What does the name Polina mean in Greek? Tender female name Polina: the meaning of the name, the character and fate of its beautiful owners

Why do you dream about potatoes? Potatoes seen in dreams often symbolize prosperity, prosperity, harvest, and health. But it all depends, of course, on what kind of potatoes were in the dream: large or small, fried or raw, rotten or beautiful, and what you did with the tubers.

Variants of “potato” dreams can be as follows:

  • In a dream you saw potato tubers lying on the ground.
  • You dreamed of large, good potatoes in a bucket.
  • Potatoes in the basement, cellar.
  • You were digging or collecting potatoes in a dream.
  • You had to plant it in your sleep.
  • I dreamed of bad, rotten potatoes.
  • Cook or eat potato dishes.

Potatoes in a dream - what is this for?

Suppose you had a “potato” dream, but you yourself did nothing in it. Remember what the potato was like and where it was found - this will help you correctly understand the dream.

1. Large potatoes seen in a dream signify big changes, unexpected events, offers and meetings - everything that will change your life in better side. New events await you and new life, don't miss this opportunity!

2. A dream in which the potatoes were rotten, spoiled, black, warns that the period of carefree joys and burning through life may soon come to an end. You will have to learn about the difficulties without which life cannot exist and learn to cope with them.

3.Seeing beautiful, round potatoes in a bucket in your dreams is a wonderful sign. Feel free to expect success in the near future in the business you have chosen (or intend to choose), it will bring you prosperity and satisfaction. Looks like you've found your thing!

4. Seeing potato stocks in the cellar in night dreams - interesting sign. As a rule, potatoes hidden in the cellar symbolize your secrets, and perhaps greed and tight-fistedness. You want to hide something, to hide something, but be careful.

5. If in a dream you took potatoes out of the cellar or basement, this may warn of illnesses and illnesses. Take more care than usual about own health so as not to undermine it.

6. A dream in which potatoes lie on the ground promises you meeting new people and, as a result, new events in the social sphere of your life. Be active and open to new things, expect pleasant gifts from fate!

7. Boiled potatoes, seen in dreams, promise wealth and well-being in the home, a warm family hearth, a quiet life without the fear of ending up in poverty.

8. Fried, rosy potatoes seen on the table - also rich life, delicious food, pleasures. Just don’t go too far, everything needs moderation!

9. Dreaming big pile potatoes - promises profit from hard work, a generous harvest, good fruits. It’s not in vain that you work, your reward will come soon!

10. But small tubers dream of tears and unpleasant events. Be prepared for a short period of sadness and melancholy.

What should I do with it?

According to dream books, potatoes can promise wealth, poverty, tears, and happiness. To select correct interpretation, remember carefully what you did with the tubers: did you have to plant them or dig them, fry them or treat them, buy or trade them?

This is important for correct interpretation sleep, because you can do a lot of things with potatoes, and even more so in your dreams.

1. Planting potatoes is a painstaking task, but useful and brings a rich harvest. Therefore, know: if you happen to plant potato tubers in your dreams, in reality you will soon receive a very interesting, attractive offer.

It can concern both personal life (marriage, creating a couple), and work, business... You can expect anything, but this proposal can change your destiny for the better, so be bold!

2. A dream in which the potatoes have already yielded a harvest and you have to dig and collect them, foreshadows a large amount of thankless, hard work.

  • If digging in a dream is difficult, but the harvest is small and the tubers are small, the same will happen in reality: you will struggle long and hard, but to no avail.
  • But if in the end you dig a big harvest, work hard and know that there will be a result, even if it comes with hard work.

3. If you ate potatoes (fried, baked, boiled) in a dream, expect a salary increase, bonus, winning or other way of receiving money. It will be unexpected and very joyful for you!

4. But if the potatoes you ate in a dream were raw, this portends profit from a business in which you did not fully believe.

If you happen to see in your night dreams how you are selling potatoes at the market, this, according to interpreters, means that you will soon get rid of unpleasant, annoying people in your environment.

If you are bothered by relatives or guests, a clingy admirer or unpleasant acquaintances, you will soon be freed from their oppressive society and breathe a sigh of relief.

6. Dreams in which you peel potatoes mean that you will soon change your own opinion about someone from your environment. Most likely, opinions will change for the better. It’s not without reason that they say that appearances are deceiving – you have to see for yourself. Don't rush to conclusions!

7. If you cook potatoes in your dreams (fry them, make soup or mash them) - wait new job, promotions or interesting business offers. Career will go up! Author: Vasilina Serova

One of the frequent and common dreams is a dream in which potatoes are involved in some way. In dreams, certain points should be noted. So, for example, why dream large potatoes? The meaning for this type of vegetable can be interpreted in several ways.

