Dream interpretation big white cat. White fluffy cat

In order to most accurately interpret what you saw and determine what fate wanted to suggest to the sleeping person, it is worth remembering all the smallest nuances of the vision. So, in order to understand why your beloved drunk man dreams, you need to pay attention to such details as, for example, what the person was wearing, what he was doing, what he looked like, where the events took place, etc.

What if you dream of a drunk man you love?

A drunk man you love is not the most pleasant and positive symbol out there, but with the right approach you can easily influence events real life and change them using hints.

Most often, a drunken lover foreshadows in reality a cooling of feelings, and if the young man behaved freely or in any way incorrectly towards anyone, this indicates that the dream will be followed by a quick separation.

A man who sits and quietly drinks an alcoholic drink foretells that the sleeping woman will randomly commit an act that she will later be ashamed of. If there were a lot of empty bottles or glasses next to your loved one, then you should take care of his health; some problems will arise, and not necessarily related to alcohol consumption.

Trying to get a guy to talk will lead to a quarrel with him soon, the conflict will occur due to a misunderstanding of each other’s values ​​and further life together will be in question.

A lover falling off his feet or even lying somewhere on the street due to severe alcohol intoxication promises a meeting with ex-love, such an unexpected turn will bring with it a lot of difficulties and troubles that can develop into big family problems.

Helping a drunk guy get to his feet and leading him somewhere means the appearance of a greedy person in close surroundings, someone is ready to take advantage of the dreamer’s kindness and responsiveness for selfish purposes, which can harm the girl who saw this vision.

Quarreling in a dream with your own man in a similar state means bringing into life a lot of troubles and difficulties, and it is almost impossible to fix anything, since all the problems will come from envious people.

The return of a drunken lover from work means problems both in this area and in the family; attempts to resolve certain business issues will lead to a complete cooling of feelings.

The fact that a girl drinks in a dream with her chosen one suggests that real events the dreamer perceives it biasedly or even not quite adequately. It is worth learning to soberly assess everything that is happening and try to look at any apparent problem from different angles.

What does it portend?

If a girl sees a drunk loved one in a dream, but does not recognize him, this foreshadows the appearance of a swindler in the sleeping woman’s life, who will drag her into an unpleasant series of events. In addition, it is recommended to take a closer look at your lover; it is also likely that this person is not who he claims to be and may be associated with criminal figures.

If a man wants to kiss his beloved or shows tenderness, such a dream, again, does not bode well: the business the couple is engaged in will undergo many difficulties and delays.

Declarations of love from a tipsy guy can only speak of betrayal on the part of a close and very dear person, it is worth remembering that you cannot trust anyone.

A crying, drunk loved one shows that the person is completely sincere and is offended by the mistrust on the part of his beloved, but if the man looked completely calm and decisive, then he intended to shift all questions and responsibilities to his other half.

A drunk beloved man most often in a dream is a kind of warning about something, and can bring both good news and extremely negative changes with him into reality. In order to understand what exactly the dream you receive is intended to show, it is worth interpreting it without missing a single, even the smallest and insignificant, at first glance, nuance.

Dream interpretation of a drunk man

A vision in which I happened to see a not sober man has negative interpretation. The Dream Interpretation believes that such a vision promises you an unpleasant meeting or some event that will not end in the best way for you.

I dreamed of a drunk man

Seeing a man who is not sober in a dream is a vision that has quite wide circle interpretations. It all depends on what the individual did, whether it was an acquaintance or stranger, and of course, not the last place will be occupied by your emotions during the vision.

Opinions of interpreters about why a drunk person dreams

Today there is no need to run to fortune tellers and ask why a drunk man is dreaming. It’s quite easy to open a dream book and read the interpretation of dreams in it.

Women's dream book

Seeing a person in an alcoholic intoxication in a dream means that you are frivolous about your colleagues and their behavior. If you don't change anything, there may not be the most pleasant consequences.

You should look at things more sensibly, without paying much attention to the laudatory odes of your colleagues, this is what this dream hints at.

if you dreamed of a drunk man

Esoteric dream book

  • After dreams in which you see how stranger guy is intoxicated, expect unpleasant encounters that will happen in real life.
  • Seeing your friend in a dream drunkenness- This person will experience grief.
  • Many people drinking alcohol means an epidemic of an infectious disease that you will catch.

Miller's Dream Book

People in a dream, intoxicated, mean that you may lose your head due to the flattering statements of your colleagues. Such behavior is fraught with troubles at work and dismissal.

Opinions of different nations about drunk people from our dreams

  • Muslims believe that seeing a friend in a state of alcoholic intoxication means that this individual has earned his wealth through dishonest means.
  • The Jewish dream book gives the following interpretation of dreams where you saw a person who was not sober - you will face difficulties and obstacles about which you will be very nervous.
  • The Ukrainian dream book says that a guy is intoxicated and dreams of deception.

Interpretation of dreams in which a loved one appears while intoxicated

Seeing your beloved husband in a dream after drinking alcohol is a negative dream, which means that your loved one will soon get sick. After such dreams, pay attention to your loved one, something is gnawing at him, he cannot cope with it on his own.

If you dreamed of a drunk husband

A dream in which your beloved husband appears before you after excessive libations can also mean troubles in the family, difficult financial situation, quarrels with relatives. It is possible that you will be involved in litigation.

Seeing your ex-deceased husband with blood in your mouth in a dream means that you are behaving inappropriately. You began to improve your personal life too early, and completely forgot about the children.

Often, the appearance of an ex-husband in drunk in night vision, is a warning of impending danger. In this case, troubles can arise both at work and in your personal life. Often, a dream suggests that soon your relationship with your loved one will deteriorate greatly; perhaps your loved one will appear before you in a completely different light.

Many interpreters believe that if you had a dream in which you saw your ex-husband intoxicated, it means that he is now in trouble and is having a hard time.

What does a dream about a drunk man promise for young girls?

For a young lady, a vision with a drunk young man, no matter whether he is an acquaintance or not, indicates that she is behaving too frivolously. This behavior can lead down the wrong path. You will do things that you will later bitterly regret.

An unfamiliar man in a dream pesters you and behaves inappropriately, which means that you will be faced with a certain situation in which it will be very difficult to maintain composure. To get out of it with honor, you need to gather all your strength into a fist.

If you dreamed of a drunk young man, deceased in reality, and he pesters you, gets into a fight, slaps you in the face, it means that your financial affairs will go up, a successful investment of capital is predicted.

Other dream predictions about drunk men

  • If you dreamed about an unhealthy boss, it means that your relationship will soon improve. You might even be offered a promotion.
  • A dream in which you saw your father in a not entirely sober state has a negative connotation; it promises quarrels with your loved one, and even separation.
  • An intoxicated son in a dream suggests that soon you will be pretty worried about him.
  • If you saw an unhealthy guy in a transport in your dream, it means that you are in for financial losses and a period of lack of money.
  • The most important thing is that all the forecasts given by dream interpreters are short-term and given for a short period of time.

Often, if you dreamed of a drunk man, then you should interpret it as unfavorable dream. To see a drunk stranger in a dream, this does not promise a very favorable meeting, or it will be a visit to some place, some event that evokes only negative emotions.

What if you dream of a drunk man?

