The seer vyacheslav. Youth Vyacheslav (Krasheninnikov) - Prophecies about the end times

“Times will be worse than under Stalin. Russia will begin to split up. China will go to war with us. " 11-year-old Slavik from Chebarkul died back in 1993, but his memory is still alive: hundreds of thousands of Orthodox Christians go to worship his grave, and the boy's prophecies have become a new Russian eschatology.

Foolishness and hysteria were essentially the only legal form of social and political participation in the life of the state for the Russian people throughout its existence.

And there is nothing surprising in the fact that this participation took such exotic forms - all other attempts to “reach out” to the top, to convey the “truth” to the people naturally ended in hard labor or exile, and during the “thaws” with slightly more humane educational measures, for example, mental hospitals or house arrest.

In general, as they said twenty years ago, "what to take from a fool, except for his analyzes." At the same time, a very significant amount of information uttered by these "dissenters" fell on the future of Russia. Such allegorical futurology was (and often remains today) the safest way of "dissidence".

The last most revered holy fool in Russia was Slava Krasheninnikov, an 11-year-old boy from the small town of Chebarkul in the Chelyabinsk region who died in 1993.

"Saint Slavik", as the multi-million army of admirers calls him, was born into a family of a Soviet soldier. True, by Soviet standards, their family was not the most ordinary. Slavik's mother was one of the Old Believers of the Pomor accord, exiled to the Urals; his father's grandfather was a laureate of the Stalin Prize, who was also exiled under Stalin to this wilderness.

At the age of 4, Slavik received a concussion, and from that moment began to prophesy. It was Soviet time (1986), and at first the boy's prophecies were, to put it mildly, skeptical. The first who drew attention to the special gift of Slavik was his teacher Irina Abramovna. The second person who saw a saint in the boy was Elder Naum from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, where Slavik was brought in by his parents in 1990.

Slavik's mother, Valentina Afanasyevna, recalls: “It was then, at the age of 8, that my son told me that he sees everything internal organs people and knows what people think, that he sees all diseases at the very beginning and, it turns out, at school he has already helped some children. He said that he knows the thoughts of our president, the American president, and in general he knows the thoughts of all people: where, what nuclear missiles are and how many, that there are absolutely no secrets on earth for him. "

The rumor about Slavik spread very quickly and the pilgrimage of those suffering from all over the USSR began to him.

“The generals of the Soviet army, who had heard about Slavik, asked my husband to meet him. He loved our army and was saddened that quick reaction brigades would be created instead of the army. That is what he called them: Rapid Response Brigades, which, before the arrival of the world ruler, will extinguish any, even the slightest manifestation of human discontent with their quick appearance, ”his mother recalled.

Then, in 1990, "Saint Slavik" began to prophesy. Basically, his visions concerned the near future of our country:

“There will be a lot of eavesdropping devices. Even on the street, people will be afraid to talk. Times will be worse than under Stalin. Almost all people will engage in spiritualism, they will live according to the prompts and under the guidance of demons, because they will clearly hear the demons and talk to them, considering them to be the highest mind.

The time will come when they will start to raise prices and wages, and one and a half to two years before the famine, wages will be left high, and the prices of goods, especially groceries, will sharply decrease. In principle, people will not take goods from merchants. Government shops and retail outlets will reopen. People will be allowed to live a little well, but then the food will be hidden from the people under the ground and hunger will begin.

Russia will begin to split up. Even small republics, such as Tatarstan, will be separated from each other. This will contribute to economic survival, but in the event of disasters there will be no mutual assistance, since each region will be busy with its own problems.

Before the war, our army will fall apart, power outages will begin in the Far East, and then little by little they will be disconnected everywhere. It will be cold everywhere, because the heating will not work. Gas and electricity will be cut off. Schools won't even have chalk and paper. Children will hang out in the street. All diseases will return. There will be one disease without a name, from which there will be many corpses in the streets, and no one will bury them.

