship. They will have a high chance of meeting a person in whom they will find reliable support and support. A marriage concluded this year will be long and happy.

Family individuals will encounter coolness and misunderstanding in their relationships with their other half. However, the difficulties encountered will be temporary. In the second half of the year, harmony and mutual understanding will be established between the spouses.

Ox Woman. For single Oxen women, there will be a series of original romantic dates that will surprise and inspire. Family ladies will become free and wise, which will help them maintain peace and tranquility in the house. Such couples are waiting for bright events that will bring positive emotions and help bring out feelings. new level. The spouses will plan a trip together, go out into nature, and organize family holidays. The Year of the Dog will be a favorable period for conceiving a child.

Ox Man. For single Oxen men, the second half of the year will be busy romantic dates and love affairs. They will have a high chance of meeting a woman with whom they will start a long-term relationship or strong friendship. For married men there will be a period of difficulty in family life. Financial difficulties will cause dissatisfaction with the spouse. The intensity of passions will increase due to the intervention of relatives and close friends. It is recommended to be honest and frank with your other half.

Business horoscope

At the beginning of the year, Oxen will encounter minor difficulties and troubles that will slow down career growth. They will work hard and ignore troubles. This year they will have a series of foreign business trips, which will allow their business to improve. Spring and summer will become best time For financial investments and starting your own business. At the end of the year they will see the results of the work done. The management will increase the salaries of employees.

Money horoscope

2018 for the Bulls will begin with financial difficulties. Accustomed to living in stability and not denying themselves anything, they will worry about this. Those born in the year of this animal will reconsider their life priorities. They will begin to value more the support and support of family members. By the middle of the year, their financial situation will stabilize. The income received offsets the expenses. They will spend money on family members' needs and gifts. It is better to entrust the distribution of the family budget to the other half.

Health horoscope

In the Year of the Dog, Oxen will be in good health. They will engage in active sports, adhere to a daily routine and ensure proper sleep. The horoscope advises paying attention to prevention chronic diseases. Don't forget to visit the dentist regularly. Frequent business trips can lead to overwork and disruption of normal life rhythms. It is recommended to avoid excesses and rely on the body's strength.

The Libra horoscope for 2018 predicts a non-boring and interesting period, so they will not have much reason to worry. On February 16, the Yellow Dog will come into its own, with which Libra will not only make friends, but will also be able to realize their plans together. If sometimes Earth Dog and will bark loudly, then only to warn Libra from rash actions.

The horoscope for Libra for 2018 promises good things financial situation. Not only a stable profit is expected, but also a successful investment of finances in profitable projects. Already in March, the Dog will tell Libra where the treasure with gold coins is buried. The main thing is to find a large container for money in order to save up a decent amount for a summer vacation and gifts for loved ones. There will be many offers, deals and important meetings.

Libra will even feel dizzy with joy, although the Dog will make sure that they do not become arrogant and fall under the influence of selfish individuals. In March and April 2018, Libra will come home with armfuls of roses from fans and admirers of their talents.

The 2018 horoscope for Libra does not advise following feelings. Otherwise, they will get thoroughly confused in love dates and miss the opportunity to create strong relationships. Lonely Libras will be able to meet a loved one if they take a closer look at their surroundings. The Dog, faithful and honest by nature, will tell them in which direction to move and with whom to communicate in order to be in the grip of a real and sincere feeling.

Horoscope for Libra for 2018 predicts the Year of the Dog married couples a lot of pleasant surprises and news. In order to equip your home to the highest standard, you need to take care of repairs, remodeling and purchasing the necessary building materials. Those Libras who recently got married will have a family in 2018. Well, if you don’t yet have plans to add to your family, then you can go on vacation and organize a cruise in the Mediterranean. The dog is already packing his bags, so don't change your mind.

