Palmistry for beginners with detailed explanations. Palmistry for beginners: meanings of lines on the palm

If the eyes are the mirror of the soul, then the palms can confidently be called the mirror of fate, a reflection of a person’s life. Don't believe me? Then plunge into the secret world of palmistry and see for yourself. It doesn’t matter if you’ve only heard about this science in passing. The main thing is to have desire, perseverance and perseverance on the way to achieving your goal.

With their help and ours, you will soon be able to master the basics of palmistry. As a result, you will correctly interpret every line on your hand and decode any, even the rarest signs. For beginners, palmistry in pictures is a must. After all, it is imperative to see the line about which we're talking about so as not to be confused.

Palm reading for beginners

What else do you need to know? You don't look at individual signs. Conclusions can be drawn only when all points, all lines have been analyzed: main and secondary.

If you notice a fatal line on your hand, you should not rush to tell the person about death or serious danger. What if the short life line still sprouts (palmistry knows such cases, even if they are rare)? Or, in addition to the outstanding fatal line, are there barely noticeable “softening” lines, which, although much smaller in size, fundamentally change the life situation?

For beginners, they can be very difficult to spot. At the same time, if you are firmly convinced that something threatens a person’s health or life, you need to inform them very gently, because a lot can be prevented if you are more careful and accumulate attention.

Algorithm of actions for a novice palmist

Where do we start the research? In front of you is the palm of the active hand (before starting the session, be sure to check with the person which hand, left or right, he is working with, and his age, which will also be useful). It is this, an ordinary palm, that conceals many, both common and rare, fateful signs. A set of facts that we obtained as a result of studying the active hand will tell us about a person’s character, his behavior, and his desire to change something in this life. In general, about what a person is like on the outside, and also about his future and present.

But the passive hand will tell about the inner world, about hidden experiences and thoughts. First, determine the type of hand and the size of the palm being examined. Then you should pay attention to your fingers. They will tell you a lot about your character traits. Inspect the joints, phalanges, determining their length, check their flexibility.


So, for example, if the index finger is long, it means that the person is proud and strives to control others. Special character, willpower, and the potential for decisive traits lie in the thumb. The middle finger on the hand tells about finances and intelligence, the ring finger tells about emotions, and the little finger tells about the spiritual world of a person. Take into account the length of your fingers and their relationship to each other.

After completing the analysis of your fingers, take a closer look to see if there are any bulges or bumps on your hand. The presence of these indicates the ability to strive for new achievements. The color and structure of the skin of the palm will complement the idea of ​​a person’s potential and character:

  1. will tell about health and optimism pink hands;
  2. a more intense one speaks of temperament, anger;
  3. white and dark are apathy and depression, arrogance, respectively;
  4. bluish - cold.

Add these factors to the existing ones, and move on.

Main lines

For beginning researchers in the art of palmistry, it is important to know at least an abbreviated description of the main lines. But at the same time, remember that every, even insignificant, line carries the most important information about a person and his fate. The Life line, known to many, indicates the energy of a person’s life, its strength. Next to it there may be rarer signs that are not found on every hand.

One of these is the Mars line, which increases the strength of the previous line. The Line of the Head, or Mind, will tell about cognitive abilities and mentality. The heart line reflects the state of this main organ in the body; it can be used to judge the relationship within a marriage.

The most important thing

The Line of Fate (or Career) is the main events in a person’s life. There is also the so-called Line of Health (Mercury), which is used to calculate a person’s ailments or suffering.

There are also in the palm of your hand. Often it is not presented in a single version, there may be two or even three. Does this mean that two or three marriages are planned in a person’s life? Not really. The lines do not necessarily indicate the number of paintings and weddings. Instead of marriage (we mean the process of marriage itself), they indicate a strong attachment to a person, an emotional connection with him.

But that's not all. Using the Marriage Line, you can calculate many details of a love relationship, including the age at which you will tie your destiny with another person (if, of course, you have not yet celebrated your thirtieth anniversary). To do this, you need to pay attention to the Heart Line and the bend of the heart itself. small finger- little finger. We conditionally mark the first with the number 0, the second with the number 44, then we begin to study the Marriage trait, as a result of which we receive the necessary answer.

