Feng Shui is all about the stones on the site. What feng shui stones are suitable according to the horoscope


Also, do not position the bed so that there is a window behind it, as the window is not protective. In addition, there can be a draft from the window, and you can easily catch a cold.

It is best if the head of the bed is in contact with the wall, but this wall should not be a wall adjacent to the toilet and kitchen. By, in should not get smells from and, they violate the positive energy in. The wall creates a sense of stability, reliability and security.

There should be no objects hanging over the bed, for example, long chandeliers, lamps, shelves, paintings, as they cause a feeling of pressure and threat. A person lying on the bed cannot relax thoroughly.

It is not recommended to place the bed where it is reflected in the mirror. There is a superstition that there will be adultery in the family. And, all the information accumulated during the day and, which may be more negative than positive, is reflected in the mirror and sent back to you. As a result, you will wake up tired and depressed.

Do not place the bed close to, the distance should be at least 3 meters. In general, the TV should not be in the bedroom, because it accumulates negative energy and unnecessary information in the bedroom, which, again, interferes restful sleep.

If a double bed is intended for two people, then the access to the bed should be from two sides. If the bed is for one person, then place it sideways against the wall or in the corner between the window and the door.

There should not be any objects under the bed (boxes and other things that are folded under the bed, because there is nowhere else to put them). The space must be empty so that the energy can circulate freely when you sleep.


If sleep doesn’t bring you proper rest, it’s probably because your bed is not in the right place. Then you need to rearrange the furniture in the bedroom.

Helpful advice

If you do not have the opportunity to put the bed, as recommended, for example, the bed is with the headboard to the window, or your feet are against the door, then you can smooth out the influence negative energy by placing a separating object between the bed and the door (or window) - a bookcase, a wooden trellis with climbing plants, etc.

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Sometimes in our apartment it is difficult to arrange furniture and in particular bed, due to some nuances. Each person has his own preferences: someone loves to be woken up by the morning rays of the sun, someone loves to wake up in the twilight. To resolve this issue, you can resort to the help of an interior designer. But some try themselves in this role.


For lovers of morning rays, it stands near the window, and put the closet and other furniture in another part of the room or at the entrance. For lovers of twilight bed should be moved to a corner where there is less lighting from the window. In this case, cabinets, bedside tables are placed near the window in order to use the lighting from it.

If yours can be arranged bed along a long wall or across, near a window. When the bed is positioned diagonally, the impression of an increase in the size of the room will be created. If there are two entrances, bed should be placed in such a way that the person resting on it can freely see both. It is also worth considering the temperature in the room.

For people with poor health, it is unlikely that it will be useful to arrange bed near the window, especially if it is not sufficiently compacted and insulated.

After placing the bed in a potentially preferred location, you can try to sleep on it to then evaluate your own feelings. If you don't like something then better location, since there is nothing more useful than strong healthy sleep.

When arranging furniture in the room you can use the Feng Shui technique, which will give some confidence in the orderliness and deliberation of the location. So, for example, it is not advised bed under a beam, a heavy chandelier. This will create in the room some feeling of anxiety.

In order for a night's rest to be beneficial, it is important to correctly select all of its attributes: linens, pillows, mattresses, blankets and of course. In addition to choosing a comfortable bed, it is also important to find the right place for it in the bedroom. The right place is a place that conforms to certain rules. What are the rules regarding the location of the bed in the bedroom?

You will need

  • - bed.


Position the bed so that the sleeping person's legs are not pointing towards the door. This is considered a bad omen, since only the dead are carried with their feet forward. No less unfortunate is the direction when the legs or lying on the bed are directed towards the window.
The ideal location for a sleeping bed is where both the back of the head and the legs of the sleeper are "facing" the wall. And best of all, if the head of the bed is pressed against the wall. In any case, this is what feng shui experts say.
Popular rumor advises choosing a position for the bed so that its headboard is directed to the north. Feng Shui masters claim that favorable directions for sleep are purely individual, and are chosen either with the help of their wise advice or intuitively.

There are mirrors in almost every bedroom. A mirror hanging or standing in the bedroom should not reflect the bed and the person sleeping on it. In general, experts in feng shui advise avoiding reflective surfaces in the bedroom in order to wake up in a cheerful and optimistic mood.

The biggest nuisance in the bedroom is the ceiling beam. It is even worse if it is located directly above the bed. Such a beam promises trouble between spouses and health problems. Therefore, if this element is still available in the bedroom, the best solution would be to disguise it, for example, using a suspended ceiling or plasterboard structure.


