What is the most accurate horoscope in the world. The most accurate compatibility horoscope

Anastasia Volkonskaya Reshetova, despite her young age, won the title of Vice-Miss Russia in 2014 - at that time she was only 18 years old. Her story is an example for many, because she achieved everything on her own and was able to make the most of the chance she had.


Anastasia Reshetova

Nastya is from Moscow - it was this city that she represented at the beauty contest, where she received her first significant title. She was born into a military family on January 23, 1996 and became the eldest child in the family. She has a younger sister, Valentina, with whom she is very friendly. The girls are similar to each other, as Nastya herself notes - they (the blonde and the brunette) are like an angel and a demon, good and evil.

Anastasia Reshetova in her youth

Anastasia Reshetova’s father raised his daughters himself; they divorced their mother when the girls were little. The relationship went well, and only at a conscious age did they begin to meet with their parent. The sisters owe their striking appearance to their mother, and their smile resembles their father, Grigory Anatolyevich. This is especially noticeable in family photos of Anastasia Reshetova, occasionally published online.

Memories of childhood are overshadowed by problems at school. The girl, who is tall, was bullied by her classmates. Once, having gathered in a crowd, they beat her, but this did not break the girl - she covered the bruises with foundation, put on a hood and continued to go to classes. It’s not in her nature to complain or cry, and what happened only strengthened her.

Grigory Reshetov has a Ph.D. degree and paid a lot of attention to the education of his daughters. Nastya graduated from school 578 in the Southern Administrative District, but the girl gained basic knowledge about Russian classics and their works by reading fiction.

His profession - retired colonel - left its mark on his character and methods of education. Nastya and Valentina had a strict regime, and dad was most demanding of his eldest daughter. Wake up at 06.00, cooking breakfast, school, homework, homework. The girls even learned to dress like an army quickly, in 45 seconds. Walking late into the night was not allowed: she had to be home at 9 pm, and all her friends were being interviewed, which was more like an interrogation. Gentlemen were checked especially carefully, and one day the girl rebelled and left home at the age of 17.

Now that the period of childhood grievances has passed, model Anastasia Reshetova feels gratitude to her father. All his actions were dictated by concern for her, and now, having the seasoned character of a fighter, the girl is not afraid of difficulties and is able to overcome obstacles that stand in her way.

Star Trek

In high school, Nastya’s friends said that she could try herself in the modeling business. When she started living with her boyfriend, she began studying acting in courses. The girl got to Miss Russia by accident - the pretty spectator of the Miss Universe contest was noticed by the organizers of the all-Russian competition. The next morning after the results were announced, she woke up as Russian model Anastasia Reshetova.

According to the girl herself, she was absolutely not ready to compete with other girls, many of whom at that time had experience participating in such shows. She had a month to prepare, when all the participants lived in the Rivers Club complex, located in the Tver region in the village of Konakovo. Her father, who was initially skeptical about her participation, later approved of his daughter's decision and recognized her victory.

After the victory, she received many offers to sign a contract, but Nastya decided to focus on getting higher education and entered Moscow State University with a scholarship. Subsequently, she had to postpone her studies: she was prevented by a banal lack of time. Now she is studying at MIEPP in state and municipal administration and, at the same time, improving her acting skills in courses. She already has completed her specialization as a presenter of television programs.

The girl very actively communicates with fans using social networks and messengers. Anastasia Reshetova’s Instagram has more than 1.6 million subscribers who actively participate in the discussion of publications. In the photo, Anastasia Reshetova often appears in images from filming, including candid ones.

In addition to the fashion industry, the model has many far-reaching plans: she is attracted to the career of a TV presenter and actress: participation in 2 videos of rapper Timati “Keys to Heaven” and “Zero” helped Nastya understand that this field attracts her. Reshetova also has her own brand, In.Hype: hand-painted vintage denim and leather jackets and the Anatomia Beauty Clinic, which has a list of all beauty services.

Before and after plastic surgery

Anastasia Reshetova before plastic surgery

Timati's girl Anastasia Reshetova has a luxurious body: height - 1.78 cm, weight - 51 kg, figure parameters 90-60-102 cm. But since her debut, something in her appearance has changed: Nastya talks about some interventions herself, while others can only be guessed at. The only thing that can be said with 100% confidence is that Anastasia Reshetova’s plastic surgery was thoughtful, and made her an even more attractive and spectacular model.

Anastasia Reshetova before and after plastic surgery

  1. Face. Plump sensual lips, model cheekbones, an elegant small nose are the result of the skillful actions of specialists. But such a result would not have been possible without initially high natural data.

  • The nose underwent a rhinoplasty procedure: it became thinner and neater, blending perfectly with the cheekbones and lips.
  • Lips. Nastya herself admitted that she repeatedly resorted to the services of professionals to change their volume and contour. She used hyaluronic acid fillers, inserting and removing them several times. All these manipulations only benefited Nastya’s appearance – as all her fans and haters can see.
  • Cheekbones. Before plastic surgery, Anastasia Reshetova had cute, slightly chubby cheeks - which is noticeable in the photographs of 2014, when she represented Moscow at a beauty contest. In order for the oval of her face to acquire more strict, aristocratic features, the girl resorted to a number of procedures. The most obvious is the removal of Bisha's lumps, a small area of ​​fat on the cheeks. This operation helps to instantly “thin” the face, giving the much-desired sharp cheekbones and sunken cheeks. To create a clear outline, the model resorted to hyaluronic fillers.
  • Leather. Nastya’s beauty secret is constant care under the supervision of a cosmetologist. Among her favorite procedures is mesotherapy, which enriches the epidermis with vitamins and microelements. Indirectly, due to the absence of facial wrinkles, one can judge the use of Botox.

