Prayer to Saint Archangel Michael from evil forces. Very strong protection - prayer to Archangel Michael

The Bible tells that when the Virgin Mary, the future Most Holy Theotokos, turned three years old, her parents sent her to be raised in the Jerusalem Temple. There she remained until she was twelve years old, during which she served his shrines and prepared for her future mission.

IN folk orthodoxy Introduction is celebrated as the day winter comes into its own: “On Introduction, winter is introduced, Introduction has come, winter has brought.” In most regions of Russia at this time, peasants transferred from carts to sleighs, and children began the time for winter entertainment - skiing from the mountains. This is what the children's song says:

Introduction to the Temple Holy Mother of God Engraving from an old printed book. XVII century

Introduction has arrived

Winter has come into the house,

The horses were harnessed to the sleigh,

It led me down the path,

The ice on the river has been swept away,

Connected to the shore, 4

Chained to the ground

The snow froze

Small guys

red girls

Sat on the sled,

It rolled down the mountain on ice.

On this day, the period of the first winter festivities began; in most places in Russia, the first sleigh rides were made. It opened with the ritual “to show

young": they usually chose painted light sleighs, decorated them with bells and artificial flowers, and covered them with multi-colored paths. The newlyweds were placed in the sleigh and dressed in their best clothes. At the head of the procession, the sleigh drove along the village to the place of festivities or to the fair.

Since the Introduction, winter fairs have opened in most Russian cities. One of the largest took place in Moscow, on Lubyanka Square, where they sold sleighs and various wood products. In the northern regions of Russia, the Vvedenskaya Fair was usually called the fish fair, since from that day intensive trade in frozen fish began.

The introduction was universally considered a women's and girls' holiday. Therefore, on this day it was forbidden to engage in any feminine activities. Otherwise, the Mother of God could punish the guilty.

On the morning of the holiday, a ritual was performed to introduce the cattle: a barn cow, a heifer or a young bull was brought into the house, the animal was fed with bread and water. A cow or heifer was sprinkled with grain, and the udder was smeared with a thick flour paste so that there would be a lot of milk.

The introduction was considered a day of remembrance of ancestors. It was believed that on this holiday God releases the souls of the righteous to earth so that they can look at their relatives. Therefore, in many places on the Annunciation, cemeteries were visited and the graves of the dead were put in order.

Palm Sunday - see

Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem

Koufizhshnsh Krsszhl of the Lord

According to legend, Helen, the mother of Emperor Constantine the Great, visited the Holy Land. She wanted to find the place where Jesus Christ was buried and the cross on which he was crucified.

Carrying out this vow, Helen experienced considerable difficulties: two hundred years before her journey, by order of Emperor Hadrian, the Cave of the Holy Sepulcher was filled up, and a temple in honor of Jupiter was built on Golgotha.

However, Elena managed to discover a cave in which they found three wooden crosses and a board with the inscription “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” According to the evangelists, a board with a similar inscription was nailed to the cross of Jesus Christ.

After the discovery of the cross of Jesus, miracles began to happen around him. The cross was declared miraculous and placed in the main Jerusalem church, and particles of wood began to be sold to pilgrims.

The Day of the Exaltation was considered national holiday Byzantine Empire, the cross became the emblem of the empire, and dedicated to the holiday troparion - hymn. Subsequently, the text of this troparion became a hymn in Russia. Cross at the well

IN folk calendar The beginning of autumn work and the end of the harvest are associated with the Exaltation. It is believed that on this day birds begin to fly away, snakes go to sleep, and the bear goes into hibernation.

There is a widespread legend that says that on the Exaltation of the Exaltation, snakes celebrate the wedding of their king. Therefore, on this day it is forbidden to go to the forest. Folk tales say that during the Exaltation, goblins run through the forest, and then fall underground, where they sleep until spring.

