The dream book is flowing. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about water?

Almost all of us have had to deal with the release of saliva during sleep. This kind of phenomenon is not uncommon today. It can happen to both children and adults. But if for babies salivation during sleep is just a funny episode, then for a mature organism it is a clear alarm signal. Wet sheets and pillows are just a small part of the unpleasant moments. The main danger is the high risk of choking.

Why do you drool from your mouth when you sleep? Let's try to figure this out.

Every person has salivary glands. They produce the formation of saliva necessary for the breakdown of food. During the day, it is produced reflexively, as a response to pleasant aromas and the desire to have a hearty lunch or dinner. At night, the secretion also continues to be produced, but in much smaller volumes. If saliva flows during sleep, and this happens intensely and regularly, we can talk about hypersalivation.

The main causes of this disease are:

  • bulbar and pseudobulbar syndrome with damage to the cerebral cortex (the worse the stage of the disease, the more salivation occurs during sleep);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including pancreatitis, gastritis, erosion, ulcers, cholecystitis (in in this case saliva provides protection for mucous membranes, diluting the increased concentration of gastric acid);
  • diseases of the gums and oral cavity, including stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontitis (saliva washes the infection out of the mouth);
  • diseases of the central nervous system, in particular stroke, Parkinson's disease, trigeminal neuralgia (as a result of such ailments, disorders of the salivary center occur);
  • oncology, polio, vascular pathologies (the salivary channels begin to work especially actively after exposure to radiation therapy);
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, disruption of the endocrine system.

Why does drool flow from your mouth when you sleep?

Also, this can occur as a response to taking certain pharmaceutical drugs, for example, ascorbic acid, nitrazepam, and drugs containing lithium. In this case, the problem can be solved by reducing the dosage of the tablets or stopping them completely.

Why does the problem occur in a dream?

If you find that you are drooling during sleep, then the reason for this may well be:

  • sleep disorders;
  • curvature of the nasal septum;
  • asthma or allergies;
  • nasal congestion.

In such cases, copious secretion of excessively thin saliva occurs exclusively at night. At the same time, during the day a person does not suffer from such an ailment. It is common to talk about nocturnal hypersalivation.

It happens that completely healthy person At night, a lot of fluid also leaks from the mouth. One-time drooling during sleep can happen if a person is very tired over the past day, quickly passed out and completely relaxed. The jaws opened slightly and saliva began to flow out. In such situations there is absolutely nothing to fear. This is a completely understandable and extremely rare phenomenon that does not pose any threat.

If you go to smoke or just eat at night and then quickly fall asleep, then at night you can also see wet sheets. But this has nothing to do with pathologies, serious diseases or consequences for the body.

Possible complications

Why do adults drool during sleep? How many of you have asked this question? We have already discussed the probable causes of this phenomenon. It's time to discuss the consequences of excessive salivation and possible complications.

One of the most common among them is skin disorders. While a person sleeps, his saliva is actively secreted and flows out. The pillow and sheet quickly become wet and continue to come into contact with the face and body of the sleeper. Since saliva contains bacteria, they quickly begin to multiply. A disruption of the epidermis and the formation of a purulent infection may occur. For teenagers, this is dangerous due to the appearance of a rash.

A dangerous side effect of excess saliva production at night can be dehydration. Under normal conditions and without pathologies, about 1.5-2 liters of saliva are secreted per day. In case of violations, up to 10 liters of liquid can be released per day. This can lead to dehydration, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the entire body and can even cause its death.

In addition, hypersalivation brings significant discomfort and psychological irritation, leading to sleep disturbances. In case of excessive salivation, consultation with a specialist (somnologist) and immediate treatment is required.

Treatment of hypersalivation

A therapist will help you choose the right treatment. This is the one you should contact first. He will give referrals to specialized specialists, including a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, neurologist, dentist, and will also issue referrals for diagnostic testing and laboratory tests (testing for worms).

