Natal solar chart for a year. Solar or solar circulation card

Consider the important astrological general rules for interpreting the solarium.

How to interpret solarium

The interpretation of CO should always begin by examining the connections between the annual houses and the houses of the birth chart. the position of houses has always played in this system very important role... This rule is noted in the textbook on elementary astrology: "If Asc annual card is in the square or in opposition to the main Asc, the year will be more or less unfavorable. If both Asc are in good aspect relative to each other, one can predict happy year... If the VI, VII or XII houses of the birth chart fall on the Asc of the annual chart, this portends some kind of misfortune and can be very great if the dominant planets of these houses were in an unfavorable position at birth. "

Much can be added to this remark. The bad aspect of the annual Asc to the Midheaven of the birth chart portends, for example, self-harm; if Asc is under the sign of Fire or Air, this danger comes from initiatives or some new action.

Under the signs of Earth and Water, it is associated with stubbornness or negligence, etc. V mature age this configuration / just like the configuration of the annual Midheaven in opposition to the Asc of birth / often indicates the impossibility of achieving the goal due to partial loss vital energy, due to the fact that the energy expenditures required by this action exceed the capabilities of a person or due to malaise.

However, the aspects between the Asc position in the birth chart and the Asc year position are not as important as the overlap of the annual and natal houses. Naturally, in the chart drawn up for the moment indicated directly by the Sun, the main attention should be paid to comparing the distributions of annual and natal houses, the difference between which is a consequence of the return of the Sun to its place in the birth chart.

Because angles, i.e. Asc, Midheaven, VII and IV houses of the horoscope have greater importance than other houses, beginners can be advised to mark the relationship of the position of the angles in relation to the annual card. For example, for a CO corresponding to the year of Blavatsky's death, we note:

Yearly Asc in the 3rd house of the birth card

Yearly Midheaven in the 11th house of the birth chart

Asc card of birth in the XI house of the annual card

Mid-heaven birth chart in the 7th annual house.

1. It is favorable if the Ascendant of the solarium falls into the same sign as the radical Ascendant or has a good aspect to it.

2. It is unfavorable if the Ascendant of the solarium falls into the VI, VIII or XII house of the radix.

3. Planet pest in the corner house of the solarium, poorly aspecting the Moon or the Sun,

indicates collisions, obstacles and worries.

4. A good planet, located in the corner house of a solarium and well aspected, indicates a good auspicious year.

5. You should always pay attention to the position of the dominant of the radical horoscope in the solarium. Next, we will investigate what cases are being implemented in this year... We also consider the dominants of other houses of the radix. For example, the dominant and the houses of the radix in the X house of the solarium signifies a deep study that is realized in the profession.

6. The sun or the moon, damaged in the 1st house of the solarium, indicate illnesses, in the 7th house, conflicts with colleagues or in marriage, in the 4th house, conflicts at home, in the 10th house, troubles in professional activities.

7. It is a bad omen if the planet pest of the radix is ​​in the Solarium Ascendant.

8. If the dominant of the radix is ​​in the 1st house of the solarium, an excellent year can be expected.

9. If the dominant of the Ascendant of circulation is a strong planet in the wealth radix.

10. Dominant of the VII house is struck by harmful planets without support

the aspect of Jupiter, the illness of the wife (husband) and the associated worries and troubles.

11. General rules interpretation of the solarium. If a luminary located in the III house of the radix falls into the III house of circulation, this period will bring a friend as dear as a brother, provided that this is a favorable planet; benefit and friendship will be proportional to this good planet and its aspects.

How to determine the dates of events based on solarium

Let's analyze astrological knowledge of how to determine the dates of events on the basis of a solarium. In some countries of the East and even Europe (USSR, Poland, Balkan countries), a strange custom has been preserved to celebrate a birthday for three days, and the duration of this celebration suggests that this custom has a very long history.

On the eve of the holiday, you need to wash so that "a person becomes clean as a newborn." Despite national differences, people tend to believe that "everything that is done on a birthday, a person will do for a whole year." Children are given a little money, and this is due to the belief that a person "who does not need money on his birthday will not need it all year round."

Everything folk beliefs related to birthday are explained from the fact that the classical measure in Astrology, which takes birthday as the image of a whole year of life, remains valid and for CO it will be shown below.

The configurations that form within 24 hours, starting from the exact moment of the return of the Sun to the place it occupied at birth, are distributed throughout the next year. The stars during the day, as it were, are recording the disc that will be played at low revs for a whole year. The validity of this statement can be tested on several COs.

