Signs: There is a spider sitting in the dish. Signs about spiders: how did our ancestors interpret the appearance of spiders at home? Why kill a spider

The position of the sun during the encounter with the spider largely determines the “theme” of the prediction. Although superstitions in this case are quite vague. There are several signs regarding when a spider was encountered:

  • in the morning - to suffering, misfortune, troubles;
  • during the day - to worries or to great love;
  • in the evening - to receive a gift or letter;
  • at night - to gain hope.

At the same time, folk superstitions about spiders say that if an animal weaves a web in the morning, then this is a sign of good fortune. So everything is not always clear, and you shouldn’t be afraid of early meetings. A much more reliable superstition is to look in which direction the spider is crawling: towards a person - to luck and goodness, from him - to bad luck and losses.

Signs and superstitions about spiders in the house

Spiders live almost everywhere. And you shouldn’t pay attention to superstitions, if the house is not cleaned, a lot of trash and dust has accumulated: in such conditions, spiders will start to appear once or twice. It’s another matter if they appear suddenly and for no reason. For example, a person has just moved into a new, renovated apartment - and a few days later he discovered hordes of spiders in it, from which no amount of cleaning can save.

Signs about spiders mainly focus attention on where the animal is located.

The most famous superstitions are:

  1. A spider on the ceiling means all sorts of good things.
  2. A spider on the wall or on the floor means news. Black - for bad news, white - for good, red - for money.
  3. A spider in the corner means a letter. The formed dense web indicates that the news is late (due to the fault of the mail or due to the sender’s reluctance to report the news).
  4. A spider fell on the table - a warning about the enemy. The larger and more unpleasant-looking the animal, the stronger and more harmful the enemy.
  5. A spider in the sink, in the bathroom, in the toilet - to financial losses. Finances will “flow away” with the water.
  6. A spider on the door means guests. If the door frame is covered in cobwebs, the visit will be delayed. A light color indicates pleasant guests, a dark color indicates unwanted ones.
  7. Spider on the threshold - to return " prodigal son"or the appearance of an old friend.
  8. A spider on the mirror means unexpected news.
  9. A spider on the window means money or news.
  10. A spider in the bed, on the bed - to receive news.
  11. A spider above the bed is a sign of great happiness. But only on condition that the individual is light.
  12. A spider in the kitchen means news concerning the family. If a lot of cobwebs are constantly accumulating in the room, the spouses may separate.
  13. A spider in the refrigerator, in food, in a cup - to improved material well-being.

Lonely spiders that do not spin webs are scouts or messengers. Dark individuals indicate the machinations of enemies or evil forces, while light ones are usually connected with the help of friends or guardian angels.

The presence of cobwebs in a home is associated with “our own,” house spiders. In terms of color, the situation is similar: a light web is “good” (protects against negativity), a dark one is “bad” (signals about the pumping of energy from the house).

Folk signs: a spider on the body - what is it for?

The main fear of an arachnophobe is to see a spider fall on their arm or run across their knee. But popular omens are quite favorable to such an event. According to superstitions:

  • a spider on clothes means money. Soon there will be an opportunity to update your wardrobe;
  • the spider descended on the hand - to change the existing situation. If the right side of the body is affected, profit or promotion can be expected. Spider that descended on left hand, predicts minor financial losses;
  • a spider on the face - fortunately;
  • a spider fell on your head - to a sudden inheritance or other unexpected money;
  • spider in hair - to finding true love;
  • a spider on a shoe or on a leg means a quick trip.

In general, it is believed that spiders on the body are a sign of good fortune. But in order not to “knock down” the sign, it is unacceptable to destroy the “guest”. As a last resort, you need to carefully remove it from yourself, or even better, let it go away on its own.

Those who are literally haunted by spiders should pay special attention to superstitions. If animals constantly crawl on a person, this is definitely not without reason.