2. Chest. The girl is not shy about candid photo shoots, and she has something to show - naked Anastasia Reshetova is beautiful, like an Olympic goddess. But the most attentive fans could notice that her bust had increased, become firmer and more toned. Talented surgeons undoubtedly had a hand in this - from the mammoplasty performed, her figure became the personification of the gold standard of the “hourglass”.

3. Buttocks. It's no secret that naked Anastasia Reshetova gained fame as the Russian Kim Kardashian - this was greatly facilitated by photos from the back, where the girl shows long legs and a toned butt. It is not known for certain whether this is the result of gluteoplasty or long sessions in the gym, but lipofilling of the buttocks gives the desired effect faster than fitness.

Appearance is the model’s calling card. It is worth giving Nastya her due: she did not get carried away in pursuit of the ideal. Anastasia Reshetova before and after plastic surgery remained attractive girl, and the manipulations she carried out with her own body did not harm her at all, unlike many of her colleagues in the modeling business.

She had excellent initial characteristics: a classic oval and pleasant facial features, a slender figure and healthy skin. In addition, the girl devotes a lot of time to working on herself: eating right, playing sports, and taking care of herself. A book was published under her authorship, where she tells all her beauty secrets, and anyone who reads it can be convinced of Reshetova’s amazing performance, and the result of her efforts is clearly visible in the photographs.

Personal life

The girl said that she dreams of a strong family and two sons. Perhaps today's relationship will make this dream come true: Timati and Anastasia Reshetova have been together since 2015.

They met at a party of mutual friends, and for some time they managed to keep their relationship secret from the press. But it’s difficult not to notice such a spectacular couple: young people were often seen at various events to which they came together. The rapper gives his beloved expensive gifts, and they often vacation together: fans track the couple’s movements using photos on Instagram. The man is jealous when Nastya has to have candid photo shoots and shows, but they find a compromise and all the envious people who predict the imminent end of their idyll are left with nothing.

Anastasia Reshetova - candid photos

Anastasia is a famous model, whom the public dubbed the “Russian Kim Kardashian.” In 2014, she took one of the prizes at the Miss Russia competition. Then many thought that her appearance was impeccable. However, despite her young age, the model decided to undergo several plastic surgeries. Anastasia Reshetova looks completely different before and after plastic surgery.

Nastya’s childhood and early career

Anastasia was born in 1996 in Moscow. Parents future star divorced early. The girl and her younger sister stayed with their father, who was a retired military man. This predetermined the style of raising daughters. Their father taught them to wake up early, run the house, and limited their social circle. As the eldest, Nastya suffered especially.

Photo from the family archive

The situation at school was not at all rosy. Behind high growth the girl was called a big girl, and one day after school she was beaten so much that Anastasia had to hide her bruises. The future model was also unlucky with her admission. She did not become a student at the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University because she did not pass the marks.

Everything changed after Reshetova was invited to participate in the Miss Russia competition. She became the first runner-up. Beauty and ideal proportions did not go unnoticed: this is how Anastasia’s modeling career began.

Now the girl not only acts for magazines. Reshetova studies at the Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law and at the same time at the Moscow School of Radio and Television. The celebrity also wrote and published the book “Today I Woke Up Different” and acted as the designer of a line of jackets.

As for the star’s personal life, she does not advertise her relationships. The beauty is often seen in public with rapper Timati. She starred in his videos for the songs “Zero” and “Keys to Heaven.”

What the model says about plastic surgery

Where do such curvaceous figures come from?

Nastya in her interviews says that internal beauty is more important than external beauty. Nevertheless, the girl does not hide the fact that at the age of 18 she enlarged her lips. However, she admired the results of the operation for only 3 years, recently deciding to return her natural beauty, which she wrote about on social networks.

The girl denies any other surgical interventions and is offended by followers who do not believe that she tried to correct only her lips, and not her chest, face and buttocks. Reshetova states that her appearance is the result of training and self-care.

The model works out daily, eats right, takes care of her skin and never leaves home without makeup.

Opinion of the public and experts about changes in appearance

The public began to discuss the external data of Anastasia Reshetova after her first appearance on the stage of a beauty contest. Her beauty was admired, but many called the model too thin. Not everyone likes the changes that have happened to her in the last 3 years.

Experts and viewers watching the life of Anastasia Reshetova are sure that her lips are not the only thing that Anastasia decided to change. The first thing that catches your eye is the model's bust. During his participation in the beauty pageant in 2017, he was noticeably smaller. The girl, judging by the photo, increased the volume of her breasts so that her figure became even more like an hourglass.