For some identified diseases, special medications are prescribed that help reduce saliva production. These include:

  • Scopolamine;
  • Riabal;
  • Platifilin and others.

You cannot start taking such medications on your own without first consulting a doctor and conducting diagnostics of the body. Otherwise, you may experience a number of consequences or side effects. In addition, these tablets help get rid of excessive saliva production only temporarily. To completely get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon, you need to identify the cause of its formation and eliminate it. You should start with treating the oral cavity. Cryotherapy and homeopathy have proven themselves well. They are practically harmless to health and are effective in treating many diseases.

Treatment of excessive salivation with surgery

In particularly severe cases, a procedure may be prescribed surgery. In this case, particularly large parotid salivary glands can be removed. The operation is quite complex and can lead to certain consequences. If the facial nerve is damaged, symmetry can be seriously disrupted. The decision on surgical intervention and the advisability of such actions is made only by an experienced and highly qualified specialist.

The operation helps stop excessive drooling for up to 8 months. This is not a radical measure. It is impossible to completely get rid of the disease in this way. Therefore, in any case, you need to start with an examination of the body and its traditional treatment.

Remember that saliva not only interferes with comfortable sleep and rest, but also threatens human life. A sleepy person can easily choke in it. To prevent the consequences of hypersalivation, we recommend that you do not delay and make an appointment with a professional therapist who can find the cause of the malfunction in the body.

In the world of dreams there are symbols that carry especially important, sacred meaning to the one who sees the dream.

Fire, earth, air and water are the main elements that come into dreams, carrying important signs sleeping.

One of the most global symbols is water. The meaning of why water is dreamed of is not always easy to understand and interpret, since this symbol itself is very extensive.

Water, like fire, is one of the fundamental elements. Is she in physical or spiritual aspect found in everything on Earth.

It is considered to be the feminine component of the world, Yin energy, and is associated with the emotional, spiritual, subtle sphere of existence. In contrast, fire, for example, is masculine energy, destructive, aggressive.

Water in all cultures is considered a symbol of life, rebirth, energy and inner world. If you correctly interpret a “water” dream, and correctly understand what water means in a dream, you can very seriously influence the course of your own life.

Remember your dream in detail

Before deciphering such a dream, you should consider in what aspect the water “flowed” into your dreams. The dream may be as follows:

  • You are swimming: in the sea, large lake, pond or river.
  • See splashes of water, stand under them, splash in a pond.
  • You are taking a bath or standing in the shower.
  • Wash your face or wash your hands.
  • You dream of water in your house flowing or dripping from a tap.
  • Dripping or pouring from the ceiling.
  • Flood in the house.
  • You drink water.
  • You are drowning or drowning someone.
  • Swimming underwater.
  • Ford any body of water.
  • Walk across the bridge over the water.

There can be a lot of different kinds of similar “water” dreams, and they all mean something different, always important for the sleeper. Before you understand correctly what water is in a dream about, you need to carefully replay the dream in your head and remember its details.

The quality and type of water in the dream is especially important - because this point is the main decisive point in deciphering the dream. Understand why you are dreaming muddy water, and why - clean and fresh, it’s not difficult.

Like looking into water - in a dream world

Let's consider dreams in which you happened to see water, but you did not come into contact with it. You often see bodies of water, puddles, streams or drops of water in dreams, and each such dream is extremely important.

1. If you happened to observe a powerful, beautiful sea in your night dreams - calm or with waves, at night or during the day - this is always a very favorable sign.

The sea is powerful natural strength, and it promises you complete success in your affairs, both in work business sphere, and in love relationships, family, social life. A very favorable, cloudless and calm period of life awaits you.

2. If you saw a river in a dream, this is a direct reflection of your life. You can often hear such a comparison of life with a river - it can be either a stormy powerful stream or a weak stream.

What did this river of life look like in your dreams? A clean, transparent, blue, sparkling, cheerful river promises you a healthy, joyful life, strength and optimism.