Crafting - Minecraft Wiki * Crafting (crafting. Parts of existing in Minecraft blocks and. Shovels adding material like. How to build your first house in minecraft * How to build your own. Survive the first night in minecraft. Build this all. Bed, 2. Passing the Survival map Island in *. (From English) can be explained as creating something)). How to put a bed in Minecraft Furniture in Minecraft!

Helpful advice

Now we are going to make furniture and household appliances in the game “Minecraft”. Furniture includes: "Armchair, Sofa, Bed, Double bed, Tables of 2 types, K household appliances: "Fridge". 2. Upgraded table - Dig a hole (1x1); - put the piston in the pit; - put a lever next to the piston (on the surface); - we click on the lever (Now the table moves out and back in), very useful for small and cramped houses.


  • how best to put the bed in 2018

The location in the bedroom plays a huge role. Not only rest of a person depends on this, but also his perception of the world as a whole. Feng Shui, as a science, gives a clear idea of ​​how exactly you need to put the bed in order to always remain positive and a positive person.

Feng Shui teachings cover a wide variety of aspects human life... And the main direction is life in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Perhaps for some, the recommendations of this science will seem strange, but with its help you can significantly improve your perception of the world. One of the burning questions that worries many is how to put the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui.

Since the bed is the furniture on which a person sleeps and rests, it is very important to position it correctly. It must not be in front of reflective surfaces. For example, opposite the mirror. This not only takes the positive Qi energy out of life, but can also doom the sleeper to various diseases. A person in a dream should not be reflected anywhere (any smooth glossy surface). It can also cause nightmares.

According to Feng Shui teachings, it is not recommended to place a bed near a door or window. Firstly, the positive Vital energy... Secondly, rest on the bed, which is so worth it, will not be complete. Thirdly, there is a risk of involving a third party in the married life (for example, gossips or a lover / mistress). If it is not possible to put the bed away from a window or door, then you need to at least position it so as not to lie with your feet to them.

What should be done

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, there should be lighting near the bed. Not at the headboard or above it, but next to it, so that the light illuminates the bed a little. This will make the rest more enjoyable and will draw the positive Chi to the sleeper.

Be sure to position the bed so that there is no toilet or bathroom behind the wall. If this rule is neglected, then the whole personal life will be flushed down the toilet. It is good if there is a street or another room behind the wall.

At the head of the bed, you can place amulets or talismans of sleepers. This will be a kind of amulet against bad energy, even if the bed is located with violations of the teachings of Feng Shui.

Place the bed so that it does not touch the wall where the person stands. In other words, everyone sleeping on the bed should have their own space for lifting. It is recommended to place the bed in the center of the bedroom if two people sleep on it.

Be sure to leave a clean space under the bed. No boxes or things. This will keep good energy, and will save strength, and give a good rest. If it is not possible to remove everything from under the bed, then at least often clean there. Remember to keep it clean at all times. It's not just a pledge good night but also healthy hygiene.

The science Feng Shui teaches us to live in a harmonious environment charged with positive energy. Some of its principles allow us to put bed in the bedroom so that you can preserve the health of the spouses and family well-being... No matter how you feel about Feng Shui, when registering, heed some advice from experts. They will allow you to make your bedroom a place of complete relaxation.

You will need

  • Feng Shui specialist consultation
  • Suitable bedroom space
  • Bed on legs
  • Furniture without sharp edges or woven draperies
  • Objects pleasing to the eye
  • Curtains on the windows
  • Luminaires with dim light


Find a suitable room. According to Feng Shui, for a place of rest, you cannot use the checkpoint. The bedroom should be as far away from the exit as possible, which will give you a sense of security. In addition, this room should not be next to the bathroom. The optimal shape of the matrimonial bedroom is considered to be a regular rectangle, octagon and circle. Of course, in average layouts, you have little choice, but with the help of various interior fixtures, you can correct the configuration of the room.

Veil all corners and sharp objects that will indicate your bed: the corners of the room and furniture, outside the window, etc. It is believed that such "arrows" direct negative to your bed. That's why:
curtain windows or use blinds at night.
Soften the corners with curtains, screens, mirrors, or pieces of furniture with smooth, rounded shapes.
Plants can also be used, but only a little and a small size.
Choose bedside tables with round edges or cover them with soft woven draperies.

