Magic number 9. The meaning of the number nine

Did you know that Diamond - Brings happiness, helps in childbirth if tied to the hand; removes motley color from the face and helps defeat enemies. He is tied with left side, and then he protects from the enemy, preserves his mind, and leads wild and poisonous animals to flight. Very good against poisoning, madness and wandering spirits. See Diamond.

Barbue - Demon

Barbue (demon). The alchemists of the Order of the Rose Cross attributed the success of the extraction philosopher's stone with the help of the demon Barbue.

This demon represents symbolic image The world soul (Anima mundi) is none other than the Baphomet of the Templars.

Spell Time

Days: full moons - 2nd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 10th, 12th and 13th, days of lunar crescents, are good. The period of the waxing of the Moon gives material benefits, and the period of waning of the Moon gives spiritual benefits. The rest of the days are bad. The 6th day of each half of Libra (September), the 13th day of the dark half of Scorpio (October), the 9th day of the light half of Sagittarius (November) are called “sacred to the gods.” Thursday brings death, Saturday brings death, Monday in the dark crescent is powerless, the rest of the days are good.

Homunculus is a man

Homunculus (term. Paracelsus) - a person created by chemical means.

Paracelsus says that the occultists of his time made homunculi from wax, from earth and from metals (androids); their owners were invulnerable, enjoyed wealth, honors and could seduce any woman.

Brownie - a way to see

To see the brownie. Whoever wants to see the servant must be the first to receive from the priest, at the end of Matins on Easter, a red egg and take from the church the candle with which he stood at Matins. Then at night, before the roosters, he should take a lighted candle in one hand, and in the other red egg, stand in front of the open door of the stable and say the above words; the servant will come out looking exactly like the one who cast the spell.

Find the treasure

IV. Having arrived at the place where the treasure is supposed to be, say, hitting the ground three times with your left heel and making a circle to the left: “Sadies satani agir fons foribus; come to me Saradon, who will be called Sarietur." Say this three times in a row. If there really is a treasure nearby, then its location will be told to you in your ear by someone’s unknown voice. (“Grim. Honor.”).

Love Challenges

Love Challenges(according to Eliphas Levi). Challenges should always have a specific and laudable purpose; otherwise it will be a mad operation of witchcraft, always dangerous to the sanity and health of the Magician. Making calls for the sake of curiosity in order to see something means dooming yourself in advance to aimless fatigue; the highest wisdom does not allow either doubt or frivolity.

St. John's wort

St. John's wort (Hypericum). One of the 12 Rosicrucian plants. If the day of Ivan Kupala falls on the eve of the new moon, then collect St. John's wort on June 25. In this case, it has the following property: if bundles of it are hung on oak pegs in a field, then this field becomes barren; as a last resort, you can collect St. John's wort on any Friday before sunrise. As an incense it is useful against damage to infertility (lijature).

Basics positive value number 9 – goodwill towards all people without distinctions, the ability to understand them and show mercy to those who need it. In addition, you have a natural charm and the ability to evoke good feelings. Apparently, this quality was given to you as an additional tool for popularizing your views on life. To be fair, it should be noted that you use this feature of yours for other purposes. The sensual component of life is not the least important for you, so you do not consider it necessary to ignore your own attractiveness.

Negative qualities

The number 9 in numerology in a negative aspect is associated with a tendency towards melodrama and extreme manifestations of emotionality. In other words, you like to “make a scene.” This is your way of releasing internal tension. True, this doesn’t make it any easier for those around you. There is another interesting point: at heart you are a little “Don Quixote”. In the sense that you consider the old days to be “paradise lost.” It seems to you that modernity is obviously worse. There is no great harm from this. In any case, until you give your spouse a scandal because he refuses to challenge his neighbor to a duel.

Name numbers

“Nine” in the numbers of the name - the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of Appearance - indicates that you have the rarest gift - the ability to forgive. This provides you with the love of others, and most importantly, peace in your soul. And this is the only way to find it. However, the number 9 in numerology also means a more practical ability - creative talent. True, quite selective. Let's say, you will never be able to create a new means of destroying your neighbors. But you can easily develop a detailed plan for building an ideal society. It will have only one drawback - absolute impracticability.