Spiders: signs and superstitions regarding color

Old people advise to always take into account the color of the spider you see. If you believe folk superstitions, then:

  1. The black spider has strong energy. It comes either before trouble or before a pleasant event. Depends on the person’s attitude: if you are afraid of a spider - expect misfortune, and vice versa.
  2. The red spider is always associated with receiving, acquiring, and accumulating. It portends a promotion, financial growth, prosperity, salary increase or a large bonus. Moreover, the achievements will be deserved.
  3. Green spider associated with luck, fortune, and some risk. Like red, it predicts money. But in this case material well-being can be obtained by chance and without effort. The green spider serves as a harbinger of winning the lottery, inheritance, finding a wallet with a large sum on the street.
  4. A yellow spider indicates the successful completion of some process. What you start will definitely give the desired result. If there is a pregnant woman in the house, she will give birth to a healthy baby. Your wish will come true, and your working project will take off.
  5. Cross spider. The animal is poisonous and poses a danger not only on the physical, but also on the subtle level. The cross predicts difficult trials, illness, death.

The larger the spider, the more pronounced its influence. But they also pay attention to the number of individuals seen. Sometimes many small spiders are a sign of a more serious event than the appearance of one large animal.

Folk signs about the spider: up and down

Often people see a spider sitting on a web or hanging on a “thread” it has woven. And if the animal starts to move, a person can immediately receive a prediction for himself:

  1. The spider goes down - bad omen. You should prepare for problems, misfortunes, failure.
  2. The spider crawls up - good omen. You can count on luck and pleasant events. You should expect guests.

Fortune telling is very common. For example, you need to think of a question and say:

“Spider-spider, what awaits me - joy or sorrow?”

The spider will crawl up, the answer is yes (the wish will come true, everything will go as it should). But if he starts to descend, you should not count on a positive outcome of your plan.

It happens that the spider falls along with the cobweb. This is to be announced soon.

Killing a spider: good or bad omen?

Christians know the story of how a spider helped protect little Jesus from death. On the way to Egypt, Mary and Joseph took refuge in a cave to escape their pursuers. The entrance to it was immediately thickly woven by a spider, and a dove laid an egg in the web. When the persecutors came to this place, they thought that the cave had not been visited for a long time and moved on.

Since then, the spider has symbolized salvation and higher protection. And the web correlates with protection from external attacks. Therefore, killing a spider is a bad omen, foreshadowing:

  • loss of luck;
  • money problems;
  • exacerbation of an old disease.

A milder superstition associates the killing of this animal with the imminent worsening of bad weather (killing a spider means rain). Anyone who accidentally, out of fear or out of ignorance crushes a spider must say three times:

“Forgive my deed, grant forgiveness, find peace, do not take revenge on me!”

What if you happened to kill a spider in your sleep? Dream books say that this is a bad omen: the sleeper will soon encounter problems. Often such dreams foreshadow financial losses.

But there is an exception. Killing a spider is a good omen if it “encroaches” on the icon and begins to weave a web around it. In this case, killing the “blasphemer” promises the forgiveness of forty sins. By the way, it is quite possible that such behavior of the spider is associated with ungodly moods in the house, the inhabitants of which do not attend church, violate the commandments, and adhere to black magic traditions. The animal only reflects what is happening around, emphasizing the uselessness of icons for specific people.

Spiders and weather signs

The behavior of spiders is used to judge the weather for the coming days. The most popular sign foretelling rain speaks of the killing of an animal. But there are several other superstitions:

  • the spider hides - for rain;
  • the spider weaves a web, after which it sits in its center - to sunny weather, drought;
  • the spider hid in a corner - to strong wind or a hurricane.

It is especially convenient if the spider has woven a web on or outside the window. In this case, the “weather indicator” will always be visible.

Signs: dead spider - for worse or for better?

All living beings die, and often without human “help.” But what about those who find dead spider? What should you expect?

Folk signs say:

  • seeing that the spider is dead means problems in personal relationships and finances;
  • throwing a dead spider into the trash can means loss of luck;
  • taking a dead spider over the threshold is good luck.

There is no unambiguous interpretation of superstition. Therefore, it is better not to get hung up on it and simply get rid of the “dead man” by taking him out into the street.

Magic signs about spiders and cobwebs

Spiders are often used in rituals and are strongly associated with magic. For example, they are believed to love witches and flock to them. Cockroaches, on the contrary, do not tolerate witches and disappear from the practitioner’s home. Some believe that spiders are the same to a brownie as dogs are to a person, and a large number of them indicates a healthy activity of the spirit.