To sum it up in one word, potatoes (regardless of size) usually symbolize that you are about to go through difficult times. If we consider individually the various moments with the participation of persons and the actions taking place with potatoes, then we can identify several of the most frequent and important fragments encountered in dreams.

For example, if a woman dreams that she eats boiled big potatoes, That this dream will mean an increase in career ladder, and the fact that her efforts will be noticed not only by her work colleagues, but also by her superiors.

If you plant potatoes in a field or in your garden, then in this case you should also take into account what size it was. Since the potato itself is a good plant. Therefore, if you plant a large fruit, then in reality this person will be given the beginning of good luck, and what kind of luck it will be depends on the person.

It can also be noted that if a person has planted large potatoes, then he has every chance of having his wish come true. Planting a big luck means it will need to be protected and looked after so it can reproduce and grow.

Harvesting (digging) a potato crop portends future successes. If in a dream the harvest was rich, then in life you will reap the fruits of success and material well-being. To see in a dream how all large potatoes are covered with small sores, then this dream speaks of human envy.

If you dig potatoes in a dream, in your garden, where all family members are involved, then the household members will be accompanied by luck for a long time in starting their business.

Seeing a lot of potatoes in a large field in a dream means that this person will have a great time at some kind of entertainment event, and will receive a lot of pleasant impressions from this.

If you had a dream in which a person prepares various dishes from potatoes, and the tubers are of significant size, then in reality, in the near future, he will receive peace of mind and peace of mind.

Also of no small importance is a dream in which a person saw dirty potatoes, the dirt from which he carefully tried to wash. Such a dream foreshadows gossip and disagreements with others. And if the potatoes were rotten, then this dream suggests that quite difficult days are ahead. In a word, the white streak of life has ended and the black one has begun.

Using dream books to interpret dreams, it is necessary to more accurately designate each moment, and then clarify the meaning. If it is not pleasant, then you should not be upset, but it is better to be patient and wait for the moment when a bright streak of life comes again.

Potatoes according to the dream book

The taste of potatoes is familiar to probably every person. Often seeing this vegetable in a dream is a good sign. The dream book believes that the tuber is a sign of impending changes and various exciting events. But what this plot means in a dream is not always explained so positively.

Eat potatoes

If in a dream a woman feasts on potatoes, then in the foreseeable future she will professional activity will be effective: an increase in salary or a rise up the career ladder is coming.

The lunar dream book warns: digging and eating potatoes in night dreams means unfavorable work and subsequent dissatisfaction.

Eating potatoes in a dream means that in reality you may have stomach problems.

Interpreter Simon Kananita believes that seeing root vegetables in a dream or eating them means profit, as well as a good harvest for gardeners.

Do the cooking

If you dream that you are preparing dishes from potatoes, you will soon receive an offer for a suitable and well-paid job.

Cooking food with potatoes in a dream means an unpleasant and unexpected visit. If the dreamed vegetable is too small, then there are moments in your life with which you are unhappy.

Plant tubers

Planting it in the ground means receiving an interesting offer, both marriage and work. If the dreamed potato is rotten, then soon your comfortable existence will come to an end. It's better to enjoy life and relax while you still have time.


The universal dream book says that digging and collecting potatoes in a dream means thankless work and painstaking work. Such a dream can warn of illness and subsequent health problems.

Did you dream that you were digging up tubers? This is a symbol of success and wealth. And if in a dream you are planting, then you can count on your dreams coming true and your wishes being fulfilled.

Shereminskaya also explains why a similar plot is dreamed of. Shereminskaya's dream book believes that digging potatoes is good sign, promising a favorable development of events.

If you dreamed that you were digging potatoes out of the ground, it means that in reality you will have a thankless work activity, your work will not bring success, and your efforts will be in vain.

Spoiled potatoes

The 21st Century Dream Book warns: spoiled or rotten potatoes indicate that the joys and pleasures of your life have been exhausted, and the future does not bode well for anything pleasant.

Peel off the skin

Peeling the skin means being able to free yourself from violence or abuse.

Aesop also gives a description of why such dreams occur. The fortuneteller believes that peeling potatoes symbolizes a change in your opinion about a person. Most likely, your opinion will change for the better after some significant event.

Various interpretations

The Eastern dream book believes that potatoes can predict difficult times, which you will be able to survive. Problems will not be as terrible as imagined, and grief will not be able to shake your peace of mind.

Hazard interprets it a little differently similar dream. He believes that dreams of potatoes mean making a profit.