Put bed on Feng Shui so as to avoid the well-known "death position": the legs should not be directed to the door, and the head should not be directed to the window. Lying on the bed, you should see everyone entering. Sleep will be calmer and healthier if you add

Feng Shui - Ancient chinese teaching about creating harmony and prosperous energy in the house. "The bedroom is only for sleep, relaxation and love," the Chinese say. Therefore, our main task is to remove from there everything that interferes with the restoration of strength and relaxation of the body. The less extraneous information in the bedroom, the better. It's hard not to believe it: Feng Shui has been practiced in China for over 5 millennia.

Literally, the doctrine of the symbolic organization of space fengshui is translated as "winds and waters". It is aimed at ensuring that favorable flows of Qi energy are used as fully as possible by a person for his own good.

There are 3 types of energy:

  • Sha Qi is the embodiment of aggression and negativity, which suppress all good and positive, destroy. This energy strives as much as possible to reduce the effect of human labor.
  • Xi Qi is a symbol of weakness and passivity. Such stagnant energy seems to draw people into a swamp.
  • Shen Qi is the very energy that Feng Shui “seeks” and teaches us to use correctly. She gives a positive charge and creates a favorable atmosphere.

How to put a bed in Feng Shui

Why arrange the bed according to this teaching at all? Feng Shui master from China Tsai Qi Rong writes in his book that the bed is a particularly intimate place in the bedroom, because there a person daily plunges into the world of dreams, indulges in love and is engaged in the creation of offspring. For this reason, the author recommends strictly adhering to the prescriptions of the teachings - for your own well-being.

She also says that the bed should be set in accordance with the "happy direction" of the hostess. Because the woman in the house is the keeper of the hearth. Thus, the headboard must be positioned in accordance with the correct side. Eastern people you cannot sleep with the top of your head to the west, and the west - with the top of your head to the east.

Consider the options for how to position the bed in the bedroom is highly discouraged:

  • Kicks towards the door. Especially if you place the bed opposite the exit, all the energy "leaks" into it. In the morning, you may feel sick or fatigued.
  • Headboard towards the window. There is no wall behind your head, no security. And, again, there is a "leak" of positive energy, this time - through the window.
  • Directly between the door and the window. If you put the bed in this way, the energy will “come” through the door and “exit” through the window in a direct flow, without staying with the owners of the house.
  • If, nevertheless, it is not possible to rearrange the bed from the window, try at least moving it with the headboard against the wall: this way you will get the support you need during sleep. To prevent the outflow of good energy, hang curtains or blinds on the window.
  • For a double bed, passages should be cleared on both sides so that everyone can freely pass to their place.
  • Do not clutter up the space under the bed: a pile of things carries inappropriate energy that interferes with sleep and relaxation.
  • The mattress of the bed should not be divided in half: the flow of Qi in this case is disturbed, and disagreements and quarrels arise between the spouses. The mattress should be one for two, as it symbolizes the spouses as a whole.
  • It is better if the bed is located in such a way that the front door can be seen from it.
  • The right Feng Shui bedroom furnishings alone are not enough for your complete well-being. It is important to always take care of your health, for example, to purchase an orthopedic mattress and pillows for a good condition of the back and the entire spine. Do not forget about quality sleep, proper nutrition, physical activity.

What else to consider?

Mirrors in the bedroom

The mirror in front of the bed is a taboo of Feng Shui teaching! Reflection of spouses "attracts" third parties to the family, and mistrust appears between a man and a woman, and mutual understanding is lost, which can lead to serious discord. If there are mirrors on the walls or furniture, you can put curtains on them before going to bed.

Flowers in the bedroom

It would seem that plants in the bedroom are good, because they produce oxygen and make it easier to breathe. However, the Chinese teaching disagrees with this. According to Feng Shui, flowers are a symbol of Yang energy, since they grow, which means they are active and absorb all wholesome energy. You can bring a flower pot to a sick person's bedroom for a short time in order to “replenish” the yang energy for recovery. In other cases, plants are not needed:

  • In a girl's bedroom, they can "take away" luck for love.
  • Spouses can bring quarrels.
  • Even paintings of flowers are best avoided.


It is good to hang a picture painted on a natural canvas in the bedroom. Let something light and warm be depicted on it: forest, ocean, sun. Works with gentle romantic and love motives will do. The main thing is that the picture carries the Yin energy, which adjusts to calmness and tranquility, bringing harmony to the bedroom. You don't need to hang it over the head of your bed. Eliminate images with negative motives: crying, grief, loneliness.