Experts claim that the shape of Reshetova’s nose has also changed. It has become much thinner and more graceful. Not all viewers approved of the rhinoplasty: many believe that her nose now looks unnatural and like a doll.

There is an opinion that plastic surgeons have also worked on the cheekbones, which have become more expressive. However, it is quite possible that the facial contour has changed due to the fact that the model has lost weight. Perhaps this is the result of skillful use of makeup.

Photo by Anastasia Reshetova before and after plastic surgery

Anastasia Reshetova has never been an “ugly duckling”. The model became famous precisely thanks to her external data. However, the star continues to work on herself and does not neglect the services of plastic surgeons.

20 March 2017, 14:32

They are identical! 10 Russian beauties before and after plastic surgery

A languid look, incredible lips, sharp cheekbones... This is what it really looks like beautiful girl in the minds of many Russian women. And they strive as hard as they can for this ideal! We have collected 10 Russian beauties who, after plastic surgery, look like each other like sisters.

Alena Shishkova

Alena Shishkova, whose changes we studied in detail quite recently, began working on her appearance at the age of 18. And the work, as you might guess, was carried out not only in the gym, but also in the plastic surgery clinic. However, the efforts bore fruit. Alena, who looks like a Barbie doll, became “Vice-Miss Russia 2012”, conquered rapper Timati with her incredible beauty and gave birth to a daughter from him. You can look at these eyebrows and lips endlessly!

Victoria Lopyreva

Photos of Victoria Lopyreva “before” and “after” plastic surgery also look very eloquent side by side. In the face of “Miss Russia - 2003”, everything is also “new”: the nose, the lips, and there was no need for fillers. Victoria's "upgrade" was really serious; It’s scary to imagine how many painful procedures she endured for the sake of her “standard” beauty.

Oksana Samoilova

Another “sister” of our heroines is Oksana Samoilova, the wife of rapper Dzhigan, whose whole life is devoted to the difficult task of self-admiration and improving her own appearance. If Oksana’s passport had included a photo of her before plastic surgery, the beauty would probably have been detained at the border, because these are two different people.

Anastasia Reshetova

Anastasia Reshetova, rumored to have become Timati's new girlfriend, is like Alena Shishkova, but only with dark hair. This is where the differences end. As you may have guessed, just a few years ago Anastasia was completely different and, by the way, very pretty. But Reshetova wanted to be even more beautiful, and this is what happened.

Kristina Sysoeva

Kristina Sysoeva is not just a woman, she’s a meme! Other beauties are still far from her “perfection”: Christina’s voluminous lips, hung with brands, slightly interfere with speaking (however, here is exactly the case when it is better to remain silent), and you can cut yourself on her high, sharp cheekbones. Learn, girls!

Maria Pogrebnyak

The wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak lives a luxurious life in Moscow (before this, the Pogrebnyak couple lived in London), produces a clothing line and, most importantly, takes selfies all the time. Of course, before Maria (she, by the way, close girlfriend another London star - Kristina Sysoeva) looked completely different from how she does today. Those stunning lips were missing, and the shape of her nose seemed completely different... However, Maria always wore long white hair (the key to success among football players).


Singer Alexa, whose songs we haven’t heard for a long time, is one of the pioneers in the matter of transformation. It occurred to her to turn her face into a rubber mask when other girls were just starting their tuning. We all know what happened next: photographs of Alexa with puffy lips keep popping up online.

Isa Anokhina

The “duck” girl is about Aiza Anokhina (formerly Dolmatova). The star's lips attract all attention, they are so voluminous. Of course, just a few years ago such magnificence was not observed on Isa’s face, and the shape of her cheekbones was completely different.

Evgenia Feofilaktova

Another beautiful “mukle doll” is Evgenia Feofilaktova, a participant in the “Dom-2” project. Evgeniya is similar to all the other participants on our list Native sister. And all thanks to plastic surgery! Evgenia was a distinguished girl even without “tuning”, and now she looks like an ideal girl wax figure. Individuality be damned!

Maria Gorban

Actress Maria Gorban is a mystery girl... It’s amazing to us how this pretty girl turned herself into “rubber Zina”. The once very pretty Masha simply did a merciless tuning: she worked on the shape of her nose and lips, even her cheekbones and face shape changed, her eyebrows, of course, became “standard”. In short, my own mother won’t know.

20-year-old Anastasia Kostenko from Salsk will represent Russia at the Miss World 2014 competition

She took third place in the Miss Russia 2014 competition

20-year-old native of Salsk Anastasia Kostenko will go to London, where on December 14 she will represent Russia at the Miss World 2014 competition.

Let us remind you that in early March it became known that Yulia Alipova from Balakovo won the Miss Russia 2014 competition. According to tradition, she was supposed to represent the country at the Miss World and Miss Universe competitions. Anastasia Kostenko took third place in the Miss Russia competition, receiving the title of second vice-miss.

However, due to her busy schedule, Yulia Alipova does not have time to prepare for two competitions. As a result, it was decided that Alipova would go to the Miss Universe competition, and Kostenko would go to the Miss World competition.

It is known about Anastasia Kostenko that she was born in Salsk. The beauty graduated from the Rostov College of Arts with a degree in Ballet Art, and is now studying journalism at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia in Moscow.