Miller's dream book predicts all sorts of important incidents to the dreamer. These will be random and unexpected events that develop unpredictably, as well as fateful meetings with forgotten acquaintances from the past.

As it is written in the Ukrainian dream book, such a plot is a sign of new acquaintances. The root vegetable itself means troubles (both pleasant and not so pleasant). According to Ukrainians, if in a dream you brought a vegetable from a barn or dug it up in a field, this is a sign of illness.

Dreaming of a huge pile of root vegetables promises a good harvest, profit, a profitable business and high income.

Selling vegetables in a dream means getting rid of annoying guests or overstaying relatives.

Why do you dream about potatoes?

Potatoes are a symbol of a rich harvest and prosperity. It was he who saved people from hunger in the cold winters. But in dreams, potatoes can have other meanings. We will find out which ones by reading the dream books.

Dream book of Tsvetkov. Why do you dream about potatoes?

  • If in a dream you dream about eating potatoes, then this means your internal disharmony and depression. Try to get rid of these feelings as soon as possible.
  • If you dig potatoes in a dream, then this means your feeling of dissatisfaction with your current job and social status.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse. What does a dream about potatoes mean?

  • If you dream about digging potatoes, this means that you are dissatisfied with your current job. If you don’t really hold on to your current place, then feel free to change it. You won't achieve more here.
  • If you dream about how you eat potatoes, then this means your big problems with health. It's nothing serious, so you don't have to worry too much. Everything will be resolved without your intervention.
  • If you dream about how you are cooking potatoes in the kitchen, then soon guests will come to you whom you would not particularly like to see. Prepare for this visit or do everything possible to avoid meeting these people face to face.
  • If in a dream you dug up potatoes and there is one little thing there, then this means difficult times ahead. You will have to save on everything in order to survive until the next successful business.
  • If the potatoes in your dream are large, then your business will go uphill and your income will increase many times over. Take this moment to start new ambitious projects.
  • If in a dream you sell potatoes, then you will soon be able to get rid of annoying colleagues, noisy neighbors or guests who have been with you for a long time. Very soon peace and comfort will reign in your life again.

Miller's Dream Book. What does a dream with potatoes promise you?

  • If you dig potatoes in a dream, then this symbolizes your successful position in society. The dream book explains this by your successes and personality traits. Don't deviate from your chosen path, and you will be able to make a profit from your projects for a long time.
  • If in a dream you eat boiled potatoes with your hands, then your next business will bring enormous income. Try to choose the most promising project and start implementing it.
  • If in a dream you cook potatoes, then you will soon be able to find a job that will meet all your standards. Try not to miss the advertisement for this vacancy.
  • If in a dream you are planting potatoes, then this means the fulfillment of your desires. The larger the potatoes you plant, the more unusual and large wishes you will be able to fulfill.
  • If you dreamed of a potato harvest that was completely rotten, then this is a harbinger of your troubles and disappointments. A dark streak is coming in your life. Be prepared for this and try not to waste a lot of nerves during these events. This won't help you.

Freud's Dream Book. Why do you dream about potatoes?

  • If you see potatoes in a dream, then soon your business will go uphill. You will live in peace, without denying yourself anything.
  • If you dream about how you cook potatoes, then this promises you the arrival of distant relatives. Prepare well for their arrival and surprise them with delicious food and a warm welcome.
  • If you dream about how you are standing in a potato field and quickly digging potatoes, then this means big problems at work. You will have to work very hard to cope with everything.
  • Rotten tubers symbolize imminent troubles and misfortunes. Try to complete your business as quickly as possible before a dark streak in life begins.

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Potato

Digging or seeing potatoes in a dream promises success in matters of the heart.

Planting potatoes means your wishes will come true.

However, rotten potatoes do not bode well; they dream of loneliness and separation of lovers.

If you are collecting potatoes, then this dream foretells you getting rid of your enemies.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you dream about potatoes, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see potatoes in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Potatoes in a dream are good sign. Changes are approaching, as well as various exciting events. Upcoming meetings will not be beneficial, and the expenses incurred will be unjustified.

What were you doing in your dream? How were the potatoes cooked in your dream? Where was the potato when you saw it in your dream? What size were the potatoes in your dream? What did the potatoes look like in your dream?

What were you doing in your dream?

Stealing potatoes in a dream

Why dream of stealing potatoes? The appearance of your dissatisfaction with your own financial situation.

You are overcome by a feeling of envy towards more successful people. Try to overcome negative feelings, they are destructive.

Hilling potatoes in a dream

I dreamed of hilling potatoes - you will be able to successfully complete the work you started. Luck will follow you everywhere.

Fortune will be with you not only in business, you can count on changes in your personal life, as well as in relationships with loved ones.