Birth date numbers

“Nine” in the numbers of the date of birth – Number Life path and the birthday number is a promise of good fate. Not just luck, great opportunities or “brilliant” chances, but real happiness. To the fullest extent. And here everything depends on the characteristics of your perception. There are people who will feel deprived, even lying “in God’s bosom.” You are theirs complete opposite. You know how to capture moments of happiness and thank fate for every day you live. You know that you will definitely get everything you deserve. And although people of this vibration perceive failures as painfully as others, the number nine endows its protégés with an unshakable faith in the justice of the universe.

Impact on the profession

The meaning of the number 9 in choosing a specialty is interpreted as a lack of opportunities for self-realization in the professional field. A person with this personality type is much more likely to have a hobby, favorite activity, bringing material income. And this can be anything, from writing, painting or any applied art, to growing vegetables and flowers for sale. Therefore, if someone recommends that you get a specialty and work, do not rush to follow this advice. In any team you run the risk of encountering many difficulties. Better look for an activity that meets your spiritual needs.

Impact on personal life

“Nine” definitely has an impact on your personal life positive influence. Let's put it bluntly: you are not the kind of person who is able to exist alone, which means the number 9 encourages you to form alliances of any type. This cannot be called a desire for a dependent position. You just need someone on whom you can pour out your love and affection. You perceive married life as an indispensable condition for personal happiness. You have strong parental instincts. And if you do not make impossible demands on your partner too often, you will definitely get what you wanted. I mean, everything will be fine!

The number 9 in the psychomatrix is ​​responsible for the mind, memory and clairvoyance of a person. Why this particular number? It follows the number 8, and its characteristic must be related to the meaning of this number. Eight is responsible for duty towards loved ones, especially parents. Naturally, people experience the death of their parents, and it is for this case that the number 9 is intended. After the death of parents, duty takes on a new quality - it is necessary to remember them, and therefore the number 9 is responsible for memory. When we talk about any person, about his abilities, then, as a rule, assessing his memory, we make a conclusion about the strength of his mind: “He knows so much (we mean: remembers), which means smart person" It’s worth arguing about this, because it was not for nothing that M.V. Lomonosov said: “Omniscience does not teach intelligence.”

We will not go into polemics, but take it as a basis that accumulated knowledge improves the human mind, but then we immediately receive an answer to the question related to clairvoyance. Any situation can be foreseen by a person who has accumulated vast experience in his head, which allows him to make a proactive forecast based on comparing the conditions of an event with what has already happened. What a pity that such experience often remains unclaimed, which is especially noticeable in Russian history.

We must not forget that the number 9 is included in three lines: 3rd column - talent, 3rd line - stability, falling diagonal (spiritual diagonal) - human spirituality. Consequently, this figure can be captured and included in one of these lines, which will cause a loss of memory and mental strength, especially if the nines are captured by the 3rd line - stability, when a person remembers many little things and habits that clog his brain and memory. Naturally, the quality of a clairvoyant depends entirely on this and on the strength of the energy of a given person (it is advisable to have two or more numbers 2 in the psychomatrix). Excessive spirituality often leads to fanaticism (faith, passion, interests), which also takes away the mind of a person when his brain works on cyclical information embedded in it through psychological coding while being drawn into one area or another. It is necessary to develop and improve your memory from early childhood.

Memory "9". Characteristics

Before we begin to analyze the case when there is only one number 9 in the psychomatrix, we will agree that the absence of nine in calculations based on decision dates will be considered an impossible case, and, therefore, this number should be created by lines, since a person needs at least some - that's memory. So, in the psychomatrix there is one number 9. This means that a person is forgetful, but despite everything, he does not hold a grudge against another person for long.

Is it possible to say that this person not smart? Never. It is impossible to assess the strength of a person's mind by his memory, since it is known that almost everything talented people very absent-minded and forgetful, but this does not mean that they are stupid. We are talking only about memory as a person’s ability to remember any information and be able to reproduce it, while intellectual abilities (the notorious “mind”) are used to process this information.