But basically, magicians believe that spiders climb into the house in one of the following cases:

  1. Availability of a lodger. Spiders are often associated with vampires who absorb other people's energy. And if there are settlers in a person’s biofield, then these animals can appear around him. Red spiders indicate demons, black spiders indicate the dead.
  2. A induced haze. One of the types of negative witchcraft influence involves the enchantment of an object. That is, the victim of the spell ceases to adequately perceive reality, looking at the world through the “veil” woven by the enemy magician. If spiders weave a lot of webs in the evening, paying special attention to framed photographs, there is a considerable likelihood of serious trouble.
  3. Damage done. Many spiders in the house are evidence of damage. Moreover, if the individuals are dark, then they acted through the cemetery.
  4. Cleanings carried out. The peculiarity of any cleansing rituals is their ability to “pick off” negativity. This manifests itself through health problems, breakdown of equipment, leaking pipes, etc. But another sign of the beginning of cleaning is large spiders in an apartment or house, appearing “out of nowhere.” Usually the "invasion" ends after the ritual reaches its goal.
  5. Witchcraft work performed. Many practitioners notice that animals are always near them during rituals. Spiders do not climb on a person, but simply stay in close proximity to him.

Magicians treat their eight-legged “comrades” with respect. They do not kill them, but if necessary, take them outside the threshold and release them into the wild. The most that sorcerers allow themselves is to carefully clean the cobwebs from the corners. And even then: a small amount of it is considered useful for the home, as it serves as a natural filter from negativity. And the spiders themselves are excellent guards, driving away evil spirits.

Why spider omens work

Even skeptics notice how true folk superstitions are: if a spider climbs in, something is bound to happen. But why do old superstitions actually turn out to be working information?

It's all about the animal's biofield. Spiders sense energy crises that accompany any event - both good and bad:

  1. In case of a positive incident, an excess of energy is formed for a short time. Knowledgeable person uses “surpluses” to further build their destiny, ordinary people simply let them dissipate. Spiders come to feast on the energy “cream” while it lasts. That’s why these animals appear on the eve of the birth of children, weddings, moves, etc.
  2. When a negative incident occurs, black energy clots form in the house and around people. Spiders especially love them and come to “lunch” with pleasure. Very often, negativity is induced by enemies (damage, curses, evil eyes) or arises under the influence of a person’s thoughts.

It is a mistake to believe that spiders appear only in energetically dirty or, conversely, crystal clear rooms. They come regardless of this before key changes or against the background of magical practice.

All the signs about spiders originated from many years of experience. large quantity people. But this does not mean that they are ossified: any superstitions must be assessed from the perspective of individual perception. And first of all, you need to be guided by intuition and your own feelings, even if they contradict folk tradition.

Usually, the first thing we remember when we come across a web are signs. Isn't it? Moreover, thoughts about popular beliefs often come to mind even to inveterate skeptics. And this is not without reason, since in many countries of the world, since ancient times, the spider and its trapping net were considered something special: the spider itself is still positioned as a guardian hearth and home, and its web - a kind of amulet in which happiness, prosperity and well-being were “entangled” and remained.

Where can you find cobwebs?

Spiders are able to live both on the street and in our homes, respectively, and we can also find their catching nets absolutely everywhere. And the exact place where it was noticed helps a lot in understanding the signs.

In the house

According to popular belief, a lot of cobwebs in the house means wealth. But you shouldn’t go to extremes and completely forget about cleaning just so that the whole apartment is covered in this spider’s waste product. This trick won't work. In addition, it should be remembered that for the implementation of this belief, fertile soil is needed - a friendly, warm atmosphere. And then, the net carefully woven by the eight-legged guest will certainly fulfill its main purpose - to catch luck and keep it in the apartment.

Note! In those homes where there is misunderstanding and chaos in the family, the web of luck and prosperity does not bring! By the way, even the spiders themselves don’t stay there for long!

There are other signs about cobwebs in the house:

  • if you wake up in the morning and find that a spider has woven its weightless web right above your bed, then this is very good omen- happiness awaits you soon;
  • most often, cobwebs can be seen in various corners and, according to signs, this location indicates that this is where a lot of negative energy has accumulated - the spider shows you exactly where to “clean” the house with the help of a candle and prayer;
  • if a spider hung its webs over the door or behind it and a girl saw them, then according to popular beliefs she should be wary of the betrayal of her loved one.

