I had a dream that I died. Why do you dream that a person has died? I had a dream that I died and I was in the next world

Human mind during sleep gives rise to many symbols, the meaning of which is often opposite to the effect they produce. For example, the answer to the question of why a person dreams of someone who is alive does not at all promise someone’s imminent death.

Why do you dream about the death of a living person?

Having seen a dream in which there is the death of a loved one who is still alive, you should not be upset and wait for difficult events. Even in the old days, it was noted that those seen in such a dream usually live safely and for a long time. But for the dreamer himself, such a vision can promise both good and bad.

When one dreams of the death of a living father, a person can expect dangers associated with business. The dreamer should be especially careful in business, because... his colleagues or partners are most likely planning a financial scam or other deception. The death of a mother in a dream means that the person is oppressed by some shameful memories. The death of a sister or marriage in a dream reminds that this relative needs support and care.

Losing a spouse in a dream means fear of society and its condemnation. If in reality a husband or wife is sick, such a dream promises a speedy recovery. A dream about the death of a lover or beloved may foreshadow a possible betrayal or separation, as well as the onset of a new stage in a relationship and an imminent wedding.

For someone who saves a person from death in a dream, dream interpreters promise the emergence of difficult situation, in which it will be necessary to take on serious responsibility. If the rescued person is familiar, there is a high probability that this particular person will be at the center of events.

The death of a boss or another person on whom the dreamer depends in a dream means that positive changes await him at work. Most likely, the person who saw the dream will receive a promotion, they will listen to him more, but you should not relax - positive changes will not happen on their own, you need to work hard. The death of a colleague in a dream can mean the removal of obstacles to career ladder, and improving the atmosphere in the team.

Dream books explain the death of a stranger in a dream depending on the sensations that this vision caused. If the one who saw the dream has compassion for the deceased, it means that big things will happen in his life, but not too much. nice changes, for example, the breakup of a long-term relationship. Another similar dream warns that one should not rely too much on the established order - very soon it will come transition period, leading to renewal and improvement.

Negative emotions towards a person dying in a dream mean that the dreamer is trying to get rid of the burden of guilt, unpleasant memories, and outdated relationships. Horror at the sight of death is experienced by those who face trials and obstacles on the way to their intended goal. Relief from the death of a stranger means that all the dreamer’s affairs will end successfully.

How do psychologists explain a dream about the death of a person who is alive?

Dreaming about the death of any loved one is a signal of the loss of an emotional and psychological connection with him. To get rid of the painful situation by re-establishing contact, it is recommended to pay more attention to a loved one, listen to him, provide help.

In some cases, the death of a living person is dreamed of because the dreamer has mental problems. The person who has the dream needs to analyze his life and identify events that suppress and cause unpleasant memories. Having freed oneself from the painful past and reevaluated the events of the present, a person usually stops seeing dreams in which death is present.

Every person has repeatedly asked the question: “Why do you dream about my death?”, because this kind of dream is a fairly common occurrence. A very interesting question for esotericists is why people see their death in their dreams. The sign that this is exclusively for health and longevity is false, because there are many common theories based on the symbols of Orthodoxy, fortune telling, and theories of immortal souls. How do they interpret famous interpreters dream about your own death?

Miller's dream book - why do you dream about your death?

This dream book talks about the meaning of a dream where you met death: the universe is warning you about something. Think about whether you are doing everything right now; most likely, life requires changes, active actions on your part, but if you dreamed of resurrection, it means you know a way out of the situation.

Dream Interpretation Lynn - why do you dream about your own death?

Interpret this dream it can be done in two ways. Firstly, if you dreamed of death in a dream, this is a signal that life needs renewal. It's time to change old values ​​and stereotypes in order to find peace and happiness. However, a dream where you die can also mean that in life you are too worried about your unplanned death, cannot control your destiny, and are susceptible to stress.

Loff's Dream Interpretation - own death

According to this interpretation, death in a dream can be divided into two types - psychological and physical. It is very important what emotions you experience during a dream. A nightmare where you feel your own death has a warning character; it speaks of a threat in real life. This may not necessarily be a threat to life or health; it may be a dream of moral pressure, doubts, stress that needs to be dealt with.
Sometimes when I dreamed own death, this means a quick promotion at work. Dream meaning career growth, will be dreamed by a person who has been waiting for this for a very long time and has been working on it.

Vanga's dream book - why dream about your death?