While the children will die of hunger, Moscow will continue to live idly, but then it will begin to sink into the ground. It moves as if on an incline, and when Jesus Christ steps on Red Square, then the remnants of the Kremlin with the star will finally collapse. By this time, the government will move to Bonn and from there will lead the people.

First, Russia will make peace with America. There will be many Americans on the Russian borders. They will begin to import American products and goods to Russia. We will have everything American, even cinema. When the Americans and the Chinese are on the brink of war, the Americans will be afraid of China at the last moment and set it on us.

The war will be such that where there will be bloody battles, and somewhere without a single shot they will take it: in the evening we will fall asleep as Russians, and in the morning we will wake up in Chinese. Christian churches and Muslim mosques will be slightly altered (the roofs will be made in Chinese), they will put a dragon in front of the entrance, which, instead of a bell, will gather people for worship with a dull drawl. Those who resisted will be killed or hanged. "

Slavik was buried in 1993 with the entire military town. “A well-organized funeral was everyone's last gift to our son!” His mother rejoiced. Schools in Chebarkul were closed, and all children took part in the funeral of the holy boy.

The popularity of Slavik after his death acquired such a scale among the Russian people that the Metropolitan of Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust Job (Tyvonyuk) created a commission to investigate the circumstances of the emergence of this cult. Several books have been written about the boy, some of them published with the blessing of the clergy. The very first - "Miracles and predictions of the youth Slavik" - was composed by his mother Valentina Krasheninnikova.

Hundreds of pilgrims from all over Russia come to the grave of Slavik at the cemetery in Chebarkul every day. A tomb was built above it, filled with icons, including Slavik himself.

Here prayers are read and akathists folded in his honor are sung (a pulpit is installed next to the grave). Pebbles poured near the grave are distributed to visitors. Not for nothing - for donations (one stone, depending on the size, costs 10-50 rubles). It is believed that these stones should be put in water at night, and this water heals all diseases.

Some more instructions to the people and the prophecies of “Saint Slavik”:

“Dogs cannot be kept in the house - this is a sin, dogs must live in the yard.

You cannot kill birds - birds participate in the creation of time - by killing birds, we shorten the time.

You cannot fly into space, because a rocket flying to Earth from space carries invisible crystals that are retained in one of the layers of the atmosphere, and they have the ability to divide.

Under certain man-made conditions, they will eventually fall to the ground and everything that falls under them will be crushed. If a person falls under this crystal lattice, it looks like a pile of ice mixed with blood. Such ice will not melt.

At the coming of the Lord, the Angels will carry huge chunks of earth through the air and throw holes formed on the surface of the Earth, leveling the earth's surface. If a person looked at this action, he would not see the Angels, but would see blocks of earth flying across the sky. Ultimately before New life with the Lord, the Earth will become almost flat.

In hell there is a place where boiling water flows, and in this boiling water some are heel-deep, some knee-deep, some chest-deep, and Stalin is completely with his head there. At the very bottom it is very cold, there is ice, there are the greatest sinners. And there are rooms where people just sit in the dark, and they are not tortured, and in another place, if someone sticks out of the fire or boiling water, then the demons drive him back with ferocity and anger and plunge him headlong.

In America, two large identical houses will be blown up, then the Statue of Liberty will be blown up from below. It will turn out like this - the statue will, as it were, take a step and crumble into pieces.

The first inhuman document in Russia is a voucher. The rest of the documents will also be from Satan. The money of the world ruler will appear, which will be called the euro. Things will go well with this money. The last state to switch to the euro will be America.

The last document will be the world passport in the form of a small, very pretty gray plate. When people receive it, then specially installed equipment will be on the forehead or on right hand in the form of a tattoo, apply three small sixes with rays.

At first they will not be visible, but then they, like an electronic board on the forehead and on the arm, will glow with a greenish light. If a person tries to get rid of these sixes and chops off his hand, then sixes will appear on the cult. Then, at least cut a man into pieces, three sixes will appear on each piece.

An ordinary child who has become a "saint"

The future "prophet" was born in March 1982. The boy's father was a military man, the family quite often moved from one place to another. And therefore, his native Yurga (Kemerovo region) soon had to leave.