If the flow is weak and the water is cloudy, take care of your health, it may soon be undermined. Don't overwork yourself, you need rest and a new environment.

3. If you happened to see a flood in your dream, Miller’s interpreter interprets this dream as a struggle with difficulties.

So unpleasant and maybe even bad dream, water in which flows from the ceiling in the house, fills on the floor in the apartment or any room, its level is growing, symbolizes the fact that you have to resist with all your might the troubles of life, poverty, and difficulties.

But Miller’s dream book indicates to the sleeper that you certainly have everything you need vitality and energy to overcome these difficulties. So don’t think of giving up - the trouble will go away.

4. But if the flood in an apartment or house, on the contrary, gradually goes away, the water level drops until only puddles remain on the floor - this is an unfavorable sign.

If you dream of water running away, this is a warning: you may succumb to evil, give up on some important matter or solution to a moral problem, you will not want to fight, you will be afraid of difficulties. Take into account the advice of the dream book and try not to give in to dark thoughts.

5. Did you dream that you were looking at the water from a bridge? As the dream book says, water seen from above symbolizes your conscience and thoughts.

What was she like? Pure, blue and transparent is wonderful, this means that your thoughts are pure and your conscience is sinless.

But if it is cloudy, shallow, dirty - this is not good, this dream hints to you about your dirty, dishonest thoughts, bad conscience. Think about it, the dream book will not show such signs for no reason.

6. If you see drops of water, for example, from a faucet in the bathroom or kitchen, this is always a symbol of your “flowing” money. Finances go somewhere, and you cannot control it. This is a reason to think, reconsider your affairs, and correct the situation.

7. A waterfall or water pouring on you from somewhere above is happiness, boundless joy and pure life - without lies, vice and fears.

It’s not difficult to intuitively feel what you’re dreaming about. clean water flowing from above is a stream of purification, joy, vital energy. A rare and extremely favorable dream!

8. Seeing boiling water in a dream promises quarrels, squabbles, misunderstandings and conflicts with someone close to you.

Getting away with it won't work

Contact with water in a dream carries an even more important meaning than dreams of observing it. Water quality also plays a key role here.

To decipher what water means in dreams, you need to remember your actions with it, its appearance, as well as your feelings in the dream.

Of course, it is unlikely that you, swimming in a dirty and muddy river in a dream, felt joy and purification. It is not difficult to understand intuitively that this dream bodes ill.

On the contrary, any contact with clean, fresh water always brings joy and purification. And you should expect only the best from such a dream.

1. If in your dreams you happened to swim in a body of water - the sea, a river, a lake - this means either happiness, health and complete harmony, or, on the contrary, a complete “bouquet” of ailments and sorrows.

Remember what it was like - if it’s cold, clean and transparent - it’s an excellent sign, you have nothing to fear in reality. Well, cloudy and unpleasantly warm - beware of failures and illnesses, you are vulnerable to them now.

2. In a dream, bathing in the bathtub or washing in the shower is always good sign. This means spiritual cleansing, recovery, victory over illnesses and internal conflicts.

As every dream book indicates, cold water, which you water yourself in your soul - a symbol of complete cleansing of your conscience from sins, lies and insincerity.

3. But strange dream, in which black water flows from the shower onto you, means a warning. It’s easy to guess why you dream of black water pouring on you - it’s some kind of accusation, a dirty conscience, a sin.

Try by all means to avoid this, so as not to get dirty and not later regret what you did or planned.

4. If you had to swim underwater in your night dreams, this, according to Miller’s dream book, is a sign that something will soon save you from trouble.

Some higher powers lucky chance, the intervention of unknown forces will help you literally miraculously avoid great misfortune, failure, global failure or shame.

5. It is also easy to understand why you dream of water in a glass or any container from which you drink it. If it is clean, cold and fresh, and you get pleasure in a dream, this promises you health, recovery from illness, a lot of strength and vigor.