Usually, after the Exaltation, autumn mushroom picking and cabbage harvesting began. For two weeks, the villages hosted kastniks, or Kapustinskie evenings. Women gathered in houses and chopped cabbage collected during the day. The work was accompanied by the song: “Hang yourself, hang yourself, cabbage.”

In Russia, on the day of the Exaltation, a funeral ceremony was performed for flies, fleas and cockroaches. From turnip or rutabaga

small coffins were cut out, caught flies and cockroaches were placed in them, then the coffin was taken out of the hut and buried in the garden. Only girls performed the funeral ceremony. They pretended to lament, feigning grief: “Oh, our cockroach is dead, oh-oh-oh, our little cockroach, and our little fellow, and our little falcon, and how we bury you.”

The ritual has been preserved since ancient times. It was believed that he protected people. The ritual itself carefully imitated the main actions and elements of the funeral rite: dressing in a shroud, positioning in a coffin, mourning, funeral service, burial and commemoration. In many places, the cockroach was not buried, but hung in a coffin from a tree branch. It is known that many primitive peoples buried their dead in this way. Sometimes the funeral ritual was repeated in the summer. Thus, frogs were buried to make rain. At the same time, the grave was necessarily watered.

In many places along the Vozdvizheniya there was a tour of the crops, accompanied by procession. For the holiday they made a special wooden cross, decorated it with ribbons, flowers and wreaths. The main participants of the holiday were children. The procession went around the fields, while the children sang a special song:

We wear the cross - we ask God, May the Lord grant that the rain will fall, The grass will grow, the field will turn green.

After the ceremony was completed, the mistress of the field sprinkled the children with grain, throwing it up with the words: “So that the wheat grows just as high.”

Exaltation Day opened the cycle of autumn holidays. It was after him that preparations for Christmastide began: costumes, masks, and stars for caroling were made.

Ascension of the Lord

One of the main twelve holidays that closes the Easter cycle. Celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter, on Thursday in the sixth week after Easter.

Resurrection of Jesus Christ Engraving from an old printed book. XVII century

The Bible says that on the fortieth day after his death, Jesus Christ, together with his disciples, went to Mount Bleon and from there ascended to heaven. In popular Orthodoxy, the Ascension is associated with the belief that on this day “the doors of heaven are opened, the bonds of hell are loosed,” the gates of heaven are opened for everyone, and any deceased, even a sinner, goes to heaven.

Ascension was considered the holiday of the dead, a memorial day, when “God's onuchi” - oval-shaped pancakes - were baked and distributed. It was believed that it was in such clothes that Jesus ascended to heaven. The epic tells that from Easter to the Ascension, Jesus Christ walks the earth in the form of a beggar, so at this time it was supposed to give alms to the poor.

Sometimes funeral bread was baked in the shape of a ladder, a rectangular loaf with seven crossbars, symbolizing the seven heavens. With the help of ladders they guessed about posthumous fate: having climbed the bell tower, they threw the ladder down. By the number of crossbars remaining intact, they knew which heaven a person would go to after death. If all seven crossbars remained intact, then the person was considered righteous. A completely broken ladder indicated that the one who abandoned it was a terrible sinner.

Ladders were also used for another ritual - the sowing spell. Once out into the field, the ladders were thrown up. It was believed that the higher the ladder could be raised, the higher the rye would rise in the summer. Prayers were held in which they asked God for fertility. After the prayer service, the girls went out to “see off Christ.” Each one went to her field with ladder breads, pancakes and eggs. Pancakes were eaten, ladders and eggs were thrown up with the sentence: “Christ, go to heaven, take the rye by the ear.” In some places, women rolled around the field with the words: “Grow grass to the forest, and rye to the barn.”

Ascension was considered the boundary between spring and summer: from this day on, spring songs stopped being sung. In many places, it was from the Ascension that girls who had grown up within a year for the first time received the right to go out in the clothes of adult girls. They could go out with the guys and participate in get-togethers.