How to determine the dates of events based on a solarium? In practice, the problem is formulated as follows: it is necessary to take into account all the configurations formed on the day following the CO moment and distribute them over the next year. This is a very simple operation, because if you relate a day to a year, then 2 hours / or 1/12 / will correspond to one month, 1 hour to 15 days, and 4 minutes to one day.

Ephemeris usually give complete list aspects and celestial phenomena along with the time at which they are observed. / Note: Ephemeris usually contain many inaccuracies and before using them, you need to check their correctness /. This list is very useful to us, and we will show it on the map taken as an example.

CO, considered in Chapter I, corresponds to 01/14/1936, 1 hour, 19 minutes, 55 seconds. afternoon. So, all the configurations that are formed within 24 hours, starting from this moment, will affect the subject.

The following correspondence table will help you arrange them throughout the year:

1 hour, 19 minutes, 55 seconds afternoon or

15 h 19 m 55 s 14.02.

17h 19m 55 from 14.03.

19h 19m 55 from 14.04. etc.

For convenience, let's say that all months have the same duration.

A page from Dr. Williamson's Ephemeris contains an Aspectarius. Between 1319 h 55 s 14.01. and 13h 19m 55 sec. 15.01. we reading:

Quincunx Moon to Mars 16h 21m

Quincunx Moon to Uranus 19h 19m

Moon in parallel with Neptune 23h 34m

Quincunx Moon to Saturn 06 h. 52 m.

As we can see, during 24 hours / after the anniversary / no other aspects are formed, except for the Lunar ones, but if any interplanetary aspect / for example, Venus or Mars / were formed, the latter would be preferred.

Aspects of planets in solarium

Let us analyze in parts what the aspects of the planets in the solarium are. The orb of aspects in the solarium, apparently, is not as great as in the natal chart. I take with the luminaries only an orb of 8 degrees in case of coincidence or opposition, obtained when overlapping natal chart with solar, with other planets only an orb of 6 degrees. How more precisely aspect, the more tangible its effects will be.

How to correctly interpret the aspects of the planets in a solarium

A divergent aspect usually indicates something that occurs prior to the time when the CO is mapped and therefore can only produce the appearance of a realization during the next year.

Aspects of planets in a solarium should be assessed on the basis of the totality of the indicators of the annual chart. Their meanings are similar to those of the natal chart, but, apparently, the main configurations also have special characteristics inherent in solarium.

Opposition of Mars to Uranus, if it is observed in houses associated with finances / II and VIII /, causes theft or loss of money, in no way dependent on the will of the subject. The bad aspects between Uranus and Asc correspond to electrical accidents, the severity of which is proportional to the strength of Uranus. Let's try to give some special meanings.

Solarium in the year of death

Let's take a look at how astrology views the solarium in the year of death. Almost all sciences survived in the 19th century. time to get carried away with statistics. Astrology reached this trend with a noticeable delay, and only in our days timid voices are heard calling for a revision of such a practice.

But in medicine (a science in many ways similar to astrology), a hundred years ago, C. Bernard spoke out against statistics. In his Introduction to the Study of Experimental Medicine (Paris 1865), he announced that the use of averages and statistics in this science, as well as in physiology, "will necessarily lead to error."

However, Bernard clarified that he is not a decisive opponent of statistical methods, he only accuses the researchers of unwillingness to conduct searches outside of them and cannot agree with the consideration of statistics as the basis medical science... In his opinion, it is necessary to apply the principles of the experimental method to medicine, only in this way can it turn from a fortune-telling science into an exact science based on experimental determinism.

Bernard's words are also relevant for astrology, so I recalled the opinion of this scientist before considering the results of statistical studies carried out by L. Lasson, who analyzed 360 SDs preceding death (See the article "The Benefits of Solar Reversions", GrandNostradamus, No. 15 ). His research includes the following sections:

a) The place of the Sun in the VIII annual house;

b) The presence of a rolling AU in the VIII year-old home;

c) The presence of a one-year AS in the VIII natal house;

d) Return of the one-year AU to its natal place;

e) Opposition between two speakers.