But if the liquid is unclean, it bad sign, because you already understand what you’re dreaming about dirty water- Drinking it is a bad sign. Try to protect yourself from illnesses that may attack you in the near future.

6. I wonder why holy water is dreamed of - this is a rather rare dream. She has the same symbolic meaning, just like any pleasant, fresh and clear liquid in a dream, only this symbol is even stronger.

This is not only purification and happiness, but also high spirituality, protection of higher powers, complete confidence that no evil or dark forces They don't threaten you at all.

7. If in a dream you wash your own face or wash your hands, this means that you probably regret something you have done and want to wash away guilt, sin, and shame.

8. If you are not just swimming in a pond, but also splashing, having fun, frolicking, you are among the bright sparkling splashes - this is a wonderful dream.

As any dream book says, clear water that splashes around, filling the space with sparks, is a sure sign of approaching love. And very bright, passionate, just crazy.

9. Fording a lake or river in a dream is a symbol of the fight against illnesses. Knowing already why you dream of dirty water, muddy and shallow, you understand that if you cross a body of water with such water, then there is a risk that illnesses will overcome you.

Well, if the water under your feet is clean and good, then rest assured that you will overcome illnesses, you have everything necessary forces on this. And the disease will disappear very soon.

10. Watering something in a dream, pouring water, is a warning about losses, damages, and maybe even bitter tears about something.

11. But on the contrary, drawing water means prosperity. Wait for your budget to be replenished - wealth can come from anywhere and very soon!

As you can see, the main meaning of dreams with water depends on its type and quality. However, the nuances of sleep are also important - and it is important not to confuse the meanings so as not to make a mistake.

Take your time trying to decipher a “water” dream, because its correct interpretation will help you not only learn about the upcoming joy, but also play it safe, avoid failures, and prevent quarrels or illnesses.

This is the value of dream interpreters - they can tell us what to do right, what to beware of, and what nuances of our own behavior to pay attention to.

By doing this correctly, you can truly become the master and sculptor of your own destiny - happy, healthy, swift and pure, like a ringing transparent river running into the distance. Author: Vasilina Serova

Do not underestimate the significance of water seen in a dream, because since ancient times people have tried to determine their own future by its appearance and condition. And it’s no wonder, because a dream in which water flows, or rather its exact interpretation, can really tell a lot of interesting things.

What if you dream about water flowing?

And in order to understand in detail why water flows in dreams, it is best to use a night vision interpreter. AND the best option in this case, Astromeridian’s dream book is rightfully considered, which describes in sufficient detail the image of water spreading and rapidly filling the entire space. According to him, a night vision in which water leaked from under the floorboards, gradually flooding the entire floor of the sleeping person’s house, is a sign that in real life this person has people who seriously darken his entire existence. Seeing in a dream how quickly water flows, rising higher and higher and covering interior items, is also not good, since this image symbolizes problems in which the dreamer will literally drown.

If the sleeper tried to stop the leak in a dream, realizing that all his actions were completely in vain, then in reality he will not be able to cope with the accumulated problems without outside help, so he should discard all pride and shame in order to turn to someone more powerful and strong, before it's too late. Water flowing on the floor is a very bad harbinger for the dreamer who expects to receive a rich inheritance, because most likely he will never be able to achieve what he wants.

However, you should not be upset, thinking that everything is lost, because the same image will be interpreted completely differently if, according to the plot of the night vision, water flooded the floors of someone else’s apartment or house. And most often this vision is interpreted as a harbinger of sudden enrichment (possibly in the form of an inheritance).

So a dream in which water flowed directly from the ceiling is considered very good, because it promises the sleeper the long-awaited fulfillment of his most cherished desire. Not last role in the interpretation of the designated image plays such the most important characteristics, such as color, transparency, volume and condition of water. So, for example, in Veles’s small dream book, a water leak is not considered a bad omen if the water was clean and transparent. As for the interpretation, this image is associated with large profits and good health, therefore, by and large, the dreamer who sees it has nothing to fear and, on the contrary, he can be absolutely calm about his own future.