Why do you dream about picking potatoes?

Going through potatoes according to Felomena’s dream book means making a profit, income thanks to the hard physical work performed.

If there are financial problems, former acquaintances will be able to provide support. With their help you will find work and permanent income.

Buying potatoes in a dream

If you dream about buying potatoes, you should expect an interesting offer. It can be romantic in nature.

It is possible that you will be able to move up the career ladder or get a new highly paid position.

Digged potatoes Planted potatoes Collected potatoes Peeled potatoes

Dreaming of weeding potatoes

Dreaming of weeding potatoes is a favorable moment for the implementation of your plans. You can safely take on new projects or complete work on old ones.

How were the potatoes cooked in your dream?

Why do you dream about mashed potatoes?

A dream about mashed potatoes warns of the need to resolve a serious issue. Most likely, it will concern money.

Don't rush into the final decision; you will have a choice great value. IN financial matters Caution and avoidance of hasty conclusions are especially important.

Boiled potatoes Fried potatoes Raw potatoes

Where was the potato when you saw it in your dream?

Dreaming of a potato field

You see a potato field in a dream - in reality it is worth solving current issues more thoughtfully.

The solution may not be on the surface, so you will have to think hard to get to it.

I dreamed about potatoes in bags

Why do you dream of potatoes in bags? It is worth thinking about your own well-being. Excessive loads will make themselves felt in the form of overvoltage.

A constant feeling of fatigue can lead to stress, which causes multiple ailments. Take care of your health and do not take emergency measures.

Why do you dream about potatoes in the ground?

If you dreamed of potatoes in the ground, your judgment about someone you know may be completely wrong. Before putting forward theories or “hanging a label,” you should get to know the person better, this will help you get to know him better as a person.

Dreaming of potatoes in a bucket

Potatoes in a bucket are described in Felomena's dream book as success in love affairs, especially if the tubers are large and pink. Small potatoes portend numerous pleasant troubles due to loved ones.

What size were the potatoes in your dream?

Large potatoes

Why do you dream about small potatoes?

Why do you dream about small potatoes? In reality you experience a lack of attention from your lover, although in present moment you desperately need it. Talk to your partner and everything can be worked out.

What did the potatoes look like in your dream?

Why do you dream about potatoes with sprouts?

If you dreamed of potatoes with sprouts, expect something to happen that could turn out to be good for you.

Fortune will be favorable to you, you will be able to achieve a lot by following your cherished dream. Stick to the plan, then everything will work out.

Dreamed of potato tubers

Felomena's dream book considers potato tubers as a symbol of significant changes in life. They can be both positive and sharply negative.

One way or another, they will change your usual existence, force you to rethink many values ​​and set priorities differently.

Dreaming of young potatoes

Dreaming of young potatoes is not the most pleasant sign. In reality, you will worry in vain. Try not to get nervous, especially without good reason.

All problems will be resolved positively, you will be happy with what you have achieved. Troubles will be temporary.

Seeing rotten potatoes in a dream

A dream about rotten potatoes is a harbinger of darkness and joylessness in life. All the pleasures and pleasant moments will exhaust themselves, and there will be no more new ones in the future.

Life will take a sharp turn, making you realize many things. It will be too late for some changes, but the situation will be partially corrected.

Why do you dream about a lot of potatoes?

If you see a lot of potatoes in a dream, you will receive a significant amount of money, profit or salary, but getting it will not be easy at all. A lot of potatoes on the ground - not the best auspicious sign. Disagreements will begin in the family, which can become a conflict.

Dreamed of fresh potatoes

Why do you dream fresh potatoes? The dream promises solid financial receipts. It is especially favorable for entrepreneurs - you will receive the long-awaited profit.

Potatoes are usually a harbinger of work and profit. If you dreamed of potatoes, then you can expect success in your work or some lucrative offer. Also, potatoes in a dream can also indicate good yield of this product. Moreover, if you dream that the potatoes are bad, then the yield will be poor, and vice versa.

Why do women dream about potatoes? If a woman plants potatoes in a dream, then success will soon await her, but only after she makes significant efforts.

Expect success, but don't relax. Try to do everything possible for your well-being.

If in a dream a woman peels a potato, then she risks being ashamed or humiliated, and completely undeservedly. Beware of deceitful people in the near future.

Rotten potatoes in a dream indicate that a man needs to be very careful and not overdo it in his efforts. This could turn out to be a complete failure for him. Eating potatoes in a dream means great success or profit.

To dream of potatoes that are already cooked means that you are already very prosperous and happy. You need to pay attention specifically to your current happiness and not chase after more.