Updated 20/03/17 15:09:

Hayter Kostenko, who is apparently a fellow countryman of Anastasia, said that the whole of Salsk (Kostenko’s hometown) is buzzing about her many love affairs: “I cheated on my boyfriend, and he was getting ready for the wedding. In September 2016, I confessed my love to the groom and walked with him at the wedding.”

Updated 20/03/17 15:42:


Updated 20/03/17 15:51:

Anastasia Reshetova is a successful model who won the title of first vice-miss of Russia in 2014. The “millionaire” of Instagram and “Russian Kim Kardashian,” as fans often call her, is the girlfriend of rapper Timati.

Childhood and adolescence

Nastya Reshetova is a native Muscovite. When her parents separated, her father, a former military man who retired with the rank of colonel, took over the upbringing of her daughters, Nastya and her younger sister Valya.

The girls were brought up strictly, strictly observing the regime and unquestioningly following the rules established in the house. Nastya was forced to wake up at six in the morning in order to have time to prepare breakfast before school, and after school she did all the homework. Her father was much more demanding of her, the eldest. He even checked the friends who came to his daughter for trustworthiness and level of intelligence. It is not surprising that the girl dreamed of growing up quickly and freeing herself from excessive parental control.

At school, too, not everything was smooth. The model recalled how her classmates called her “horse” and “big-ass,” and once her peers beat her after class. Nastya did not complain to her father or teachers; she simply covered the bruises with foundation, and on the street she pulled the hood tighter over her head.

By the age of 17, the girl was tired of enduring her father’s dictatorship and rebelled. She left home and began living with a young man who supported her at first.

Modeling career

After graduating from school, Nastya decided to enter the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, but did not pass the marks. At the same time, she starred in her first photo shoot for a modeling agency. The result was impressive, and she was invited to take part in the casting for the Miss Russia 2014 beauty contest.

"Miss Russia 2014": Anastasia Reshetova and other finalists

The girl easily passed all the qualifying stages and was honored to represent Moscow at the competition. The first runner-up prize opened up new life horizons for the young beauty. It is noteworthy that the place of second runner-up was awarded to Rostovite Anastasia Kostenko, a girl who became a bone of contention in the relationship between football player Dmitry Tarasov and TV presenter Olga Buzova. She took up her modeling career in earnest and began earning money herself, signing several large advertising contracts. But the fashion business soon bored the ambitious Nastya, and she decided to continue her education at the same time. The girl entered the management faculty of the Moscow Institute of Economics. At the same time, she completed courses for TV presenters, and then began to master acting at the Moscow Film School.

Personal life of Anastasia Reshetova

It goes without saying that a girl with such outstanding external data is not deprived of male attention. Reshetova has repeatedly stated that she has long been ready to start a family and dreams of two sons born in a legal marriage.

Since 2015, she has been dating rapper Timati, whom she accidentally met among friends. The musician went to Anastasia immediately after breaking up with ex-wife and the mother of his daughter Alena Shishkova. Timati and Nastya do not hide their relationship, often appearing together in public, although they periodically intrigue fans with rumors of separation.

Interview with Anastasia Reshetova

Fans of Anastasia suggest that the Instagram star resorted to plastic surgery: she had rhinoplasty, breast enlargement, corrected cheekbones and enlarged lips, which she later returned to their natural size.

The girl also proved herself as a designer, presenting to the public in 2017 a pilot collection of hand-painted vintage jackets from Anastasia Reshetova.

In the spring of 2017, Reshetova’s book “Today I Woke Up Different” appeared on the shelves of bookstores, in which the model shared the secrets of beauty and slimness, and also gave valuable advice on healthy eating and proper physical activity. By the way, Reshetova herself loves to read and is well acquainted with the works of Russian classics.

Don't believe in horoscopes? After reading this article, you are guaranteed to change your mind! Astrology is a science that can give an accurate description of your personality and true prediction for the future. Find out what awaits you in 2018 right now!

They know a lot about the art of kissing. They enjoy universal trust and respect. They are unlike anyone else and have an individual style. They prefer long-term relationships filled with passion. Endowed with an attractive appearance and boundless charm. They are often quite chaotic, because they have a peculiar idea of ​​order. They live according to their own rhythm. They perform superbly in bed. Every task is completed with diligence. Always ready to take on a challenge. Proud and proud. They consider themselves to be right in any situation. They think a lot. Sometimes they show more affection for their pets than for their own family. Explaining something or telling a story can confuse others. Extremely unpredictable. They don't disappoint. They fight on the spot, without being, however, fighters by nature.

Aquarius will have a very successful year. They will be able to move up the career ladder, since the stars are favorable to them during this period. If Aquarians show a thirst for new knowledge, luck will come into their hands. Those around them will strive to establish contact with them by any means. In the sphere of personal relationships, Aquarians will bathe in love and respect. Many representatives of the sign will participate in profitable projects.

Until October 2018, Jupiter will be located in the ninth house of Aquarius, giving excellent chances through travel and connections with foreigners. Intellectual projects, cultural and scientific events will definitely bring success. Uranus in the house of communications will also help. Aquarius will experience intense communication, make new acquaintances, and gain useful connections. Representatives of the sign will be able to demonstrate their talents to the maximum.