In the group of “rarer signs” mentioned above, we include the Line of Apollo. It promises worldwide recognition of a person’s talent, and, of course, not everyone has it.

These, of course, are not all the moments necessary to study the fate, life, and character of a person by hand. But for a beginning palm reader, it is important to “take” not by quantity, but by quality. Therefore, we advise you to thoroughly master this theory, back it up with at least a little experience, and only then begin to master new nuances of such a difficult matter.

Do not be tempted to tell what you are not sure about, what you do not see. Perhaps a person will not be able to verify the veracity of your words, but who knows how they can affect his fate, personality, life path.

Be prepared for the fact that experience in the art of palmistry will take you almost a dozen years. Only practice, practice and more practice will allow you to notice and identify rare signs of fate along the lines on your hand.

Study the arrangement of lines and signs on the hand, the structure of the palm and fingers. This science is many centuries old, during which time knowledge has been replenished with practical material. Where to start studying the palms of the hands? First you need to study the meaning of lines and basic signs. For beginners, we will try with explanations and photos to help them master the basics of ancient occult science.

What does the shape of a hand and fingers mean, what is the significance of the mounds on a person’s palms? Palmistry states that the shape of the fingers and hands, as well as the hills (or tubercles) on the palms determine potential opportunities individual. The lines on the palms record the unfolding of the potential given from birth. Using the lines, one can judge the inclinations and behavioral characteristics of an individual, his past and future. Signs and marks on lines and bumps characterize nuances in the course of life events defined by the main lines.

It is believed that the lines on the palms of the child are formed in the prenatal state - these are the three main lines of the heart, mind and life. All people without exception have these lines, they remain until the end of their days. Ideally, the lines on the palm should be smooth, clearly defined, long and the color of human skin. Any deviation indicates a deficiency of energy, indicated by lines.

Direction of lines

The life line seems to go around the thumb and down to the wrist (see photo). The heart line starts between the index and middle fingers and ends at the edge of the palm. The line of the mind is formed from the index finger and can be directed either horizontally or diagonally.

Vertically located lines of fate, sun and health are formed at the fingers and change throughout life. The fate line starts at the middle finger and goes down to the wrist, the sun line starts at the ring finger, and the health line is formed at the little finger.

Character of lines

For clarity, you can look at the nature of the lines in the pictures. The lines can be deep, wide and thin, wavy, uneven and with branches at the end, smooth and intermittent. There may be signs on the lines:

  • islets;
  • chains;
  • dashes;
  • branches;
  • points.

Lines can have doubles - sister lines, and end with a hook, tassel or fork.

Deep lines show a person’s powerful energy potential, thin lines indicate a lack of mental and physical energy, wide lines show a person’s laziness or indecisiveness. Additional parallel lines always have a positive meaning.

A tassel at the end of a line shows waste vital energy in vain, a wavy line speaks of mental instability and lack of self-confidence. The forks at the end have different meaning on the lines. A hook is always an unfavorable sign.

Crossing lines does not count positive sign. This always speaks of difficulties and problems. Intersection must be distinguished from connection. Only those lines that have general direction: horizontal or vertical.


The islands symbolize obstacles along the way. Lines in a chain symbolize difficulties. Intersecting lines show stress in a person’s life path. Branches directed upward strengthen the positive meaning, branches directed downwards weaken it.

The dots symbolize significant obstacles along the way, emotional pain. The discontinuity of the line also speaks of obstacles and the impossibility of accomplishing what was planned. A person is haunted by failures, his energy potential is interrupted and thinned.

Signs are always warning in nature and are an incentive to action. If the sign is positive character, implementation should begin immediately. If the sign is filled with negative meaning, steps should be taken to eliminate it or soften the force of the blow of fate.


Hills or lumps on the palms indicate personality tendencies. Palmistry identifies eight main and five additional cusps. Where are they located? They can be seen at the base of the fingers and on the sides of the palm.