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On December 4, 2018, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Feast of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple. It was on this day that the Holy Virgin Mary began her service to God. This one is big Christian holiday has another name - the Third Most Pure One, and is popularly called the Winter Festival. All because in Slavic culture this day was a symbol not only of a sacred event, but also of the beginning of winter.

History and significance of the feast of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple

According to legend, parents were unable to have children for many years, so they made a promise to God that when a miracle happened, they would give their child to serve him. After some time, God heard the prayers of the desperate couple and a girl was born to them, who was named Maria.

When the girl was 3 years old, her parents kept their word and took Mary to the temple in Jerusalem. In order to get there, they had to walk for 3 whole days.

It was on this day that the Mother of God was brought to church to serve the Lord. At that time, Mary was only 3 years old, and the high priest took her to a place where children had never been before. All the parishioners were very surprised by this event. Maria remained to live in the temple, and her parents were forced to return home. From that time on, once a year, namely on December 4, the Virgin Mary had the right to enter the Holy of Holies.

Traditions and folk signs of the holiday of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary

According to tradition, on this day all the fishermen were in a hurry to go and finish their last fishing trip, since it was believed that after the ice gets stronger, the fish becomes tasteless. This holiday falls at the beginning of the Nativity Fast, so it is relaxed a little and fish is allowed, sunflower oil and red wine.

Despite the fact that it was fasting, excellent fairs were allowed to be held on this day. Also, from this moment sledding began.

    What not to do on the Feast of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple

    On the Feast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, you cannot have lavish feasts and have fun, since the church does not welcome such things. In addition, all believers must attend a church service, light a candle to the Virgin Mary and pray.

    On this holiday it is forbidden to do hard work, clean, sew, wash and knit. It is advisable, whenever possible, to give alms to people in need. It can be anything: from money and food to clothes, mittens and socks.

    In addition, it is strictly forbidden to get married on the holiday, as during the entire Nativity Fast, but no one forbids performing the sacrament of baptism.

    Folk signs of the holiday of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary

    Folk signs of the holiday:

    • There is an opinion that along with the holiday comes winter, which fully comes into its own;
    • if it is frosty outside on the day of the holiday, then the winter will be quite mild;
    • To this holiday The first ice often appears on rivers;
    • in order for all next year was successful, and in the winter we didn’t have to get sick, our previous generation certainly had to greet the Morozov brothers, but only the owner was obliged to do this;
    • it was believed that on this day water had love magic, so all the young girls tried to give the young men they cared about a drink;
    • from time immemorial, ancestors argued that it was forbidden to dig the earth on the Introduction, since it rests on this day;
    • on this day it was customary to visit people. If you enter the house first a woman will come in- to failure, and if a man - to wealth and a well-fed life.

    Also on this day it is better not to lend. This is not church ban- rather a folk sign. And it applies to all major holidays.

The Orthodox holiday of the Entry of the Blessed Virgin Mary will take place on December 4 and will gather believers within the walls of churches and temples for common prayer To the Higher Powers. Following the traditions of this day will help you achieve well-being and say goodbye to troubles.

The holiday is one of the 12 most important days in the church calendar. The introduction of the Mother of God into the temple foreshadows the beginning of a new round of history, in which the Lord himself will be incarnated in earthly life through his immaculately conceived Son. The beginning of these events goes back centuries, when Anna and her husband, faithful to the Lord, with His blessing, became the parents of the Virgin Mary, given to the service of the Lord and raised according to all the rules of the church.

Folk traditions of the holiday

In folk traditions, from the day of the holiday, fairs began to open, where one could purchase a variety of goods, have fun from the heart and enjoy the offered treats. On the holiday, after the morning service, many visited merchants to update their wardrobes and also offer their goods.

On the Introduction to the Temple folk traditions Sleigh rides began. The “season” was opened by newlyweds, married in the church. In families of young people, relatives gathered at a table rich in treats, and then helped decorate a sleigh drawn by three horses. Following the newlyweds, a “train” set off with relatives who had fun, sang songs and glorified the married couple.