Solarium in the year of death. Let's give the floor to Lasson:

"The expected mean for each house is (if we consider 360 SD) 30 cases. We found the following:

1. The sun in the VIII house SB: 38 times, that is, 27% more;

1. Radical AS in the VIII house C0: 31 times, that is, 3% more;

3. AS CO in the VIII radical house: 32 times, that is, 7% more;

4. AS CO over the radical AS (approximately 15 °): 38 times, that is, 27% more;

5. АС СО in opposition to r radical АС (about 15 °) 25 times, that is 17% less.

An important rule for working with solarium

Maps should be calculated strictly relative to the point at which the person found the moment of the return of the Sun to the place of birth. This truth was most likely known to the English astrologers, since the routes of many long journeys of the prince of Gaul, later the English king Edward VIII, were determined on the basis of astrological considerations; he always tried to displace unfavorable annual changes in horoscopic houses that portended danger to life.

This rule is not difficult to verify. It is enough to establish 2 COs, one for the place where the person is, the other for the place of birth and compare them with the events of the given year.

Take as an example the turbulent and wandering fate of H.P. Blavatsky

Yearly The sun returns to the EXACT degree of your birth. In Astrology, this is called return of the sun or Solarium... Know time of the return of the sun (Solyar's time) very important! After all, every year it is different - it can be like a day before your present Birthday and the day after. It is this important point that must be met most FAVORABLY!

Uniqueness Solarium consists in the fact that a person begins a new cycle in 1 year - this is a NEW LIFE, a NEW CHANCE!

If you want to be Healthy, Happy, Successful- in no case is it recommended to be in a noisy crowded company at this time, since at this time a person becomes the most vulnerable, most susceptible to the influence of other people. The birthday man at this time is very strongly influenced by every word spoken and heard, every deed. And even more so, one should not consume alcoholic beverages and other "stimulants" at this time. Try to your Birthday(as well as on the previous and next day) do not go to nightclubs and other public events, so as not to "burn" your happiness and success for the whole next year.

Especially favorably you need to meet your Super Solar, which comes at 33 and 66 years old - after all, at this time, life cycle for the next 33 years. It is recommended to meet Super Solar in the place where you were born, because for every person his place of birth is his place of power, which gives energy protection and nourishment. Or find it. A correctly met Super Solarium at home (or in a favorable and safe place) gives a person good life, youth and health for the next 33 years.

In Astrology, the practice of meeting one's own Birthday called Solyar's meeting.

So, how best to meet your birthday (Solar):

An hour before the onset Solarium necessary:

  • wash (take a shower, bath, bath)
  • put on clean, beautiful clothes (preferably new, made from natural fabrics)
  • drink a glass of clean water
  • turn off all sources of information (phone, computer, TV)
  • retire so that no one bothers you in the near future
  • at this time do not drink, do not eat, do not speak
  • light a candle
  • "To go to meet with yourself" - to pray, meditate, immerse yourself in yourself, hear your Soul, your inner "I"
  • 12 minutes before the onset Solarium- to sum up a symbolic result of the past year - to mentally scroll the entire past year in reverse order and mentally correct what you would like to correct, mentally correct all the mistakes made, presenting the best result (in Super Solar you can mentally correct in the reverse order all 33 years lived up to this moment, or 66 years - 33 minutes, or 66 minutes before the onset Super Solar)
  • then the exact time of Solyar- START - mentally (or aloud) formulate exactly how you want to see the whole next personal year, how you want to live it, say everything that you want to achieve. You can write on paper all your goals and desires for the next year. Think and clearly imagine what you want to get in the coming year in all areas of life - in, in, in the family, in, in creativity, etc. Imagine how you are happily living this coming year, what surprises and gifts fate will prepare for you. V Super Solar you can simulate your happy life for the next 33 years (present the main important points you want to achieve). Dream with all your Soul, feel joy and happiness in your heart, feel grace in every cell of your body. Ask the Universe for help in fulfilling everything that you dream of. And then everything conceived will definitely come true!
  • extinguish the candle, slowly quit the practice, maintain this harmonious state for the next hour (do not talk, do not turn on the TV, computer, phone), you can drink a glass of clean water
  • Do not tell anyone about this practice, so as not to "splash" the energy of Good Luck.

This practice refers to Active Astrology or Astromagics when a person becomes the Creator of His Destiny.

If you do not have a personal Astrologer and you do not know time of the coming of Solar for the nearest Birthday- then just try these three days (the day before, the day after and yourself Birthday) to spend in a favorable calm atmosphere. A noisy celebration Birthday it is better to postpone to a later date. It is good to celebrate with family, parents and relatives on the 4th day after Birthday, with colleagues at work - on the 6th day, with partners, wives, husbands - on the 7th day, and with friends - on the 11th day.