Main cusps:

  1. Venus;
  2. Mercury;
  3. Mars (large and small);
  4. Apollo;
  5. Saturn;
  6. Moon;
  7. Jupiter.

Additional mounts include the mount of Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Rahu and Ketu. Some palmists do not consider the meaning of these mounds, considering them unimportant.

When considering the bumps, the density, convexity, and location of the marks are taken into account. Ideally, the hill should be moderately developed and elastic. Excessive development, like underdevelopment, negatively affects a person’s fate.

The Mount of Jupiter talks about the love of life and nobility of the individual. It is located at the index finger of the hand.

The Mount of Saturn speaks of prudence and independence of the individual. It is located at the middle finger of the hand.

The mount of Apollo indicates that a person has talent. It is located at the ring finger.

The mount of Mercury endows a person with intelligence and quick wits. It is located at the little finger.

The mound of Venus is located at thumb. These are emotions and feelings of the individual, love for the beautiful and sublime. An overdeveloped tubercle speaks of depravity, an underdeveloped one - of coldness.

The Mount of the Moon is located opposite the Mount of Venus. In the sphere of influence of the Moon is the spiritual life of the individual, his religious feelings and the desire for self-development.

There are two tubercles of Mars, they are located in different places. The minor tubercle is in the space between the index and thumb, the large one is between the little finger and the Moon. Mars is responsible for aggressiveness, strong-willedness, and the ability to stand up for oneself.

We looked at the main areas of the palm with the lines and tubercles located on it with examples. Next you will need to study in detail the meaning of all the lines and hills, as well as the meaning of the signs on the hand. - a simple process if you understand the basic principles.

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For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Palmistry is ancient art reading lines on the palm in order to predict a person’s fate.

Many people can learn this and have a good time in informal setting, “predicting” the fate of their friends and relatives, but this does not mean they can be called palmists. Not everyone can become a professional palm reader for a number of reasons. For example, it is not enough just to know chirology; you need to understand human psychology.

The palm reader has the greatest power and the greatest responsibility: he sees the future of a person by his hand. Therefore, he must be able to competently, accurately and carefully, based on the client’s personal qualities and his ability to perceive negative information, explain what he saw.

Just as not everyone is able to master any profession, so not everyone can be a good palmist. But you shouldn’t be upset, because no one forbids you to be just an amateur. For the sake of your pleasure, self-education and self-knowledge, palmistry can and should be practiced.

Basics of chirology

At the very beginning, you need to study the person’s hand itself: the skin, the shape of the palm, the length of the fingers, nails.

The appearance of a hand can say a lot about a person, just like the palm: what kind of character he has, his state of health, etc., for example, if his hands are pale with thin skin, you have a sensitive nature, subject to disturbances of the heart.

Then you should feel the bumps on the palm, there are nine of them:

  • Mount of Venus
  • two hillocks of Mars
  • Mount of Jupiter
  • Mount of Saturn
  • Mount of Apollo
  • Mount of Neptune
  • Mount of Mercury
  • Mount of the Moon

The presence or absence of these hills on the palm can tell a lot about a person’s personality. For example, the pronounced upper mount of Mars speaks of will and fighting qualities, but the second opposite mount of Mars indicates a strong level of patience. There are a lot of different subtleties in chirology.

After studying the bumps, you need to look at the lines on the person’s palm:

  1. life
  2. hearts
  3. health
  4. fate
  5. Apollo

Even after reading only the lines of life, heart and mind, you can give full picture life in the palm of your hand.

Life line

There is an opinion that one can determine Its duration by the line of life, which is not entirely true. This line shows a person’s life path, events and changes of views. It can talk about a person’s state of health and his love for life.

Heart line

This line is responsible for emotional state person. Some experts believe that it can also show heart disease as an organ. This line is very easy to find: it is located under the little finger and rises towards the middle and index fingers. Along this line you can determine a person’s ability to love.

Head (mind) line

Along this line one can judge a person’s mental abilities, his success in activities and professionalism. This line is located in the middle of the palm, deviating down from the index finger to the little finger. When considering this line, you need to pay attention to its length and angle of inclination.