The dreams that people have can mean very different interpretations, even for one dream. After all, now there are both the dream book of Sigmund Freud (the famous psychologist), and culinary dream book, Vanga’s dream book, Miller’s dream book and Nostradamus’ dream book, family, love, intimate, children’s, Russian dream books and many, many others. There are countless of them. You need to start with an interpretation of what a drunk man dreams about.

It happens that you may dream of a drunk man, and then you can definitely expect trouble. But if you dreamed of a familiar person and he was drunk in the dream, then he will be the one in trouble. You should definitely beware of deception, be attentive and not allow yourself to be provoked if a person dreams of a large group of drunken friends.

I had a dream in which it was large number drunk people, portends mass diseases. And therefore, you should try not to be in public places in order to keep your body healthy.

A woman dreamed of a drunk man, this is what you need to pay attention to and be wary of. If a woman dreamed of a man and he was drunk, then this means that she future husband will be a person who is not able to control his own emotions and he is capable of small and large meanness.

In case you dreamed drunk woman there are also many interpretations of this dream. If you dreamed about a drunk woman, it means that in reality a person should stop using it for a while. alcoholic drinks, since the consequences may be the most unpredictable.

A daughter may dream of a drunken father as a drunk man. Therefore, seeing your own father drunk in a dream is very bad sign. Treason or betrayal should be expected. If a drunk father behaves aggressively in a dream, then you should definitely wait for separation, which is inevitable, in principle.

What does it portend?

Did you dream of a drunken spouse? The interpretation of a dream in which the spouse is drunk means that there will be some kind of illness, or quite serious conflicts within the family, which in turn can lead to a nervous breakdown.

It also happens that you can even dream about a drunk child or a drunk boss. If you dreamed of a drunk child, then this portends big troubles. A dream in which the boss came drunk, this means that relations with him will improve. If in a dream, the person who is drunk happens to be next to you at the same table, then very soon you should expect to meet a vile person. I dreamed of a drunk man public place or transport, it portends minor troubles in financial matters

You also need to know the meaning if someone who is dreaming is drunk in his dream. Such a dream foreshadows something bad, it promises trouble. For example, this could mean the loss of a family, loss of a job, or health due to excessive gullibility.

The woman dreamed that she was drunk. Such a dream suggests that she should beware of frivolous and reckless actions, which in turn can bring trouble to the woman. And if in a dream a person gets very drunk, then in reality this may mean that the person will get more than a serious illness.

Seeing a friend drunk in a dream promises problems and sadness for him personally. A drunk friend means that he will cause you a lot of trouble in real life, without even knowing it. If you see a large group of drunk people, then you need to be very careful so that in real life you do not become a victim of deception or fraud.

If a woman, then this promises various problems and misfortune. Quarrels and scandals, a showdown are very likely. More this dream may portend deception and betrayal on the part of loved one. You should be more attentive to your spouse, as he may be tormented by something that he does not tell you about. If he was in company with other drunk men, then a serious illness may overtake your family.

Very often, a drunk husband in a dream serves as a reflection of your anxiety about similar events in reality. This is not surprising, because we often dream about what we think about or what we often see.

If a girl saw her drunk in a dream young man, this means that scandals and all sorts of meanness on his part are possible.

A drunk boss in a dream foretells that your relationship with him will soon improve, which will have a positive impact on your career.

A drunk father in a dream is very unfavorable sign. After this you can expect betrayal. If he behaves aggressively, then a split with your loved one awaits you; you may not talk for a while.

After you dreamed of a drunk man, you should be careful for some time and not decide important issues related to money. Otherwise, it may lead to negative consequences.

Valuable comments from readers

    Needless to say, drunk, whether in reality or in a dream, cannot promise anything good.

    • We have in our family drinking people. So, as a child, I saw enough of drunken faces. I've had enough.

    Good evening!! What could a drunk ex-young man mean? I am in a bright room and my ex enters this room drunk and says something, I don’t remember what!!! Thank you!!

    • The dream may mean that you will receive unpleasant news. Or you will encounter an unpleasant person.

    Hello.. my boss constantly finds fault with me. Of the 10 people in our department, I’m the only one who doesn’t receive encouragement either in words or in money. I went and talked to him directly.., they told me that I don’t work well and that he has a subjective attitude towards me. and what if I don’t like it, I can quit.! – TODAY I DREAMED MY BOSS WAS DRINKED, SMILED AND WAS COMING TO ME..!!!??? Sonmir, what else should I expect from him!! got rid of all my nerves.. THANK YOU! maybe you know.. a conspiracy or ritual from a harmful boss..

    • Hope, your dream indicates problems in communicating with him. It is known that it is better not to prove anything to a tyrant boss - it will only get worse. Therefore the most best plot will really leave a place where you are not valued. At this point, decide for yourself what is more profitable for you: work or wasted nerves on such a person. A person always has a choice. I wish you successful resolution of the conflict and possible reconciliation with your boss.

    I dreamed of my beloved, very drunk, covered in blood, surrounded by also drunk people, strangers to me. They came to my window and when I saw it, I managed to close them. And I wanted to call an ambulance. And when I looked out the second time, he was lying sideways on the glass frame, I opened the window and they all suddenly entered the house and began to smear me with shit, and I shouted to my mother and asked her to call the police and woke up.

    • Tatyana, this dream may represent upcoming New Year holidays, as well as the chaos it will cause. A quarrel with your husband is possible, as well as feasts and fun. Glasses most likely indicate witticisms and unpleasant words addressed to you, which will come from close friends or relatives. It is likely that the year will start quite well financially, but rather chaotically, there may be delays and a feeling that not everything has been done.

    My common-law husband is sick and is being offered heart surgery. and so I had a dream that I was in the room and my husband came back and looked, we were sorting things out, he found a bottle of vodka and poured it into the sink, I told him he should have left it for compresses…. and then he shows me by opening the mesh stitches that go all over the head and through the body where the heart is. I stand there groaning, I say how can I go to the kitchen, I say I’ll feed you and that’s it….

    • Larisa, this dream speaks of care and troubles on your part. Apparently, in the future you will have to look after your husband. The bottle of vodka in his hands may also be no coincidence, but speak of a desire to get better.

    I have a girlfriend, my father is against us being together, we are going to move in together soon, I understand that then there will be a conflict with him... And now I had a dream, she and I are lying at my house and my whole family says to hide her, and he was walking around the apartment drunk and suddenly saw her and started swearing at her, get out of here! Screamed obscenities, etc…. I already jumped up, it was such a terrible dream, he didn’t tell me in a dream, I’ll kill both of them together... why could I dream such a disgusting thing?

    • Ivan, in fact, your dream only expresses fears about future events. As you said, you are going to move in together, and this is an important and responsible step. The girl’s father is against it, which means that this will make its own adjustments to the mood. A still drunk person, especially an acquaintance, says that there will be unpleasant communication with him.

      • I dreamed about my father, not about girls.

    I dreamed: a drunken stranger threw me a large fish, shiny with fat, which seemed to be smoked, in front of my feet. I leave him, hide behind a column, maybe of some kind of store, and three unfamiliar men are standing nearby, I perceive them as people who are not scary to be around, and who seem to be aware of what is happening. Night.
    And before this dream, on the same night, in a previous dream I saw, perhaps, these same 3 men at the table. There were a lot of people at this table, as if there was a party, I’m not sitting at the table, but I seem to be helping to set it. The house is not mine. I'm glad these three came. I also wash glasses.
    What is this for?