Feng Shui bedroom colors

In what shades to choose bed linen, furniture, wallpaper in the bedroom?

  1. Good: the whole range of pastel colors.
  2. AVOID: dark blue, black.

Concerning bright colors, for example, red, yellow, - you can paint one of the walls of the bedroom, in case you are very fond of color or functionally combine the bedroom with another room. Then this wall should not be in front of your eyes when you are lying on the bed.

Four "no" for the bedroom

The already familiar Feng Shui master from China Tsai Qi Rong in his book designates four overriding principle arrangement of the bedroom, which she strongly does not recommend violating:

Symbols at random

Place two fish under the mattress under your head - painted or gold. For good luck in travel and business, put a rapana shell (curl) under the mattress.

Protecting love with Feng Shui

Symbols of happiness in personal life are mandarin ducks or birds (doves, swans, parrots), put in the bedroom in pairs. A love picture or a crystal chandelier in the bedroom will also contribute to marital well-being.

To preserve a marriage, you need to avoid:

  • Sleep under a chandelier that “cuts” the bed in half: its energy does the same with the integral energy of the spouses.
  • Sleep on separate mattresses.
  • Sleep in the bedroom under the dressing room. The fact is that the toilet "flushes" from top to bottom negative energy promising problems.

A bedroom is a place where there should be more space and less clutter, unnecessary information - only calmness, comfort and harmony. Put only a bed, a bedside table and a wardrobe in the room.

Feng Shui considers the bedroom to be the most important room in the home, as it has a huge impact on health, relationships and marriage. In the article, we examined the principles that should be followed when arranging a bedroom and choosing the placement of the most important element in it. But besides the location of the bed in the room also great importance has the quality of the bed itself, its shape and size.

New or old?

The first criterion for evaluating a bed in Feng Shui is its energy state and origin. The new bed has a fresh and clean energy that promotes good health... An old bed (previously used by someone) can cause sexual problems, lack of energy, and unknown symptoms. This applies to all parts of the bed: mattress, springs and frame. This also applies to your old, but beloved and comfortable bed.

Feng Shui does not recommend using beds that other people have slept on, as energy level such a bed can radiate emotions, sexual energy and illness of the previous owner. The worst case scenario is the bed on which the person died. If in this moment you cannot get a new bed, you should do the Orange Peel Ritual, which we will talk about in a separate article.

It's time to buy a new bed

The person you slept with in the same bed is dead. A new bed will help to cope with this misfortune, will help to forget the past.

- Termination of relationship with a partner. Purchase new bed will help neutralize old energy and will help attract a new one.

- If the person sleeping on this bed is seriously ill. A new bed will have a beneficial effect on health and protect against disease.

- When you move to a new home. V this case buying a new bed allows you to completely part with the old energy.

- When you get married. In this situation, buying a bed symbolizes a new and powerful beginning.

- If your bed was stolen. Don't be greedy, buy a new one.

If you are unable to purchase a new bed, you can replace the mattress or bedding.

The shape and size of the bed

Do not be frivolous about the shape and size of the bed. If you have noticed difficulties in your personal life or health problems for a long time, but cannot find an explanation for them, pay attention to your bed - perhaps you will find the reasons among the ones below. And feng shui will tell you what opportunities exist to solve certain problems associated with the bed.

- The bed is extremely large.
A large bed can cause a divorce or an end to a relationship, since it consists of two parts, which symbolizes separation. To eliminate this problem, a bright red cloth should be placed under the mattress, which should be sized to match the size of the bed.

- Water bed. You may like a water mattress, but you must admit that this is not a reliable foundation for good sleep and success in life.

- Storing things under the bed. Do not arrange a warehouse of things under the bed - this symbolizes stagnation, inability to be creative and difficulty in understanding new things. You can solve this problem by removing everything from under the bed.

- Bed with drawers. Drawers located under sleeping people interfere with good rest. If you do have to use them, use them only for their intended purpose, that is, to store blankets, sheets and pajamas, not books, guns, photographs, etc.

- The bed is too high or low. A bed too high or too low robs you of the energy you need. The bed is very great height, which you have to climb with the help of additional funds, is not conducive to romantic relationship... Single women may have trouble finding suitable man- a candidate for a spouse. After changing the bed to a new, more acceptable height, this problem can be solved. A bed that is too low or on the floor symbolizes a low position in society, which negatively affects material well-being.

- Bed with a metal frame. Such a bed can create a magnetic field, which is undesirable due to negative impact on sleeping people. Better to buy a bed with a wooden frame.