Line of fate

Along this line, you can say a lot about a person’s life and his future. This line may not be present in all people. The study of the life line should be done at the end, comparing the data obtained from other palms.

Health line

This line talks about chronic diseases person. Many palmists believe that the absence of this line is an ideal case. Studying this is extremely difficult because it is subject to serious changes in a short period of time.

Apollo Line

This line speaks of a person’s self-esteem, achievements and success. How the client perceives himself, his confidence in own strength can be read along this line.

Chirology is a science that requires patience and time, is complex and specific.

This article presented the basic concepts of fortune telling, but this is not enough to become a real professional in this field. However, don’t be upset: you don’t have to be a real palmist to tell fortunes. Any person, after studying palmistry for some time, will be able to tell fortunes by his own hand or the hands of friends. This way we can better understand ourselves and the people around us.

It is worth remembering that life lines can change just like the person himself, the results of fortune telling in different periods lives may vary.

Most people would like to know their future. Palmistry can give answers to the most important questions - whether life will be long, how personal happiness and career will develop. Learn how to read the signs and lines on your hand.

What is palmistry

Palmistry is considered one of the most ancient systems, which is based on the interpretation of the individual characteristics of human hands. Palmists draw conclusions about the fate and character of a person by studying the lines and hills on the palm, as well as skin features, the structure of the hand, the shape of the fingers and the features of the nail.

If you decide to independently master the art of hand line reading, you should learn the basic guidelines.

Lines on the palm

The main thing that palmists pay attention to is the lines that cover the palm. They are divided into primary and secondary. By the main lines you can determine the foundation of the future and the character of a person. Additional lines will help reveal all the nuances of personality, the secrets of life and death. But before you begin to interpret the signs, try to keep your hand clean - nothing should prevent you from carefully studying the structure of the lines. Let's look at each of them.

Heart line

This line on the palm can tell a lot about a person’s emotionality. It is believed to be connected to his soul and talks about matters of the heart, family and love relationships.

The heart line is the first line from the top of the fingers. If she tends to the Mount of Jupiter, this speaks of the sentimentality of nature and that a person is capable of loving with all his heart. According to palmistry, the Mount of Jupiter symbolizes the desire for ideals. IN in this case- To ideal relationship. If the line has several branches, then in the life of such a person relationships may have collapsed more than once, but he never gave up his intentions to find his love.

If the heart line tends to the Mount of Saturn, such a person prefers to combine love stories With material benefits. It is common for these people to make mistakes in choosing a partner in their youth, and then they try not to repeat them. Owners of such a palm sometimes give the impression of being calculating people, but this is not so. When they fall in love, they literally lose their heads.

If the heart line originates between the hills of Jupiter and Saturn, this indicates a harmonious nature that tries to make love a pleasant rather than a painful experience.

See if there is a branch near the heart line towards the ring finger. In palmistry ring finger is called the finger of Mercury, and the additional line to it is called the Belt of Venus.

Holders of the Belt of Venus passionate natures and for the most part very lucky in love.

Breaks in the heart line and branches falling down speak of a sad love experience and a struggle between the mind and heart. The dotted lines and stars decorating the Heart line advise you to work on your temperament and learn to be calm.

If there is no clear heart line on the hand or it merges with the line of the head, this is a sign of a reasonable and confident person.

Head line or mind line

The middle line that crosses the palm is associated with mental abilities. If it is long, clear and straight, then you have a good organizer and practitioner. If it slopes towards the Mount of the Moon or reaches it - evidence of creative thinking. If it bends towards the heart line, there is a chance to earn good money with your mind.

If the line of the mind at the beginning comes into contact with the lines of life, there is prudence in the person’s character. If it starts next to her, this is a sign of good luck in entrepreneurship. Located from the life line on long distance- a sign of courage to the point of recklessness.

Branches from the head line up indicate the patronage of Fate in career matters. If the branches are directed downward, it means that for the sake of love a person is ready to sacrifice even money.