The death of any person in a dream is a sign of health and longevity, so this dream has a purely positive character. But in a dream, neither you nor anyone else should die a painful death - this will lead to bad consequences. The death you dreamed about may be a sign of an imminent meeting with a life partner for single people or falling in love.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - why dream about your own death?

Seeing you die in a dream is sure sign, meaning long and healthy life. Based on this interpretation, any death that you dream about (yours or a loved one’s) will bring him only good news, prosperity and longevity.

Hasse's Dream Interpretation - having a dream about death

Hasse also interprets dreams of death as a sign of longevity, but if you see already dead people, their photos, or they lead you by the hand, the impending sentence will not please you, such a dream warns of danger.

Own death - dream book

To dream that you have died symbolizes a new stage in your life, which should begin with “purification.” Such a dream is explained by dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs; it suggests that it is time to change everything. Lonely people had a dream about death - such a dream can bring new love soon, and if your life and family are already established, it’s time to change something: move to another city, change your job, appearance or partner. Repeated dreams about death can be a warning sign that you are about to face depression and hard times. Dreamed conversation with already dead person can drag you into a wave of bad events, as if he is trying to pull you over to his side.
Important details of the dream are the manner and place of death. For example, get knife wound from yourself is a good omen, but if someone puts a knife in your back, expect betrayal. An accident or a car accident in a dream is a sign that it’s time for you to slow down, to die from electric shock - nervous overstrain and stress are just around the corner, in real life it’s time to relax and unwind. If you are hit by a bullet, there may be betrayal from the outside close friend. A wolf attacked you - beware of aggression, avoid crowds and crowded places. Seeing your funeral or preparations for it in a dream means that you will lose something very significant in your life, some significant stage will end. If you feel gloomy in a dream or have a nightmare, this means illness.

I dreamed about death, interpretation in a video dream book

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (brief)

Seeing Death in a dream

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn (detailed)

Why do you dream about Death?

  • This is usually not a bad sign. Very rarely, this sign foretells the death of a loved one or your own demise. Usually this is a symbol of the dying of old stereotypes and programs and the resurrection for a new life. Open the door for growth and transformation.
  • This sign may also be associated with anxiety about death. Remember that your spirit and your essence are immortal. You also cannot feel truly alive until you have faced death and accepted the idea of ​​your own physical mortality.

Dream Interpretation: Mayan Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Death

  • Good value
    If you dreamed that you died, then in the near future you will have time to start life with clean slate. You don’t need to do anything special for this, just relax and take advantage of all the chances that life offers you.
  • Bad value
    If in a dream you saw someone’s death, then they want to place a curse on one of your loved ones. To protect yourself, pour oil into a saucepan, add salt and place a green cloth. The next day, tear the fabric into pieces and place it near the doors of your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book N. Grishina

Dream Interpretation Death

  • Dying or dying in a dream means living a long time, a turn for the better.
  • If you are killed, others will benefit from your labors.
  • Drowning in a dream means a big happy change awaits.
  • Dying from a heart attack is a great joy.
  • To be poisoned means harm from unfounded suspicions.
  • To be oppressed means harm from deceitful people.
  • Being buried alive is a great danger (be moderate in your desires) / fear of upcoming responsibility.
  • Dying and being resurrected in a dream is news, a happy turn in life.
  • Seeing the resurrection from the dead is something good; improvement of life circumstances.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Dream Interpretation Death

  • Death is also a symbol of transformation and change. If you die in a dream, this means the completion of affairs, the end of worries, complete changes and a new life in reality. A variety of surprises and changes constantly occur in our lives, which our consciousness may not even notice. In some dreams, death should be perceived as a process of spiritual transformation, and the signal of the death of someone in a dream does not at all mean real sad events.
  • Death often symbolizes the need to release some energy necessary to realize our powers. Many processes associated with internal development are unexpected for a person, and awareness of this often causes anxiety, since he does not know what exactly will take the place of what was before: how this will affect his life - will it become better or will it only get worse? .

Dream Interpretation: New family dream book

Why do you dream about Death?