Very interesting fact: any information that a person was able to reproduce 30 seconds after memorization is retained in memory indefinitely. The problem with weak memory is not to remember, but to find this information in your head. This is precisely the weakness of a person who has one nine. He spends a long time looking for the information he needs in his memory. You can give a few useful tips for a similar enhancement of memory or speed of finding the necessary information. It is best to keep a file cabinet of the necessary information. In everyday practice, it is useful to write down important information in several places. When remembering information that is important to you, try to remember many of the details accompanying it (background information), then when you remember it, you will quickly restore it. It is best if it is an emotion of joy, laughter or just good mood(you can use music or hum your favorite song).

It cannot be said that such people have a completely “leaky” memory, since the information they need for themselves (on at the moment) they remember well, as long as it is necessary for daily use. As a rule, a change in interests leads to the erasure of unnecessary information in the operational memory field, sending it to the long-term storage of the brain, where it can be lost in a huge mass of other information. That is why, if you have only one nine in the psychomatrix, do not suddenly change your interests, it is advisable that the new becomes a continuation of the old interest, then you will maintain a connection with the existing data in your memory.

The most important thing is to never clog your memory with grievances against your family, loved ones or other people. Resentment is engraved into the memory due to the very vivid background of memorization and displaces other information.

Memory "99". Characteristics

Two nines in the psychomatrix indicate the presence of a strong memory, which allows you to quickly and without loss reproduce necessary information. This gives a person great chances to study science. If, in the presence of such a sign, a person is forgetful and complains of weak memory, then it is necessary to find out the reasons for such a discrepancy.

One of the most common reasons for weakening memory is the “capture” of nines by lines, especially the 3rd line (stability), when, instead of developing mental abilities, a person burdens himself with all sorts of small problems and responsibilities, many of which can hardly be called necessary.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that people with a strong memory remember every insult addressed to them, which can also lead to memory loss when remembering the necessary information. It is very important to get rid of grievances, especially when it comes to parents. The way is to understand the reason for the behavior loved one, which led to a breakdown of emotions.

Can we say that two nines are more strong sign, than one? Yes, if you compare the ability to reproduce information and remember it in a larger volume. Naturally, professions and sciences that are associated with memorization and reproduction are suitable for such people. large quantity information (linguists, writers, translators, warehouse workers, statistical and bank employees, etc.). As for those people who have one nine in their psychomatrix, we can say that they manifest themselves most as discoverers of new things; the main information is lost in the brain. For example, a person is engaged in painting; if there are two nines in his psychomatrix, then he draws well from life and redraws (makes copies) pictures. He can become a restorer. If there is only nine in the psychomatrix, then such an artist does not copy objects very well, he strives to create something of his own. Even after starting to work in someone else’s style, he gradually switches to his own style. The same applies to musicians, poets, and writers.

If there are two nines, a person with certain sets of numbers (or, or) may have clairvoyance, which will be based on a combination of signs. Such clairvoyance is characterized by the direction of vision of possible events, which are completely determined by the numbers complementing the nines. Having accumulated a sufficiently large amount of experience, a person gradually begins to strengthen his logical capabilities due to the accumulated models of situations, which he can later compare with a newly arising situation. Logic strengthened in this way cannot, however, give an intuitive vision of the problem, and, therefore, cannot fundamentally create new idea or solution. A person with two nines improves what he already has.

Memory "999 AND MORE". Characteristics

Many (three or more) nines appeared in the psychomatrix. This means that the characteristic of memory must give way to a new quality for which nines are responsible - clairvoyance. Let's try to figure out the process of clairvoyance itself. Two types of clairvoyance can be distinguished. Firstly, if a person has a strong energy of 2 (22 or more), then he can join the information field. It is accessible to him due to his strong memory, since the quantity of information remembered must turn into quality. Information accumulated over many generations must be organized, but it must not disappear from the information field. That is why entry into it is allowed only to those who have a strong memory and energy. If a person has many nines in the psychomatrix, but weak energy (no more than one two), then we can talk about comparative clairvoyance, when he selects a similar situation from his memory and makes an assumption about the completion of the present event. Such clairvoyance does not have much reliability. When comparing the signs “99” and “999” in terms of memory power, preference should be given to two nines, since clairvoyance dissipates a person’s memory, sometimes separating him from reality. Clairvoyants entering the information field may be mistaken in their predictions, since they are able to see (or be aware of) the outline of an event, its vague silhouette. Sometimes they cannot determine the end time, but they know how the situation will end.