Life line

Surrounds the Mount of Venus. In palmistry it is given great value its length and clarity. These factors indirectly indicate the length of a person's life.

Sign good health and longevity will not be a very deep and smooth line without sharp breaks. This symbolizes the smooth flow of vital energy.

If the life line is intermittent or short, this is a warning about possible injuries and the danger of disease. Short line life, contrary to prevailing beliefs, does not at all mean a short human life. This is a warning, and future health and well-being will depend on the person’s attitude towards it.

As a rule, next to the life line there is minor lines Mars. They are responsible for hidden reserve vitality, which helps to endure illnesses. Ascending branches on the life line are signs of wealth. Falling - the likelihood of frequent moving.

Line of fate

A vertical line in the middle of the palm. Its absence is not a fatal or bad omen, but its presence promises a bright and eventful life, good luck in business and the ability to overcome difficulties.

Whatever the shape of the fate line on the hand - double, curved or broken - it will always guard and protect its owner.

Meaning of Hills

The hills on the hand rise under each of the fingers and are named after different planets, like each of the fingers. About how much strong influence The patron planet exerts its influence on the palm through the hills, indicating their size and content with different symbols.

Hill of Jupiter

Located under index finger and indicates the desire for perfection, power and life's blessings. Lines on the Mount of Jupiter indicate that a person is making efforts to win a place under the sun. Squares, stars and lattices on the Mount of Jupiter indicate the movement of energy.

If the Mount of Jupiter is poorly developed and not marked by lines, it means that a person prefers to remain aloof from life’s battles, to act cunningly and prudently. Don’t go ahead and wait until luck comes into his hands.

Mount of Saturn

Located under the middle finger and indicates a courageous and independent nature. A star on the Mount of Saturn indicates that Fate has chosen its path for a person; a trident or lattice promises an interesting but difficult life.

In palmistry, it is believed that people with a developed Mount of Saturn have excellent intuition and can predict the future.

Hill of Apollo

Signs on the Mount of Apollo can be signs of a hot temper and the fact that such people attract others with their extravagance.

Hill of Mercury

Located under the little finger and shows how successful a person will be in trade. A well-developed hill endows its owner with eloquence, insight and the ability to make profitable deals.

Signs on the Mount of Mercury in the form of a cross or lattice should alert you. This is a sign of the danger of being deceived by people with bad intentions. People marked with such signs should be more careful when concluding serious transactions.

Hill of Venus

For many people it takes most of palms and talks about personal experiences.

The convex hill of Venus in palmistry is interpreted as a symbol of the desire for a carefree life and love pleasures. If this hill is not clearly expressed, this indicates that the person wants to manage his emotions, and not vice versa.

Lines on the Hill of Venus in the form of a triangle predict passionate romances, bars and crosses speak of experienced disappointment, squares represent fateful amulets against unhappy love, and a chain at the beginning of the Hill of Venus at the thumb promises financial income.

Additional signs: palm and finger shapes

In traditional palmistry, there are two types of hands: “square” and “conical”. Square hands have wide palms and strong fingers. The conical brush is elongated in length, and the fingers on it are thin and tapering towards the tips.

An ancient teaching - palmistry - a complex science that predicts fate by hand. If a person wants to understand it, but is still weak in the main aspects, palmistry for beginners with explanations will help him.

Choosing a hand for fortune telling

The first thing you should start with in palmistry is to learn how to choose the right hand for fortune telling. The lines on the palms may coincide completely or partially, or they may be completely different. Therefore, for detailed analysis, both hands are studied.

There are a passive palm and an active palm, with which you can analyze the past, see the current situation and make a forecast for the future.

Active hand

The active hand for left-handers is the left, for right-handers it is the right. It reflects the current state of a person, his character traits, habits, skills and talents. It can be used to consider relationships with others (with whom a person communicates better, with whom he quarrels more often), the situation in love affairs, human feelings.

By studying the lines and hills on the dominant palm you can see:

  • characteristics of the character and type of personality temperament;
  • health status;
  • intellectual (mental) abilities;
  • creative skills, talents;
  • personal qualities formed under the influence of the environment;
  • thinking model;
  • type of behavior;
  • bad and good habits.