If a child dreams of potatoes, then he will be healthy and successful in the near future.

Dream Interpretation Rotten Potatoes

Why do you dream about Rotten Potatoes in a dream according to the dream book?

rotten potatoes- you will have to face difficulties on this life stage, solve some long-standing problems.

Big potatoes

Dream interpretation Big potatoes dreamed of why you dream about Big Potatoes? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Big Potatoes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

Dreams about potatoes usually mean getting daily bread honest, hard work. Therefore, planting, harvesting or preparing potatoes for food in a dream means profit that you will spend on your daily needs. Giving away, selling or seeing potatoes rotten is a sign of losses, debts and unwise spending of money. Selling potatoes sometimes means getting rid of unpleasant visitors. Eating potatoes in a dream predicts that you will try to use your funds to develop your business and generate additional profit. Frying potatoes in a dream - to marriage union. Seeing a lot of potatoes in a dream means big profits earned with blood and sweat. Seeing small potatoes in a dream is a sign of life in need; Seeing large means good income.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

Potatoes - if you dream about potatoes, you will see a lot of people. Potatoes are a hassle. Digging potatoes is good, eating them will make you sick. If you dream that you were taking potatoes from a barn or digging in a field, you will get sick.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

To the harvest or to tears.

Boiling potatoes is a pleasure.

Digging potatoes is a sign of fun.

Eating potatoes means a date.

Frying potatoes with a friend means marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

Eating potatoes in a dream foreshadows an event that will seem important to you at first, but will soon disappoint you. Peeling potatoes means changing your opinion about a person from bad to good. Planting or digging potatoes - to intimacy with a new partner.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

Digging potatoes in a dream promises success in matters of the heart.

Planting potatoes means your wishes will come true. However, rotten potatoes do not bode well; they dream of loneliness and separation of lovers.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

If in a dream you are planting potatoes, it means that in reality you will arrange your affairs in the best possible way and can count on the successful implementation of your plans. Digging up potatoes means getting a thankless and humiliating job.

Peeling potatoes in a dream means that in reality you will avoid coercion, having managed to stand up for yourself in such a way that you will be taken into account. Boiling potatoes means an unpleasant visit, frying them means pleasure and a quick marriage.

Eating potato dishes in a dream foretells a date with friends after hours. Small potatoes in a dream foreshadows insufficient attention to you from a loved one exactly when you especially need it. Large and blemish-free potatoes mean good income and additional cash flow. Rotten potatoes foreshadow the onset of a dark streak in life, which can drag on for a long time.

Selling potatoes in a dream means compromising with your conscience; buying them means you will receive a high honor. Carrying heavy sacks of potatoes in a dream means overexertion, fatigue and illness during a cold epidemic.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

Planting potatoes or digging (if the harvest is good, there are a lot of potatoes and they look good) is a dream that marks the fulfillment of desires and success in endeavors.

Rotten potatoes are a collapse of hope.

Peel potatoes - you will change your opinion about someone and begin to think better about him.

Eating potatoes means a harvest, profit, a date, and sometimes just for everyday affairs.

Cooking - for pleasure, frying - for a wedding.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

If you dreamed that you were cooking or eating potatoes, then luck will accompany any of your endeavors. To make this time last longer, peel the potato, stitch it with white thread and bury it.

If you dreamed that you were planting potatoes, then very soon you will have problems with your back. To avoid them, tie your back wool thread and do not take it off for a week.

Dream Interpretation - Potatoes

Digging potatoes - long-awaited success is just around the corner.

There is a profitable business, profitable businesses and projects.

Planting potatoes in a dream - all your plans will come true.

Many years have passed since the restless Tsar Peter brought potatoes to Rus'. The overseas delicacy has ceased to be a curiosity and has turned into the most banal garden plant. Even if a person doesn’t eat potatoes on principle, different-sized brown tubers every now and then catch his eye in the vegetable departments of stores, at the market, behind the fence of a neighbor’s gardener... In a word, there is nothing more natural than seeing a familiar vegetable in a dream. However, there are dreams that are so vivid and memorable that you can’t help but think - this is not without reason! So why do you dream about potatoes?

Why do you dream about potatoes according to various dream books?

It is not for nothing that the glory of the “second bread” has been assigned to potatoes. Yield, tasty, allowing you to prepare dozens of varied and satisfying dishes, it very quickly attracted the attention of our ancestors, who at first were hostile to the new product. And over time, he even displaced the turnip, which was more familiar to the Slavs, from the gardens! It is not surprising that dreams about an unpretentious tuber began to be perceived as a good omen.

Definitely a lucky sign!