It is very important to know the exact time of your Solarium for the next Birthday:

  • Yearly You are energetically reborn and you are born exactly during Solarium.
  • Every year the time Solarium is changing- it may even be one day earlier or later than the present Birthday.
  • This is your personal happy time, when does it start new cycle of your life, when you can lay the foundation for Success and Well-being for the whole next personal year.
  • Solyar's time filled with colossal energy, which must be specially directed in a positive direction.
  • The countdown starts exactly from Solar time, not from the time you were born.
  • Solyar's time never coincides with the time of birth - it is calculated anew for each year and depends on the meeting place (in different cities it will be different Solyar's time).
  • Solyar's time- this is the exact astronomical time of your birth.

Trust the calculation of Solyar's time only professional Astrologer - after all, ACCURACY is very important in this calculation! There are several VERY important details, which must be taken into account and checked when calculating - this can only be done professional astrologer!

If you want to know the time of the Solarium (the time of the exact return of the Sun) for the next Birthday, then:

  1. Please enter your date of birth.
  2. The exact time of birth (if you do not know the exact time of birth, then write the approximate time, or the time range, for example, from 14:00 to 16:00 - but then keep in mind that the time Solarium will also be approximate, in a certain range of time).
  3. The city in which you were born.
  4. The city in which you will meet the nearest Birthday... Please note that as part of this consultation, I am not researching suitable cities to meet Solarium- the city in which you are going to meet Birthday, You specify yourself. If you want to choose from several cities and find out where it will be better, then there is another Astrologer's consultation .
  5. Make an application in advance - at least 3 days before Birthday(better in a week, in two weeks), tk. Solarium may come a day earlier - you need to have time to schedule a meeting Solarium.
  6. Solyar's interpretation NOT included in this service, there is a separate Astrological consultation (You'll get Astrological advice on how to best live the coming year).
  7. You can send your data to my e-mail: [email protected] , message In contact with, or leave below in the comments.
  8. Pay 542 rubles across this form(there are 3 payment methods):
  • from your Yandex wallet,
  • with bank card(VISA, Maestro or MasterCard),
  • from your phone (if you pay from your phone - necessarily write me a letter to my e-mail: [email protected] ):

Payment is possible in other ways:

  • from any country in the world you can pay via PayPal: all you need is an email address: yours and mine [email protected]
  • to the Sberbank card,
  • on Kiwi,
  • Western Union,
  • Gold Crown.

If you do not live in Russia, you can also pay:

  • via MoneyGram in dollars or euros (I will recalculate the cost of the consultation at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation),
  • or to my bank account in dollars or euros (I will indicate the details in response to your letter of application).

Write your details and payment method to mine e-mail: [email protected]

Sometimes I am asked the question:


(!) If you want to get the calculation of Solyar's time for FREE - then:

  • order a consultation (selection of a favorable city),
  • or

Since ancient times, people have sought to find out their future in order to understand if they are on the right path, to find out if there is danger and trouble, and to try to avoid an unwanted change of fate. Astrology also did not stand aside.

If the natal chart shows the inherent potential and events predetermined by fate, then the location of the planets in the solar chart makes it possible to determine in advance the events of the coming year and, if necessary, intervene through recommendations to change the meeting place of Solar, so as not to fix an unfavorable program for the coming year.

The construction of the Solarium is one of the methods and tools in the work of an astrologer, allowing to make a forecast for the coming year. Solar does not provide a specific date for the event, but this method does an excellent job of highlighting the most important events in the coming Solar Year. The solarium is used in combination with other forecasting methods, which make it possible to clarify the dates of events.

Technically, in astrology, Solar is a transit chart, compiled by the method of solar returns, based on the fixed picture of the sky in interaction with the radix map at the moment the Sun returns to the same point (degree) as at the moment of birth.

The solar year is each successive year, from the current birthday to the next birthday of a person. The beginning of the Solar Year does not coincide in time with the natal time of birth, and may occur several hours earlier or later, as a result of which the next date of the new Solarium may even change.

Basic principles of parsing the Solar card:

1.We work with rectified (specified by events) time.

2. The solarium must be built and analyzed together with the radix or relocation (local) map of a person.

3.In the analysis of Solar, both the connections between the solar planets in the houses of the solar map and aspects between the solar planets and the radix planets are considered.