Ultimately, the family settled in the Ural town of Chebarkul. Unlike his older brother, Kostya, Slava was seriously ill. Doctors diagnosed him with leukemia. It is clear that mother Valentina Afanasyevna did not work. She could not leave her youngest son. Due to illness, Slava was at home until the very school. But at the age of seven, he still had to go to the local house of knowledge.

Valentina Afanasyevna recalled that her child was already very different from his peers. First of all, in terms of outlook on life and attitude towards religion. True, neither the director of school No. 4, where Slava studied, nor his teacher, Irina Abramovna Ignatieva, noticed anything like this for Krasheninnikov. According to their recollections, he was quite an ordinary child, without any "peculiarities."

Glory died on March 17, 1993. Affected by the disease of leukemia. He was buried and ... The boy suddenly found a "second life." Valentina Afanasyevna began to actively promote stories about the phenomena of Glory, posthumous miracles and prophecies of her son to the masses. And none of the woman's statements was complete without citing Slava. For example: “The fallen angels are engaged on Earth in the maintenance of the program installed in the core of the planet to collect human souls, and the Antichrist represents their interests among people, connecting each person to it by means of a seal (biochip) ”. Also Valentina Afanasyevna stated: "Slavochka said that nothing can be stopped, that nothing can be changed, everything is decided in heaven - soon God will be on earth."

In addition, on behalf of her son, the woman sometimes did "stuffing", that is, talked about aliens and UFOs. According to the version of the “holy youth Vyacheslav,” they were demons.

Mother stated that her son appeared to her after death

Gradually, Krasheninnikov had numerous admirers. This was due to an aggressive advertising campaign. Books were promptly written about the boy, "documentary" films were made. In the early 2000s, such a PR was a success. Many began to claim that Glory is a divine messenger.

Truth or lie?

The cult reached its peak of popularity in the middle of the two thousandth. Cars and buses with numerous believers arrived at the burial place of Krasheninnikov. People spared neither time nor energy for the sake of a possible miracle. Images of Glory, drawn in the style of icons, were placed under a special canopy. There is even an "icon" on which he was holding a cross in his hands. In fact, only martyrs were portrayed in this way, and Krasheninnikov, as you know, was not such.

And the sale of "relics" was quickly put on stream. Pilgrims, for example, were sold both land and marble stones that covered the territory, and even snow. Stones were especially popular. They were delivered by the father of the late boy. By the way, that "healing" quarry was located nearby. But people didn't pay attention to it. And, in the opinion of believers in the "youth Vyacheslav," they possessed miraculous powers. Like, they needed to be filled with water, wait a little, and then drink this water, and the diseases receded. Valentina Afanasyevna claimed that Slava had told her about marble. According to him, these stones scare away aliens (demons), since they are alive.

Slava had a serious illness - leukemia

For some time, representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church did not attach importance to the cult of the newly made saint from Chebarkul. But then they sounded the alarm. A special commission, created on the initiative of Metropolitan Job of Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust, began an investigation. And it soon became clear that most of the "prophecies" of the deceased child are free quotations from Western films. And, accordingly, in no way Orthodox faith they didn't touch.

“The Cult of Slavik” was very well characterized by Archpriest Dimitry Yegorov, who is the rector of the local Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord: “Behind Krasheninnikova there are people who do business on this. Books and a CD have been published about Slavik. Everything is done professionally. Competent PR. Perhaps someone is making good money. According to rumors, the woman herself bought herself a piece of land and is building a cottage there, because very rich people come to the grave of Slavik. "

Grave of Krasheninnikov.

Why I took up this topic. First I saw on the Internet the plots of "the prophecy of Otrok Vyacheslav", then the film "Russian Angel" and some opinions about him. I will say right away - I was skeptical, and in order to dispel or confirm my doubts I began to understand the film. I must honestly warn you - the film is very long. Rather, two films of 4 episodes, some of which run for more than two hours.