  • Dream Interpretation of the New Era:

Potatoes appearing in night dreams serve as a kind of advice to look around more carefully. What looks gray and unpresentable - a random event, a new acquaintance, an idea that flashed in the head - can in fact be of great value.

  • General dream book:

Soon all your difficulties will end, your worries will dissipate, and a period of peace and harmony will begin in your life.

  • Modern dream book:

Changes are coming that will please you.

  • Jewish dream book:

Seeing potato tubers in a dream means making a profit.

  • Esoteric dream book:

Potatoes dream of prosperity.

  • Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima:

Happiness is already in a hurry to your home, but it will not come on its own. It will take a lot of effort to provide your family with comfort and prosperity.

Lush green bush potatoes - a hint to “dig deeper.” Trying to deal with a problem, you focus on its visible, “above-ground” part, not noticing that the roots of your troubles are hidden in a completely different place.

However, not every person has pleasant associations with potatoes. For some, this vegetable is associated primarily with hard work, which will not necessarily be followed by reward - after all, lean years have not been canceled.

Rotten potatoes are considered one of the most unpleasant signs

  • Miller's Dream Book:

If changes come, they will be rather unpleasant.

  • Eastern women's dream book:

Alas, all your undertakings planned during this period will turn out to be a waste of time and effort.

  • Dream Interpretation of Solomon:

Potatoes symbolize tears.

  • Children's dream book:

Take courage and patience, you have a difficult period ahead.

  • Dream Book of the Wanderer:

You will have to engage in difficult and tedious work, which will leave behind only a feeling of dissatisfaction. Your obligations will not bring you money or respect.

You can’t decide which interpretation to take personally, but your intuition is treacherously silent? Then try to remember the state of the root vegetables you saw in your dream. Whole, even and smooth promise peace and prosperity. Rotten and clumsy people dream only of negative events: for lovers they prophesy separation and loneliness, and for everyone else - bad news, losses and a long life. black stripe in life.

Who had the dream: interpretations for a woman or a man

If none of the general explanations satisfy you, try looking at your dream from a different angle. For example, many interpreters will definitely find it necessary to clarify who exactly dreamed of potatoes - a man or a woman?

I wonder if there will be a promotion, a raise or marriage?

For a woman, an eternal gatherer, a dream about strong, beautiful potato tubers almost always means positive changes. You are predicted to receive an unexpected, albeit honestly deserved, promotion or a significant increase in salary. Or it may happen that a competing organization will pay attention to your successes and try to lure you over by offering you a new, higher position and an attractive salary.

Is your career still stalled? Therefore, you will be lucky in love. Expect a marriage proposal. Most likely, it will come from an old admirer or your current partner - in other words, a person with whom you have already invested a lot of effort. All that remains is to “harvest the harvest” with pleasure.

The most successful dreams are those in which a woman had to collect or eat potatoes.

For a man, a hunter and breadwinner, the dream of fussing with tubers paints less rosy prospects. When faced with another problem, you will be tempted to use old connections to solve it. But don’t rely too much on useful acquaintances and friends - this time they will let you down. However, there are two favorable points: firstly, you are quite capable of coping with difficulties on your own, and secondly, the “problem” period will not last long.

By quantity and size: large or small, many or one tuber

They say that small change in dreams brings tears. This statement is also true for dreams about potatoes.

Small tubers are considered a prototype of future disorders and troubles. And if, moreover, they were covered in dirt, the streak of bad luck threatens to turn into a wide black streak, which will be oh so difficult to overcome! It is especially bad to see such a dream during the period of nurturing important plans: there is a high chance that on the way to their fulfillment you will encounter many different obstacles, and when you finally make your way to your desired goal, you will find out that you do not need it as much as you thought!

For lovers, small potatoes predict quarrels caused by a lack of attention from a partner.

Looks like someone's going to get lucky

Large, clean, neat tubers are a sign of upcoming triumph. If you are currently working on a project, do not doubt its success; your efforts will be noticed, appreciated and duly rewarded. If you are planning to make changes in your life, don’t hesitate to get down to business. The result will exceed your wildest expectations! True, dreamers who decide to rest on their laurels in advance will not succeed: potatoes do not jump out of the ground by themselves.

IN at the moment you don’t make grandiose plans, and therefore don’t expect victories? But you can count on an increase in well-being, probably due to the emergence of new sources of income.

But even when the potatoes you see in your dreams are not amazing in size, it’s too early to get upset. Maybe he'll take it in quantity? For example, a large pile of tubers, regardless of their size, has long been considered a harbinger of a rich harvest, which “translated” into modern language can mean material profit.