By active hand they see how and how well a person moves towards success, what obstacles he has gone through, what awaits him.

Such an analysis helps to understand whether a person is moving in the right direction and where else he can achieve success.

By the dominant hand they know which one is on life stage the person made a mistake and how he corrected the situation. Lines on active palm characterize conscious life position personality.

Passive hand

For left-handers, the passive hand is the right, for right-handers, the left. The basics of palmistry will help you correctly interpret the lines and signs on this palm.

Fortune telling on the passive hand at home makes it possible to see:

  • past experiences, mistakes, decisions;
  • the true purpose of man;
  • type of character from birth (without the influence of others);
  • relationships with family, loved ones, friends that are determined by fate;
  • the area of ​​activity where it will be possible to achieve the best results;
  • number and duration of marriages;
  • presence or absence of children, health problems;
  • life expectancy.

The passive hand is used to analyze a person’s personal growth - how he develops and overcomes difficulties, where he succeeds.

To predict fate, it is necessary to read information from both hands. Based on past experience and purpose, it is possible to understand where a person can be realized. This is important if she cannot accept for a long time important decision and find yourself.


In palmistry with explanations it is indicated that there are 13 hills on the palm. Each of them has its own meaning, size and location. To learn the basics of hand fortune telling, you will definitely need palmistry for beginners with explanations.

Hill of Venus

Located on the third phalanx near the thumb. Describes the mental and physical state of a person.

  • Convex hill - everything is good in life, relationships are going well, global problems No.
  • Flat - problems with mental balance may be traced. Such a person may suffer from a mental disorder.
  • Perfect round shape- a person is moving in the right direction. Work brings pleasure, relationships with loved ones are good.
  • There are horizontal lines - internal doubt. Because of this, there may be sleep disturbances and anxiety. A person gets tired quickly, there is no inspiration to do anything.

Hill of Mercury

This hill talks about the inclination towards entrepreneurship and trade. Located under the little finger.

A pronounced mount of Mercury is present only in those who are destined by fate to realize themselves in business. Characterizes a person as successful, enterprising, risky. His thoughts are unusual, his actions are sometimes unpredictable.

Other meanings:

  • highly located - the owner takes a long time to make decisions, always weighs the pros and cons;
  • low located - high degree suggestions, exposure to other people's influence; flat - poor skills in entrepreneurship (it is better to choose another area to get a good income);
  • with vertical intersections - diplomatic abilities and negotiation skills;
  • with horizontal stripes - a tendency to deception and theft.

Hill of the Sun

Characterizes the personality as creative. Both hemispheres of her brain are well developed, but unusual work is easier for her.

The Mount of the Sun is located under the ring finger.

  • Convex - the most important thing for a person is self-realization. He will strive for this all his life, constantly learn new things, attend cultural events and seminars.
  • Flat - creativity is an outlet for the individual, a way to calm down and get pleasure. She will not regularly work on self-development, but in moments of despair she turns to art. Creative activities will not bring fame or any financial gain.

Mount of Saturn

Symbolizes prudence and independence. Located under the middle finger.

Shows the individual’s ability to make decisions independently, the need for someone else’s advice, and the difficulty of accepting change. Allows you to find out the degree of dependence on other people's opinions. Another option is to reflect a person’s behavior in society (whether the individual knows how to communicate with others, how difficult it is to make new acquaintances).

The more convex the Mount of Saturn, the more open, interesting and involved the person is.

Great Hill of Mars

Located between the hills of Mercury and Apollo. Shows:

  • male strength;
  • endurance;
  • strong willed spirit.

Reflects the desire to protect loved ones. By his appearance one can evaluate his activity, endurance, cowardice, and haste.

The mount is well developed and visible in the palm of your hand - a person has excellent physical fitness and is able to protect his family, but he will not waste energy on trifles. The hillock is flat - the person constantly demonstrates his strength by participating in battles and fights.