It was customary among the people to honor the Morozov brothers. To do this, the stoves were heated intensively so that the winter would pass in warmth. According to legends, medicinal herbs were added to the oven to avoid illnesses during the cold season.

At the Entry into the Temple, it is customary to tell fortunes about the betrothed. Girls performed ceremonies and rituals in order to see their grooms in their dreams or the place where they would go to live after the wedding. Often rituals were performed with illuminated water, which was given to the young men they liked to drink. The Mother of God herself could bless the couple, and next year they could become husband and wife.

On the day of the holiday, housewives went to the barn in the morning to perform a ritual with the cattle. They sprinkled the cows with flaxseeds, lubricated the udders with oil and fed them jelly. This ritual helped increase milk yield and protected livestock from disease. After this, dried herbs were set on fire in the barn so that evil spirits could not harm the animals.

On the holiday, foul language and swearing were prohibited. Our ancestors religiously observed this tradition, believing that families who violated the ban would face bad luck.

It is believed that during the Introduction, the Vedunisa goes from house to house, possessing miraculous powers. She can take the form of animals and even people, reward housewives for their work and punish those who refuse household duties and chores. In this regard, on the day of the holiday, housewives tried to clean their houses, weave linens and prepare delicious treats in order to gain good luck.

Signs on the day of the holiday

  • On this day it was forbidden to dig because the earth was resting and gaining strength. Those who dared to break the ban were threatened with trouble with the harvest next year.
  • The nature of the entire winter was determined by the weather on December 4th.
  • According to the sign from the Introduction to the Temple, one could safely go fishing and not be afraid to step on the ice.
  • The snow that fell on the day of the holiday indicated what the harvest would be like in the new year. If it no longer melted, then it was a good omen.
  • Large quantity snow on the hills and hillocks indicated a rich harvest of berries.
  • On the day of the holiday, people do not lend money in order to avoid financial difficulties.

On the holiday, clergy call on believers to pray to the Higher Powers, visit church and be sure to spend time with their families. You should not refuse help on this day. Following traditions will help you avoid troubles, as well as bring good luck and prosperity to your home and family. Good luck to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

03.12.2018 10:48

Folk signs for Trinity are frightening in their content. According to some beliefs, if you don't visit the cemetery in...

December 4th is a big day church holiday Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple. It was installed in memory of events from the childhood of the Virgin Mary. Her parents are righteous Joachim and Anna – for a long time they could not have children. At that time, infertility was considered God's punishment. Therefore, the absence of children was very frustrating for the spouses. Saint Anna was already at an advanced age when an angel appeared to her and said that she would soon have a daughter. Then the woman made a promise that she would give the child as a gift to the Lord, whom he would serve all his life.

When the Virgin Mary was three years old, her pious parents decided to fulfill the promise made before the birth of their daughter: to give her up to be raised in the temple so that she would serve the Lord. Maria was dressed in her best clothes and taken to the steps Jerusalem Temple. Next to the girl were her parents and relatives. The priests serving at the temple embroidered towards her.

Saint Zechariah took the Virgin Child by the hand and led him into the temple. First they visited the sanctuary of the temple, and then, by inspiration from above, he led Mary into the innermost compartment - the Holy of Holies, where only the high priest with cleansing sacrificial blood had the right to enter once a year. This event surprised everyone present. Having received a blessing from the bishop and having given gifts to the temple, Anna and Joachim returned home, and Maria remained at the temple.

Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple: the history of the holiday

Introduction is the last of the twelve holidays of the year, which the Orthodox Church considers as the eve of the great holiday of the Nativity of Christ. The concept of Introduction contains a deep meaning of preparing the future Mother of God to become the purest vessel of the Son of God. Life after Entry into the Temple Holy Virgin changed radically, therefore this event can be called Her second birth for a new life dedicated to serving the Lord.