Clairvoyance is more strongly represented by the signs “9999 or 99999.” In this case, they talk about the sign of a prophet, when almost all of a person’s predictions come true with high degree accuracy. Naturally, we are talking about people who developed their abilities and did not allow their nines to be “absorbed” by lines. If your child has this sign, then know that you have a huge responsibility for revealing the clairvoyant. How can such a disclosure be made?

The main thing is that it is necessary to highlight the range of his interests and direct him to his own improvement in this area. As soon as his potential for mastering this area of ​​knowledge reaches a sufficiently high level, a qualitative change in the situation will occur, the person will gain access to the information field where information from all people with a similar interest has been accumulated. As soon as a person first receives information, in a dream or vision, it is necessary to begin to compile his dictionary of symbols that will appear in dreams or visions. Very often, a strong clairvoyant or prophet suffers from the fact that he cannot understand the meaning of the information that appears in a dream - the information is encoded in symbols or images. You should not resort to the help of various dream interpreters; it is best to create your own own dream book, more accurately reflecting the essence of possible events. The main thing is to learn to believe and trust your own premonitions, dreams, visions, and sensations. If a child has these qualities, then trust him, he knows a lot.

What does the number 9 mean? The meaning of the number 9 The number “9” plays a huge role in our lives, being a protector and guide, because 9 can be the date of birth, the date of a wedding or another significant and important event in life. This number haunts us everywhere, which is why it became interested in its manifestation. By studying this issue, we can conclude that a number can have such an influence on a person’s fate and life, and also that such amazing phenomena are associated with this number. “Nine” in numerology is one of the most special numbers. It is so multifaceted that, looking at such a simple hook, you don’t even suspect the uniqueness of the internal content. This number has a contradictory, mind-stirring character. You could even say that it is so charismatic and impulsive that it inspires thought and creativity. “9” makes us better, although it often irritates us. The number “9” is the mouth and source of a person’s life experience and brings forgiveness into his life. It pushes people to develop, this is the so-called “numerical kick”. “9” is quite extensive and global in the manifestations of its activities; its shape indicates girth. If the “nine” wants to push all of humanity forward, its strength will increase hundreds of times. “Nine” is a symbol of constancy and cyclicality, it is endowed with the talent to correct mistakes, no matter how complex they are, and thanks to its humanity it is capable of achieving impressive results. The number “nine” is endowed with such abilities that only in a noble way help to achieve success in any business. This is the number of intuition, imagination and generosity, and is said to be protected by divine protection. The number “9” brings refined soulfulness and a broad outlook everywhere. The abilities of numbers are manifested by the restoration of various things, and even human destinies. In many cultures (Aztec, Buddhist, Mohist, Taoist, etc.), the number “nine” is associated with the idea of ​​heaven. It's interesting that in Ancient Greece there were exactly 9 muses: history (Clio), tragedy (Melpomene), lyric poetry (Euterpe), epic poetry (Calliope), love poetry (Erato), dance (Terpsichore), astronomy (Urania), comedy (Thalia) and hymns ( Polyhymnia). And it turns out there are 9 angelic ranks: Archangels, Angels, Cherubim, Dominions, Thrones, Powers, Powers, Principalities and Seraphim. And there are also 9 divisions of demons: Furious, Falsely Enlightened, Unjust, Liars, Perverted, Tempters, Pretenders, Mind Demons and Persecutors. Also amazing fact is that cats (according to popular belief) have nine lives. Perhaps this is why cats are associated with magic more often than other animals. A unique phenomenon - the Great Parade of the Planets, when nine planets line up in one row solar system(this rare phenomenon occurs approximately once every 25 thousand years). And here’s another thing: the Ninth Wave is the largest and strongest wave, fatal for sailors. It turns out that the ancient Slavs had a week not of 7 days, but of nine, and there were only 9 months a year. Also unusual, at first glance, is that if we place the number “3” under a magnifying glass, we will see “9”. From a mathematical point of view, "nine" is very special. Multiplied by any other number, the sum always forms “9”. For example: 9*3=27 (2+7), i.e. 2+7=9 or 9*5=45, i.e. 4+5=9 And, if you add another number to “9”, you get the number that was added. For example: 9+2=11 (1+1), i.e. 1+1=2 or another example 9+8=17 (7+1), i.e. 7+1=8 Many more wonderful words can be written about the amazing abilities of the “nine”, but let’s conclude the article with the main feature of the number “9”: striving for perfection in everything and loving the best. Number 9, meaning of number nine, number 9 in numerology. Motto of number 9: Forgiveness. Number 9 is an introverted number. Positive Qualities of a Nine: The number 9 is capable of living by divine standards, can be very religious, has love, compassion and mercy, and is often very impressionable. Number 9 is very lucky and attracts money. She may have talent as an artist, actor or writer. Nine is an impartial idealist, she loves perfection. Negative qualities of a nine: The number 9 often indulges the bad habits of other people. She's careless in financial matters, its characteristic qualities are scattering and inconstancy, excessive impulsiveness, excessive selfishness and selfishness. Number nine is the owner and always requires approval in its favor. She is depressed and can literally bury her talents in the ground. Colors of number 9: grey, pale yellow, olive, red, lavender. Number 9 in the spiritual realm. The number 9 essentially represents the beginning and end