The cult of the pseudo-holy youth Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov reveals at once three problems of the modern Russian Orthodox Church: religious illiteracy (in places simply monstrous), the associated thirst for "light", spectacular miracles and "heroes" of his time, the lack of internal church discipline and obedience to the hierarchy.

A strange situation among our people. Several generations of ancestors were atheists - entirely party members and members of the Komsomol. Most of today's Orthodox Christians were baptized five to ten years ago. We know spiritual life only from books and stories. Perhaps because of the absence of a real positive spiritual experience we have “spiritual hallucinations”.

The authorities of Chebarkul - there is such a settlement in the Chelyabinsk region - are studying the issue of the legality of the appearance of a prayer house in the city cemetery. The mother installed it on the grave of her son, who died 15 years ago. Over the years, the adolescent Vyacheslav has acquired fans. What miracles they do not tell about him. In the language of the representatives of the Church, what is happening is nothing more than dangerous delusion... Who benefits from the cult of Glory, NTV correspondent Airat Shavaliev figured out.

The head of the Chelyabinsk-Zlatoust diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Job, turned to his fellow bishops with a request to convey to all believers the information about the inadmissibility of venerating the false "youth Vyacheslav." The boy, who died 15 years ago, became the hero of several books popular in the Orthodox community, and now pilgrims from all over Russia come to his grave. According to experts, the phenomenon of "Saint Slavik" once again testifies to a catastrophically low level of religious consciousness our fellow citizens.

Dozens of publications are now being issued, which should have been stamped: “Caution! Psychotropic drug! Consult a psychiatrist! " But, unfortunately, now there is no censorship in the Church that would stop this drug flow of pseudo-spirituality. Therefore, we have to react and warn people about the spiritual danger of certain books only after they are massively distributed among the church people. Today we are going to talk about one of the last "drugs" in an Orthodox wrapper. This drug is called "Slavik".

The compilation of the appeal of the Metropolitan of Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust Job (Tyvonyuk) to the clergy and believers of the Chelyabinsk diocese on October 29, 2007 was motivated by the spread of veneration of the youth Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov.

The compilation of the appeal of Metropolitan Job (Tyvonyuk) of Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust to the ruling bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church on October 30, 2007 was motivated by the spread of veneration for the youth Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov.

Recently, the Chelyabinsk diocese was agitated by rumors that, they say, a saint of its own appeared in the regional city of Chebarkul - a certain youth Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov. A search on the Internet gave several links to articles about Slavik by different authors and to the book "Ah, Mom-Mama", as well as messages in some forums where people of different faiths shared their impressions of this and other books about Slavik. It turned out that a total of four books (and possibly more) about the "Chebarkul youth" by different authors had already been published in paper version, including one written by his mother, Valentina Krasheninnikova. Upon reading, it turned out that these books are full of descriptions of the most incredible miracles allegedly performed through prayers to Slavik after his tragic death from cancer at the age of 10, as well as Slavik's apocalyptic "prophecies" ...

The missionary department of the Chelyabinsk diocesan administration of the Russian Orthodox Church notes with deep sorrow and alarm the growing religious veneration in the Chelyabinsk region and Russia of the Chebarkul schoolboy Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov (1982-1993) who died almost 15 years ago, announced by some means mass media already a "prophet" and "saint" and "blessed" and even a "great martyr". Pilgrimages are made to his grave, and the land taken from it is used in magical rituals rejected by the Orthodox Church; the akathist and the corresponding icon are written. Thus, the prerequisites are being created for the formation of a new cult in the Chelyabinsk region, blasphemously using Orthodox rituals and exploiting the natural human desire for the transcendental, high ...

On October 20, 2007, on behalf of the hierarchy of the Chelyabinsk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, an expert commission was formed at the diocesan missionary department to study the activities of religious group, formed around Valentina Afanasyevna Krasheninnikova - the mother of the Chebarkul schoolboy Vyacheslav Sergeevich Krasheninnikov, represented by this group as a holy God-given healer, blessed and great martyr, a prayerful intercessor before the Lord in recent times. The task of the commission was to collect and study the available materials about the life and work of V.S.