  • If you dreamed that one of your loved ones was dead, then this dream is a warning.
  • If you hear the voice of a deceased friend in a dream, get ready for bad news.
  • If you talked to your deceased father in a dream, try to carefully think through the business you are starting. The dream warns that someone is plotting an intrigue against you. After such a dream, you need to better think about your behavior and take care of your reputation.
  • A conversation in a dream with a deceased mother should be taken as a call to control your inclinations, as well as pay attention to your health.
  • Talking to the deceased means that someone needs your help and compassion.
  • If one of your deceased loved ones appears cheerful and lively to you in a dream, think about how correctly you organized your life. Try to eliminate serious mistakes that could affect your entire destiny.
  • If a deceased relative who appeared to you in a dream tried to snatch some promise from you, try your best to resist despondency. Even during a complete decline in business, do not lose courage and listen to wise advice.

Dream Interpretation: Antique French dream book

Why do you dream about Death?

  • If you saw your death in a dream, it means. You will live a very long time. A dead man in a coffin - dreams of a slight malaise. To see in a dream the death of a person who is alive and well is disappointing. If you saw in a dream that someone who has been dead for a long time is dying, you will lose someone close to you. If you saw in a dream own funeral- such a dream predicts illness for you.

Dream Interpretation: Antique English dream book(Zadkiel's dream book)

Seeing Death in a dream

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Death

  • Seeing your own death is a sign that a long life awaits you. happy life with your loved one. If you dreamed of a person in a state of clinical death, - this means that you will be in the dark for a long time regarding the plans of your old acquaintances. And if they bring their plans to life, you could suffer greatly.

Dream Interpretation: Ancient Persian Dream Book of Taflisi

Seeing Death in a dream

  • If someone sees in a dream that he has died, and if at the same time he is at home, then he will have a long journey ahead of him.
  • If the dreamer is away, then he will be able to return to his homeland earlier than planned.
  • When a patient has such a dream, he will certainly recover.
  • If the dreamer is a prisoner, then he will soon be released from prison and will finally be released from his cell.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Seeing Death in a dream

  • If you dream of one of your loved ones being dead, the dream is a warning: you must bravely face some kind of test, maybe even loss.
  • Hearing the voice of a deceased friend in a dream is bad news.
  • To a person who has a dream about death, such a dream is sent as a warning. Talking to your deceased father in a dream is an encouragement for you to carefully think through the business you are starting and all the operations associated with it. The dream warns of intrigues being plotted by someone against you.
  • After such a dream, men and women should think about their behavior with greater prudence and take care of their reputation.
  • A conversation in a dream with a deceased mother is perceived as a call to control your inclinations and pay attention to your health. A conversation with a deceased brother is a sign that someone needs your help and compassion.
  • If someone who died appears cheerful and lively to you in a dream, this means that you have organized your life incorrectly, that such serious mistakes are possible that will affect your entire destiny, unless you mobilize the will to eliminate them.
  • If, in a conversation with a deceased relative, he tries to wrest some kind of promise from you, the warning is that you must resist the impending despondency, a period of decline in business, and listen more carefully to wise advice.
  • A voice in a dream belonging to a deceased relative is the only real form of warning sent by an external force from the near future that our sleeping brain can perceive.
  • Even in Paracelsus we find advice to pay great attention to what the shadows of deceased loved ones appear to us in a dream: a sleeper can even receive advice from the dead in a dream, and experience shows that their use brought the desired results; the shadow of a deceased person close to us merely awakens dormant areas of the brain, bringing to life the knowledge hidden in them.

Dream Interpretation: Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Death

  • if in the usual form with a scythe on the shoulder - a sign of big changes in life;
  • incredible news;
  • birth of a child.

Dream Interpretation Death

  • new acquaintance (for a woman); completion of affairs.

Dream Interpretation: Vanga's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Death

  • Seeing your own death in a dream is a sign that a long, happy life awaits you with your loved one. Such a dream suggests that you are destined for the fate of God’s messenger on Earth.
  • If you dreamed that you were dying very important person in the world, then this dream is a great prophecy. He says that soon a wise ruler will come to power in one of the developed countries of the globe, who will be able to establish peace and harmony between the inhabitants different states. People will stop fighting and cursing each other.
  • If a sick person dies in a dream, then in the future you will face monstrous injustice. You will be offered a lucrative deal, as a result of which people will suffer. The salvation of your soul will depend on the decision you make.
  • Seeing a large number of people die in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream prophesies a terrible epidemic, as a result of which millions of people around the world will die. A person whose opinion is not currently being listened to will find a cure for this disease.
  • Seeing a person dying a painful death in a dream is a harbinger of a nuclear war, which will be started by the future ruler of one of the developed countries of Europe. As a result of this war, the great state will be wiped off the face of the earth, and the surviving people will sooner or later die a slow, painful death.
  • If you dreamed of a person in a state of clinical death, then you will be in the dark for a long time about the plans of your old acquaintances. Unfortunately, they will put their plans into action and you will suffer greatly as a result.