of a person's life experience. It carries the last earthly lesson of humanity - forgiveness. Favorable opportunities for number 9. Number 9 is very large-scale in its enterprises, its capabilities can cover the whole world. As soon as the desire to move all of humanity forward awakens in the number nine, its strength will increase hundreds of times. The activities of number 9 are capable of benefiting and warming the soul of all humanity, but only if they are not guided solely by personal interests. This is the number of intuition, imagination and generosity. For number nine, planning your affairs only as a way to achieve personal gain means ruining your whole life. The number nine is endowed with all the abilities that will help it achieve success in an exclusively noble way. This number is protected by divine protection. When the number 9 learns to love life and the people around her, while not forgetting about the common good, then she will be surrounded by such love that she could not even dream of. The material well-being of the number nine is unstable, but the idealistic number 9 lives by the principle “as it comes, so it goes.” She can easily become a victim of deception due to her generosity or excessive wastefulness. The number nine should remember that you need to give not only out of generosity, but also out of consideration for the general benefit. The number 9 is endowed with the talent to correct all its mistakes, no matter how critical they may be, and if the nine goes through life with an awareness of human brotherhood and serves it not out of considerations of self-sacrifice, but with the understanding that its generous heart and wonderful talents are a gift from God, aimed at the common good, then the life of number nine becomes truly beautiful and majestic. The inclinations and talents of the number nine. Number nine has excellent artistic taste and a rich imagination. It is capable of showing itself in the organization of various public speaking , in the theater and on the stage. In more practical areas (but, nevertheless, at least indirectly related to art), the number 9 can become a restorer or cabinetmaker. Nine does not accept a low social position and tries not to sink into it for a long time. The talents of number nine are manifested not only in the restoration of various things, but also of human destinies. So the number 9 can become a preacher, lecturer or consultant. The number nine is capable of revealing itself in the literary field. She perfectly conveys feelings and moods on paper. Also, such professions as actor, artist, architect and designer are always open to her. Number 9 may be interested in professions related to food, luxury goods, and medicine. She strives for perfection in everything and loves the best. Number nine is never afraid that her activities and hobbies may seem strange to someone. Nine has an excellent understanding of sound, color and beauty in general. She can become a composer, inventor or sound engineer. Number 9 brings sophistication and warmth to any business. Travel is very important for the Nine, in which she will find new uses for her abilities. All talents of number nine are based on breadth of outlook. The number nine in human relationships. Number nine has empathy and understanding, which make it very popular among other people and gives it the opportunity to influence them. Nine is a very charming person and most people have a positive attitude towards her. In youth, the character of number 9 can be ambivalent, which can lead to some unpleasant incidents and even very significant losses. But all this continues exactly until these two facets merge together so that the number 9 can finally achieve its true goal in life. Acting together, the personal and the impersonal can push her into inconsistency that is difficult for other people to understand. The number nine can be either generous, tolerant and generous, or cruel, cold and selfish, or overly thoughtful and with its head in the clouds. Such changes in mood may well cause a delay in the development of the nine and are accepted by her and those around her as a defeat. But over time, she comes to her senses, awakens, new goals are revealed to her, and she again strives to find her place among people whose goal is general well-being. You should not put pressure on the number 9 and take it to extremes; it has an extremely strong character and natural intuition. Number nine is very human and craves approval and love, thanks to which it is able to achieve the best possible achievement of its goals. Usually the number 9 has good health, but stress and negative emotions can weaken it, as well as unskilled hard work. Number nine, which at the moment has not yet reached its final development, needs help and good education. She may seem overly humble, fearful, and too bleak. Number 9 should not try to imitate others, but should develop its own individuality and talents. The number nine has a very hard time getting rid of bad habits, so it’s better for him to stay away from them in advance. Number 9 should always be self-confident and loyal to its fellow tribesmen. . The number 9 is the number of the triumph of spirit over matter, the number of human spiritual maturity. Number 9 is the last and strongest of three main spiritual numbers in numerology. Let us remind ourselves that spiritual numbers include: seven, eight, nine. number 9 Number 9 absorbs all the best from the number 7 and number 8. The best - from the point of view of a person’s spiritual maturity. From the number 7 nine takes divine participation in the fate of the individual. And from the number 8, nine borrows humility and voluntary acceptance of the Higher Will. The number 9 in the language of numbers means spiritual wisdom. However, there is no such thing as material wisdom; all wisdom is spiritual. Moreover, ironically, people who are far from the generally accepted ideals of holiness and purity sometimes become carriers of spiritual wisdom. And the number 9 from the language of numbers is translated as spiritual enlightenment and spiritual intuition. Nines (there are very few of them) are real sages. Not seers, not magicians, not psychics, not gurus, but sages! Numerology of the number 9 When talking about the number 9, you need to understand: the world has always confused wisdom with clairvoyance, sorcery, or simply occult erudition. How to find a living sage using numbers? No way, numerology is powerless here. At all, odd numbers They give only different hints at certain concepts. And then it’s a matter of your spiritual intuition, which you either have or don’t have. Only spiritual intuition, expressed in numerology by the number 9, fully reveals the essence of numbers and the essence of man. When explaining the meaning of numbers, adherents of spiritual numerology must distinguish spiritual wisdom from “everyday” (folk) wisdom. As we already know, spiritual wisdom in numerology is the number 9. But worldly wisdom- number 6. And in essence, worldly wisdom is not wisdom at all, but only actions and knowledge dictated human experience(yours or someone else's). Regarding the number 6, life experience is an invaluable thing. But regarding the number 9 - empty, useless vanity. Why? Because everyday experience is measured by time and accumulates in space, and nine does not obey the laws of space and time. The number 9 lives according to special laws - the laws of human spiritual states. What are spiritual states? It’s difficult to convey in words... Let’s say, states for the spiritual world are the same as space, time and movement for the material world. The spiritual world lives inside spiritual states just as we live inside space and time. The entire set of spiritual states in the language of numbers is expressed by the number 999. The meaning of the number 9 To understand the number 9, you need to have some basic knowledge, which, without going into detail, can be expressed in a few sentences. Every person lives simultaneously in both material and spiritual world, although he does not see this simultaneity. People with bright states of soul live well in the spiritual world, people with dark states of soul live poorly in the spiritual world. . Of course, everything is much more complex than just “bad” or “good,” but there is no point in going into details now. For now, it is enough to know that for the spiritual world the degree of “goodness” is the degree of perception of love and wisdom emanating from the Creator. . Strictly speaking, there are no “good” and “evil” people in the world. Just some human souls a weak degree of perception of love and wisdom, while others have a strong one. . To use the number 9 in numerology (date numerology, life numerology, etc.), you must remember: all the reasons for what happens to people lie in the spiritual world, and all the consequences lie in the material world. . Translated into the language of numbers, it sounds like this: all causes are in the number 9, all consequences are in the number 6, since nine controls the spiritual world, and six controls the material world. It's very simple! The number 9 and the number 6 The number 9 is very convenient to comprehend by comparing it with the number 6. Nine removes the “husk”, everything feigned and insincere in people. The number 9 seems to “undress” a person, exposing his soul. The Six does everything exactly the opposite, dresses us in everything unnecessary, deceptive, false. In general, the interaction of numbers 6 and 9 is very interesting to observe in the number 69. Or in the number 96. The difference between the numbers 69 and 96 is that in the first, knowledge of the world begins “from below,” that is, from the material layers of existence and consciousness. And in number 96, human knowledge of the world occurs “from top to bottom” - from the spiritual to the physical. The task of number 6 is to “dress” a person, to hide and veil his real, spiritual essence at any cost. Number 9 openly and honestly strives for the truth. Six fears the Truth like fire and everyone accessible ways hiding from her behind a veil of all kinds of bodily pleasures. The number 6 in the Bible is the serpent that seduced Eve. Six is ​​the most sophisticated number in lying. From the language of numbers, six is ​​translated not only as “triumph of the body over the spirit,” but also as “lie.” Six is ​​the number of cheaters, swindlers and actors. The number 6 can be unusually beautiful when it manifests itself, for example, in the theater - a relatively harmless “lie” of actors on stage. But the number 6 can be ugly - when in the name of deceptive political slogans entire cultures and peoples are exterminated... nine or six - which is better It is a mistake to think that the number 9 is better than the number 6, because it is more truthful and wiser than it. The essence of spiritual numerology is that each number reflects its own side of life - the one that other numbers do not see. And in general, it doesn’t exist good numbers And bad numbers. In no case should you connect your personal understanding of good and evil to spiritual numerology. In any case, such “understanding” should not be cultivated. Another thing is that there are numbers more or less suitable (not “good”, but appropriate) for certain events in a person’s life. But - again! - suitable for what? To make money or for spiritual development? To create a family or create a state? For war or peace? All this must be taken into account in order to correctly interpret the numbers. Well, how suitable the number 9 can be considered depends on many numerological factors. The number 6, for example, cooperates fruitfully with the inventive five (the number of creativity and war), as well as with the two (the number of rational thinking). And the number 9 goes well with the number 1 (energy and will). Nine also successfully interacts with seven and the number 8 (the fate of a person - in its correct, spiritual understanding). If you perceive a person’s fate as hopelessness and an excuse for one’s own laziness (they say, why bother, you can’t argue against fate!), then the number 8 becomes a pathetic and worthless servant of the six, and no longer has anything to do with the number 9. If we consider the fate of a person correctly - as an opportunity to break through the closed rings of the figure eight and reach new level evolution of the Spirit, then the number 8 becomes the closest friend and ally of the number 9! This interaction is reflected in the wonderful numbers 89 and 98. The number 9 corresponds to the planet Neptune