If the web was found in the kitchen, for example, under dining table, behind the stove or near the leg of a stool, this promises the mistress of the house an assistant. According to popular belief, the spider in in this case tries to help you with household chores and will do everything to make any task a success!

By the way, a weightless cobweb that you found in your own apartment can become a personal amulet. To do this, you need to sew a small linen bag with your own hands (without a sewing machine, just with a thread and a needle!) and carefully put the web in it. It is advisable to carry this talisman with you at all times - it will protect you in all situations and accompany you in all your endeavors.

On the window

If a spider has woven a web on a window, then according to the sign you can hope for good weather. No precipitation is expected during the day, and you can safely spend the whole day in nature. However, it should be remembered that given explanation will fully justify itself only if there was no owner in the web.

Other signs about cobwebs on a window:

  • if the cobweb on the window frame was accidentally touched by you, very soon you will meet an old friend;
  • if you did not notice the web woven by a spider on the window and tore it off, then this promises a quarrel with a loved one;
  • when the spider is in the process of creating its webs, it promises to receive news soon;
  • the owner of the web was frightened of you and rushed up his web - the news is sure to be good, ran down - the news promises to be bad;
  • if the spider does not pay any attention to you and continues to sit motionless on its web, then according to the sign, profit awaits you - it can be money or a valuable gift;
  • the opposite meaning is the popular belief about an old torn cobweb on a window - after such a discovery, failures in the financial sphere will overtake you;

Note! You can try to correct the situation - to do this, carefully remove the cobwebs, and then wash your hands thoroughly!

In general, seeing a spider spin a web is a good omen, no matter where it is. But in this case you can’t rip it off. If you notice a web with its owner during the cleaning process and do not accept such proximity, then it is better to carefully collect it on a broom and leave it outside the threshold, while trying to make sure that the spider itself remains alive.

On the street

Often, while on the street, we very rarely pay attention to such a small thing as a cobweb, and it becomes noticed only when it touches our skin. What could this mean?

  • According to the superstition, getting caught in a web means good sign. Wealth awaits you.
  • If you find both a cobweb and its owner on your clothes, this is a sign of a new thing.
  • There are a lot of cobwebs on your clothes - a lot of small troubles await you, because of which your reputation may suffer.
  • A spider's web gets into your face - such a sign promises clear sunny weather and new pleasant impressions.

How to interpret the behavior of a spider in a web?

Based on the actions of the spider, which is in its web, several predictions can be made:

  • the sign that a spider descends on its web promises pleasant surprise– this could be a long-awaited letter, the arrival of a welcome guest, or a gift from which you will be completely delighted;
  • if the spider, having descended, ended up on your hand, you should expect an inheritance;
  • if the owner of the web descended directly on your head, your talent will soon appear, which it is advisable to develop;
  • a spider landed on your clothes - expect a reward;
  • if he went down the web and ended up on the table, then in this case you may be waiting for a move, a housewarming party;

    Note! The color of the spider descending on the web also plays a big role: if it is black, then the omen promises unexpected joy, red or brown - sadness!

  • a spider can weave a web and then tear it apart - according to popular beliefs, this behavior promises worsening weather and a thunderstorm.

As you can see, it is connected to the web huge amount folk signs. Believing in them or not is a personal matter. The main thing is not to subordinate your entire life to such beliefs, but treat them as messengers of certain events. And even if the omen turned out to be bad, this is not a reason to give in to despondency. On the contrary, this is a great opportunity to influence the situation, correct it and even prevent it. When receiving predictions from spiders, always use your intuition and listen to it. After all, popular beliefs, coupled with a sixth sense, are a great way to prevent circumstances from taking over you, your emotions and your life.

Signs about spiders were created based on many years of observations. Gradually, a certain connection was established between the behavior of eight-legged creatures and further events in the lives of the owners of the houses. These conclusions have been passed down from mouth to mouth since ancient times and have gradually reached the present day. And since spiders lived and live in almost every house and apartment, a lot of information has been collected.