In the coming year, the team has special value. In the house of friendship and social connections with Saturn, it is necessary to become part of a team that shares the interests of Aquarius. It's about about various foundations, parties, clubs, etc. You need to choose such groups wisely, since random events will be absolutely useless. Aquarians should not participate in groups where the majority's opinion is fundamentally different from their own view of things - nothing good will come of it.

The financial topic is especially interesting, since Neptune is in the house of money. Aquarians can expect to earn a decent amount of money, but they should be careful as losses can also be significant.

They love attention. Show love and care towards loved ones. They are highly organized. It is difficult to find a more tender and generous lover than Pisces. It's always a pleasure to be around them. Sometimes they tend to be overly gullible, and therefore vulnerable. As a rule, they act according to their conscience, but sometimes they fail. They are much more difficult to keep than to find. They risk falling under the influence of others by trusting people shortsightedly.

Quite crazy. Endowed with a wonderful sense of humor. Dreamy. They like to make fun of others. They are popular. They have a cheerful disposition. They know how to make friends, but they should approach the choice of friends with great caution.

In the coming year, Pisces has every chance to catch luck by the tail. During this period, you can safely implement any projects without fear of losses. Success will certainly come, no serious obstacles are foreseen. However, we should not forget about moderation, so it is important to set priorities correctly and not hope to get everything at once.

Pisces will be fine with money in 2018. The planet of luck Jupiter will firmly occupy a position in one of the financial houses of representatives of this zodiac sign until October 2018. You can significantly increase your income thanks to the participation of partners: spouse, significant other, colleagues, etc.

It is best to invest money in real estate and large acquisitions. Those who are planning to open their own business have every chance of success. However, Uranus in the house of money creates risky situations, so there is no need to rush. There is no need to act rashly; it is better to carefully analyze everything again. If in doubt, you should contact a specialist.

In October 2018, Jupiter will move into the ninth house of freedom and travel. Those born under the sign of Pisces face tempting prospects related to other countries, science and education. Trips planned for the last months of the year will be successful.

Romance will be in full swing in the first half of 2018. The remaining period is no longer so generous with amorous adventures.

With Saturn concentrated in the career sector, representatives of the sign will be able to achieve outstanding success at work. The harmonious aspect of Saturn with Uranus in the house of money helps to increase earnings. However, we should not forget that a good result is impossible without perseverance and consistency, since Saturn rewards only those who make maximum efforts.

Prone to spontaneous actions. Extremely cheerful. Great kissers. They are able to spark an idea and captivate you. Can decorate any party. They value family very much. They know how to give love. They are famous for their generosity. They will argue with anyone, so it is better not to meddle with them in discussions. It’s easy to get used to Aries; the reverse process is much more difficult. The soul is wide open. Without exaggeration - one of the strongest and amazing people on the ground.

Aries will love the coming year. They will certainly want to change something in their life, add a little romance to it, and reconsider their own views and values. And all this thanks to Uranus, which is still in Aries.

During this period, representatives of the sign will experience a change in priorities, the construction of new concepts, and the abandonment of stereotypes. The hearts of Aries require change! It is worth noting that due to the harmonious aspect of Uranus with Saturn, one cannot count on unexpected changes. Therefore, in order to move forward systematically, it is necessary to thoroughly analyze everything and develop a long-term strategy.

Saturn transiting through the ninth house of the representatives of the sign indicates the beginning of a period of restructuring of values. In the coming year, Aries will be able to create their own philosophy of life. And if there is a narrowing of horizons, you will have to work deeper and more carefully on your own worldview. At the same time, you should avoid rigid postulates and principles. You need to adhere to your views, maintaining modesty and trying to periodically put yourself in the place of another person.

This time is extremely favorable for gaining new knowledge and improving your professional skills. In 2018, Aries will have to work a lot, but it will be worth it, since hard work will be generously rewarded. Representatives of the sign will find themselves in the center of everyone's attention and will feel the gratitude and respect of their colleagues. Those who strive to change their career vector will have undoubted success. Aries will be able to find their dream job, which promises very tempting prospects.

In 2018, you should take care of your finances. It is undesirable to participate in risky transactions, as it is possible to incorrectly assess the situation and your own potential. In March-April, expenses will increase, so it’s worth tightening your belt.

They prefer long-term relationships - one-night stands are clearly not for them. Desperate fighters for their own beliefs. Attentive to loved ones. Active. Sincerely, they do not tolerate falsehood. They will always help a friend in a difficult situation. It is better not to enter into polemics with them, because it is impossible to argue with Taurus. They kiss for a long time and with pleasure. Very interesting interlocutors. If you really want something, you will certainly achieve it. Persistent. They are surprisingly patient, but you should not abuse their trust. Scary when angry. They love to sleep and are sometimes lazy. They love life in all its manifestations and strive to get as much pleasure from it as possible.