4. The characters of the Solarium are the planets that accentuate the houses. The position of the planets in the houses of Solar and in the houses of the radix makes it possible to determine the range of events that a planet in a given position could signify.

5. Pay special attention to the meaning natal planets, standing on the cusps of the houses of the solar map, as well as on the meaning of the solar planets, standing on the cusps of the houses of the radix.

6. Axis lunar nodes, especially in conjunction with planets or coinciding with cusps, will indicate the fateful theme of the events of the year.

7. The ascendant of the Solarium in the house of the radix describes what a person seeks to do in the solar year, in which sphere the person's personal activity will manifest itself.

8. The position of the ascendant ruler Solar and the quality of its aspects will tell you why this area is so important. If the aspects are tense, then a forced situation will take place.

9.MS Solyar in the house of the radix will indicate in which area a person will achieve results, whether they will be achieved. Especially good is MS Solyar's hitting the first house of the radix as an implementation of the 1 + 10 formula - achieving success.

10. The house of finding the ruler of the MS Solyar will show which topics will have to be dealt with in the coming year.

11. The home of the Sun is the home of personal activity.

12.House of finding the Moon - a house associated with an emotional situation in the coming year.

13. We pay attention to the houses of the Solar, on the cusps of which the planets of the Solar were, or the cusps of the houses of the Solar, connected with the planets of the radix. These houses are especially accented.

14. The energy status of the Solar planets is not important.

15. The overlay of the cusps of the houses of the radix and the solar map will make it possible to obtain event formulas and to clarify the predicted events for the twelve astrological houses for the coming Solar year. However, you don't always need to focus only on formulas.

16. A special karmic accent is given by the connection of the lunar nodes of the Solar or the Black Moon of the Solar with the planets of the Solar or radix.

17. There must be indirect confirmation of the event in Solyar.

18. Events of Solar and their time are specified in slow and fast progressions.

The solar return method allows the astrologer to identify key upcoming events, prospects or the main theme of the Solar Year:

- Business, career,

Marriage registration,

- Acquaintance with the future spouse,

- Conception and birth of a child,

- Health, disease and treatment, and others.

We are starting a series of articles devoted to the analysis of the main topics of the events of the Solar Year.

In my next article on we will look at Solar for the year of marriage registration.

For training questions, you can contact me by specifying the type of service "Astrology Training" in the tab

"Fate can be changed ..." S.А. Vronsky

I would like to talk a little about the forecast, namely about SOLARE. Solar (solar circulation map) is a forecasting method that characterizes life situation person in a particular year. Solarium builds when transit sun returns to its natal position... Personally, I really like the solarium method precisely because it shows in the best possible way in which area it is worth developing this year. After all, it so happens that the solarium develops very promising, and the person is simply lazy, or is scattered about everything. Therefore, a solarium is a certain rhythm of the cosmos, which should be observed in order to live in harmony with oneself. For example, a person really wants to get a promotion, but his forecast does not yet have this. But there is an opportunity to realize oneself in another area - in a hobby. Without knowing the cosmic rhythm, a person will not engage in a hobby, and will not be realized in a career. And then he will say: "a year for nothing."

There are specific solarium consideration rules:
1. A solarium is not considered without a natal chart. First, you need to look at where the main axes of the solarium hit the natal. Apply imagination and logic, voila, the main theme of the year is ready. Do the same with the luminaries. The rest of the planets and house cusps will show development trends throughout the year.
2. Then you need to see what aspects are formed between the planets when two cards are superimposed.
3. Then proceed to the analysis of the solarium itself. Stellium in the 5th house may hint at the birth of a child, stellium in the 10th house may hint at possible career changes. It is worth paying attention to the nodes - they are also very informative. Pay attention to the configurations.
4. Many astrologers dealing with solar conversion write that the solarium can be switched on three months before or three months after the birthday. In my practice, I have not seen such a big difference (about +/- 1.5 months).
5. Do not forget that the solarium is interpreted based on the capabilities of the natal chart and other prognostic techniques.

SOLAR: personal experience

V solarium(forecast for the year) for this year I saw the activity of houses and planets of learning, and decided that I would go to study. But after taking a closer look at the forecast, I realized that I would learn and teach! By the way, as soon as I understood this, the idea of ​​what and whom to teach was immediately formed in my head. I quickly recruited a group for the course natal astrology and the course of elective astrology, and has already opened the second set! By the way, I'm going to study in the fall. Moreover, I began to travel! This is a great achievement for me, as I fulfill my old dream, and I want to help others with this. The other day I still had an idea of ​​how else to reveal my one-year potential, but for now I will modestly keep silent about it. Thus, I know what to do with myself this year and how to extract from the solarium maximum!