    • Tatyana, perhaps some kind of meeting with people, a party or something similar awaits you in the future. A fish in a dream can be a symbol of a relationship, as well as an offer from some man to date. For a woman, this can also be a symbol of pregnancy.

      • Thank you. Pregnancy is excluded - I'm 56. If smoked fish is a symbol possible relationships, then apparently future man not very good if I saw him drunk in a dream?

        • Tatyana, this can really indicate difficulties.

    Hello! Today I dreamed that a married unknown man (young, good-looking) was trying to court me, we were sitting at a table on the street and talking. This did not cause any pleasant or unpleasant emotions for me. I dreamed for the first time similar dream. What does it mean? Sorry that the question is off topic.

    • It is possible that in life there will be some kind of clarification of relationships, identification of problems, heart-to-heart talk.

    Hello! I dreamed about my dead father being drunk. Moreover, he himself did not look like himself (fat, taller and with a beard). He scared me very much, and I ran away to the neighbors. They were preparing for the wake and offered to help me bake a cake. I refused and ran out onto the site. I stood there, and then decided that why am I afraid to go into my own apartment. I came in. This is where the dream ended. What could this mean? Thanks in advance!

    • Natalya, most likely, the dream promises problems that may visit your home. There is a possibility of uninvited guests coming to it.


    Please help me interpret the dream. I dreamed about ex-husband. He and I recently divorced, broke up badly, we have one child together (he didn’t even come to the birth).
    In general, I dreamed of him being cheerful and seeming to be driving. Looked good and a little different than usual. I was with another woman, dark-skinned. Both were wearing black clothes. In the dream, for some reason, he spoke English to her, and he speaks well and just seems to compliment her, although in real life he speaks very poorly (at one time I taught him so that we could leave the country together, but he refused in the end ). Someone told me that they are now together and seem to have gotten married. I felt kind of sad in my soul. And that's how I woke up.
    The other day I was just remembering the past, trying to finally let go of the past, I’ll be honest, cursing both him and his mother (she tried so hard). This, of course, is not good, but it broke through too much, most likely I dreamed it, because I remembered it.
    But I understand that if the other one is with her in a dream, then it means she let go and forgave her? And how can we understand his drunkenness and the black clothes of this couple?

    • You are doing everything right in wanting to let him go and forget him. And emotions and anger - it’s quite understandable for him, you shouldn’t be ashamed of these feelings.
      Your dreams say that things are not going so smoothly for him. Life may be better in words, but in reality there is a high chance that it will go downhill (alcohol and the color black). There is some incomprehensibility about why he does certain things, as well as cloudiness of consciousness.

      • Hello,
        Thank you. I don’t know, maybe he really isn’t as well off as he claims. I understand that perhaps I’m writing in the wrong section, but just after reading the interpretation of the dream, others dreamed about it. Please help, maybe it means that everything has passed and we can move on? At least that's the internal feeling.

        1) (I recently met another man, but was not interested in continuing) I dreamed of two rings on either the index or middle finger, a black ring with shiny stones in the shape of an inverted letter omega.
        In the dream, I suspect that it is plastic and, when removed, it seems inside I see the price is 10 kopecks)). In my dream, I doubt whether to throw it away or leave it. And at the same time I have ring finger(right) mine gold ring(in real life, my mother gave it to me). I think let it remain unnamed for now.

        2) I dreamed about BM again. For some reason he was aged, looking ugly in black clothes and big glasses. He muttered something displeased when he saw me. I find out that he had a heart attack due to our separation, he no longer wants to continue our relationship, because... afraid of another heart attack. Then I decisively approach him and hug him, then we seem to be kissing, then his mother comes in and we ignore her, she has a loser’s smile on her face. Then we spend some time together, sleep blurred. Then we seem to find ourselves in the hotel lobby, here I start talking while sitting with a woman with brown hair who is also sitting, I understand that she is pregnant. She is wearing a black dress and a burgundy cardigan. She seems to be saying something about plans for the future with my bm. In general, I understand that everything is over between us, but for him it’s new love and he is also happy about their child. At first he promises that I and my child can stay in his apartment, then just the two of us go into the next room and he tells me that I can’t stay, I’ll have to move out. He says that if we want to save the relationship, we better not uh sleep. If I don't want to save good relations between us, then of course we can sleep and that’s all. All this time he is wearing black clothes and a gray cap. I say I don't want good ones friendly relations and better uh intimate. We kiss and that's it.

        In general strange dream it worked out. Does all this mean that I will finally forget, but he really completely forgot everything and everything went better for him? If he had a heart attack, does that mean he is already in a serious relationship?

        And in the first, it seems to mean that my current boyfriend is not serious at all and I still cling to old connections?

        Help please!

        • The first dream says that you had a beginning (1), and then nothing (0). That is, as you yourself said, you do not intend to continue this relationship. Although there are still some doubts.
          The second dream indicates that everything in his life is quite serious ( dark colors- intention, willpower), but still, it happens that he will remember you. Probably after receiving news about him (they saw a pregnant woman).

      • Oh, in the second dream I seem to be standing in a small pond supposedly next to my husband’s house with clean water Having learned that BM had a heart attack, I examine the fry. There are a lot of them there, I even try to catch them, but it’s kind of sluggish, thinking that it’s better to let them grow up, then I’ll catch fish.

          • Thank you very much!))
            And in fact, after the first day I stopped communicating with the person.
            Sorry, but according to the second one he really has
            uh, serious positive changes in your personal life?
            Well, it will be interesting to check)).

            Thank you))

            Quite likely. The future will tell. Good luck to you and good dreams!

    Hello, please help me decipher the dream. I dreamed of a guy’s father, but I’ve never seen him in my life and don’t know what he looks like. We were somewhere in a cafe at some kind of celebration, and he talked a lot and noisily. He seemed to be a little drunk and spoke a little strangely, as if he had a lisp or a lisp; in the dream I couldn’t understand what exactly was wrong. I also thought that he turned out to be a little different from what I had imagined, it seemed to me that he would easily find common language with my parents. I remember exactly that in the dream he addressed me specifically, but I can’t remember what he said.

    • Alya, often a person who speaks poorly in a dream, and is also drunk, indicates the likelihood of unpleasant communication in real life.

    Hello, Igor!

    I’m not writing about my dreams on this topic, but the fact is that those articles where my dreams relate are closed for commenting. Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
    I had a dream that a man with whom we had not yet fully reconciled told me with some kind of resentment: “Let’s break up!” I saw that dreams on these lunar days do not have any meaning, but I would like to know whether such a dream should be understood literally or exactly the opposite?
    And today I had a dream that I came to ballroom dancing training and saw my man there. Either he saw me and left to spite me, or he didn’t notice me and left because I wasn’t there. He went out into the next room-café, sitting already changed, in a suit, drinking tea and looking somewhat dissatisfied, and my friend ran after him to talk or something. And I stand and observe that he seemed to mutter something to her, she, in my opinion, is talking to him, but he is busy with himself, or rather, with his tea party.
    Dreams of this day are interpreted the other way around, but the dream occurred from Thursday to Friday.
    Thanks for your comments

    • Carolina, I still think that the dream was about a shapeshifter, that, on the contrary, you are both striving to restore the relationship.
      The second dream shows that there is still some kind of detachment and dissatisfaction on his part. I would take this dream literally.

    Hello, Igor!