The Russian Orthodox Church has a negative attitude towards the cult of the “holy youth Vyacheslav”. In 2007, Metropolitan Job (Tyvonyuk) of Chelyabinsk and Zlatoust created a commission to investigate the circumstances of the emergence of this cult. The commission concluded that many of Slavik's statements cited by his mother do not correspond Orthodox faith... So, part of his alleged "prophecies" is just a free retelling of Hollywood science fiction films.

But why was it necessary to create such a hype around the name of the deceased child? The rector of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Chebarkul, Archpriest Dimitri Yegorov, states: “Behind Krasheninnikova there are people who do business on this. Books and a CD have been published about Slavik. Everything is done professionally. Competent PR. Perhaps someone is making good money. According to rumors, the woman herself bought a plot of land and is building a cottage there, because very rich people come to the grave of Slavik. "

The Statement of the Missionary Department of the Chelyabinsk Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, published on October 19, 2007, reads: “It can be stated with complete conviction: the writings of VA Krasheninnikova and people of her circle, dedicated to“ the youth Vyacheslav, ”have nothing to do with Orthodoxy. The late Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, in the understanding of the Russian Orthodox Church, was neither a prophet, nor a martyr, nor a saint. The judgments he makes about religious truths can be taken seriously only in the context of the attitude of adults and spiritually lost people towards them - people who very often pursue selfish goals that are far from true religiosity. But we "must be especially attentive to what we hear, so as not to fall away" (Heb. 2: 1). "

11 February 2010 Publishing Council The ROC has banned the distribution through the church book network of publications dedicated to Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov. The canonization of Krasheninnikov as a saint was also refused.

It is difficult to judge whether in fact Slavik Krasheninnikov was an extraordinary child or whether a cult was deliberately made from his name, but it is possible that those who come to his grave are really helped by faith in a miracle.

When you find out who I really am, at first you will be frightened that you have treated me so easily. And then you will be proud and many will envy me greatly.

Slavochka said that nothing can be stopped, nothing can be changed, everything is decided in Heaven - soon God will be on earth.

Slavik said that in some Moscow maternity hospitals they put microcircuits for children. This is done secretly and the children become smarter.

People will become very angry. There will be separate shops with good goods for the sealed ones. For the rest, there will be stores with bad goods and high prices. (Pay attention! In America, something similar is happening today with chips. Those who have a chip implanted do not stand in queues, go to the airport first to the plane and come up with other benefits. Russia is already introducing a universal electronic card. Germany, South Korea and others have abandoned it. developed countries because they cannot ensure security. it is proposed to implant the chips. And then no one will be able to counterfeit them. It can be seen that everything is going. UEC aims to prepare society for chips and printing. This process is irreversible and all this is happening before our eyes.)

Ultimately, these stores will no longer exist. The world ruler will corrupt young people with permissiveness. All vices will be resolved. The Lord will keep his people and save them from hunger. Only a short time will need to be patient. Angels will keep people who have not betrayed God. The world will be ruined by profit!

Slavik said that instead of the army, rapid response brigades would be created in Russia. They will "extinguish" any manifestation of human discontent with their rapid appearance.

There will be a lot of listening devices. Even on the streets, people will be afraid to speak. Time will be worse than under Stalin.

Almost all people will be preoccupied with spiritualism. People will clearly hear demons and will live according to their prompts. They will talk to them, considering them to be the highest mind. At first these people will laugh at common people(of which there will be very few), considering them backward and generally unnecessary on the planet. But when they understand that they are in the networks of the evil one, they will start to get very angry. They will be ready with my own hands kill those who survived. For normal people have to hide.

Slavik said that a nuclear war is nothing compared to the catastrophe looming on us.

There are a lot of demons on the moon, the so-called aliens. They can show different tricks on the moon and, as it were, on the sun. Therefore, one cannot stare at their antics in the sky.