Little Mars Hill

Located between the Mount of Venus and the thumb. Responsible for the desire to be first in everything. Such a person is strong in spirit, knows how to overcome difficulties and quickly find a way out of emergency situations.

Displays your energy level. The tubercle is clearly pronounced - a person knows how to control his emotions. If it is practically invisible, the person is not able to stop in time and often cannot restrain his outbursts of anger.

Hill of Jupiter

Displays qualities such as leadership, the ability to get things done, and determination. The tubercle is too convex - strong personality with your point of view in everything important issues. Convincing her to change her mind is difficult; forcing her to do something she doesn’t like is almost impossible.

The hill is round - the person is selfish. He is self-confident and unapproachable, loves to criticize others. He looks for his own benefit in everything.

Associated with love and tender feelings. Displays inner world personality, its interests, preferences and imagination. Allows you to see the level of development of intuition. Shows spiritual world, subconscious, habits.

By the appearance of the Mount of the Moon, one can determine the hysteria or calmness of a person, his isolation in himself, problems in relationships. The more convex the hill, the more emotional the person is.

Other hills

In addition to the main tubercles, secondary ones are distinguished. Not everyone has them and not everyone has them important in palmistry.

Their types and explanations:

  • hill of Uranus - unique opportunities, talents, skills;
  • Mount of Pluto - level of suggestibility and skills of influencing others;
  • Rahu hill - qualities and skills given at birth;
  • Ketu Hill - what qualities you managed to develop on your own and how they influenced the self-improvement of the individual;
  • Mount of Neptune - level of intuition, extrasensory abilities.

Palmistry for beginners usually does not talk about these hills, but knowing them will allow you to predict the future in more detail.

To see their location, you need to look at the corresponding pictures. They are great for dummies and will make the process of learning palmistry easier and more interesting.

Main lines

You can learn to tell fortunes by studying the designation of the main lines and their location. The meaning depends on the shape, length, and degree of expression. For dummies, it is necessary to learn information about the main lines on the palm: life, heart, head, fate.

Life line

Shows the overall picture of human life. Start near the thumb and move towards the wrist bracelet.

She shows:

  • general well-being;
  • attitude to life;
  • emotional and psychological health;
  • involvement in public life;
  • success in the field of activity;
  • habits;
  • changes in behavior and thinking.

Some beginners believe that the length of the life line shows life expectancy. This opinion is wrong. The trait shows the supply of vital energy and how quickly it will be renewed. Displays the level of fatigue or satisfaction from life.

A long and pronounced line shows that life will be bright, eventful, and interesting. A poorly developed line indicates constant fatigue and lack of energy for new achievements.

The line is located between the index finger and little finger in the form of a hyperbola. Characterizes love relationship. It shows how relationships in the family will develop, what kind of partner will be and whether the owner of this trait will become happy with his lover.

Thanks to the heart trait, you can find out about the presence or absence of problems with the cardiovascular system. A curved or broken line indicates illness and relationship problems.

Other variations:

  • Long is an unromantic and shy person. He can start a relationship only on the initiative of his partner. He rejects any manifestations of affection or succumbs to them only after a while.
  • Short - easy to express your emotions. A person loves to please his other half, arrange surprises and do other pleasant things. Believes that maintaining romance in a relationship is important.
  • Direct - a person who is straightforward and honest. Able to control emotions, does not want to show his weaknesses. Such a personality is unpredictable and therefore requires careful study.

Head line

The second name is a mental trait. Indicates the mental skills of the owner. Shows the development of intelligence and the presence of intuition. From it you can understand what guides a person when making a decision, whether he thinks about something for a long time. Provides information about whether a person likes to learn step by step or wants to study new material in the aggregate, without observing any particular order.

Palmistry for beginners with explanations involves a detailed study of the features of the head. By own hand You can learn about the type of thinking, perception of new information, and the speed of processing acquired knowledge.

Another meaning of the head line is to display problems associated with brain function. Also shows diseases that may occur in the head area.

Line of fate

Starts near the wrist and moves towards the middle finger. It may be absent in people who are not destined by fate to achieve something significant, to globally influence the world. It does not occur in alcoholics, drug addicts, thieves, robbers, murderers.