- A bed with built-in bookshelves and other accessories. Feng Shui does not recommend sleeping on such beds. As a rule, they are large in size and the headboards rise above the sleeping people in the form of a tower. Numerous drawers and bookshelves are a good place to accumulate various junk and garbage. This can lead to insomnia, restless dreams, or bad dreams.

- Objects located at the foot of the bed are higher than it. Ideally, there should be nothing at the foot of the bed that exceeds its height, as this symbolizes the impossibility of progress and success. These items include chests, plants, etc. A bed that is above the level of the mattress negatively affects activities such as travel and career. Also, Feng Shui does not recommend the use of sleigh beds, their curved shape negatively affects a sleeping person. In general, all of the above on a subconscious level creates tension in a sleeping person, which manifests itself in the form of a break in relationships and divorce. If the foot is made in the form of a lattice, this aggravates the situation, predicting disagreements with the law and even imprisonment... The solution to this problem will be purchasing a new bed. You can replace the old footboard with a new one, but do it carefully: do not overdo it with the tools, it will rob yourself of your luck.

- Moving or remodeling the bed. Care should be taken when moving or remodeling the bed. According to feng shui, during transportation, the bed should not be hit or tugged, as this can change its energy to negative and cause scandals in the family. This is especially not permissible if a pregnant woman is sleeping on the bed. Do not move the bed during the entire pregnancy.

- Retractable and folding beds. In Feng Shui, a bed that folds into the wall creates a feeling of temporary presence in the person sleeping on it. A person cannot relax without feeling a presence in his own home.

Increase the positive energy of the bed

Finally, here are some feng shui tips to help you get the most out of your bed:

A quality front headboard promotes career and marriage.

The front headboard should be securely fixed and not wobble, even under heavy load. It symbolizes career development, the stability of marital relations, and physical strength. If the backrest is loose or separated from the bed, this greatly weakens the people sleeping on it. The backrest is considered the best one made of a single piece of wood, without gaps or holes. The backrest, made of bars, symbolizes prison bars and can lead to problems with the law. To eliminate the negative impact, such a back should be wrapped with artificial green silk grapes.

The color of the bedding.

Coloring your sheets, duvets, and other bedding sets can help you accomplish a variety of tasks. Pink sheets, for example, will attract love and romance into your life, red ones - sizzling passion. Green sheets are good for maintaining health, getting well, and attracting money and new opportunities. Yellow, like green, has great strength healing.

With this article read

Feng Shui bedrooms: Which bedroom is favorable from the point of view of Feng Shui.

In order for the bedroom to be a place of relaxation and sleep to bring new strength, it is necessary to decorate its interior in the colors of the elements favorable to you. And besides, it is necessary to place the bedroom in a direction favorable to you.

Brown, beige and yellow colors- these are the colors of the earth, they are favorable if the bedroom is located in the west, northwest, northeast and southwest.

The energies of the earth are energies of stability and tranquility.

White, gray and gold are the energy palette of metal. And they are favorable for bedrooms located in the west, north, northeast, northwest.

The element metal is the energy of health, it is beneficial for people with very poor health. Since metal has another side that is responsible for strife, brawlers and bullies should never have a bedroom in the west or northwest, and the colors of the metal element should not prevail in the bedroom.

Blue and black are the colors of the water element, the water in the bedroom is not the best a good choice, since the energy, although calming, but at the same time intensifies the state of experience or depression. This energy can cause visions of spirits, hearing voices and other extraordinary abilities. If your child (especially children under 7 years old) does not sleep and screams at night, then it is worth checking if his bedroom is in the north and if the colors of the water (blue, black, blue) prevail in it

Only people in need of the water element can decorate the bedroom in blue tones. These colors are suitable for bedrooms in the north, east, west and southeast.

Green color in the bedroom - the energy of the tree. The tree element can cause mercy in people, and if there is a lot of it, then on the contrary irritation, thereby causing insomnia. Therefore, it is recommended to be careful with the design of the bedroom in green tones. So you can arrange a bedroom located in the east, southeast, south and north.

It is ideal for couples to have red tones in the interior of the bedroom, since red is the color of fire, passion, love. But the red color is not favorable for everyone, therefore, having determined the favorable elements for yourself, you can begin to change the design of the bedroom.

Bedrooms located in the south, east, northeast, northwest and southwest can be decorated in fire colors.

Feng Shui bedrooms: Bed in Feng Shui.