Spiders can be called ubiquitous. These creatures are able to climb into the tiniest crack and penetrate any room. Thus, they are found in city apartments, country houses, office spaces, and even cars.

Note! As for our ancestors, they considered spiders mystical creatures, a kind of connecting link between reality and other world. In addition, if you look into the past, you can find many amazing healing potions, which necessarily included spiders!

In the house

First, let's find out if spiders appear in the house, is this good or bad? According to ancient belief, such a neighborhood promises wealth and prosperity. At the same time, almost all nationalities are inclined to this opinion, and their signs regarding the appearance of spiders in the house are mostly positive. Therefore, you should not be particularly alarmed when unexpected meeting with arachnids, as they are harbingers of good events.

The sign of the appearance of eight-legged creatures in a city apartment will have the same meaning: they promise happiness and success to absolutely all its residents. It is especially good if the spider you meet turns out to be white - the sign says that such an arthropod collects into its web all the negativity that has accumulated in the house.

But there are other designations.

  • If you saw a spider and got scared - it’s bad news.
  • Crawling along the floor towards you - wait good changes in the financial sector.
  • Moves away from you along the floor - losses await you.
  • Stomps on clothes - soon you will buy an expensive new thing.
  • The spider weaves a web, located in its very center - this sign promises clear and sunny weather.
  • There is a web, but the owner is not in it - most likely it will rain.
  • Crawling around the house morning hoursbad sign.
  • Crawling around the house after dinner is a sign of great luck.
  • Ran through the house in the evening - it is possible to receive a gift.

    Advice! On this day it is advisable not to take any important decisions, since the outcome of the case will most likely not be in your favor!

  • A black spider weaves a web over the bed - its owner will soon fall ill.
  • If the net of such a creature is located above the bed married couple, then a cooling of the relationship between them or betrayal is possible.
  • Sitting on the threshold - to losses.
  • A spider came down from the ceiling and found itself right in front of your face - such a sign promises a quick pleasant meeting or the arrival of dear guests in your home.

In the office

If a spider somehow miraculously ended up in your workplace, then the sign will relate exclusively to the business sphere.

  • Crawls nearby - expect a business letter or meeting.
  • Climbing up the wall - most likely, a monetary reward awaits you, the project you have been working on for so long will still be accepted, or a distrustful client will still agree to sign a contract.
  • He sank to the floor and immediately disappeared - a possible delay in wages or an unpleasant conversation with the boss.
  • If it unexpectedly fell on your desktop - soon you will have an enemy/envious person who will try to show you in an unfavorable light.

Recommendation! In such a situation, the sign advises not to think about the bad, but to perform your work duties more diligently. In this case, as they say, the mosquito will not undermine your nose, and your enemy will be left with nothing!

In the car

A personal car is also, in a sense, personal space, and therefore the meaning of a spider in a car will not differ much from the interpretation of its appearance, say, at home or at work.

  • Crawling across a chair, on the ceiling or on the dashboard is a hint of a certain amount of money that will either become profit or, on the contrary, leave your wallet.

    Note! In this case, the turn of events will determine the direction in which the spider is moving: towards you - expect profit, from you - traffic police officers will probably stop you at the next turn!

  • Big spider - large amount, small – respectively, insignificant.
  • Climbed on you - profit will be guaranteed.
  • Spun a web right in the car - very good sign. In this case, you can assume that you are under his protection.

In the bathroom

The sign regarding an encounter with a spider in the bathroom belongs to a separate category, and therefore its designation will be somewhat different from the interpretations associated with the house.

  • Settled in the bathroom - stagnation awaits you, both in your personal life and in current affairs.
  • Another sign speaks of a spider in the bathroom as a leak. This could be money, important information or missing valuables.
  • Crawling towards you - expect profit.
  • A sudden meeting with a spider means a quick cleansing of your spiritual and personal life.

On the street

An encounter with spiders may well happen on the street. What does she promise us according to signs and popular beliefs?

  • Getting caught in a big web is a very bad sign. This promises you a lot of minor troubles and even a bad reputation about you in society.
  • Touching the web a little with your hand or other part of the body is a good omen. Expecting you soon nice meeting with an old friend, which will be remembered by both exclusively on the positive side.
  • A cobweb clung to your clothes unnoticed and you saw it only at home - to wealth.