Want too make the most of? I will tell you about the Solar Ascendant. Solar Ascendant shows the main trend of the year for personal activity person. This is not so much an eventful moment, but a psychological one - how you will feel during the solar year (remember, the solar year is counted from your birthday this year to next day birth).

So, you need to build your solar card... The easiest way to do this is on the site "horoscope online" (there you just enter your data) => "forecast" => select "solar horoscope" and that's it, your solarium for the current one opens in a new window year. You need an arrow that says "Asc". What sign it is in, it will be yours psychological portrait for a year.

Let me tell you what are the peculiarities of the Asc hit of the solarium in certain signs ... But! I will tell you about their features all the truth, and not as they write most often. The way they write in books, as a rule, does not quite correspond to reality. I’ll give you examples of how people USUALLY live their year and how it SHOULD live in order to make the most of it! Don't believe me? Build a solarium map for the previous year and check with what is written. Not satisfied? Then read the maximum and take action!

Asc Ascendant of solarium in Aries: a person is given the opportunity to express himself, to show, to act actively, energetically, to start some business, to show initiative. Year of the beginning of some activity / work. The year when a person defends his independence.
USUALLY: the year will be remembered as active, but the activity will go into different directions, it is difficult to finish what you started. A lot has been started, nothing has been brought to the end. The year is aggressive, there may be injuries. The desire for freedom can fight the desire to be in partnership, so all “I myself” can end in anger, aggression and the phrase “go help”.
YOU NEED: always move, do, you can't stand still. It is necessary to start a business, very important and necessary, to try to implement it. You need to show initiative, leave your comfort zone, and light up with an idea. You need to gain independence in some business: work \ relationships \ personal life \ inner growth (= growing up)

Asc Ascendant of solarium in TAURUS: man is focused on financial question... A desire to have (= to have) wakes up, which extends to relationships, to finances.
USUALLY: a passive year, a person just goes with the flow and wants a lot, but does little. I want a fur coat \ hat \ Maldives \ watch, so give it to me. Greed wakes up - you don't really want to spend yours, and if you spend, then only on yourself.
NEED: develop talents, the more the better. Work with sexuality, "shape" the figure. Learn to accumulate, accumulate (through gardening, for example, growing and harvesting). Learn to properly distribute your energy, work as much as you need, but no more, no less (each person has his own work limit).

Asc Ascendant of solarium in Gemini: the year is full of information and contacts, a person travels and talks a lot, studies, communicates, interacts with the environment.
USUALLY: a person knows everything about everyone, including how many a neighbor's cat gave birth to kittens. A person collects and transfers all news / gossip / rumors. A chatterbox is a godsend for spies, so some of the information can be used against the person himself, if he does not know how to keep his mouth shut and transfers everything that is said to him. Activity in social networks, the person is "hanging on the phone". The people around dictate to a person how to work, do, and in general - how to live.
YOU NEED: learn to communicate - speak, be able to work with words, correctly express thoughts, convey the thoughts of others. You need to study and teach, do business, or at least learn how it works, accounting. You need to be able to maneuver among the opinions of others, to be flexible.

Asc Ascendant of solarium in CANCER: the year is remembered as a family year, family themes are important. A child may be born, so the year will be remembered as a period of caring for a small creature. But it can also be caring for an adult family member. The emotional background, impressionability increases.
USUALLY: a person closes in himself, turns in the "work-home" mode. Little contact, mainly with family. Taking care of yourself, your family, experiences on this topic. Often there is a chill with family members, when you want to open up, be closer, but it doesn’t work, so a person closes off from everyone, hides emotions, sensitivity. But it is difficult to keep it for a long time, therefore, from time to time it breaks through in the form of tears, self-pity, hysterics. Loves in the past, it is scary to take a step into the future.
YOU NEED: to understand that there is a family for a person, to build new system family values or accept the old one. Work on parental scripts, remove interfering ones. You can start repairs, home improvement, think about purchasing your own "corner". Learn to openly express emotions, not to be afraid of their manifestations.