It is very important for couples to have a bed with one mattress, the bed should not have divisions, there should not be two mattresses and you cannot just put two beds together. Since separation on a love bed promises discord in relationships and a break in these relationships.

It is important not to have mirrors in the bedroom, mirrors are used in magic, like doors to the world are different, and this is not casual, mirrors have the qualities that we are in Everyday life we do not notice, there are rituals with mirrors by means of which magicians extract the objects or qualities they need "from the other side." A sleeping person is vulnerable, and if he is reflected in the mirror, then the possibility of energy disturbance increases.

In addition, if the sleeping couple is reflected in the mirror, then this symbolizes an overflowing marriage, which leads to the appearance of a third person in the relationship.

Feng Shui bed should not stand between the window and the door, otherwise the energy of sleeping people will be disturbed by the impetuous energy passing from door to window and vice versa. What can lead to illness, or a break in relationships.

Also, a Feng Shui bed in the bedroom should not stand so that the sleeping person or couple is facing the door with their feet.

At the present time, it has become very fashionable to build houses whose second floor has sloping ceilings, which is terribly inconvenient and very unfavorable for people living in such rooms. Sloped ceilings

In order not to experience the adverse effect of sloped ceilings, you need to place the bed in the room so that it does not stand under the sloped part. In addition, such a bedroom should be decorated in the colors of fire and keep the room well lit at all times, this will help reduce the feeling of depression.

It is especially bad if children sleep with their heads against an inclined wall, then you should not be surprised if they have poor grades in school.

If you sleep with your feet against an inclined wall, then you can earn yourself problems with the limbs. Therefore, they create a feeling of depression and can cause illness. the ideal room is a room of the correct shape, especially for the bedroom, since we spend a lot of time in the bedroom.

Feng Shui bed: optional.

In addition to the general arrangement of the room, the location of the bed is extremely important. Correct bedding can provide the room dweller with good luck and career opportunities. If the bed is placed in accordance with the rules of feng shui, its location connects favorable Qi flows, balances and strengthens the flow of qi, thereby positively affecting the health and success of a person.
Many people believe that the orientation of the bed to the cardinal points has the following effects:

Feng Shui bed: Headboard to the NORTH: promotes the development of intuition.
Feng Shui bed: Headboard to NORTH-EAST: helps in work related to experiments and scientific research.
Feng Shui bed: Headboard to the EAST: brings a peaceful, restful sleep.
Feng Shui bed: Headboard to the SOUTH-EAST: gives perseverance and perseverance in work.
Feng Shui Bed: Headboard South: Provides a good reputation.
Feng Shui bed: Headboard to the SOUTH-WEST: helps in love affairs.
Feng Shui bed: Headboard to the WEST: guarantees good offspring.
Feng Shui Bed: Headboard to the NORTH-WEST: Brings good luck in friendship.

However, in reality, all these beliefs are unfounded. According to Feng Shui teachings, the date of birth of the person sleeping on it plays a key role in determining the correct orientation of the bed. However, the problem is that a husband and wife born in different days sleeping on the same bed. The only way to resolve the situation is to place the bed where the qi flows best. In addition, many people do not know if the geomantic influence is related to the orientation of the bed itself or to the position of the head and legs of the sleeper.

Feng Shui masters agree that the geomantic influence has to do with the dreamer himself, not the bed.

Feng Shui bed, rules for installation:
1. The bed should not be placed under a ceiling beam.
2. The bed should not be placed with its feet against the bedroom door.
3. There should be no hole in the ceiling above the bed.
4. A mirror should not be placed at the foot of the bed.
5. The bed should not stand between two posts.
6. The bed should not stand with its feet to the corner of the room.
7. The bed should not be placed with your feet to the window, behind which you can see the water tank or chimney.
8. It is undesirable to place a stove, a sink and a container with water behind the head of the bed.
10. The head of the bed should be adjacent to the wall.

Feng Shui bed: additional rules for the bed and those sleeping on it are as follows:
1. The bed must be the correct size.
2. Select suitable date for setting the bed.
3. Place the "five lucky objects" under the bed.
4. It is not recommended to place or hang anything at the foot of the bed.
5. Lamps located at the foot of the bed should be decorated with a pattern.
6. Newlyweds are advised to place an amulet at the foot of the bed to speed up the appearance of children.
7. A round shape of the bed is undesirable.
8. The foot of the bed should not be parallel or in line with the bedroom door.
9. You should not move the bed during your wife's pregnancy.
10. Select a suitable date to move the bed.