    I dreamed that I saw a girl sitting on a branch above the sea, she looked at my man (we have not yet finally made peace) and I understand that she likes him, but he, on the contrary, looks at me and I feel that he likes her indifferent, but he imitates sex with her and at the same time constantly watches my reaction, doesn’t even react to the girl, does it out of spite, uses her as a tool to annoy me. I saw that these dreams lunar days come true, can bring insights, open true essence things, surrounding people and events.
    I also dreamed that I was sitting on his bed, either in intensive care, or in the hospital, in general, checking on him, he said something pleasant to me, it seemed like he was even sad somehow. And I throw back the sheet and see in the flashlight a seam on the chest, i.e. They had heart surgery and I was even somehow amazed, I didn’t expect this.
    I also had a dream that I saw on the balcony (at first it seemed like it was someone else’s, and then it seemed like it was his) standing, it seems, his wife was alone, they actually divorced, or is it just a woman who looks like a monkey and is kind of sad... That.
    How would you interpret these dreams? Thank you very much for your comments.

    Igor, good afternoon!

    I dreamed that a man with whom we had not yet made peace told me to come to him before 3 am, in this case we have a chance to get married or be together, but I was about half an hour late and I see that he lies on my couch at home, covered with a blanket. I threw away the blanket and saw that there were about 6 pebble sea stones lying next to him in an even row, supposedly these were his family. I understand that he set the time specifically to hurry me up, and, it seems, the place near him is already occupied by these stones, but I feel that this was all done on purpose, to annoy me or something. I also wondered if everything was okay with him if he passed these stones off as family.
    IN lunar calendar it is written that dreams can be trusted, they are prophetic.
    What does this dream say? Please tell me where it is better for me to write my dreams, because entries in the relevant articles are already closed.
    Thank you.

    • For example, this comment could be written in “sofa”, “wedding”, “sea”. Finding them all is very easy using the search located in the upper right corner or the alphabetical index located on the side of each article.
      Regarding sleep, you can expect dryness on his part, unjustified expectations for any changes. Stones indicate difficulties, perhaps their number 6 is significant - which is a symbol of obstacles, usually dreams of people with good developed intuition, thus warning of difficulties. In any case, after this dream you should understand that there is still work to be done in terms of reconciliation and compromise.

    Igor, hello!

    I dreamed that in some hotel I felt the invisible presence of a man with whom I had not yet completely reconciled; I didn’t see him, but I knew that he was nearby, here. I see his friend sleeping, who with dissatisfaction covers his head with a blanket, supposedly we are disturbing him and woke him up. A friend has hair on his head, although in reality he is bald. After some time, I returned to the hotel, and my friend had already moved away from us so that we would not disturb him. I went into the bathroom, and there was water pouring from the tap in the shower, it was broken, I tried to turn off the water with my hands. And then I see a maniacal killer come into our locked room and try to open the room.
    Tell me, please, what is this dream for? I tried to write in the relevant articles, but there was no similar topic, sorry.

    • Most likely, in the future there may be a strong manifestation of emotions about the relationship with your significant other. As if everyone will try to make peace. The hair says that this is a very good person, he is faithful to you.
      The image of a criminal can speak of external trouble, which will upset your plans, and also means fears.

    Hello! Help me understand the dream, please. Today I had a dream that my husband was drunk on vacation at the seaside, and we were having a conversation on the phone, he was aggressively shouting at me (at at the moment We had a huge fight and were on the verge of divorce). How to understand this?
    And even earlier I dreamed interesting dream, which I can’t get out of my head. So, I see an oriental man sitting in a chair (a respectable businessman, expensively dressed, a neat black short beard, like a model) and my husband is standing in front of him and reporting, he even staged some kind of clownery - he was somehow nervous. And the eastern man looks at him and says, you know, your wife is such a good one in every sense real woman. I really like her. And then some kind of war began in a dream and suddenly I wake up in a dream after a coma or something, and I see a place unfamiliar to me - this is a house eastern men, I go out into the yard - there are flowers, the servants are walking around. My servant-mentor came up to me and asked how I was feeling. Then I ask this woman, where is my daughter? She took me by the hand and led me to my daughter’s room and said - don’t be afraid, your daughter was worried about you and out of nervousness we gave her a pacifier, but the doctor said that as soon as the mother gets better and the daughter will get back on her feet. As soon as my daughter saw me, she immediately ran into my arms and I was very glad that she recognized me. And then, my wise woman mentor told me that now it’s time to meet your husband (this Eastern man), who did a lot for you and was waiting for you to wake up. And this is how I actually wake up. I saw such a dream for the first time in marriage for 8 years. Help me explain. Thank you in advance.

    • Natalya, the dream says that you are now on the path of change. A lot depends on your decision. It is likely that dreams show two various options, which you see in front of you at the present time - improve your relationship with your husband or let everything take its course. A drunk person is a reflection of the real conflict in this person; it takes time and not adding fuel to the fire - then the quarrel will go away. The conversation may be about a real conversation with your husband. The second dream is a kind of future that, to one degree or another, I wanted to come true. More precisely, it reflects what you lack in given timegood advice, what to do next, a caring and understanding man.

      • Sonmir, thank you very much!

    Explanation. Actually, I have a daughter, she is 5 years old.

    Hello! And if in a dream you dreamed of a man slightly under the chafé? In a dream, I see a man with whom we are at some event with a feast and we have to do something (he tells me what needs to be done and is ready to help), he is a little drunk (he drank a little), my mother is categorically against him, doesn’t want me to communicate with him, but he is apparently familiar and pleasant to me in the dream, since he comes close to me from behind and takes me by the shoulders, hugs me lightly, and I want him to hug me tighter and pull me closer, he did just that - he hugged me tighter, but carefully, and this moment of my thoughts, when he hugs me to himself, is long. And before this episode, I also see that I seem to be coming out of a shell (like a chicken from an egg), but I don’t see the whole shell, but only a part, and I kind of understand that it’s broken and I’m already without it. Please explain my dream! I paid attention to him, because I don’t understand who this man under the armchair could be, who evoked positive emotions.

    • Alla, the dream says that in the future you will leave your comfort zone, somehow change yourself and your life. A drunk person indicates some frivolity, a relationship without any obligations. It is possible that the moment with your mother reflects her real thoughts about some moments in your life, worries about your future.

    Could it be a clue that my mother is against my communication with this man? In reality, there is one person towards whom my mother has a negative attitude (although she practically does not know him, but she was initially in a bad mood). If this is so, then is it clear from the dream how this person treats me? The fact is that I have a serious conversation with him (the person I’m thinking about) (about him) and I’m wondering how he will react to my information. That's why I paid attention to this dream, perhaps there is a clue. In the dream he is not drunk, but slightly drunk. Although this may be another person, in the dream he seems to be familiar to me. Thank you!

    • Alla, I think you will find the answer in my comment that I already wrote.

    Hello. I dreamed that my beloved came to me. He was drunk and looked unwell, but he smiled. I hugged him and stroked his hair. His hair was different. Hair is dirty. Then he dragged me to the balcony. It was very light. The balcony itself was bright, but there was no railing on one side and I was a little scared. We stood for a while. I looked down and saw my friends. Then I dragged him back into the room. Then we found ourselves at his work. (He is currently looking for a job). So, there his boss scolded us and said that she did not need such an employee and fired him. And he took it easily, like, okay, big deal. He took my hand, and we left...Then we found ourselves on the street, I looked, and he and his friend were leaving for some kind of hangar. It was very dark there, I called out to him, he turned and said that he would come now.