At the same time, dirty muddy water, rapidly filling the entire space, is considered a very bad omen. And it is precisely this that promises a person serious health problems or fatal trials of fate that will divide his whole life into “before” and “after”. A dream in which the sleeper happened to observe fast current rivers in a dream from the outside are associated with the transience of life and the cheerful carelessness of the dreamer himself. If a person heard the murmur of a stream at the same time, then in reality all sorts of rumors will circulate about him, which, by and large, will not in any way affect the course of the dreamer’s fate.

What does it portend?

A very good dream is one in which the sleeper has to draw flowing water, because then easy profit, prosperity and some acquisitions await him, which in time will turn out to be very useful. But a waterfall seen in a dream, according to this dream book, is considered an extremely bad symbol, promising the sleeping person the most terrible meeting in his life, which he will remember with a shudder for the rest of his days. At the same time, the sound of a waterfall is associated by interpreters with news from afar, but it is quite difficult to determine whether it will be good or, on the contrary, bad, so the dreamer must start from his own feelings that he experienced in the dream.

It is noteworthy that if a person happened to wash his face clean water from the source, then in reality an incomparable joy of purification awaits him. If at the same time he felt splashes of water falling on his clothes and body, then in reality one can safely count on quick enrichment, which will be completely unexpected for the sleeping person. Completely immerse yourself in a source or spring to swim, in a dream - to very bright and good events in the fate of a person sleeping in reality, which will completely change him.

Unfortunately, the interpretation of the image will not be so optimistic if the dreamer himself had a chance to pour water, because this symbol is associated with shame and large material losses. A dream in which a person had to water something will have a similar meaning.

People dream of various visions. But the ceiling seen in a dream discourages many. According to the dream book, the ceiling represents the limit of human capabilities.

But in order to more accurately decipher the dream, it is worth remembering all the details:

  1. See how the ceiling is hanging over the keeper of sleep. This vision symbolizes the moral fatigue of the sleeper. He has taken on too many responsibilities on his shoulders. The abundance of affairs and problems exhausts him mentally and physically. A low ceiling in a dream indicates that the dreamer should take a break and rest.
  2. See high ceiling in night dreams. This dream personifies the emotional uplift of a person. There has come a period in life when the dreamer is confident in own strength. It seems to him that he can do everything.
  3. See how the surface leaks. It is worth paying attention to the appearance of drops and water:

    If the water is cloudy, dirty or has an unpleasant odor, then the dream promises problems.
    If the water is clean and clear, then you should expect trouble.

  4. See how liquid pours from above. This sign prophesies favorable events.
  5. Water flows from above. If liquid flows onto the head of the dream keeper, then such a sign is interpreted in two ways:

    News awaits the dreamer.
    Flowing water prophesies the creation of a strong family. The sign indicates that a person has found his destiny and his soulmate is exactly the person with whom he will live his whole life.

  6. See on the surface traces of a leak. This dream indicates that the dreamer does not give vent to emotions. His emotional restraint will provoke him to commit rash acts.
  7. behold wet walls and ceiling. This dream indicates that the keeper of the dream has envious people and ill-wishers. You should look for these enemies among your friends. It is worth carefully analyzing your circle of acquaintances and remembering in detail all the actions they have committed.

    The night plot indicates that the envious person in the past committed an action that could expose him. If you don’t expose an ill-wisher in time, he will do a lot of nasty things to a person that can ruin his career and discredit him in society.

  8. See flood. The meaning of what you see depends on who flooded the room:

    If the culprit is a familiar person, then in reality the dreamer will have a misunderstanding with him. This misunderstanding will develop into conflict and quarrel. The night plot indicates that the dreamer should prove he is right, otherwise he may have problems later.
    If the dreamer does not know the culprit, then this is a sign that he will soon have solvable problems.