Orthodox Church The holiday began to be celebrated back in the 8th century. But since it was described briefly in the monthly calendars of that time, it was most likely performed without any solemnity. Only from the 9th century the holiday became widespread, but until the 14th century it was not considered one of the twelve. Today the Introduction is celebrated as solemnly as other twelfth holidays.

In honor of this holiday they are consecrated Christian churches, which are then called Vvedensky.

Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary: traditions and signs

In Rus', a special role was given to the first word in the name of the holiday - “Introduction”. It was given an expanded meaning. It referred not only to the Mother of God, but also meant “entry” or “beginning.” The fact is that the holiday coincided with the onset of winter. Therefore, people said: “ Introduction has come - brought winter», « Introduction opens the gates of winter», « Introduction to the mind of winter instructs».

By folk legend On this day, Winter herself rides across the earth in a snow-white fur coat. With her icy breath she brings snow patterns onto the window glass.

Real winter does not set in immediately. It gradually gains strength, moves at an uneven pace: it will freeze very cold, then it will retreat and delight you with warm days. There are also popular sayings about this:

The introduction does not put winter.

Vvedensky frosts do not stop winter.

It was believed that the snow that fell before the holiday would soon melt. But if it snows after the Introduction, then real winter will begin.

Since both thaw and cold often occur before the holiday and immediately after it, people say, meaning bodies of water covered or covered with ice:

The introduction dissolves the ice cream.

A thick layer of ice was placed on the water Introduction, paved over the rivers.

Even if there was a good sleigh route for the Introduction, rarely did any of the peasants set off on the road. People believed that the road was still unreliable and they should wait a little until winter fully came into its own.

With the onset of winter, people lived in anticipation of the holidays, which are rich in December and the first half of January. People wanted to know what weather to expect during the holidays:

If it’s frosty in Vedenie, then so are all the holidays ( meaning the weather ) will be frosty. If it’s warm on December 4, then the weather will be warm for the holidays.

On this holiday, we made test rides on sleighs. The winter festivities began for the newlyweds, who arranged their first trip solemnly: they picked up light, painted sleighs, decorated with multi-colored paths. The young woman put on her best clothes, and the young husband, belted with a red sash, dashingly rode the horses. Their friends and relatives came to watch the newlyweds leave. This ritual is popularly called " show young».

During the Introduction, winter auctions were held everywhere, which in some places grew into large fairs. At such fairs they sold triple, double and single sleds. The most beautiful were the Galician painted sleighs. The sleigh people selling them shouted jokes and jokes:

Many people left the fair for home on new sleighs.

There was a belief that a special spirit, a witch, comes to careless spinners on this day: “ If you haven’t spun a spool by this day, then a lady will come, wrap her hair in a skein and drag it into the chimney».

It’s interesting how different phenomena come together in the popular consciousness to create something new. Vedenitsa received its name from the holiday to which its appearance was timed. However, her name and behavior merged the ideas of a sorceress, a witch, a spindle-snake - a sorceress, a woman-witch or evil spirits. Common feature of these representatives is witchcraft - inhuman, supernatural knowledge and the ability to cast spells, remove and send damage and diseases, turn into different creatures and objects, control the weather, spoil the harvest and steal the moon.

It is common for witches to turn into whirling smoke or a bird and fly into a chimney or enter a house through chimneys. They often move on stove utensils (poker, bread shovel, broom, etc.). They are often related to women’s handicrafts – spinning or weaving. They help needlewomen, but harm bad and lazy housewives by severely punishing them.

On the eve of the holiday, marriageable girls were advised to read a prayer for marriage before going to bed:

“Introduction of the Most Holy Theotokos, take me to that house in which to live forever.”

In the morning they remembered the dreams they had seen that night. They were believed to be prophetic.

On the day of the holiday, the girls prayed for a wedding:

“Introduction Most Holy Theotokos, bring us into the temple of God as soon as possible!”

On this day, pancakes were baked everywhere. A coin was certainly baked into one pancake: whoever gets it will be happy.