Spider and man

There are several signs that are associated with the direct interaction between a spider and a person.

  • Runs away from you - warns of an unexpected waste of money.
  • A spider descends down the web right at you - this sign says that you will have the opportunity to accept an unexpected inheritance or win the lottery.
  • If the descended spider is black, then you should expect bad news.
  • If it fell on your head, the profit will directly fall on you.
  • Falls down during a feast directly onto the table - you will have an enemy in life.
  • Killing a spider is not a good omen. According to different sources it promises forgiveness of a certain number of sins - from 7 to 40 - but it will not be achieved at a simple price: either through the illness of the one who killed the spider, or through the loss of a very valuable thing, or through parting with a dear person.

    Advice! If you are an ardent opponent of any living creatures in your home or have a strong fear of spiders, then you should not kill them right away. The best solution would be to carefully “evict” him: collect the cobwebs with a broom or twig and move it along with the “owner” out the door!

  • A spider crawling along a person’s hand is a sign that you will soon receive money.

As you can see, there are a huge number of signs and folk beliefs about spiders. And as you can see, most of them still have a favorable interpretation. If there are few spiders in your house and their presence does not particularly annoy you, do not rush to drive them out. Let them sit in the corners and slowly clear your home of negative energy. As long as they agree to live next to you, peace and prosperity will reign in your home.

To believe in omens or not? Everyone decides for themselves. But, be that as it may, one should always hope for a good outcome, and therefore it is better to pay attention and believe in signs positive character. By the way, according to observations, these are the ones that come true more often.

The main thing is not to rush to destroy the spiders you meet. The species that live in our homes are mostly harmless. In addition, they are part of the ecosystem and help you in many ways - they eat mosquitoes, flies and other unwanted insects.

What do most people do when they see a spider? They squeal in fear, wince, try to smack the alien with the first thing that comes to hand? Most people do just that. Even those who experience neither fear nor disgust at the sight of an insect usually prefer to keep their distance from it. But our ancestors didn’t think so! For them, the spider was a very valuable predictor, by the color, size and actions of which they determined what events awaited in the future.

What to see in the house

It is quite natural to encounter an insect on the street or in a private home. An open window, a door, a crack in the floor - a yard spider has thousands of opportunities to “look at the light.” Harder to detect uninvited guest in a metropolis apartment, but there’s nothing supernatural about that either. Spiders arrive on clothes, fly with the wind onto the balcony, go down the ventilation shaft from the attic... Therefore, you should not see every meeting with an insect as a sign of fate. But no one is stopping you from trying to figure out what it could mean. At least for the sake of interest.

  • If a spider crawls along the floor or wall towards you, rejoice: it is carrying profit with it. If he's in a hurry to leave, he carries him away.
  • If an insect has descended from the ceiling on a cobweb and swayed right in front of your face, do not rush to jump to the side screaming. Most likely, unexpected news or a guest will come, and whether they will be good or bad depends on your reaction. Gather your will and remain calm.
  • However, there is another interpretation. It is believed that if an insect climbs up the web, it promises good news, if down, it promises sad news.
  • If a spider falls on your head, it will be very difficult to keep your cool. But as a reward for the ordeal you have survived, pleasant surprise, most likely material.
  • Did the spider end up on your shoulder? Good luck in something important to you.
  • Dive right into an open palm? For a wedding or success in business. Without delay, start implementing a long-planned project: everything you take on now will literally burn in your hands.

It's hard to believe, but a spider in its web is a real talisman for your home

In general, although proximity to these creatures is unpleasant and poorly compatible with hygiene, many peoples consider it a good omen. Spiders catch happiness and good fortune in their webs, set traps for enemies at home, and bring peace and harmony to the family. In any case, in the old days, a piece of cobweb clinging somewhere in a dark corner was considered a kind of amulet - if it were there, there would be harmony among the family.


But this is not all superstition! The ability of our ancestors to notice and compare different events was truly inexhaustible, and their imagination was limitless. All that remains is to be surprised and verify their observations from your own experience.

Why are there so many spiders?

  • This home is inhabited by balanced and good people, the energy background is impeccable, and peace and mutual respect reign in relationships.
  • Wealth and great luck will soon fall on you.
  • You haven't done it for a long time general cleaning. It happens like that.