Slavik said that when the Symbol of Faith is changed in some churches, they will still serve in the old way. Not all priests will betray God. In those churches where they serve in the old way, you will need to go for confession and communion. But then the temples will be empty.

Slavik said that dogs should not be kept in the house. (This is written in the priest's handbook. You cannot keep a dog where there is a shrine (Icons). Under no circumstances should a dog get into the temple.) The dog must live in the yard. You cannot collect masks, skulls, fantastic books, etc. Because evil spirits inhabit them.

Slavik said that the churches will be empty and they will be unofficially allowed to open small workshops (carpentry). Famine will come and women will take expensive items to the thrift shops. Icons will also be handed over. They will make special stores that will sell commission icons. Sellers will be afraid to work in icon stores because they will often catch fire.

Slavik said that water will begin to leave the surface of the earth. And trees and other plants will die. But Slavik said that by the grace of God, those who will be able to grow something in their garden without a seal.

The water will drain, and the rest will deteriorate.

Slavik predicted that crystals would fall from the sky. They are carried by rockets when they fly from space to earth. If they fall on a person, it will look like a pile of ice and blood. But such ice will not melt.

One layer of the sky will burn. The sky will take on a completely different look.

Slavik said that in reality the sky is not blue at all, but the same as Saddam Hussein's, when his oil was burning.

People will learn to heal from cancer. The time will come when prices and wages will rise. One and a half to two years before the famine, the prices of goods (especially food) will go down. People will be allowed to live well, but then they will hide food under the ground and hunger will begin. Russia will split up. Even small republics like Tatarstan will begin to separate from each other. This will help economic survival, but when disasters begin, there will be no one to help. Each region will be busy with its own problems.

Before the war, the army will fall apart. Will start a power outage (from the Far East, and then a little everywhere). It will be cold everywhere, the heating will not work. Gas and electricity will be cut off. Schools won't even have chalk and paper. Children will hang out in the street. Illness will return. There will be one disease without a name, from which there will be many corpses on the street, and no one will bury them. Worms will crawl over them and there will be a stench around. People will go and die on the move, because they will have no strength at all.

Two big houses will be blown up in America (World Shopping Center?), and then blow up the statue of "Liberty" from below. The statue will, as it were, take a step and crumble to pieces. In Russia, houses will also be blown up (they themselves will blow up).

Helicopters and planes will fall very often. This will happen because it is undesirable for people to occupy airspace. UFOs (demons) are flying there, which are preparing for war with God. They fool many powerful people of this world.

It will be restless in houses and apartments. People will see various abnormal phenomena. The world ruler's money will be called the euro. Business with this money will go well and the last country that will go to them will be America.

Slavik said that after the biochip there will be a very nice little gray plate - the world passport. When a person accepts it, he will receive a seal on his hand and forehead. The seal will be in the form of a tattoo, it will be applied with rays, some isotopes, three sixes. God will not forgive anyone who has received the seal. At first, the seal will not be visible, but then it will glow green like an electronic board.

If a person tries to get rid of these sixes and chops off his hand, then sixes will appear on the cult. Then at least cut a man into pieces, but on each piece there will be three sixes.

At first, people will be afraid and hide this stigma, and after that they will no longer be ashamed and will openly bear the stigma of antichrist. Gradually these people will become very angry. They will be especially angry at those who will not have a seal.

If a person, unable to withstand hunger, enters the store and takes food for himself, then, passing through the cashier, he will receive three sixes. Those who get such a number can no longer die. They will become like immortals. If such a person, because of a terrible life, wants to commit suicide, accelerates in a car and crashes somewhere, then scattering to pieces along with the car, like a monster in a horror movie, he will gather in a heap and come to life.

In those days, in some places, children would starve to death, and Moscow would live idly, but then it would begin to sink into the ground.

Our country will fight China. First, Russia will make peace with America, there will be many Americans on our borders. We will have everything American, even cinema. Russian people will get tired of all this later, and they will be glad to see even a small Russian brand.

When the Americans and the Chinese are on the brink of war, at the last moment the Americans will frighten the Chinese and set them on us.