  9. Flooded ceiling in the apartment portends material losses. A person should plan his budget more carefully so as not to be left without money.
  10. The ceiling of the house collapsed. This sign prophesies the onset of situations that could prevent one from achieving the goal. Situations will greatly affect emotional state person.

    Such visions are dreamed with the purpose of warning and indicating that the dreamer should prepare mentally for difficult situations. If he doesn't do this, then difficult situation It will lead him into a dead end and cause a nervous breakdown or the development of depression.

  11. Ceiling fell. A falling upper surface promises an offensive difficult period in life.
  12. Surface is collapsing. This is a sign that the sleeper’s life is not the best right now. good period. You should squeeze it and not take active action.
    If the surface is destroyed in stages, then such a night plot predicts problems at work. A situation will arise due to which the dreamer will lose the trust of management. He may be demoted or fired for mistakes or non-compliance with requirements.

    This situation can be prevented. You should be more attentive to your work, take into account all the wishes and requirements of management, and listen to the advice of colleagues and friends.

  13. appeared on the surface hole. The hole symbolizes two interpretations:

    The first interpretation says that the vision reflects the sleeper’s regret about an action committed long ago.
    The second interpretation notes that the sleeping person regrets what he did not do in the past.

  14. Examine the ceiling surface to the desire to change a mistake made long ago.

  15. Water seeps from the ceiling. If in a vision about this the dreamer turns to one of his friends for help, then this sign foreshadows a quarrel with this person.

    If you dream of a leaking liquid dripping onto the floor, then it’s worth remembering what color it was:

    If dirty and muddy water drips, then you should prepare for trouble.
    If the water is clean, then this portends worries.

  16. Whitewash ceiling covering. Night vision foretells that the keeper of the dream will have a lot of paperwork to do.
  17. Repair surface. This night plot reflects the capabilities of the sleeper. He indicates that a person, if desired, will achieve incredible heights.
  18. Color surface. This vision prophesies the delegation of one’s responsibilities to other people.
  19. Wash. Such a night plot indicates that you should not shy away from the misfortunes of other people. It is necessary to provide help to outsiders, because this grief can also affect the dreamer’s family.
  20. I dreamed about it web up. Beneath the illusion of goodness lies deception and betrayal.
  21. I dreamed about it spider. This is a good omen, symbolizing good luck.
  22. See mold. This is an indication that it is time to realistically assess your capabilities.
  23. See how blood dripping. Rain of blood symbolizes the appearance of a passionate lover.

Other interpretations

In many little-known dream books, ceiling situations are described in different ways:

  1. Leaky surface predicts strong disappointment. The cause of disappointment will be rash act loved one.
  2. See flood from above indoors. If a person was happy about this phenomenon in a dream, then this is a sign that now he can do everything. He feels confident and eager, so he should start achieving his goal.
  3. Dripping water on top symbolizes the onset of trouble.
  4. See collapsed surface. If the dreamer did not see the process of falling itself, then this is a good sign, marking the return of a long-departed relative.
  5. See the hole on the top surface. This night plot reflects the dreamer’s fear. He worries that he will face his fear.
  6. Collapse coating warns of danger. This is a sign that you should hold off on dangerous sports and communicating with unfamiliar people.
  7. Fallen ceiling covering indicates the presence of envy on the part of colleagues and acquaintances.

To decipher the dream, it is worth remembering not only the situations occurring in the vision, but also the appearance of the ceiling:

  1. See a surface without flaws. A flat ceiling symbolizes peace. The person is in a calm state. A smooth, crack-free surface represents the dreamer’s internal emotional state.
  2. The cracked surface represents the dreamer's pangs of conscience for the mistakes he has made. In the past, the person made a wrong decision that he regrets. The dream indicates that there is no need to regret, because the past cannot be corrected.
  3. A repaired ceiling predicts good luck in all endeavors.