The Ukrainian dream book associates a bunch of potatoes with a lot of people you will have to see in the near future. Let's say at a party, wedding or conference.

The meaning of actions with potatoes: digging, planting, collecting, etc.

  • Picking flowers from a potato bush.

This seemingly insignificant event foretells a wedding celebration.

Lots of fun awaits!

  • Plant potatoes.

Roll up your sleeves and get ready to work hard: the task ahead of you is neither easy nor pleasant. But the profit from it will cover and cover the efforts expended many times over! Everything planned will be accomplished “perfectly”, things will work out in the most wonderful way, and if you have something that has been in your soul for a long time secret desire, it can come true during this period. A good dream for those who are thinking about starting their own business. Everything you put into it now will eventually grow into an unprecedented harvest!

If in a dream someone else planted potato seeds for you, success will come to this person, but you will also receive a hefty piece of his luck.

Occasionally, a dream about planting or digging up potatoes is interpreted as a sign intimate relationships, which the dreamers will enter into with a new partner.

  • Spud.

You have taken on a rather risky business, which can result in both a takeoff and a painful fall on the asphalt. True, sometimes interpreters promise good profits to dreamers born from January to April; birthday people in May, June, July and August are given hard work, and those who celebrate their birthday in the fall or in the first month of winter are predicted... a good potato harvest.

  • Dig.

IN in a general sense this dream speaks of success in business and love spheres, small joys and major successes. Especially for those who, digging up potatoes, rejoiced at the bountiful harvest! However, the dreamer, who has become exhausted during imaginary garden work, has health problems - even in a dream, his body cannot get rid of fatigue, which is a hidden sign of malaise. Well, watching someone digging potatoes in front of you predicts a profitable deal and trusting relationships with loved ones.

It matters when and how you harvested your crops.

It also matters what exactly you used to extract the tubers from the ground. If you use a shovel, soon new, previously unknown circumstances or someone’s secret will be revealed to you, which will have a beneficial effect on your later life. It’s worse when a person goes out to harvest with his bare hands: this means that you are imprudent and tend to trust your secret thoughts to the wrong people. Keep your mouth shut, someone around you is hanging on every word, hoping to trip you up.

A fantastic dream about searching for potatoes under the snow predicts numerous pleasant events related to finances for the lucky one. Working in the garden under the warm autumn sun is a sign of harmony in family life. But the one who shoveled wet clods of earth in the pouring rain is unlikely to be able to bring the work he started to a victorious end.

The lunar dream book assures that the person digging up potatoes will have to do a thankless job, and Ivanov’s dream book frightens the unlucky dreamer with illness.

  • Buy and sell.

Buying potatoes means earning respect. To sell is to get rid of something negative, perhaps by going against your beliefs. Carrying potatoes in bags means experiencing enormous stress, which will deprive you of strength for a long time. Often such dreams are harbingers of illness, so pay more attention to your well-being. Perhaps the disease is already mastering your body.

  • Prepare.

Anyone who peeled a vegetable in a dream will be subject to pressure, but will be able to resist it. Or maybe you will be able to get rid of the cunning manipulator who has been trying to subjugate you to his influence for a long time. In a word, a dream about peeling potato tubers symbolizes liberation from something unpleasant associated with violence, physical or psychological.

Pleasure served!

Boiled potatoes are associated in dream books - and not only among them - with gatherings in a warm company or the visit of an unexpected guest. Fried predicts a lot of pleasures, but at the same time calls not to forget about moderation, so that the pursuit of sensual pleasures does not lead to problems. She can even predict a wedding for some lucky ones!

Cooking potatoes without specifying the details, in a general sense, means a change of job, and in the most favorable way for the dreamer. A new business will captivate you, allow you to enjoy the process itself and delight you with the results.

If another person fried and steamed potatoes in your dream, the gingerbread promised by the dream books will go to him. But you can show nobility and be happy for your friend.

The first interpretation is the most common: you will make a big profit. Second, less popular: you will be asked on a date. Third, the most unpleasant: an event that aroused great expectations in you will ultimately turn out to be a dud. Which interpretation to believe? Naturally, the best!

When trying to interpret a dream, one should “start dancing” not from the dream book and its predictions, but from the person himself. Ask yourself, what associations do potatoes give you? What feelings did the dream leave behind? After analyzing both, you can easily find the correct answer. Naturally, if the day before you did not spend several hours in a row at the dacha, collecting a new crop. In this case, mysticism does not work, only visual memory.

This product is considered an essential food. However, it is difficult to prepare gourmet dishes with it. If in a dream you started buying potatoes, then the dream book writes that you will soon have a lot of worries and various things to do, which may or may not be very pleasant.