Signs of the day:

  1. At the Introduction it got colder - leading to a harsh winter.
  2. If winter sets in from this day on, then next year there will be a rich harvest.
  3. If there is frost on Introduction, then there will be frost throughout the winter holidays. If it’s warm on this day, then the holidays will be warm.

People born on December 4 are protected byPre-holyMother of God. Their stone is diamond.

Video: Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple

On December 4, believers celebrate the Christian Orthodox holiday - the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The celebration is connected with the event when it became known that Mary’s parents, Saint Anne and Saint Joachim, brought their daughter to the temple to dedicate her to the Almighty. According to signs, Vedenie December 4 is associated with the arrival of winter and the beginning of the Vvedenskaya Fair.


People say that Introduction is the gateway to winter. Ancient traditions Orthodox holiday based on centuries-old superstitions.

On December 4, the Vvedenskaya Fair begins, where they sell sleighs, the most popular form of transport in Rus'. On a church holiday in folk festivals The first sleigh rides around the city are made. According to tradition, on December 4, the newlyweds open the first sleigh ride, riding on a sleigh with bells.

According to signs, after December 4 you can’t dig the ground, do laundry or clean. Christians try not to use foul language, quarrel with neighbors or lend money - there is a sign that those who act badly can bring grief or misfortune to their home.

There is a custom of visiting and inviting guests - according to the superstition, if there are many people in the house, there will be prosperity and prosperity all year round. The holiday falls on the Nativity Fast, so fasting Orthodox Christians are advised to eat only fish dishes.

By church custom On December 4, a service is held in the church, at which believers offer prayers to the icon of the Mother of God.

Orthodox believers associate another sign with the holidays - it is believed that on December 4, Vedunitsa, the most strong witch who sees, knows and has miraculous powers. She takes the form of animals and enters the house to observe the life of the family. Therefore, conscientious housewives try to weave a lot of linen before the holiday, so that the Lady will notice their housekeeping and endow the house with prosperity.

Signs for December 4

One of the most important folk signs on December 4 - this is the appearance of frosty patterns on the glass. It is believed that December invites winter, and as it passes by on a sleigh, it paints the glass. The day is known for changeable weather - thaw gives way to frost, causing the roads to become muddy or frozen.

Folk tales about the weather according to the Introduction determine the weather conditions for the whole winter. For example, according to popular belief, if it snows on December 4th, according to the sign it will stay until spring. And the snow that fell before this day will soon melt.

  1. after December 4 the snow has not melted - there will be a good harvest;
  2. if it’s frosty in the morning, expect a cold winter and a sultry summer;
  3. the sun is shining on December 4 - to a clear sky in winter;
  4. if the weather is warm, there will be a drought next year;
  5. if you hear the ringing of a bell - it means frost, a dull ringing - it means snowfall;
  6. the porridge is browned in the stove - it means snowfall;
  7. severe frost foreshadows cold;
  8. If the horse is stubborn, snow will fall;
  9. if it is cloudy and raining, the summer will be lean;

According to signs, December 4 is a favorable day for carrying out conspiracies for good luck, prosperity, happy family life and prosperity in the house.


On this day you need to pray to the icon of the Holy Mother of God, or even better, read the akathist in front of her image. Turning to the Most Holy Theotokos cleanses the soul and gives peace. She is asked for intercession before God, mothers turn to her in prayers for their children.

For Christians, this Holiday has special divine power. And the petitions addressed to the Mother of God on the day of the Entry are the most effective and powerful.

Herbs harvested on December 4

In December, herbalists collect fruits. For example, during this period people harvest pine buds and alder cones. The top of the shoot with part of the branch is cut off from the trees. It is then dried and used in the preparation of medicine. The collection of medicinal ingredients continues throughout the winter.

Orthodox parishioners believe that the Almighty gave them a chance to atone for sins and ascend to heavenly blessings on the day when the girl Mary entered God's abode. And by their actions, Mary’s parents show believers that love and respect for the Almighty must be cultivated in a child from childhood.