The coming year will bring a lot of bright events for Taurus. Every now and then excellent chances will appear to change your life for the better. It is important for representatives of the sign to notice these chances in time and take advantage of them. The worldview of Taurus will undergo an amazing transformation; their deepest desires may come true. However, it would be foolish to rely solely on luck, since passivity will not lead to good. Success awaits only responsible and conscientious Taurus, who are ready to work hard.

The second half of 2018 will provide excellent work opportunities. A rapid rise up the career ladder and the acquisition of new useful skills are possible. In recent months, you can count on resounding success. Taurus have excellent financial acumen and keen intuition, so there will be no difficulties with finances. Working alone will not bring the desired income. Representatives of the sign should rely on partnerships - they are the ones who promise good profits.

Pluto, located in the ninth house of freedom and travel, increases the craving for everything new. The influence of the planet will bring enthusiasm and inspiration, and maybe even give new love. You can go on long journeys, seek inner harmony, learn and develop. There are high chances of meeting your soulmate while traveling. If representatives of the sign have already found their love, a joint vacation will strengthen feelings.

In October 2018, Jupiter will move into the house of the Taurus partner and will stay there until the end of the year. Relations with your chosen one will improve, and you will meet serious people with influence in certain circles. Representatives of the sign will acquire useful connections, gain reliable friends and like-minded people.

They have a very rare and important quality - the ability to listen. They have a good heart and pure intentions. They like to give advice, even if they are not asked for it. They show their feelings in a special way. They easily mislead others. They are not fighters, but if they have to participate in a battle, they will easily win. It is impossible to deceive them - you shouldn’t even try. Intellectuals. Woven from contradictions. Prone to sarcasm and self-irony. As a rule, they are trusted. Notorious lovers of life. Open natures. Tolerant of the shortcomings of others. They love to hug. Sometimes Gemini's memory fails. Super sociable. Their smile is disarming. Strong personalities. Steadfast and generous.

Next year, Gemini will experience success and prosperity in all areas of life. Available career rise, interesting job offers. The finances are in perfect order. Health will not fail, serious illnesses will bypass Gemini. Relationships with loved ones will give you warmth and spiritual comfort. Singles will have a chance to find a soul mate and even get married. The stars favor the representatives of the sign, but Gemini still needs to make their contribution to fulfill their own desires.

IN love affairs Serious passions are in full swing, as Jupiter will linger in the house of love until October 2018. The influence of this planet will give Gemini confidence in themselves and their abilities, as well as excellent chances to build romantic relationships. If representatives of the sign have already met their soulmate, they will experience a surge of emotions and passion, new, hitherto unknown sensations in the sphere of sensual pleasures. Jupiter will not only make Gemini voluptuous, but will also honor Gemini with a wonderful gift - the birth of a long-awaited baby.

At the same time, everything in the relationship will not be cloudless. Saturn, located in the partner’s house, will increase the demands of the representatives of the sign on others. Probably, the chosen one of Gemini will lack flexibility. Due to the influence of Saturn, it may seem that things are moving at a snail's pace, and obstacles appear even where they should not exist in principle. Gemini will have to show maximum tact and diplomatic skills to avoid quarrels. If you give free rein to emotions, even a break in the relationship is possible - this is hardly what the representatives of the sign strive for.

They deservedly take first place in the art of kissing. They have truly magnetic charm and attractiveness. They love you in a special way, they can even strangle you with their love. Romantic, trusting and sentimental. They care like no one else can. They have a cheerful disposition and know how to cheer up. They are happy to take you under their wing, where it is always very warm and comfortable. Creative natures with a slight madness that gives them even more charm. It is simply impossible not to love them. Desperate homebodies.

Cancers give themselves to love with all their passion. Very unpredictable, able to surprise. Not fighters, but they will stand up for themselves if necessary. You don’t want to lose these people, because there are only a few of them.

The coming year will mark important period V family relationships those born under the constellation Cancer. For 9 months, Jupiter will remain in the family sector of the sign, promising excellent opportunities for improving the quality of life. Thanks to the influence of the planet of luck, Cancers can get an apartment, start building a cottage, start renovating a house, or at worst, make a rearrangement. It is possible to move or purchase goods that significantly increase comfort. Success will also be expected in the agricultural sector. Some Cancers can radically change their place of residence, moving to another city or even country. Adaptation, by the way, will be as painless as possible.

Saturn is located in the house of work, and this is a sure sign that the representatives of the sign will have twice as many responsibilities. However, the harmonious aspect of Saturn with Uranus contributes to the realization of career aspirations and increased earnings. Many Cancers will decide to open their own business and plan other large projects. It's worth thinking about long-term investing.

In 2018, special attention must be paid to health. The disease can come unexpectedly, so you need to be alert. You shouldn’t work too hard - you need to take care of yourself. Healthy image life, proper rest and compliance with preventive measures will help avoid serious illnesses. It is always worth remembering that God protects those who are protected.

Ardent and charming. If Leo has a problem, then everyone has problems now. Excellent conversationalists. Born hedonists. They act with foresight. They kiss with feeling, with purpose, with care. Open. They stand firmly on their feet. Extraordinarily beautiful. They have many talents. They strive for long-term relationships. Sociable. Starting a game with them costs yourself more. Thoroughbred individuals.