    • The dream may indicate that he is now in a slightly confused state, there is some instability and the need to solve emerging difficulties. It is possible that his mood will somehow be reflected and projected onto you, and some failures will contribute to misunderstanding.

      • Thanks for the answer)

        Hello! I read your answer about a drunk man and I had a question: if in a dream a slightly intoxicated man hugs his shoulders from behind, does this indicate his frivolity or excitement? And what does it mean that it presses you to itself, coming up from behind so that it is not visible? Thank you!

        • Sasha, some minor offense, but unpleasant to you. From the back - a surprise.

    Good afternoon I dreamed of a man, we are in a relationship, but he is from another city. Left now. A dream like this: We came to work together, set up a place to stay for the night and he left. After a while, some people brought him under the arms, very drunk... They put him in the corner of the house (the house is incomprehensible, there are walls, no roof. It’s like it’s warm outside and we don’t need it). He, sitting in the corner, began to call me. Loudly and by name. I came up, calmed him down and took him to bed to rest. I lay down next to him and he repeated my name several more times, what he called me or something...
    How to understand this dream? For the first time I dreamed about him...
    Thank you!

    • Elena, it’s possible that he misses you. Seeing him drunk means problems and sorrows will be observed in his life, as if because of them he will have to accept certain restrictions. It is no coincidence that you had a dream, it is connected with you, or rather, all these changes will be felt when communicating with him.

      • How do you mean “connected with you”? Will our communication be limited? And I had another dream. In general, I don’t remember the beginning, but the ending is like this: The same soldier and his friend and I were walking, it’s summer, it’s warm. Then we came to some beach and lay down to sunbathe. His friend lay down between us. He lay down and quickly left. When he left, the martyr hugged me, and I woke up.

        • Elena, perhaps the dream indicates that in the future there will be no barriers between you, communication will become easier and more understandable to you.
          The symbols reflect stability.

    I dreamed of a boss, drunk, cheerful, and inviting me to dance. But what can this promise if I’m on maternity leave and definitely don’t plan to go to work for another couple of years?

    • Tatyana, if in terms of work, then a person may cause conflicting feelings in you, but in terms of work, precisely as an employee, everything should go well for you. In the future, of course, if you come back.
      In the near future, a drunk person in a dream promises ill-considered actions and troubles.

    Hello. My common-law husband is on a business trip; in six months he was at home twice for one week. The last time was two months ago. We fight with him. He wants me to come to him, I insist that he come himself, because the child is bored. It's too far to travel with a child, I'm afraid. And he also doesn’t want to get married, and I refuse to go to him for the same reason. I’m telling you, if I were your wife, I wouldn’t think twice about it, but it’s not clear who I’m refusing as a position. Now I have the same dream repeating itself. He is cheerful, drunk and dancing, and people around him are also dancing (men, women). I call him, we argue, I’m jealous. He says that he met a girl at the club and he likes her. And suddenly I see that he is with this girl, they are smiling at each other. I wake up with a feeling of resentment, fear and his betrayal.

    • Olga, the dream may be inspired by suspicion, in in this case it will most likely turn out to be a false, far-fetched dream. When suspicions give rise to even greater suspicions, and the time separating the time of your last meeting enhances this effect. Most likely, the dream is connected with reality, your thoughts “ran” into the dream, as if they showed you a movie according to a script that depicts your anxiety and jealousy. In this case, you can fully understand, of course, the uncertainty and specificity of your husband’s work is a test for the relationship.

    Good afternoon. Today I dreamed of a young man, we communicate with him at a distance, drunk. I watch him from the side and think that he reminds me of my ex-boyfriend, and why did he get so drunk? What could this portend? Thank you.

    • Elya, there may be some kind of misunderstanding in communication. The reason for this is common problems, which with their influence also capture the sphere of relationships.

    Hello, this is not a dream about a drunk, but don’t blame me. It’s just that comments are closed in other places, but I really want to know what a dream means. Please help me understand. I dreamed of a loved one, with whom we broke up recently, we were standing next to each other, I was hanging out washed clothes, but it was not a balcony, it was high, about 7-10 floors. and then he leaned over the railing and began to fall, I shouted at him to grab onto something, while he was flying, he tried to grab the railing, something else, to soften the fall, then we found ourselves in the room. He was sitting, and my father stood opposite him (my father is no longer alive). And dad scolded him and hit him in the face with his fist twice, my beloved blushed, but remained silent, tears rolled down his eyes, I felt sorry for him, I went up and wiped his tears with my hand.

    • I think that your dream allegorically shows everything that happened between you. Washed linen indicates a quarrel, or rather reasons for conflict. The fall reflects a sharp deterioration in the relationship between you, a gap, which was a strong negative experience for both you and him. Attempts to grab hold are likely a reflection of attempts to make peace. However, your story may continue in the future; it is possible that some kind of heart-to-heart conversation will take place, an admission of mutual mistakes. It’s too early to talk about the prospects.

    Hello! Please help me figure out what's what. My husband, son and I live in the apartment where I spent my childhood with my parents. Today my mother lives in another apartment, my father died at 45 from heart problems. He often drank and made scandals in reality. And today I dreamed vivid dream that I was returning from somewhere (I don’t know where), I went into the entrance, the outer door was iron (this is what it is in reality, only in a dream it looks old) and is poorly closed (that is, it cannot be swung open, but the lock does not completely closed), I go up to the second door, and it is very old, wooden, but painted in white, the jambs are somehow crooked, but the key fits, I open the doors, go in, and in the open doorway at the entrance to the hall, my father stands, holding the doorframe. He is very drunk, does not look at me and did not turn to respond to the review. Dressed in some shabby gray-blue suit. The apartment and corridors are all brightly lit (i.e. it is light in the apartment). The feeling was like this in a dream: he was dead in theory, and drunk (a nagging feeling of “again?”). Something is bothering me... I dreamed about it only a couple of times and I don’t remember what it was about... And all these doors... Old crooked ones, although new ones have been standing for a long time... Ps. It’s especially not calm, because the day before the birth... The pregnancy was already difficult, it came unexpectedly (they planned for a year later, but now, then now), it has undermined my health, the strength of my household and my finances... I’ve been having some strange dreams lately time, but I can’t figure out what to do to improve the situation. I hope you can at least give me some advice. Thanks in advance!

    • Oksana, I really had a dream in difficult period Your life, when it seems that all the problems have fallen on you at once, plus you don’t feel the best. Usually such dreams are warnings that the future will not be simple. So be strong and confident in your future. Everything will get better!

    Hello. Lately I often dream of drunk people. The last dream was that my drunken husband went to prison, but I understood that until the evening. And at this time his friend, also drunk, came to our house from prison and began to behave frivolously and arrogantly towards me. Later he left. And my late dad came drunk and I tried to prevent them from meeting, but still they started drinking together on the street. Then some people came into my house unknown men and they handed me a cap with something in it, and when I took a sip, they said that it was alcohol and needed to be diluted. And I felt a strong burning sensation in my mouth. They drank and left. And finally my husband came and that friend who behaved badly with me began to say bad things about me to my husband... and I woke up.

    • Tatyana, a dream can promise significant stress in life, worry, quarrels in the family. The appearance of a deceased person in a dream suggests that all events occurring in life after the dream will have great value for the development of the future. The dream also reflects the state of people, as if they are “out of their minds”, in a state that is unusual for them, more stressful.