Dream Interpretation: Vedic dream book Sivananda

Dream Interpretation Death

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Death

  • Watch someone - this person will live a long time. If the moderator is unknown, then the dream speaks of your philosophical reflections and that the time has come to think about the meaning of life.
  • Your own death is a period of rebirth. Most likely, you will have to completely change your life on all levels. If you do not take advantage of the opportunities provided, you will face decline: moral degradation.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

Why do you dream about Death?

  • Primary elements - water, metal, wood. Elements - cold, dryness, wind. Emotions - fear, sadness, anger. Yin organs - kidneys, lungs, liver, bladder, gallbladder, large intestine. Planets - Mercury, Venus, Jupiter. The image of death in the form of a skeleton/old woman with a scythe is a literary archetype of human thinking. But everyone can have their own image - from dead dog to the feeling of universal cold. A person is able to suppress and hide from himself for a long time negative emotions that destroy his own spirit and body. The reasons for such concealment: career considerations and self-sacrifice, reluctance to change, fear, lack of will, and so on. Sooner or later there comes a time when the discrepancy life path and suppressed drives corresponding to the rhythms of Heaven and Earth affects the physical state: when the mental begins to destroy the physical, it, in turn, further exacerbates painful mental processes, forming a vicious, disastrous vicious circle, figuratively realized in a dream by the seen sensation of death: death will interrupt the vicious circle if opportunities are not found to interrupt it in a positive way. Seeing death in a dream/visual image of death - an old woman (a skeleton with a scythe, any other image that outwardly evokes a personal association with death in the dreamer): yang movement, celestial information has been depleted, yin matter cannot exist without yang. Seeing/feeling your death in a dream, with indifference, without much fear, means realizing all your negative emotions, the main basis of which is fear, and realize your self-hatred for the existence of this fear, feel anger, hostility towards everything created by yourself for the sake of hiding your fear. Hatred, anger and fear are destructive and unproductive feelings. While fear is suppressed, it generates anger, awareness of fear is the beginning of getting rid of internal fear and the beginning of resolving an external unfavorable situation - conflict. The image of death symbolizes the cessation of an internal, fruitless and debilitating battle with oneself and promises changes in life, improved relationships, recovery, and the like: the terrible without inner fear turns out to be favorable. Seeing death in a dream with expressed fear/unsuccessful attempt to escape from death/death swinging a scythe and so on - negative destructive emotions are stronger than the dreamer, and urgent medical intervention is necessary. It is necessary to treat the entire body at the same time (physical and spiritual spheres). Means for this complex treatment traditional oriental medicine can offer.

Dream Interpretation: Loff's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Death

  • In dreams, death appears in different forms- this could be the FEELING OF DEATH or the realization of your desire. Subjectively, death can be both terrible and joyful.
  • The feeling of death can be both psychological and physical. The physical sensation occurs in lucid sleep when you have nightmares. You realize that your body is paralyzed and you feel defenseless, vulnerable to threatening circumstances.
  • The psychological aspect is an integral part of the feeling of fear of an impending threat. This threat can be quite obvious or simply felt in a dream. If the threat is obvious, then the main subject of reflection should be its source (who, why, how is your life threatened?). If you simply feel threatened, then this indicates your doubts about acceptance. important decision, for which you are not yet quite ready.
  • We can also talk about the spiritualistic feeling of death. People who actively have an OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE often feel during their sleep that they cannot return to their body in time. In such dreams, the influence of space and spiritual phenomena on our lives is clearly revealed. How did you perceive death - as a sudden deprivation of life or as a release from the struggle of life? And moreover, having realized the approach of the hour of death, did you feel threatened or at peace?
  • Dreams about death are not so rare, although if such dreams visited us constantly, then, perhaps, the stability of real life would be shaken. Dreams about death often cause derealization: the dream can continue while you watch it from the side, otherwise you will wake up at the moment of death.
  • The thought of one's own death always causes anxiety. Most of us do not bother ourselves with emotional thoughts about preparing for death - we perceive death as strong enemy, which should be avoided; We feel uncomfortable in front of her face. By the way, how did you die in your sleep and do you blame anyone for your death? These are very important questions.
  • You can see a loved one/close person dead in a dream by various reasons. You may genuinely care about this person's well-being. Death has a symbolic character if you simultaneously struggle with feelings of love and suppressed anger towards this person.
  • And finally, the death of people dear to you may mark the end of a relationship: for example, if not one of your relatives dies, but the person with whom you had a love affair romantic relationship. Death of Strangers is a continuation and a transition various aspects your Self. Therefore, it does not hurt to determine where this stranger came from, whether you were deeply touched by death or perceived it as something ordinary. Perhaps the central issue is the disorder of your life. In this case, look at who else besides you was affected by death and what relationship you have with your “brothers” in grief - this is very important. The death of strangers also symbolizes stereotypes that are worth rethinking or exploring in order to better understand yourself. Have you encountered a situation where your stereotypical perception of others does not coincide with reality?