Examples of meanings that the fate line can have:

  • degree of luck;
  • success rate in different areas life;
  • ability to quickly find solutions in difficult situations;
  • degree of exposure to public opinion;
  • the ability to sacrifice one's own interests for the benefit of others.

Along the line of fate you can see whether life will be bright and interesting or boring. Will a person become happy around his family and loved one? Will he be able to realize his full potential or will he be content with little?

Additional lines

Needed to obtain more specific information on certain aspects. There are 7 additional lines, but the most significant are considered to be the traits of health, intuition, marriage and children.

Possible symbols on the lines

Health line

It begins on the hill of Mercury and tends down to the hill of the Sun. The trait carries a bad message, so if it is not present, this is a good sign.

Indicates health problems. Depending on appearance can talk about the possibility of successfully overcoming difficulties. In some variations, it shows whether a person will die from health problems.

The health line merges with the Mercury line - there will be problems in development. From birth there may be no problems, but at one moment a situation will happen that will change everything.

The health line crosses the line of the head or heart - the person will become very ill in the near future. If you discover such an intersection, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

Line of intuition

An additional trait to the Wit streak. Otherwise called the Isis line.

  • Direct - when making a decision, a person is guided more by feelings than by reason.
  • Curve - the tendency to solve a problem through long-term deliberation of various options.
  • A long line indicates hypnotic skills. Short - intuition is poorly developed and you should not rely on it when solving problems.
  • Thin - ability to manage own subconscious and be able to disconnect from outside world, meditate. Such a person knows how to go into a trance in order to better understand himself, his desires and aspirations.

Lines of marriage and children

These stripes are located perpendicular to each other. The marriage line is parallel to the heart line, but begins on the rib under the little finger. It is a small strip (usually equal to the width of a finger).

Talks about:

  • relationship with your spouse;
  • unhappy love;
  • mutual understanding between lovers;
  • opportunities to have children;
  • the risk of ending your married life with divorce;
  • frivolity of the partner.

The child line shows the number of offspring. Using it you can find out the gender of the unborn baby, at what age it will appear, whether it will be healthy or weak. The number of stripes is equal to the number of children.


The peculiarity of signs is that they can have a positive and negative meaning. It depends on where and what kind of symbol was formed.

Frequently occurring signs

The following main features in palmistry are distinguished:

  • Cross - interest in magic, the presence of extrasensory or hypnotic abilities. In most situations, a person is guided by feelings and intuition.
  • Star - positive value only if it is on the Mount of Jupiter. Then it means that the person is strong in spirit, independent and does not give in to outside provocations. In other situations it carries a negative message. The star is rarely found on the palms, so it is considered a chosen sign.
  • The grid always has a negative meaning. Indicates problems in different areas of life depending on location.
  • The circle is an indicator of security. It is difficult to disturb the peace of such a person. Not many people are allowed into his surroundings. Loves silence and solitude.
  • Triangle - the person will experience enlightenment, is spiritually rich, intellectually developed and multifaceted.
  • Square - a person develops in the right direction. The larger the square, the more successful the person will be in the chosen field of activity.
  • Point - powerful intellect, good performance in priority areas, spiritual wealth. Where the point is located, a person will achieve the best success.
  • Island - marriage and health will deteriorate over time, there will be mental problems (mental disorders). Energy reserves are weak, so it will need to be constantly renewed.

Rarely seen signs

Also on different features or on the hills there can be a trident, a jug, a rhombus, a flag. But they are present quite rarely, so they are studied less.

Sometimes there is a bifurcation of the line at the end or at the beginning - this rarely indicates anything good. If such a symbol is present at the end of the marriage line, the owner of such a palm will face a divorce. But the presence of a sign on the line of intuition speaks of the overall development of the personality, its desire to understand different areas of life.


Palmistry for beginners involves learning the basics of this science. To learn how to tell fortunes by hand, you need to study the meaning and names of lines and hills. It is necessary to be able to identify and see signs that characterize a person differently depending on their location.