    Igor, good afternoon!
    I dreamed: a drunk father gave a foot massage to my mother. Thanks in advance.

    • There may be a disorder in their family, the father is worried and worried.

    Hello, I dreamed of a good friend of mine who was very drunk, fell, was covered in mud, his wife dragged him, and then came up to me. My wife starts kissing me on the lips. And she is naked to the waist and has beautiful breasts, like a young girl. Why would this be?

    • Elena, the problem may be in their family. Usually such symbols do not indicate anything favorable.
      A kiss may mean a quarrel. In general, their problems can result in you in the deterioration of communication.

    Hello! I woke up in the middle of the night and dreamed that my brother was calling me and telling me that my boyfriend was drunk. At this time I am at my parents’ house, I am very nervous. I look out the window and see him walking, staggering, in dirty clothes with flowers. I throw flowers, tell him to get out of my parents' house and slam the door. He leaves, I shout something after him and suddenly he returns, knocks down the door and the next moment I see myself tied up and him next to me and I wake up.

    • Anastasia, a drunken lover in a dream predicts a cooling of the relationship with him in reality. His obscene behavior may even foreshadow a quarrel. If he often abuses it in reality, then such a dream may personify your feelings about this.

    Good afternoon, I dreamed that I was driving with my daughter in the car (she was driving) and another friend in the car. At the edge of the road we saw our daughter’s boyfriend drunk. They took him with them and took him home, tried to put him to bed, but he didn’t want to say that he had to do something else. In the end we all lay down. What could this mean? thanks in advance!

    • Alina, it is possible that someone will find a problem that may require a solution from the whole family.

    Good afternoon, from Friday to Saturday I had a dream: as if I saw a drunk stranger in some restaurant, but he looked so unhappy (it seemed like he had broken up with a woman) that I felt sorry for him. The restaurant was closing, but he couldn’t figure out where to go and they just wanted to throw him out onto the street (it was winter). I brought him to my home (the house is private and not very in good shape, but it’s cozy inside). Soon, I noticed movement outside the window and when some boy came out at a distance and slipped a black bag, I was sure that it was a bomb and it exploded a little later, but the explosion turned out to be weak and funny. At this time, my guest woke up, already sober, they began to communicate and I felt sympathy. He, it seemed, also began to show signs of attention, but that was where the dream ended. I see a lot of dreams, but for some reason I remember this one...

    • The yard was very snowy... like in a village in a snowy winter....

      Catherine, the dream most likely has an unfavorable prognosis - troubles and negative communication. Moreover, some of the problems you will find are your own fault, and it is possible that you will receive news that will upset you.
      The last moment when the man became sober is favorable; he speaks of hope for the future, prospects for improvement.

The article on the topic: “dream book of a guy you like when he’s drunk” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Often our subconscious mind presents unexpected surprises, projecting in dreams those images that will be very pleasant to the dreamer. But is everything so smooth? It’s worth figuring out why the guy you like dreams about, according to well-known dream books.

Dream Interpretation: the guy you like

To figure out what the appearance of a given young man in a dream means, you need to remember as many details as possible, collect them into one single image and find out the meaning of the dream from a dream interpreter.

  • If you quarrel with this man in your night dreams, then in reality everything will be exactly the opposite. You have a real opportunity to become closer friend to a friend, which, perhaps, in the future could develop into a long and strong love affair;
  • In your nightly fantasies you saw a competitor. In real life, she does not lay claim to this young man at all. Either she's not his type;
  • Seeing a guy you like in a dream, but he is upset about something and looks upset. In reality, a completely different man is interested in you. He will soon make his intentions known. Interpreters recommend not to reject it immediately, but to at least think about it. Perhaps this person is much more suitable for you than the guy from the Kingdom of Morpheus;
  • A passionate kiss with a guy you like in the Kingdom of Morpheus. No matter how beautiful this image is, this is a very negative message for the dreamer, signifying continuous troubles in reality. Interpreters recommend avoiding all kinds of conflicts and being more understanding. For some time, even the smallest disagreement with a loved one can cost you dearly;
  • Is alone in a romantic setting. This image warns of gossip behind your back. Enemies will try to unsettle you, but you will hold fast to your path in life;
  • If a guy you like hugs you in a dream, then in real life this person also experiences sympathy and affection for you. Dream Interpretations advise you to “strike hot iron” and start taking action. Then you can miss the opportunity and go into long-term depression;
  • If in a dream the object of your adoration suddenly turned into someone else, then in reality he subconsciously frightens you with something. Your dream directly indicates that you want to correct and change something in him. But you shouldn’t do this, because it never led to anything good. It is also a symbol that feelings may soon cool down;
  • The guy in the dream appears before you in the image of a prince on a white horse (or something similar to this) - in real life you idealize him too much. This image also indicates the dreamer’s low self-esteem. Dream interpreters recommend taking off your rose-colored glasses and stopping collecting.

Interpretation of the image according to famous dream books

Miller's Dream Interpreter

  • If you experience pleasant emotions in a dream, then in reality you should think several times before trusting him. This person may be one of those who is just playing with feelings. You should not count on a long-term relationship with such a person, but will only bring pain, disappointment and a heavy burden on your soul into your life;
  • But if the guy you like causes you unpleasant emotions in a dream, behaves defiantly and stupidly, then there is an opportunity to establish a good romantic relationship with such a person;
  • Miller also interprets the image of a man who arouses your sympathy as success in financial matters. In the near future, you may receive a well-deserved promotion to a position that will not be limited to just one step on the career ladder.

The guy I like is Vanga's dream interpreter

  • Bulgarian clairvoyant believes that if this man appeared before you in the image of a drunken and sloppy person, then this indicates your low self-esteem and excessive complexes. You should also open up to the world so that the world will open up to you;
  • The image of a “prince on a white horse” - You greatly idealize this person. One day this may play a cruel joke on you;
  • Seeing a beaten guy means great disappointments in love that this person will bring into your life. You need to love such a man extremely carefully so as not to get burned;
  • A quarrel in a dream marks a scandal with this guy in reality. After this, feelings will cool sharply and imperceptibly. What consequences this will bring depends only on you;
  • Indifference in night dreams leads to sympathy in reality. If the guy you like does not show any signs of attention in a dream, in real life he is very attached to you.

Interpretation of the image according to Tsvetkov’s dream interpreter

  • Kissing a guy you have feelings for in reality brings minor troubles and troubles related to your career and household chores. However, you can quickly deal with them, and they will not cause much damage. Also this symbol portends disappointment in friends;
  • It's nice to spend time alone with a guy you like. This image also does not carry any positive interpretations. Dream interpreter Evgenia Tsvetkova warns about possible diseases that will reach your family. It is worth undergoing a routine examination with a doctor to avoid this.

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Drunk lover according to the dream book

A drunk person in a dream is compared by the dream book with a weak-willed, weak and unpleasant person. The dream of a drunkard speaks of a brazen intrusion into the dreamer’s life, and also warns of the consequences of his wastefulness and frivolity. Why do you dream about a drunk loved one?

Interpretation of sleep by Miller's dream book

For a woman who dreamed of a drunken beloved man, psychologist Miller foretells a noticeable cooling in the relationship with her lover. Seeing the indecent behavior of your drunken boyfriend means a quick separation from him.

Get ready to solve problems

Aesop, in his dream book, interprets what a person dreams of while intoxicated as unforeseen difficulties, which, if not solved immediately, can transform into big problems.