However, after such a dream you should not expect great joy, happiness or excesses. Even if you have profit, after such a dream it will be used for necessary household needs.

If you want to understand why you dream of buying potatoes in a dream, pay attention to the number of kilograms, whether they were whole or already cut, how they were sold by weight for frying, how much you took and how convenient it was to carry them.

This is what dreams of potatoes most often mean in various situations.

Hard work

Usually such a turn of events is predicted by bags of potatoes or a bag on wheels in which you carry this food product. Taking a lot of raw potatoes in tubers means big problems and worries, the severity of life and very difficult transformations.

The modern dream book writes that loading oneself with string bags of potatoes symbolizes domestic troubles, troubles, worries and hard and unprofitable work.

Most likely, holidays and even just a minute of rest are not expected in your life in the near future. You will have to work hard and spend almost all your earnings on small and large household needs.

If you see that your friend is buying bags of potatoes, then his life will be very difficult in the near future.

Most likely, the burden of everyday worries will make you forget about yourself and do only what is necessary. If this person whom you saw in a store in a dream with a bag of potatoes is a friend or relative, then the dream book writes that such a dream means need or that he needs some kind of support.

Remember that tuberous potatoes in some cases can predict slagging in the body and a severe deterioration in health. Therefore, an illness can make even a simple life simply unbearable for this person.

If this relative or simply an acquaintance lives in another city, modern books indicate that his life is not sweet. For example, for the mother of an adult son, such a dream indicates that in big city he will have to work very hard.

If in a dream he brought sacks of potatoes to you, then what is this dream about? The dream book writes that soon you will either have to help him financially, or deal with something for a long time and tediously.

Modern books on dream interpretation also write that some troubles, troubles and fuss will be associated with it. That's exactly what he writes modern dream book that you dreamed of a man with potatoes, your relative.

For elderly people, such a dream predicts a prosperous old age, many illnesses, and also hard work. At the same time, the dream book writes that too much work on a summer cottage can cause serious health problems.

It is for this reason, as books indicate in a dream, that you can become very seriously ill, especially if you overwork, so save your strength. For young people, carrying a lot of potatoes in a dream means a small but stable salary, which you will receive through hard work.

What does new potato mean?

Eg o appearance during sleep predicts you good health, a small profit and a reason for a family holiday.

Usually the first new potatoes in a dream, which can be baked in a frying pan along with spring greens, are a good sign.

After it, expect the return of the debt, a good financial situation, profit and a holiday. You may find a bill near a kiosk or receive an unexpected gift.

In any case, young potatoes, especially in small quantities, are a sign that you can not only improve your financial situation, but also have a wonderful rest.

And, although such a dream does not foretell you a luxurious celebration or a very bright holiday, the dream book notes that such a dream predicts joy, positive emotions and very good health.

Buying a lot of such young potatoes in a dream means profit and work, for which you can get very good money. You will not only have enough for bread, but you will also be able to afford butter and even red caviar. This dream is favorable for the young, especially those who have recently gotten married.

For a pregnant woman, potatoes in a store predict the birth of a daughter. However, seeing her in a dream for a young husband means a job in which he will have to work hard, but also receive a good fee for his work. Such a dream means good deeds and prospects, a prosperous life, albeit without much luxury and chic.

Why do you dream about buying a lot of small new potatoes? The dream book writes that such a dream means small profits or money in coins or small bills.

If the tubers were larger, expect solid profits and good prosperity in the house. However, carrying a lot of potatoes in bags is a sign that you will have to spend a lot.

Therefore, try to allocate your funds correctly.

French fries and chips

Most favorable dream. Pay attention to what exactly you dreamed about: raw frying potatoes, which are sold by weight in the supermarket, fried French fries or chips.

WITH A fresh product that requires cooking means the imminent arrival of guests, new plans, or the receipt of a promise that will be related to money. However, you will have to work hard to get the desired profit and finish what you started.

If you're just walking around shopping center, bought yourself a bag of fried potatoes, then such a dream means joy, pleasant emotions and many bright and joyful moments.

The dream predicts news that will please you, money, profit or bright hope. It is possible that you will soon be invited to visit or you yourself will find time for friends.

Buying and eating French fries in the company of friends or in a restaurant means pleasant and useful conversations and the fact that you will learn a lot of new things, which will be very useful to you later. Sometimes such a dream predicts good news.

Well, indulging in chips or treating friends means have a nice meeting, good company and even a little money, a banquet that you will arrange with your friends.

Eating chips alone means spending money on yourself. This dream predicts you not only the pleasures of life, good news, but also a small and inexpensive gift, and many pleasant moments.