Why is size important?

Whatever the signs promise you, when you see big spider multiply what you promised by two. Is it crawling towards you? Get really big win. Running away? Hold on to the money, you will need it. Hanging from the ceiling on a cobweb? Important and interesting news will come. A small spider is also good in this situation. If troubles are coming, let them be smaller. And luck, no matter how small, is still luck.


Red and red are the color of money

  • Omens do not like the black spider, considering it a harbinger of failure. If he weaves a web over the bed, one of the spouses will go on a spree. Walking around on the floor - expect problems. And only if a black steeplejack climbs up the cobweb, superstitions do not change the previous interpretation: this is definitely good luck.
  • The white spider, as you might guess, brings good changes and romantic acquaintances. Above the marital bed he is a welcome guest, promising revival love relationship even couples with many years of experience. And he won’t let a lonely girl down - he will prophesy for her a new acquaintance with far-reaching consequences. Naturally, pleasant.
  • The red-red spider is called the money weaver. If he has shown your attention to your clothes, do not shout and do not rush to hit the impudent person with a slipper: perhaps it is in at the moment he weaves yours financial well-being. Just carefully push the insect away, it will run away on its own.
  • Gray spiders bring harmony to the home and relationships.
  • The brown spider... just a spider. Pay attention to the size and location where you met it.

By location

  • An insect that has chosen a bathroom or toilet for its home hints that a lot of unnecessary things have accumulated in your life. Old things, protracted situations, outdated relationships... it's time to change something.
  • A spider in the sink portends vanity. There will be a lot of work, but the result will be scanty. But you shouldn’t wash it off, since according to the same signs, killing an insect threatens with all sorts of misfortunes. It’s better to throw the alien out of the sink with a broom or cover it with a glass and send it outside.
  • A cobweb in the bedroom, unless it is the work of a white craftsman, symbolizes stagnation and boredom in a relationship.
  • Has an insect settled in the nursery? Your baby now has a personal protector amulet. If there is no danger that one day he will fall into the crib and scare the child, leave the spider in place.
  • Cobwebs in the kitchen are usually interpreted as a sign of a lack of love in the house. But why would that be?
  • The network is spread out on the doorframe - an influx of money into the house is expected.
  • If a spider walks on the pillow, there will be a lot of trouble ahead.
  • A spider descended on the table during dinner - someone is unkindly disposed towards the family.
  • Running around the table - hints at moving.
  • Plopped onto the threshold - prophesies illness or death. Sweep the gloomy predictor out of the threshold with a broom and slam the door.
  • Did a spider live in the refrigerator? Maybe it's time to get serious about housekeeping?

By time of day

It’s better not to meet spiders at dawn

  • If you meet a spider in the morning, there will be no luck until the evening. It is especially bad to see an insect in a village house next to the stove! This is explained simply: the stove has long been considered the heart of the home, and the spider is the guardian of peace in it. If the keeper sits in such a position in the morning important place having become ruffled, it follows that he senses something is wrong. Don’t start anything important today, and postpone all decisions until tomorrow.
  • If you run into an insect during the day after lunch, you will soon find new love.
  • In the evening, the insect promises everyone who notices it, good events and peace of mind.
  • If you happened to see a spider at night, don’t expect a peaceful life the next day. You will have to work hard solving everyday issues.

According to the gender of the person who saw it

  • In general, signs do not differentiate whether the spider caught the eye of a man or a woman. But sometimes you can hear versions that it promises a new admirer to a girl, and a friend to a guy.
  • It’s worse if the bride encounters an insect on the way to the registry office or church. Such a marriage is destined to not last long, especially if you are inclined to believe omens and any random quarrel you will begin to consider it a sign of an impending separation. Some beliefs believe that it will be bad if both newlyweds notice a spider. Although, if you think about it, the omen is strange. How can a meeting with someone who is considered the patron of the family hearth threaten a young family?
  • But if a spider crawls onto the bride’s dress or veil, the marriage will be strong and the house prosperous.


If the insect died through no fault of yours, there is nothing to be afraid of. Sometimes beliefs still try to predict failure for a person who discovers a dead spider, but rarely. Most likely, neither bad nor good will happen.