The horoscope for 2018 promises household and household chores for Libra at the beginning of summer. If you deal with them quickly, then you can fully relax. After all, in September Libra will have to fight with competitors. If you can’t deal with them yourself, then it’s better to look for influential people. But you shouldn’t be afraid, because he will always be there and help Libra solve difficult problems.

At the beginning of October and until mid-November 2018, Libra will not sit down for a minute. There will be so much work that there will be no time left for rest. This is especially true for those Libras who have opened their own business. They have to set up a new office, make repairs and look for partners. By the way, don’t forget to deposit your interest-bearing money in a reliable bank. The 2018 Libra horoscope promises decent profits already in December, which can be spent on personal needs, trips and family. It doesn’t matter which vacation destination Libra chooses, the main thing is that your household members support your proposal and go with them.

Libra will be in excellent mood and well-being at the end of 2018. It's not surprising, because you new apartment, car and lover. Career growth will affect financial situation and will allow you to achieve your desired goals. The Yellow Dog will not leave Libra without a decent salary and an honorable position.

The horoscope for Libra for 2018 advises you to think first and then act. In pursuit of a career and money, you can lose a lot, so a stop along the way and a temporary break is necessary. Libra can take an example from the active Dog, who knows moderation in everything and chases only what she really needs. To maintain health, Libras should not forget about preventive measures and proper nutrition.

The 2018 horoscope for Libra recommends saving money even if there are a lot of temptations to buy something. It’s one thing to spend money on family needs, and quite another to “spend” a decent amount on entertainment. Libra needs to be more careful in commercial matters, but the Dog does not recommend opening your own business in 2018. Frequent business trips and flights on official business are possible, which will not please the household. But if Libra is emotionally restrained and reasonable, they will be able to convince relatives of the need for travel and work.

Libra love horoscope 2018

The love horoscope for Libra for 2018 promises a meeting with a new chosen one. But if you constantly think through and plan everything, then love will pass by. True feelings come from the heart, so you only need to listen to the voice of reason in emergency cases. The Dog advises Libra to rely on intuition so as not to overlook “their” person. Free Libras can meet a chosen one who uses them for his own selfish purposes.

The 2018 Libra horoscope must pacify their desires and passionate impulses. Otherwise, your loved one will consider you too frivolous and fickle. As a result, a quarrel and separation may occur. They often ride their own wave of positivity, but sometimes it’s worth considering the mood of the people around them.

The horoscope for Libra for 2018 predicts a stable income, which will help strengthen relationships with your chosen one. Of course, we are not talking about commercialism here. But if Libra is hardworking and responsible, then these qualities will have a good effect on relationships and the weather in the house. Libra men are not averse to flirting on the side, which can negatively affect their communication with a regular partner. But to make amends, don’t skimp on expensive gifts and jewelry for your loved one.

Libra family horoscope for 2018

The Libra family horoscope for 2018 advises spending more time at home, with family and children. Even if you have a complete rush at work, still be attentive and sensitive to your loved ones. Then there will be fewer scandals in the family, and more pleasant surprises.

The relationship with your spouse cannot be called ideal, but quarrels and disputes on everyday grounds can be avoided. If Libra is more compliant and calm, they will be able to maintain comfort and coziness in the house. Moreover, there will be a minimum of reasons for jealousy and nit-picking on both sides. The 2018 horoscope for Libra predicts the respect and admiration of relatives who will note your diligence and generosity. Only occasionally remove the crown from your head so as not to turn into a domestic despot and tyrant.

In 2018, Libra needs to be softer and more sociable with members of their household. If elderly relatives call you asking for help and support, then do not refuse. Criticize and scold your spouse less because of minor mistakes. You yourself are far from perfect. The horoscope for Libra for 2018 promises a new addition to some families. You already thought that the Stork had forgotten about you, but here is such a miracle! Just don’t rush to tell everyone about your pregnancy ahead of time.