See ex-man in a dream, drunk, lying under a fence, announces unexpected meeting with ex-lover. Medea, explaining night vision, predetermines difficulties and troubles due to past love relationships.

Ask for help!

Loff's dream book indicates your feeling of helplessness and attempts to shift your obligations onto someone else's shoulders, explaining why you dream of a drunk loved one. The dream interpreter advises you to honestly admit your troubles to your lover and ask for help.

But the beloved girl is drunk, announcing the accumulated troubles in the life of her other half. Perhaps the dreamer should take the initiative and offer his help.

Get rid of prejudices!

Seeing a drunken chosen one in a dream, according to the Modern Combined Dream Book, means that you do not adequately perceive the surrounding reality. The dream interpreter calls for a sober assessment of the situation that is developing in reality, and to look at it from different angles.

Changes are coming!

In the dream book for the Bitch, a dream about a drunken beloved guy speaks of the bad influence the character has on the dreamer. Seeing him in a large company of drunk people in a dream foreshadows a change labor activity or dismissal from work.

What is the character hiding?

If in a dream the chosen one is not only drunk, but also mustachioed, then, as esotericists say, in reality he has some kind of secret from you. Seeing a tipsy and mustachioed husband who does not wear a mustache in reality indicates possible insincerity, betrayal, or problems at work.

Make time for love

Did you dream about your beloved woman being intoxicated? The dream marks the girl’s dissatisfaction with her current relationship with the dreamer. You should talk frankly with your significant other, otherwise separation in the future cannot be avoided.

Hasse deciphers what a drunken ex-boyfriend dreams about in terms of problems and misunderstandings in the relationship with his current partner. The dreamer herself provokes scandals, looking at her soulmate through the prism of past experience.

Details: character behavior

The general dream book interprets the image of a drunk beloved guy based on his behavior in a dream:

  • aggressive - to misconduct on the part of the partner, which will significantly worsen the relationship;
  • calm - intends to get rid of burdensome issues by shifting them to you;
  • lover - predetermines the vile lies of the chosen one;
  • crying - speaks of indignation and sincerity of the partner;
  • a drunk loved one unconscious - heralds a protracted illness.

House of Dreams

what does every dream mean

Why do you dream about a drunk guy?

Why do you dream of a drunk man?

Often, if you dream of a drunk man, then it should be interpreted as an unfavorable dream. To see a drunk stranger in a dream, this does not promise a very favorable meeting, or it will be a visit to some place, some event that evokes only negative emotions.

The dreams that people have can mean very different interpretations, even for one dream. After all, now there are the dream book of Sigmund Freud (the famous psychologist), and a culinary dream book, Vanga’s dream book, Miller’s dream book and Nostradamus’ dream book, family, love, intimate, children’s, Russian dream books and many, many others. There are countless of them. You need to start with an interpretation of what a drunk man dreams about.

It happens that you may dream of a drunk man, and then you can definitely expect trouble. But if you dreamed of a familiar person and he was drunk in the dream, then he will be the one in trouble. You should definitely beware of deception, be attentive and not allow yourself to be provoked if a person dreams of a large group of drunken friends.

I had a dream in which there were a large number of drunk people, foreshadowing mass diseases. And therefore, you should try not to be in public places in order to keep your body healthy.

A woman dreamed of a drunk man, this is what you need to pay attention to and be wary of. If a woman dreamed of a man and he was drunk, then this means that her future husband will be a man who is not able to control his own emotions and he is capable of small and large meanness.

If you dreamed of a drunk woman, there are also many interpretations of this dream. If you dreamed about a drunk woman, it means that in reality a person should stop drinking alcoholic beverages for a while, since the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

A daughter may dream of a drunken father as a drunk man. Therefore, seeing your own father drunk in a dream is a very bad sign. Treason or betrayal should be expected. If a drunk father behaves aggressively in a dream, then you should definitely wait for separation, which is inevitable, in principle.

Did you dream of a drunken spouse? The interpretation of a dream in which the spouse is drunk means that there will be some kind of illness, or quite serious conflicts within the family, which in turn can lead to a nervous breakdown.

It also happens that you can even dream about a drunk child or a drunk boss. If you dreamed of a drunk child, then this portends big troubles. A dream in which the boss came drunk, this means that relations with him will improve. If in a dream, the person who is drunk happens to be next to you at the same table, then very soon you should expect to meet a vile person. If you dreamed of a drunk person in a public place or transport, this portends minor troubles in financial matters.

You also need to know the meaning if someone who is dreaming is drunk in his dream. Such a dream foreshadows something bad, it promises trouble. For example, this could mean the loss of a family, loss of a job, or health due to excessive gullibility.

The woman dreamed that she was drunk. Such a dream suggests that she should beware of frivolous and reckless actions, which in turn can bring trouble to the woman. And if in a dream a person gets very drunk, then in reality this may mean that the person will get more than a serious illness.

Dream interpretation of a former drunk

If you dreamed that your ex was drunk, pay special attention to such a dream. Dream books give such dreams a double interpretation. On the one hand, the appearance of an ex in a dream, especially after a painful breakup, is a completely ordinary phenomenon, and such a plot in itself cannot be considered prophetic or meaningful. On the other hand, a dream about a drunken ex may well turn out to be prophetic and indicate that your “other half” has fallen on hard times.

Seeing any person you know drunk in a dream means grief or misfortune in his life, therefore, even though you dream about your ex being drunk, pay special attention to the dream. Even if you did not break up on good terms, even if you harbor a grudge and still cannot forgive this person, perhaps now is the time to pacify your pride, since he may need your help. However, what exactly to do in such a situation is up to you. If you dreamed about your ex being drunk by chance, just once, and the next morning you managed to forget about your dream, then most likely the dream really doesn’t mean anything. But if similar dreams come to you all the time, you should pay special attention to them.

  • Former apartment
  • Former job
  • Being drunk
  • Conversation with your ex
  • Ex-love
  • Ex naked
  • Former friend
  • Ex hugs
  • Former drunk
  • Ex's mom
  • Ex-mother-in-law
  • Ex died

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about exes mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see your ex in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Dream Interpretation Drunk man

Why do you dream of a drunk man in a dream?

If you dream of a drunk man, it means that in reality the woman will be in a slightly frivolous mood. This may well mean that on her part there are possible rash actions, which she will later regret.

Also, a dream in which a girl sees a drunk stranger may mean that trouble or danger awaits her. In any case, if you see a drunk in a dream, you need to be attentive and careful in reality.

A dream in which a person is so drunk that he cannot stand on his feet and falls means an impending illness.

If the drunk man you see in a dream is your husband or relative, the dream may be news of problems in the family.

Dream Interpretation drunk acquaintance

Why do you dream of a drunk acquaintance in a dream?

Seeing someone you know drunk in your dream is a sign of an unpleasant meeting. The dream may also foreshadow an uninteresting event that you need to attend. In addition, this dream suggests that the friend you saw drunk in the dream has started a streak of bad luck, or is sick.

A drunk friend dreams of a disagreement with him. Seeing one of the parents drunk is a sign of their illness. If one of the children is drunk in a dream, it means that your hopes for profit will not come true. For a woman to see a drunken husband in a dream means conflict.

A warning dream is a dream in which your colleagues are drunk. He advises paying attention to their approach to work. If he is not professional, it can harm the business.

Why do you dream of a drunk husband?