The war will be such that somewhere bloody battles will go on, and somewhere without a single shot they will take it: in the evening we will fall asleep as Russians, and in the morning we will wake up as “Chinese”.

Christian churches and Muslim mosques will be slightly altered (the roofs will be made in Chinese), they will put a dragon in front of the entrance, which, instead of a bell, will call people to worship with a dull drawl. Those who resisted will be killed or hanged.

Slavik said that the Chinese would kill our men and boys and sterilize our population.

Then, for the first time in the world, the Americans will use a new psychological weapon against the Chinese, which affects only this race, and drive them home, but the effect of this weapon will be such that even in their own China they can never be normal. Slavochka said that the Chinese affected by this weapon will try to hide in dark place and will constantly tremble with horror.

Especially Slavik was surprised by the Israelis. He said that a war would start in Israel and the Israelites, surrounded by Muslims on all sides, would show miracles of courage, but they would still be defeated. Muslims will desecrate our Christian shrines, which greatly warms up God.

Slavochka said that in the Urals there is a city in a hole, which will flood with water and throw stones so that even no animal will be saved. And in Moscow they won't even think to help.

Slavik said that the last (Russian) ruler would tell the whole truth about Gorbachev and Yeltsin. People get very angry with them. Gorbachev will try to hide, but there will be no kerosene, and the planes will stay. Then there will be no fuel and all equipment will stand. Soon all sorts of signs will begin in heaven and people will be carried away by them, and they will forget about Gorbachev and Yeltsin. Yeltsin will be very surprised at something and will not even try to hide, he will remain in Russia.

Scientists will not all believe miracles and this will force them to make such a device that will allow them to recognize among people the so-called "aliens", that is, incarnate demons, which are very, very scary.

Slavik said that the Earth is not round and dinosaurs are not extinct. There are huge voids in the earth and when the climate warms, the earth will fall into these places, and in places it will disperse in huge layers in different directions.

England will sink and the British are evacuated to Russia, and the British government knows about it, but they do not believe it.

Slavik said that hell really exists and it is under us. Slavik spoke about Stalin. In hell there is a place where boiling water flows, and in this boiling water, some are heel-deep, some knee-deep, some chest-deep, and Stalin is completely there with his head.

Slavik said that at the very bottom of hell it is very cold, there is ice and the greatest sinners. There are rooms in hell where people just sit in the dark and are not tortured. If someone sticks out of the fire or boiling water, then the demons with bitterness and anger, as if with a pitchfork (but not a pitchfork), dip back with their heads.

At the very beginning of hell there is firewood, which "as if by a pike's command" is chopped by an ax on a huge block of wood into logs, and it is very dark there. Further, there are huge boilers, where this firewood is brought on huge sledges (such as sledges) or dragged along like bundles. Both the souls of sinners do it with all their might with great exertion, and the demons torture them with whips. Such are the sins, such are the places.

It so happens that the ground under the feet of a person collapses and he flies away into the pitch hellish darkness, where he sees only a lot of fiery blinking eyes surrounding him. The evil spirits-demons that have pounced on such a poor fellow are instantly torn to pieces alive (one of the reasons why and where people go).

Slavik said that "aliens" (demons) drag people alive. These "aliens" will come down to us and say that they are being persecuted by "evil cosmic forces", but in fact by God. Their real view will be heavily disguised. They will act in the guise of humans.

In UFOs that have landed all over the earth, demons will invite people for medical examination and treatment. People en masse will go for "health" to them, and "healthy zombies" will come out.

The new world ruler will resolve all vices, explaining that God, they say, does not need people to restrain themselves, that everything was created in order to enjoy just everything. People will resent the fact that they were allegedly taught incorrectly by the Holy Church. They will accept the false teaching of the world ruler that God did not need abstinence and fasting and, in general, a pious life.

Almost all demons will crawl out to the surface of the earth together with the devil, in hell it will be calmer for some time than on earth, since the demons remaining in the underworld will not do their job so hard.