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Seeing Death in a dream

  • Seeing your own death in a dream - such a dream indicates that you will live for a long time. If you dreamed that your close person, then this is clear evidence that this person will have a long and happy life.
  • Seeing the death of many people in a dream is a sign that humanity will live for a long time. The end of the world, which is being talked about a lot now, will not come for several thousand years.
  • If you dreamed that a very important person in the world was dying, then this dream prophesies turmoil and anxiety throughout the world. Most likely in the future, one very important person will indeed suddenly die, and immediately after his death a fierce struggle will begin for political power, which will develop into a major civil war, and maybe even a world war.
  • Seeing the death of a sick person in a Dream means that in not so distant times a cure for the plague of the 20th century will be found - SP AND Yes. Thanks to this medicine large number infected people will be healed, and after some time this fatal disease will be destroyed on our planet.
  • Seeing a person dying a painful death in a dream is a bad omen. Such a dream means that in the future there will be a person who, like Chikatilo, will kill a large number of people before he is discovered. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with a cruel person, maybe even a maniac.
  • Seeing a person in a state of clinical death means that something will happen to you in the future that will throw you out of balance for several years. You will absolutely not care what is happening in the world, in your country, city and even in your family.

Dream Interpretation: Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Death

  • Long life.

Dream Interpretation: Assyrian Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Death

  • If a person in a dream ends up in the “Land of No Return” (i.e. dies), his life will be long.

Dream Interpretation: Egyptian Dream Book of the Pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshefa)

Dream Interpretation Death

Dream Interpretation: Erotic dream book Danilova

Death during sexual intercourse

  • A dream about death during sexual intercourse can be interpreted based on both physiological and psychological contexts. Physiological background such a dream there may be a feeling of fatigue in the limbs and body, appearing as a result of various overwork (for example, heavy physical work, chronic lack of sleep, nervous overstrain, etc.). The psychological basis of a dream about death during sexual intercourse can be the dreamer’s various phobias (for example , phobia of confined spaces, etc.). For both men and women, sleep has the following meaning: subconsciously you are tormented by the thought that the work you do is very tiring, that such workload can lead to illness (even quite severe), fear of losing health, fear of an attack of illness during work. In addition, such a dream can mean a revolution in the perception of oneself as a certain sexual type. Let’s say, for example, that the dreamer is used to considering himself a fairly calm and cold partner, but suddenly discovers passion in himself, previously unknown and inaccessible. Perhaps the dream shows the dreamer’s intention to change his style of behavior or clothing, change radically, die in his previous form and be born a new person.

In the dream book the site itself big dream book Runet contains 75 best dream books: male dream book, dream book of symbols (symbolic), Slavic dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (brief), Indian shaman dream book, Chaldean dream book, Miller's dream book, lovers' dream book, fairy-tale-mythological dream book, dream book of love, Longo's dream book, Schiller-Shkolnik's dream book, dream interpreter (1829), Egyptian dream book pharaohs (Kenherkhepeshefa), dream book of Tarot symbols, dream book of Hasse, dream book of Loff, modern dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (detailed), new family dream book, Tsvetkov's dream book, culinary dream book, Solomon's dream book, children's dream book, and others.

Dream interpreters and scientists have different answers to the question of what it means to die in a dream. Much depends on how a person felt when he saw his own death, what it was like.

Let's look at the values of this dream in popular dream books.