The number 9 in occultism symbolizes the planet Mars. This number affects everyone born on the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month, but this is especially true if the date of birth of this person falls between March 21 and April 19-26, called the “house of Mars.” "(positive), or for the period between October 21 and November 20-27, also called the “house of Mars” (negative).

Number 9 people are fighters in everything they do in life. In their younger years, they usually have “hard times,” but usually, towards the end of their lives, they still achieve success thanks to endurance, strong will and determination of character. Number 9 people have a quick-tempered character, they are harsh, impulsive, independent and always try to be their own masters. If the number 9 begins to appear too often in important dates and the events of their lives, they find that they have made great enemies for themselves, cause strife wherever they go, and are often wounded or killed, both in peaceful life and on the battlefield. These people have courage and make excellent soldiers, fighters and leaders in any cause to which they devote themselves.

The greatest dangers threaten them from their own courageous recklessness and impulsiveness in words and actions. They often have a specific predilection for disasters associated with fire or explosions, and they rarely go through life without suffering damage from these sources. How general rule, they have to find themselves “under the surgeon’s knife” one or more times in their lives. Home life For them, as a rule, it is accompanied by quarrels and squabbles, the same applies to other connections.

People of number 9 are inherently intolerant of criticism, even if they are not vain, they are still about themselves better opinion. At the same time, they cannot tolerate anyone’s interference in their plans, they love when people look up to them and want to always be recognized as the “head of the house.” They are good organizers, inventive, tireless, but they must always maintain strict control in everything: otherwise they will lose their composure, find themselves out of work and “everything will fall to pieces.” For the sake of their sympathy and love, they are ready to do anything: a man born with this sign can be turned into a complete fool if smart woman will pick up the keys to his heart.

Usually, they get along well with people whose birth dates are located under the sign of 3, 6 or 9, or some other numbers from their series, that is, with people born on the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 24th, 27th or 30th of any month. All these numbers are located in harmony with number 9 people.