However, you can try to turn this circumstance to your advantage. Fans of omens advise carefully picking up the spider with a sheet of paper or a dustpan (you can do it with your hands, if you’re not afraid) and throwing it into the fire. And after that, ask him to talk with higher powers in “that” world and ask him for something useful for you. Since the spider has earned a reputation as a mysterious animal since ancient times, who knows what connections it has on the other side?

A way to neutralize a negative omen

  • If a bad prophecy still overtakes you, carefully catch the insect with a jar, take it outside and throw it on the grass with the words: “Go away, take your troubles and misfortunes with you!”
  • Another option: so that the eight-legged weaver does not predict for you, turn to face him and say loudly: “Forget me!” Considering that our Slavic ancestors called Churom the mighty guardian of the clan, from now on you will have nothing to fear. The ancient warrior will definitely cope with spider predictions and save you.

How to treat signs, everyone decides for themselves. But you definitely shouldn’t subject your life to them. Do it differently: having received another prediction from a spider, connect your personal intuition and listen to what it tells you. Folk wisdom paired with a sixth sense, and even supported by a little logic - a more efficient adviser.

Seeing a spider is not the most pleasant sight, but it is often the harbinger of good news.

Signs of a spider crawling up, along the floor, hand

The spider crawls upward towards good news.

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Crawling along the floor, joy awaits you.

If it creeps up your hand towards long-term prospects.

This ritual is performed during the warm summer months. Early in the morning, when dew is accumulating on the grass, go outside, grab a bunch of greenery with your hand and tear it off the roots.

Go to your lover’s house and, near his threshold, spread the plucked grass with a free movement and say:

“The Servant of the Lord Alexei (insert the desired name) walks the earth, wears a white body, does not bow his wild head, does not remember me, the Servant of the Lord Irina (substitute), and does not miss my lips. As soon as he steps on an ant-grass, dope will cover his violent head.

Just as the grass dries up under the red sun, so will my loved one begin to dry up. My speeches are strong and molded, no one can talk them down.”

— Charmed dew grass

Crawling up your leg, you should carefully look at your behavior from the outside, most likely you are not behaving correctly.

The spider crawls down to disappointment.

Definition of magical abilities

Choose the description that suits you best and find out what your hidden magical abilities are.

Pronounced telepathy - you can read and transmit thoughts at a distance, but it takes a lot of work to achieve your goal and believe in your hidden capabilities.

Remember that the lack of a mentor and control of abilities will turn good into harm, and no one knows how destructive the consequences of the devil's influence can be.

All signs of clairvoyance. With some effort and support higher powers, you can develop the gift of recognizing the future and seeing the past.

If the forces are not controlled by a mentor who can help cope with them, ruptures in temporary space are possible and evil will begin to seep into our world, gradually absorbing it with dark energy.

Be careful with your gift.

By all indications, he is a medium. It's about about the possibility of establishing a connection with spirits and even controlling the passage of time, but it takes years of practice and the right mentor.

If the balance of power is upset, then darkness will begin to absorb the remnants of good and power that could serve for good, I will move to another hypostasis and darkness will reign.

By all accounts, it’s witchcraft. You can study and cast damage, the evil eye, you can do love spells and divination will not be an overwhelming task.

But everything must be used exclusively for the good and done so that others do not suffer, in their innocence, from your superpowers bestowed from above.

Developing inner strength requires at least 5 years of practice and the right mentor.

What is most characteristic of you is telekinesis. With the right concentration and effort, which can be compressed into a spherical force, you will be able to move small and, over time, larger objects with the power of thought.

By choosing a mentor who has more power, you have a bright future that may be overshadowed by moving to dark side, if there is not enough strength to restrain yourself from the temptations of Satan.

You are a healer. Practical magic, conspiracies, spells and everything connected with it are not just words, but your life choice and power, which is given by a higher mind and this is not just like that, but for a sacred purpose that you will soon learn.

It will be like a vision similar to prophetic dream, which you can never forget.

Remember that this power must be used only for good, otherwise you will be swallowed up by darkness and this will be the beginning of the end.

It crawls along the table to money, and along the wall to new things, things or small household appliances.

If you see a spider on you in the morning, it means an enemy, a dangerous person in your environment.