Interpretation of sleep in different sources

  • According to psychologists, people who feel severe pain in their sleep may actually be unhealthy. The body gives them a signal about the problem. For example, if a person dreams that he was shot in the heart, he should be examined by a cardiologist.
  • According to the dream book, created on the basis of Vanga’s oral interpretations, if a person sees his own death, he will live for many more happy years will find true love.
  • Hosse's dream book also considers such a dream good sign foretelling a long life.
  • In Freud's Dream Book, a book based on the works of the famous scientist, it is said that people who see themselves dying in their sleep are fatalists who look pessimistically at the world.
  • Death in a dream, according to Tsvetkov, means a period of calm, temporary inaction in a person’s life.
  • Miller's dream book warns: dying in a dream means trouble. The person may have a serious illness or is at risk of becoming ill. Alternative interpretation- neglect of work responsibilities.
  • If you believe Meneghetti’s dream book, then dying in a dream means experiencing the end of a bad streak in life, moving to a new stage.
  • Many esotericists believe that people who are at an important stage of their life’s journey see themselves dying in a dream. They are ready to transform, move to new level development, so their subconscious projects the image of death.

You can find out the meanings of other dreams from the articles in the section

Seeing death in a dream does not necessarily mean something unpleasant. In particular, when answering the question “What does it mean if you dreamed that you died?” dream books in most cases tend to have a positive interpretation. Then the expression “you died” is similar to “reborn”, and I began to look at the world with different eyes.

What if you dream you died?

Denise Lynn's dream book is inclined to believe that seeing one's own death in a dream means the extinction of old beliefs and new discoveries that will contribute to the self-improvement of the individual. Also, such a dream can be a consequence of fear for one’s own life.

The Mayan dream book gives two characteristics of a dream about death - positive and negative. According to a positive forecast, seeing your own death means a rare chance to change your life for the better and start over from scratch. The bad meaning of such a dream is that it warns of ill-wishers who want to place a curse on the sleeping person.

According to Grishina’s dream book, if a sleeping person is killed in a dream, this means that someone is taking advantage of his hard work and benefits from it. If, according to the plot of the dream, death occurs from a heart attack, this portends great joy in reality. And if after death there was resurrection, then life awaits great luck. Unforeseen danger threatens the sleeper only if he was buried alive and could not get out of the grave.

If you believe Esoteric dream book, then death in a dream is a harbinger of moral rebirth. Perhaps your whole life will change dramatically in better side. It is necessary to have time to take advantage of this chance, because it will be given only once, and neglecting it will lead to degradation and decline.

An old French dream book is encouraging and says that one’s own death in a dream leads to longevity and prosperity. But seeing your funeral is not very good, this is a warning about imminent illnesses. A similar opinion is shared by the Old English Dream Book of Zedkiel, which confirms that dying in a dream means that real life will have a long and happy life. At the same time, such a dream occurred single people, portends the imminent acquisition of family happiness.

According to the Ancient Persian dream book of Taflisi, such a dream can foreshadow a long journey if you dreamed about it at home. But if a sleeping person is away, then he will soon return to his native land. Similar dream, dreamed of by a sick person, promises a quick recovery, and a prisoner - release.

Tsvetkova's dream book predicts big changes in life to people who dreamed that death came to them with a scythe on his shoulder. This same image can become a harbinger of the birth of a child and is extremely unexpected news. For unmarried girl such a dream is a sign of a new acquaintance who will have great value in her life.

What does it portend?

Vanga's dream book interprets a dream about one's own death as a sign that there is a long and happy life ahead next to a loved one. But a dream where a large number of people die, including the sleeping person himself, is a sign of a global epidemic of a dangerous disease. Seeing your own clinical death in a dream means danger from acquaintances weaving intrigues behind your back.

According to Loff’s dream book, the sensations of a sleeping person are of great importance in the interpretation of such a dream. Nightmares in which he dies and experiences a panicky feeling of horror do not carry positive energy. It is important to remember what kind of threat haunted you in your dream? In revealing the psychological reasons for such a vision lies the answer to the dream.

The dream book of Nostradamus also tends to have a positive assessment of a dream where the sleeping person dies. This testifies to his long health. However, dying in terrible agony in a dream means meeting a cruel and an evil person, which can influence fate. Being in a state of clinical death in a dream means indifference, the cause of which will be some significant event.

A dream in which a person loses his life, despite the apparent tragedy, in most cases is interpreted with positive side. The only dangers are dreams in which death occurs painfully, causing fear and horror. Also negative interpretation have dreams where the sleeping person is in a state of clinical death.