The horoscope for 2018 recommends Libra to thoroughly renovate their apartment and buy a dacha outside the city. Especially if all this has been in your plans for a long time. Choose the interior style and new furniture together with your relatives so that there are no differences in tastes. The dog does not advise buying expensive and too extravagant things for the home, because comfort and warmth do not depend on material values.

Libra health horoscope for 2018

The horoscope for Libra for 2018 recommends that you listen to your body more often. If you get sick, do not self-medicate, but immediately contact experienced specialists. Even with a cold traditional methods may be less effective than the medications and procedures prescribed by your doctor.

Those born in the year of the Ox should not worry. 2018 will be an encouraging year. There will be difficulties along the way, only the Ox will overcome them and once again prove his independence. People born under the sign of the Ox are very different. Some of them are hardy and patient. They are ready to help overcome obstacles. Others, on the contrary, try to avoid problems and not touch them.

General horoscope

Bulls have always strived for perfection. So nothing will force them to abandon their planned business. But in the Year of the Dog, you better take a couple of steps back and be patient. Success will definitely be in your hands, just not as quickly as you would like. Things in the family and at work will stall somewhat, however, there is no need to give up on them. In professional matters, Oxen must rely only on themselves. There is no need to count on outside help. 2018 will also offer plenty of travel and business trips. Don't give up on them.

Ox Man

Not everything will be easy for men in 2018. If we talk about family, then your significant other is used to the fact that her husband always provides for the family stably. But when some imbalance appears, she will get nervous and express her complaints to her husband. The head of the family is extremely annoyed by this. On this basis, disagreements will begin. Advise your wife to be wise.

In a team at work, the Ox will begin to seek solace after family troubles. And considerable effort will be exerted, so that difficulties will fade into the background. Numerous business trips will also help you come to your senses. Away from home, you will be able to soberly assess the situation at home and at work.

Ox Woman

Girls born in the year of the Ox in 2018 can expect fewer failures and difficulties than the opposite sex. In a family, most often, you are the head, as well as the main breadwinner and educator. You are able to manage your husband tactfully and competently, you are excellent at organizing everyday life and a positive attitude.

In the spring, you can sign contracts unsuccessfully, which will cause temporary difficulties in the team. But in the summer there is a possibility of gossip and fiction. Because of this, the Bull will get out of the working rut. Of course, this sign I’m not used to giving up, so you’ll sort out all the problems before August.

The Ox woman always enjoyed jogging in the morning, playing outdoor games with her family, and walking in the park with her children. You shouldn’t give up on this in 2018 either.

Love horoscope

Representatives of the sign of the problem of love will be touched from an unexpected side. Acquaintances or distant relatives will cause discord in family relationships Bull. If the other half does not show worldly wisdom, then the quarrels will drag on. As for romantic meetings, they will be memorable and romantic. Small souvenirs given to this period, will become talismans for a long time.

If you've been thinking about getting married for a long time, now is the time. Moreover, they are allowed to be held in any month. The union will be more successful and successful if products that were created by the hands of the spouses’ parents are placed on the table. 2018 is also ideal for conceiving children. The Year of the Dog will give you healthy offspring.

Money horoscope

For the Bull in 2018, there will come a period when he will have to think about the fact that not everything is measured by money. Thanks to the Year of the Dog, you will receive money out of nowhere. Unfortunately, the funds will disappear as suddenly as they appeared. Just don't get upset. If we take into account career growth, the Ox always strives for power. In many situations he achieves this. Only now the Year of the Dog will not spoil you with promotions. You will remain in your current position.


Bulls love to be proud of their excellent health. Closeness to nature and sports strengthen him. 2018 is also not going to upset the representatives of the sign. Only the Ox needs to adhere to a few recommendations. For example, undergo a doctor's examination every six months. Monitor your blood pressure and eat on time. This habit is great for your health. Don't get too carried away with work. Make time for lunch too. Keeping a daily routine will also be useful to you. Thanks to good sleep you will be able to adequately keep yourself in good shape and get rid of nervous disorders.