Slavik said that there will be a giant explosion in the Black Sea, since a small layer of water remains on the sea, and some organisms, such as worms, are climbing under the layer of water along the bottom of the sea, of which there are a lot and they emit hydrogen sulfide.

All this underwater space will explode, and the explosion will reach the upper layers of the atmosphere, where, through the fault of man, accumulated great amount chemical and other waste. There will be such an impression that the earth, water and sky are burning, as it were.

The city of Odessa will be saved by breaking the fresh water pipeline. The burning city will flood with fresh water and this will save many.

In the Baltics will rise huge waves and wash away the Baltic coast. In Bashkiria, huge earth dips will be formed to a great depth, and the bottom of these dips will be dry.

People who find themselves in these gaps will see a piece of the sky above them, the size of an apple, and falling stones, as it were, from the sky. Some will put their heads under the flying stones, since there will be no escape from this trap.

A big catastrophe will break out over Siberia, a crystal lattice will fall from the sky, which will suppress everything under it, but the structure of this lattice will allow some people to get out, in some places there will be strong glaciation, frost will reach fantastic degrees.

Groundwater will rise in St. Petersburg. They will bury this way - they will bring the coffin to the cemetery, put it in the mud and throw mud on top.

Chelyabinsk factories will stop and become empty. Only one guard will remain. Then these gigantic structures will begin to sink into the ground.

The people who remain on the earth will suffer from thirst and hunger. The water will become thick, smelly and red, similar to the blood of a deceased person. Plants will stop growing. There will be no wind or rain. Any nasty stuff will climb up from the ground. Very large creatures, such as worms, will crawl out of the spoiled reservoirs.

In the Far East, there are worms that can only be seen in ultraviolet radiation, and in Turkey there are also many of them in the sands, but already with teeth.

Unspecified people will not be able to eat food with gear. They will not even be able to swallow it, although the cogs will first try to help their unsecured relatives by giving them part of their products.

When the devil himself performs false miracles and says that he is God, then Christians will see Jesus Christ in him, Muslims - Mohammed, and Buddhists - Buddha, but some of the Buddhists will doubt because Buddha was not going to come. There will be many demons around him, and people will see in him a god, and each of them will be their own, and demons will seem to them to be angels. A strong stench will come from the devil, but people will not feel it. Only a few will not go to see him.

This devil will “move” mountains, and people will touch the mountain “coming” from across the sea with great surprise, but in reality there will be no mountain. It will seem to them. But the fire from the sky, it will show real.

The people who remain devoted to God, the Lord will close with such force that these people, living in small settlements, will be inaccessible evil forces... They just won't be seen. Those who do not betray God will not change in any way, they will simply remain ordinary people.

There will be such a settlement where not a single cogged person will be able to penetrate. Everything around will be surrounded by a moat, and the moat will be flooded with water. All gates will be tightly closed. One person with a gear will still manage to somehow reach the wall, but God's power he will be so thrown aside that he will fly back over the moat, get on all fours, shake himself off and go home with great anger.

Second Coming of Christ

The earth will be cleansed with the coming of the Lord and will be beautiful, but different. At the Second Coming of Christ, the Angels will carry huge chunks of earth through the air, and cast holes formed on the surface of the earth, leveling the earth's surface. If a person looked at this action, he would not see the Angels, but saw the earth flying across the sky. Ultimately, before the New Age with the Lord, the Earth will be practically flat.

Slavik said that there are huge voids-spaces where flows clean-clean water and the plants are very soft. Those dinosaurs that lived on earth went underground. Due to underground nuclear explosions, they are now very large and gaining strength. There are a lot of dinosaur eggs in the walls of the underground space. When the climate warms up, the earth will open up and they will come to the surface. They are different - herbivores and carnivores. Although they will not be on earth for very long, they will have time to do a lot of misfortunes. After a while, the earth will open again, and they will go underground now forever and will never appear again. Scientists cannot view the underground void spaces where dinosaurs live, as a layer of radioactive sand interferes.