Asc Ascendant of solarium in LEO: the year when the personality manifests itself "in all its glory", no matter how beautiful it is. The year is suitable for creativity, activities with children, disclosing your personality.
USUALLY: a person considers himself to be the navel of the earth, wants to be praised, worshiped, carried on his hands, but often does not receive this, because something must be done in order to receive these "wealth", and not just want. It requires attention to itself, because self-esteem is growing (in fact, it is not growing, "Wishlist" is growing). A person hangs too much on the topic of children, strives to make them "stars": he puts them in children's dance / talent / castings contests.
NEED: to disclose creative talents, shine, shine, show yourself to everyone, show your best qualities, do not run away into the shadows, do not be ashamed. During the year, you need to understand your uniqueness, something for which you can be loved and respected and reveal it. Help children see it in themselves.

Asc Ascendant of solarium in VIRGO: a working year, but nothing particularly stands out. I like it \ have to work hard. All human strengths are directed to work or a lot of health care.
USUALLY: a person is in a subordinate position, lives at work and does not leave the clinic, worries about his health, as a rule, fears are justified. At work, they are loaded with chores, you have to work hard, endure the boss. The year is not very memorable, rather the dull (= routine) side of the year is remembered.
YOU NEED: take care of your health, introduce good habits, PP, sports, exercise, hardening, etc. A person needs to develop his professional qualities in order to establish himself as the best of the best, a master of his craft. To be able to endure and obey, to live according to the schedule.

Asc Ascendant of solarium in WEIGHTS: Relationship issues are very important - a person learns to interact with another person as a couple - in marriage, cohabitation, business partnership, and even a dance partnership.
USUALLY: a person hesitates, indecisive, cannot choose what is best for him, cannot make a decision, others do it for him, but he agrees. Actual question relationships - a person does not imagine himself alone, therefore he seeks to find himself a "second half", sticks to the person and sincerely does not understand why he was abandoned.
YOU NEED: learn composure, be self-possessed. Learn diplomacy, tact, develop public speaking skills. Learn to be a couple, while not "sticking" on the other (I love you, and you solve all my problems).

Asc Ascendant of solarium in SCORPIO: the year is remembered as a difficult one. There are a lot of emotions, and very strong ones - a person perceives everything as the end of the world, a catastrophe. The year when "as before" will be gone. Sex has essential for a person (this does not mean that there will be a lot of it this year), questions of sexuality, emancipation. A person becomes acquainted with death and experiences it.
USUALLY: a person is cooked in his emotions - anger, anger, hatred. These emotions are very strong and give a person a lot of energy. The whole year passes in these feelings - hatred for the whole world. Sometimes, it seems to a person that his "roof is leaking" - a lot of suspicion, anger, jealousy. These feelings are literally eaten up from the inside, a person lets them out in the form of caustic phrases, offensive words. It becomes harmful and intolerable. Emotions are very strong, but after a while it will seem that they are not even worth a damn, but in the current year all experiences are super strong.
YOU NEED: to reveal your sexuality (not superficially, but deeply), work with taboo. Study psychology, esotericism, questions of life and death. How deeper man delves into these topics, so easier for a person live this year.
Asc Ascendant of solarium in Sagittarius: gives a person the opportunity to go beyond ordinary life, to be outside the comfort zone, and without serious stress, in order to raise their life to a new level.
USUAL: the person has big plans for himself. Optimism, a desire to teach everyone. It seems to him that this year everything will fall into his own hands. In fact, nothing falls, just a person lives in illusions and will remember this year as “eh, but once I wanted ... to go dancing / study / become a YouTube star, etc. etc.
YOU NEED: actively engage in social life, work as much as possible (!) on your own image, position yourself as a know-it-all, brag about your achievements (do not be shy).
Asc Ascendant of solarium in CAPRICORN: gives an opportunity to become more serious, more calculating, to learn purposefulness, responsibility, to grow in a career.
USUALLY: a person spends the whole year with the feeling that his life has "crushed". It is difficult to breathe, it is difficult to walk, it is difficult to speak. It's all hard. Circumstances hold down, do not allow to spread the wings. Others fly, but a person stands and envies them. The year feels like a hard and depressing one, a lot of things to do.
YOU NEED: focus on one thing, learn discipline (run every day \ do exercises in the morning \ go on a diet \ have a contrast shower \ go to work at exactly 8:03, etc., etc. This year you need to check what you are made of, find your inner reserves, steel bells to understand how much you want to be realized.