It is believed that 9 is a number that is particularly lucky to be born under the sign. This is true only if the person born under this number really pays serious attention to it and is not led astray by either the increased temper or the excess of strength that this number expresses. The lucky colors of people born under the 9th sign are all shades of crimson, red, and pink. The most significant days of the week for them are Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, but especially Tuesday, also called “Mars day”.

Number 9 people should strive to implement all their own significant plans on the days on which their eigenvalue, such as the 9th, 18th or 27th of any month, but especially when these dates fall within the “period of nine”, namely from March 21 to April 19-26 or from October 21 to November 20-27 , as well as for all interchangeable numbers, that is, those that correspond to 3 and 6. Their lucky stones- ruby, garnet and heliotrope (bloodstone) and they are recommended to carry them with them, preferably directly on the body.

In all branches of occult calculations, for whatever purposes they may be made, the numbers 7 and 9 are regarded as the most significant. Seven has always been understood to be associated with the spiritual side, acting as the Divine or creative force on earth. Being a creative number, it represents the highest spirituality in humanity. Nine, as opposed to seven, is a symbol of physical strength in any form and is located in connection with everything material.

The number 9, representing man and everything connected with the physical and material side, is a symbol of strength, energy, destruction and war in their most overwhelming qualities. In its application to simple life, it denotes energy, ambition, ambition, desire and ability to lead, power. It represents iron, the metal from which weapons are made. The number 9 is the emblem of a cause that can never be destroyed, since 9, being multiplied by any number, always reproduces itself. All ancient peoples encouraged fear of the number 9 and all its derivatives. It is believed that to be born. under the sign of the number 9 - great luck, unless a man or woman born under this sign does not strive for a peaceful and monotonous life and knows how to curb their character so as not to make enemies.

If your number is 9:

Your rare sensitivity makes you extremely responsive to people and susceptible to the influence of atmosphere, music and generally sounds, colors and the like. All this develops your insight and awakens interest in the essence of things hidden from a quick glance, and especially in the so-called esotericism, in the occult sciences. You are attracted to mysticism, and you feel an irresistible need to delve deeper into this secret knowledge in order to independently check whether there is anything valuable in it for you. You also have the talent of extrasensory perception and can very well get involved in bioenergy and other similar things.

Unlimited freedom to wander is your great dream. The shackles of property or wealth only hinder your development, so you need to understand that the time comes when it is better to give up everything. And not only material goods. It is necessary to step over the usual relationships. You can quite easily find yourself the victim of a romantic affair; in this case, resist the temptation to cheat on yourself just to please your loved one. Nothing will help, and in the end your relationship will make both of you unhappy. You need to be yourself and believe that you will find the happiness that is meant only for you. Don't settle for anything less, then you will find exactly what you are looking for.

Love is so important to you that you can love several people at the same time and enjoy the happiness of love in all its shades. romantic love for life - this is not your destiny. Be immersed in ecstasy, immerse yourself in sadness and, with increasing experience, seek new love. And only then will you find complete satisfaction in life.

Caring for others and the opportunity to help a person also matter to you. What goes around comes around. And when you least expect it, the fruits of your kindness will ripen and you will be rewarded.

Your concern for the interests of other people sometimes deprives you of peace, and therefore you either soar on the wings of happiness, or plunge into deep depression. When you learn to subordinate your own emotions to reason, you, like a phoenix, will be reborn from the ashes and take your place in life as a truly enlightened person. And you will never again indulge in sadness because people deceive you. You will understand why everything is happening to you, and you will wait for the onset tomorrow with the belief that everything in this world is for the better. You will appreciate any experience with gratitude. Your amazing generosity will encourage you to share the truths you have learned with everyone who is able to understand them, because you would so much like to make all humanity happy. May the feeling of satisfaction and peace of mind that is destined for you be with you.

You will always attract attention to yourself for one reason or another - your life will be full of events. The fate of a person with the number "9" is the sum of destinies determined by all other numbers. And therefore, you are endowed with all the positive and negative properties inherent in other numbers, which makes you an extremely powerful person in every sense of the word.

Born under the number 9: Roosevelt, Kepler, Paganini.