    The second interpretation says that if you dreamed of a ceiling after renovation, then this is a harbinger of the appearance of a patron. An influential person will appear in the dreamer’s life who will help him in his career. The patron will remain in the life of the sleeper for a long time. It will turn out to be for him true friend and protector.

Interpretation based on color and appearance ceiling:

  1. White. This sign prophesies bad news.
  2. Black. The dream promises an unpleasant conversation.
  3. High. High walls and a wide ceiling indicate that you should “take off your rose-colored glasses.” You need to stop trusting people, they deceive and bring vanity and misfortune to your home.
  4. Short. Low walls and a narrow ceiling surface indicate that the sleeper cannot cope with his own problems.

Why do you dream about the roof leaking?

If you dreamed of a roof that is leaking, then this means lack of reliable protection and failures in business. If, due to leakage, it collapses and collapses, then it is an unexpected disaster. If in a dream you repair a roof that is leaking, then wild success awaits you.

interpretation of sleep the roof is leaking

My house, my roof is your finances. Therefore, a hole in the roof is a hole in your budget.

dreamed the roof was leaking

A hole in the roof, or the roof has completely collapsed - this means moving. If you fix a leaking roof (repair the old one), this is a loss, but if you build a new one, then it is an improvement.

the roof is leaking according to the dream book

IN Islamic dream book the image of the roof is well-being in the house, family happiness and prosperity. Therefore, if the roof is leaking, then not everything is fine in your house and there are minor troubles on the family front.

the roof is leaking in a dream what is it for

The roof is your hair (your honor) and everything that happens to it. Therefore, if a house has no roof or it is dilapidated, then this is a sign of baldness or an insult to honor. If you are repairing a roof, it means that you are trying to compensate for the damage done to your honor. If in a dream something breaks through the roof (hail, stones, etc.) - this means injuries and problems with the head.

Why do you dream about the roof leaking?

A leaky roof represents barriers and obstacles in love. Perhaps one of you does not love or feel attraction as much as the other? Check your relationship: somewhere there is love, and somewhere there is calculation.

the roof is leaking in a dream what is it for

If the roof of your house is leaking in a dream, this means bad family events. If you need to repair the roof, you will change your place of work or residence.

the roof is leaking in a dream what is it for

Here it is necessary to distinguish between the meanings of “Your roof is leaking” or your “roof” is leaking. In the first case, you really overworked yourself and at the moment you have a direct road to the madhouse, in the second case, the problem is much more serious and you simply need to limit access to your secrets to “serious” people and structures or choose new patrons.

the roof is leaking in a dream what is it for

The roof is protection and patronage. If the need arises to repair the roof, you will restore lost connections. Drops through the roof are troubles from enemies that you can successfully eliminate yourself or with the help of others.

interpretation of sleep the roof is leaking

The roof is the well-being of your home and condition. A leaking roof is a sign of danger to your condition or the possibility of illness of the owner of the house. If the roof collapses in a dream, it means ruin or death (serious illness) of the owner. However, according to another meaning, you may receive an inheritance after the death of a loved one or the owner of the house.

the roof is leaking according to the dream book

If the roof is old, dilapidated and leaking, you urgently need to strengthen your rear (knock out the balance), otherwise everything will fall apart.

Why do you dream about the roof leaking?

Seeing a roof collapsing from a leak is a sign that unexpected troubles threaten you. Re-roofing or repairing it is the key to quick success. If in a dream you saw that the roof was leaking, then great importance has water pouring from above. If the water is clean, then you should avoid dubious pleasures. If the water is cloudy and dirty, then expect all sorts of troubles and dangers. A dilapidated, leaky roof means failure in business, lack of protection. If you accept the roof as a symbol of the head, then it may be time to reconsider your views on life and your worldview. It is also possible that with water in your life new news will come to you and your family. Also, water as a conductor of information symbolizes rumors, information that falls from different lips to the owners of the house.