The coming year will be very successful for Leo. New achievements and a lot of favorable opportunities await them. Needs to be activated own energy, and everything will go like clockwork.

In 2018, Leo is supported by Saturn and Uranus, enhancing the potential of the representatives of the sign. It is worth considering the chances of moving up the career ladder. In the area of ​​personal relationships, things are going great.

Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter will form positive aspects in the coming year, promising a favorable period for long-term investments, as well as resolving housing issues. Leos may unexpectedly receive an inheritance or start building a house. During this period, you can successfully solve financial problems, for example, pay off debts, settle issues with banks and tax authorities.

Until the beginning of October 2018, Jupiter will be in the communications sector, creating fertile ground for new ideas. Communication, negotiations, and networking will be easy. During this period it is good to learn something new and travel. New acquaintances can develop into strong friendships, stable partnerships, or even a passionate romance. All year long, Leos will be in constant motion, but this will only benefit them.

Thanks to the influence of Neptune, interesting thoughts about new ways to earn money will appear. However, caution should be exercised. Neptune loves to mislead and push you into rash actions, so you should not be inspired by offers that promise easy money.

You should show hard work and perseverance - this is also facilitated by Pluto, which remains in the house of work of the representatives of the sign. Don’t forget that luck comes only to those who are used to working hard, so Leos themselves need to prepare the ground for future success.

One can only envy their intelligence and prudence. They are condescending towards the shortcomings of others. They know how to show affection and care. Excellent conversationalists who can support a conversation on any topic. The best of the best. And at the same time they remain modest. They are gambling and love risk. The last word always remains behind them. Leaders in relationships. They fall in love at first sight. They know better than others what to do and how to do it. They treat people with respect, but if you lose their trust, there will most likely be no chance for rehabilitation.

Dev is expecting a rather controversial year. It will bring both troubles and pleasant emotions. Representatives of the sign analyze everything and everyone, so they will definitely choose the right direction. Virgos will find good friends, conquer new horizons and fill their lives with harmony.

Until October 2018, Jupiter will be in the finance sector. The planet of luck promises a significant increase in income. Virgos will show initiative by deciding to purchase shares or invest funds. This is a completely reasonable step, since representatives of the mark will first research the securities market and consult with specialists. Virgos may want to use innovative technologies in their work, which will certainly have a positive impact on results and income.

Saturn will be located in the family sector, making you think about home, loved ones and issues related to real estate. In an unfavorable situation, these worries will take a lot of time and become a cause for concern. You will probably have to solve parental problems, there will be difficulties when registering real estate, etc. In a positive scenario, Virgos can buy housing, start building a house, start renovating an apartment, or buy expensive equipment.

2018 will be auspicious year for personal relationships, especially between September and December. Pluto is still located in the house of love, calling on Virgos to reveal their talents in amorous matters. An interesting fact is that financial gain can also come through love for representatives of the sign.

Neptune has a reputation as the planet of illusion, and its influence contributes to misunderstandings in relationships. You should be careful in business, with friends and partners, having discussed all the nuances from the very beginning.

They love you in a special way. Joyful and carefree. They love big companies. Extremely friendly. They have incredible magnetism and charisma. Nobody knows how to care like they do. However, you shouldn’t enter into polemics with them - a fiasco is definitely expected here. This sign can easily cause disorder, or, on the contrary, it can eliminate it. You simply cannot find a truer friend. It is important for them to defend justice. Diplomatic natures, communicating with them is a pleasure.

It is much better to be friends with Libra than to be at enmity. They are great athletes. They have creative thinking and love to surprise. They sincerely believe in love and strive to fill it with romance.

The coming year will be quite successful for Libra. The period of fulfillment of cherished desires has come. Until October 2018, Jupiter will remain in Libra, positively influencing all areas of life of representatives of the sign. Thanks to the planet of luck, you will gain confidence in yourself and your own strengths; there will be enough energy for everything. Libra will experience an expansion of cultural and intellectual horizons. There is a chance to finally breathe full breasts, bring your wildest plans to life. By concentrating on the main goal and making every effort, Libra will definitely achieve what they want.

2018 is the year of travel, adventure and interesting discoveries. Connections with foreign partners will bring benefits. Representatives of the sign will be in great shape thanks to an active lifestyle and proper nutrition. The special charm of Libra attracts the opposite sex like a magnet. It would be a sin not to take advantage of such a favorable opportunity!

They love with all their hearts. They can boast of an unsurpassed sense of humor. They manage to try everything and even more in their life. They always achieve their goals. They stand out from the crowd with their spectacular appearance. They prefer long-term relationships. Sociable. They love it when their whims are fulfilled. They have an inexhaustible supply of energy. Great kissers. They have an indomitable temperament. They know how to handle money. They always stand up for those they love. Diligent workers. They are capable of being reliable friends, but if treated poorly, they will break off the relationship without a second thought. Romantics. They love to take care of loved ones.

The coming year will bring calm and stability to Scorpios. Most representatives of the sign will concentrate on their career. There is complete harmony in friendly and family relationships. Your significant other may bring cause for concern. However, no serious disagreements are expected.