In general, any drunk person dreams of some sad news. It is not advisable for young girls to have such a dream. This is a bad sign for them. There is a high probability that a girl in a marriage will be unhappy or will not marry for love. But it is important to pay attention to the circumstances under which you dreamed of a drunk man.

Almost every person after some not quite normal sleep wants to look into the dream book to find out the interpretation. However, it is better to use several dream books at once. For example, you can ask for help from Ukrainian dream book. It says there that seeing a drunk person in a dream means a strong experience. If this is a husband who came home drunk, then soon she will experience treason and betrayal on the part of her husband. It happens that you dream of a complete stranger, but a drunk person. This dream predicts lies and deceit. You can also turn to Azar’s dream book for help. It says that seeing a drunk husband is disappointing. Muslim dream book also not consoling. He predicts illness. But the Russian dream book is generally disappointing. It says that if you dreamed about a drunken husband, then you are expected to lose your job soon.

It is very important to pay attention to the circumstances under which the woman saw her drunken husband. It is worth noting that if the husband drank in some restaurant, then this does not threaten any terrible incident in reality. But if a man has drunk and is in an aggressive state, then, unfortunately, trouble awaits the girl.

Many people trust Miller's dream book and do the right thing. In most cases, interpretations of this dream book are coming true. For example, seeing a drunk man in a dream is a sign of a frivolous act. And if this person is close, then soon news is expected that will disappoint the woman. Esoteric dream book predicts that some kind of trauma awaits the girl. It is worth noting that not a single dream book says that this dream promises health and happiness. Even modern books in which interpretations are written do not console with their predictions. And this is not surprising. After all, a drunk person in real life foreshadows disappointment. Therefore, you should not think that such a dream portends favorable news. It is advisable to take a look at the very old dream book. It says that a drunken husband dreams of loss. vitality. Everywhere this dream predicts only a negative interpretation.

As has already become known, a drunk person foreshadows only troubles and misfortunes. One of the participants in the TV show “Battle of Psychics,” Dilaram Saparova, says that such a dream is undesirable for women who are planning to get married in the near future. This means that family life will not be strong and durable. This is also a bad sign for a woman who has been married to a man for many years. Such a dream promises divorce in real life. It happens that in a dream you can meet a complete stranger while intoxicated. This suggests that the woman will soon make the wrong decision, which she will later regret. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the predictions of dream books and the words of a psychic agree. If you believe these interpretations, then in the near future you need to prepare yourself for unfavorable news. Of course, it is better not to have such a dream. However, a person cannot contribute to this. Everything is God's will.

Of course, having learned what a drunken husband dreams about, you don’t want the interpretation of the dream to come true. To do this, you need to memorize the “Our Father” prayer. And after each bad sleep read it three times. Thus, a person puts on a defense that will drive away negative energy and danger.

And finally, I would like to say that you should not take dreams too seriously. After all, a dream cannot always come true. Therefore, it is better not to think about it, since thoughts tend to materialize. It is advisable to take such signs into account and be careful in every sense of the word.

The guy is drunk

Dream Interpretation Guy drunk dreamed of why you dream about a drunk guy? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a drunk guy in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Soaring

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - To be on your own - to illness due to negligence: a cold, injury, contagious disease. Seeing a stranger drunk is an unpleasant meeting, a forced presence at a celebration. Too many drunks are an epidemic. You run the risk of getting sick because you are influenced by group karma. A drunk acquaintance means illness or grief in this person.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Seeing a person close to you drunk is a warning dream: to his alcoholism or to a significant offense due to the use of alcoholic beverages.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Seeing yourself drunk in a dream means that you will soon be fired from your job or break the law.

Former drunk guy

Dream Interpretation Former drunk guy dreamed of why you dream about an ex-drunk guy? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an Ex-drunk guy in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend, husband

An ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who appears in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

Dream Interpretation - Soaring

May have seemingly opposite meanings.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - if you dream that you are drunk, then you will be sick or worry about something. To get drunk is to get sick. “drunk as you dream - this is bad omen, you might get sick. Being drunk is dangerous. If you dream about a drunk man, it is a deception.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - To be on your own - to illness due to negligence: a cold, injury, contagious disease. Seeing a stranger drunk is an unpleasant meeting, a forced presence at a celebration. Too many drunks are an epidemic. You run the risk of getting sick because you are influenced by group karma. A drunk acquaintance means illness or grief in this person.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - To be on your own - to illness due to negligence: a cold, injury, contagious disease. Seeing a stranger drunk is an unpleasant meeting, a forced presence at a celebration. Too many drunks are an epidemic. You run the risk of getting sick because you are influenced by group karma. A drunk acquaintance means illness or grief in this person.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Dreaming about drunk people or being intoxicated in a dream indicates to you that because of your frivolity and gullibility, you can get into trouble. They can take advantage of you and then laugh at you. Such a dream is good only for those people who have something to fear, as it promises them successful outcome dangerous enterprise. If you dream that you are drunk from some sweet drink, then you should be wary of the patronage of some noble person who wants to use you for his own purposes and will stop at nothing for this. Such a dream predicts that, by succumbing to temptations, you may get into an unpleasant situation and your reputation may suffer greatly. A dream in which you saw that you were drunk and your heart was pounding wildly foreshadows you that you may lose your acquired wealth due to the betrayal of your business partners. See interpretation: heart.

Dream Interpretation – Ex-girlfriend, wife

A dream in which yours appeared ex-lover, suggests that the past still lives in your heart, although you may studiously avoid memories of it.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

A dream in which you see yourself drunk is unfavorable. It is a sign that you will soon fall into recklessness. If you go into all sorts of troubles, you will lose your good name, destroy peace and happiness in the family. If a woman dreams of a drunk man, it means that her future husband will be a man of uncontrollable, unbridled passions, which will cause her a lot of grief.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Drunk - to be nervous, to be drunk yourself - to make excuses, to humiliate yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Drunk

Seeing someone is good // you will hear about his illness or death, illness, deception; to be drunk - recovery (for a sick person), increase in wealth, good news // bad initiative, you will get into trouble, danger, shame, loss, illness, loss, poverty; husband is drunk - quarrel; drinking fun - guests.

Why do drunk people dream?)

I will answer you not from a dream book, but from personal experience)) A drunk person in a dream is a sign of his illness! Today I was convinced of this again. Two days ago I dreamed of a drunk acquaintance whom I had not seen for a month. I saw him today and says that he’s been sick with a cold for two days now.

And when I dreamed of one ex who was drunk, he always either got sick or got into trouble...

it all depends on the type of drunk in the dream. An acquaintance of mine was drunk, but happy - the disease is not serious, but if he is very drunk or still “crumpled” and dirty, then it is a serious disease, possible injury

Lerochka “Blonde” Ponomareva

If in a dream you feel tipsy, it means that in life you will be in a frivolous mood and will not feel any particular remorse for avoiding life’s difficulties. The dream also foreshadows the loss of a job.

Seeing other people drunk in a dream means that you are also frivolous about the behavior of your colleagues.

This kind of warning warns you against possible complications: you should calmly accept someone’s insinuating flattery and not lose your head.

For a young woman, a dream in which she feels that she is drunk promises an action that she will regret.

If you dreamed of drunk people, this means your frivolous attitude towards the behavior of your friends and colleagues. This is a warning to you about upcoming difficulties and problems; you need to be able not to react to false flattery, not to lose clarity of mind.

People who are not aware of their actions.