Asc Ascendant of solarium in AQUARIUS: makes it possible to learn originality, spontaneity, turn habits upside down, become bright and inimitable, expand the circle of friends, catch fire with a new thing. A person gains freedom (it seems to him super-necessary, like air), but without quarrels, often leaves in English (from work, from family, etc.)
USUALLY: the year is remembered as “I am the wind in the field”. A person does not understand why he needs “all this”, therefore he says goodbye to “all this” without regret. Tears ties, throws out contacts, leaves work, breaks off relationships. The year is remembered as chaotic, chaotic. As a rule, often a person has such moods inside, but they do not appear outside - he wants to leave the couple, but does not leave, so the couple seems to exist, but in it he is on his own. The same is true for all areas.
YOU NEED: get carried away with science, scientific and technological progress, try to understand the future and look into it, turn to an astrologer or start studying astrology. Join a public organization, fight for the rights (minorities / cats / pandas). Go somewhere where you can feel freedom ( balloon, a paraglider, but at least an airplane).

Asc Ascendant of solarium in PISCES:
USUALLY: a person “sleeps” for a year - does not remember how he went, what he was - spends him in alcohol, games, sleep (sleeps a lot). Goes with the flow, doesn't want to change anything. Emotions are very strong, a feeling of pity (both for oneself and for others), regret, tenderness, sadness, etc.
YOU NEED: study psychology, esotericism, be "closer to God": pray, fast, sacrifice. Try to look into the most hidden corners of your mind. Help the needy, the suffering (even people, even animals). Accept and love the divine in yourself.

If you rewound a few years ago, correlated the description with your personal feelings, saw that you lived it USUALLY, then I advise you not to waste time - do not wait for the next birthday, start changing your life this year!

If you think that the new year is a magical night from December 31 to January 1, then astrologers will disagree with you. In reality, " New Year"Begins for each of us in different time, near our birthday (± 1 day). When the Sun falls into the same degree of the ecliptic as at the moment of your birth, the countdown of your personal new year, Solarium, will begin.

In fact, Solar is a private species transit card, the solarium turns on at the moment of exact connection natal Sun and the sun is in transit. As well as the natal chart itself, Solar is a static forecasting method.

The goal of the Solar Treatment Method is to find areas of a person's life in which events are more likely to occur and likely not to occur during the solar year.

Where to build the Solarium? There is no unequivocal opinion on this issue among astrologers: some are adherents of the idea of ​​relocation, others believe that the Solarium needs to be built only at the place of birth. We adhere to the point of view that the solarium built for the place of birth is the main one, and the solarium for the new place of residence is additional. Cases when it becomes necessary to look at a solar relocation (to a new place) with a precisely rectified map are extremely rare.

When does the new Solarium take effect? Formally, Solyar begins at the moment of the exact return of the sun, but, in fact, the trends of the new Solyar begin to operate even a month before the birthday.

For the calculation and construction of Solyar, special astrological programs, they will automatically show what day and time the Sun will return to "its degree".

The solarium is analyzed only in combination with the natal chart; for this, the transit chart (Solarium) and the natal chart are superimposed on each other with all the planets and grids of houses - in astro-processors this procedure is also performed automatically.

When two charts are superimposed, relationships appear between them, in the form of a connection of solar planets with cusps of natal houses, aspects between natal and solar planets, aspects of solar planets to natal cusps, a sign of a solar ascendant and many other indicators.

It is these connections that the astrologer analyzes, while he does not deal with abstract planets, but examines the annual trends of specific functions of the natal chart, for example: in one chart, Mars is involved in the topic of marriage, and in the other, it is an element of financial capacity.

Solarium calculation with decoding

If you type in google the query "Solar", you will see a huge list of proposals to "decipher" the Solar, choose a city for the "meeting of the Solar", "Rituals for the meeting of the Solar", etc. Insufficiently experienced astrologers position Solyar as a “forecast for the year”.

But Solar is never used as an independent method of prognostics. In order to make a correct general or thematic forecast for the year, the astrologer uses several methods at once (directions, solarium, transits, progressions). As for the choice of the city or special rituals, it is much more effective to use your map as a wise navigator, and not a means to run away from the villainous fate.

An astrologer reflects on trends. Trends are a wind of change that "blows" regardless of your desire, sometimes you need to make a little effort and even a light breeze will help you get closer to your goal, sometimes you need to know how to behave during a storm and use it to your advantage. But there is a narrow interval of trends concentration, where events occur.