Neptune sits comfortably in the house of love, giving joy and hope for the best. However, this planet is famous for its ability to create illusions, so caution should be exercised. You should not enter into a relationship with vague prospects. The influence of Pluto, connected by an aspect with Neptune, will help here. The influence of two planets will give harmony in love.

In 2018, Saturn will still be in the house of money for the representatives of the sign, limiting income. Don't make rash decisions in monetary matters- It’s better to weigh everything properly. At the same time, the harmonious aspect of Saturn with Uranus promises good profits through projects related to the use of innovative technologies. It is better to plan the start of such projects for the second half of February and the beginning of March.

Pluto is located in the house of intelligence and communication, thanks to which Scorpios will be able to convince anyone and everyone of anything, and will feel moral stability and the ability to analyze. These qualities, guaranteeing protection from all kinds of troubles, will become indispensable in many areas of life. In addition, the influence of Pluto will increase interest in psychological sciences and self-knowledge. 2018 is conducive to finding new friends and like-minded people.

In October of the coming year, Jupiter, the planet responsible for luck, will move into the sign of Scorpio. The last months of 2018 will be marked by major successes and achievements.

They attract people to themselves like a magnet. Spontaneous in their manifestations. They are capable of deep feelings, but rarely demonstrate it openly. ABOUT weaknesses They prefer not to reveal their personality. Despite their sociability, they are rather reserved people. They always stand up for those they love. Sometimes they behave childishly. Quite a rare type of people. They prefer long-term relationships. They are happy to give love and affection. Sometimes they become impatient and stop jokes directed at them. Sagittarians are rarely in a gloomy mood, but at such moments it is better to avoid communicating with them. There is no point in arguing. They have a bright appearance. Capable of romantic actions. Friendly with everyone. Their love is special. They have a unique charm. Attentive to loved ones.

2018 will be very favorable for Sagittarius. There will be a chance to realize your own ambitions; the harmonious aspects of the planets will have a positive impact on all areas of life. At the same time, you should not rely only on the stars - only persistent and hardworking representatives of the sign can enlist their support. To achieve heights, concentration on the main goal is necessary. You shouldn’t try to get everything at once - it’s better to direct your efforts to where success is guaranteed.

This year will bring Sagittarius good luck in amorous affairs. Love will inspire representatives of the sign to real feats. Uranus will still be in the house of love, making relationships somewhat anxious. Sagittarius can expect a difficult choice; serious changes in their personal sphere are not excluded.

New projects that representatives of the sign will take on this year will not develop as quickly as expected. Saturn is still in Sagittarius, requiring you to carefully work out the smallest nuances, so you can’t count on quick results. If representatives of the sign adhere to the chosen direction, then after a little time they will receive a good return. Saturn loves to cause confusion in business and create numerous interferences. You should not be offended by the strict planet - it performs an educational function and only wants to make Sagittarius wiser and more patient. To keep the smile on your face, you should communicate more often with cheerful people and believe in own strength. Saturn will give you the opportunity to end things bad habits. Representatives of the sign will be able to get themselves into ideal shape with its help - you just have to want it.

The money issue will be a priority. Pluto in the house of money is in a tense relationship with Uranus and Jupiter, which can negatively affect finances. Particular caution should be exercised between January and August 2018.

They give themselves to love with all their passion. They understand other people. A little arrogant. Charming and attractive. They are only interested in long-term relationships. They know how to carry on a conversation. They get their way by any means necessary. Authoritative. There are cuttings. Touching. Endowed with incredible sexual appeal. Intellectuals. Prone to philosophizing. Sometimes they are in a gloomy mood. Sometimes they want to be lazy and carefree. They get carried away quickly. Extremely inquisitive.

They love to compete and most often win. They have excellent culinary skills, but prefer to eat out. They know a lot about good restaurants. They have a cheerful disposition. Jokers don't mince words.

In 2018, Capricorns will experience undoubted success. IN Lately Planetary influence made the representatives of the sign nervous, but this year everything will fall into place. Personal relationships will improve, the wind of change will bring with it positive changes in all areas of life. There will be excellent chances for career growth. A significant increase in revenues is expected.

Jupiter will stay in Capricorn's career house until October 2018, so there is a great opportunity to realize even the most ambitious plans. The authority of the representatives of the sign will steadily grow, and new brilliant prospects will arise. However, you should remain reasonable and not overestimate yourself. Jupiter, of course, will help, but the main burden will fall on the shoulders of Capricorns themselves.

Neptune will be in the house of knowledge and communications, so representatives of the sign will have access to higher knowledge. There will be an opportunity to become part religious group. However, the insidious Neptune can lead you astray. It is necessary to maintain common sense and avoid manipulators trying to instill false beliefs.

Saturn being in the shadow of the twelfth house can bring troubles and serious losses. To avoid intrigue from enemies, you need to carefully choose your environment. Capricorns know how to develop strategies, so they will not fail to take advantage of this valuable quality. If they can soberly assess the situation and outline a clear plan of action, victory over their ill-wishers is guaranteed.

Thus, 2018 will bring many interesting events to representatives zodiac constellations. The main thing is to rely on astrological predictions, don’t let your life take its course. After all, stars are stars, but no one will change your destiny except you.